Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 650: The magical phenomena of ancient and modern times!


Ling Xiao divided nine supernatural powers, and was instantly suppressed by his Yuanshen refining.

In Ling Xiao's consciousness of the sea, the golden Yuanshen sat in the void, and 108 supernatural supernatural powers gathered around him instantly, emitting infinite light!

The power of the vast laws exploded, like a terrifying storm of divine light, as if to breed a very powerful creature!


Ling Xiao's knowledge of the sea shines brightly, 108 supernatural powers are interwoven, the divine light is vast, the rules are diffuse, as if gathered into a sea.

The so-called magical power phase is the law phase formed by the warrior's enlightenment on heaven and the comprehended martial law and the power of heaven and earth.

Some phases are weapons, some phases are mythical beasts, some phases are powerful creatures, and some phases are mountains, seas and lakes.

Ling Xiao's whole body was shining brightly, and a chain of order gods was intertwined, and this piece of galaxy world began to shake.


The Second Son and many half-step supremes were shocked, and it was not only Ling Xiao who escaped the blow that shocked them, it was only a doppelganger that shattered them.

What shocked them even more was that Ling Xiao wanted to break through to the realm of the emperor here. Isn't the rising power of the law just a sign of condensing supernatural powers?

"Breakthrough in front of me, it's just to death!"

"Good chance, kill him!"

"Never let him break through, otherwise we will be over!"

The Second Son and many half-step supreme elders were all blazing murderously in their eyes, and they all came towards Lingxiao.


At this moment, Ling Xiao's body suddenly burst into a bright divine light, sweeping all directions, that terrifying power, as if a supreme descended, permeating the universe, sweeping across the Eight Wastelands.

The Second Son and many half-step supremes were shocked, and they were shocked back by the unmatched momentum.

boom! boom! boom!

It seemed to be a drum beat, a strange drum vibrating, making everyone tremble, the heart seemed to jump out, and the blood began to boil.

Ling Xiao stood in the middle of the galaxy, surrounded by endless stars, and the power of mysterious laws interwoven, making him look like a peerless king.

Behind Ling Xiao, the sea of ​​gods and the mysterious figure slowly came out of the sea of ​​laws transformed by 108 supernatural powers.

"Is that Ling Xiao's condensed supernatural power? What supernatural power actually has such a terrible power?"

Someone exclaimed, eyes full of shock, and stared at the center of the sea of ​​law.


At the moment when the figure appeared, above the starry sky, suddenly the might of the sky, the thunder filled, a mysterious force descended, exuding endless power of destruction.

Thick Lei Mang is like a mountain. Thunder Sea converges above the void, and a force that destroys the earth and locks down the desolate Ling Xiao.

"This is... Heavenly Tribulation?!"

"What kind of supernatural supernatural powers does Ling Xiao condense in the end, how can it lead to Heaven Tribulation?"

Someone exclaimed, his voice was shaking, and his eyes were full of shock.

When the princely realm cultivates magical powers, the emperor's realm condenses magical powers, and when some powerful genius condenses magical powers, there will be mysterious scenes filled with heaven and earth visions, with energetic vigour and heaven and earth congratulations.

But they have never heard that the martial arts condensed the magical powers, and even caused the sky-tribulation?

In the end, is it that Ling Xiao is doing too much sin, and Tian Dao is going to destroy him, or is his condensed magical power phase too far from the sky, and he has been scolded by Tian Dao?

Everyone certainly prefers the latter view.


The figure behind Ling Xiao came out slowly and appeared in front of everyone.

It was a figure with white hair and white hair. It looked extraordinary and magnificent. It was covered with a touch of chaos, and it looked exactly like Ling Xiao!

The only difference is that the figure has white hair, and the eyes are old and deep, exuding endless vicissitudes of life, as if it is the Lingxiao after countless years.

As soon as the figure appeared, the heavens shook and the world swept through, and the majestic and overbearing invincibility prevailed!

Behind that figure, there are three thousand worlds around, countless gods and demons kneeling down to worship, as if in his eyes, a scene of the birth and death of the universe appeared.

The endless years change, and that figure has its own immortality.

After seeing the figure, everyone felt the whole body tremble, the primordial spirit shook, and there was a feeling of unconsciously wanting to kneel down and worship.

That figure is the emperor between heaven and earth, the embodiment of the law, and the master of heaven and earth!

Perhaps it can be called the emperor!

Ling Xiao's supernatural power, Tiandi!


After that figure appeared, the sky seemed like a complete rage, the thunder that was thick like a mountain above the void, and the endless thunder sea capsized, wanting to completely destroy Lingxiao's magical power.

"Sky Tribulation? I didn't expect that if I condensed my magical powers, I was able to recruit Sky Tribulation! But even Sky Tribulation, what can I do?"

Ling Xiao raised her head and smiled lightly, with an uninhibited smile on the corner of her mouth.


The sky full of thunder landed, Ling Xiao instantly rose into the sky, a punch came out, and the fiery fist exploded, directly breaking a thick thunder.

Ling Xiao swallowed a big mouth, swallowing the heavenly king Ding to radiate a bright light, and immediately swallowed that thunder and started to refine it.


The magical power behind Ling Xiao opened his eyes and looked at the sky dome, as if there was a sky-open light in his eyes, the endless sea of ​​thunder and calamity instantly boiled.

The terrifying Raymond covered this star. The Second Son and many half-step supremes were the closest to Ling Xiao, and they suffered instantly.

The thunderstorms contained unparalleled divine power, and even the half-step supreme felt numbness of the scalp, and there was a fatal crisis.

Despite being on the edge, there were still many half-step supreme elders who were affected by the thunder robbery, spitting blood backwards and were hit hard.

"Refine me!"

Ling Xiao drank aloud, swallowed the heavenly king Ding up into the sky, turned into a magnificent size, bright light, surrounded by horror vortices, began to devour the thunder above the sky dome.

The thunder disasters transformed by these laws of heaven are all the purest powers. They were swallowed by the king of heaven instantly became a part of Ling Xiaoxiu, and his cultivation began to advance rapidly!

The Emperor Realm is one!

Emperor Realm is Double!

Triple Realm!


Ling Xiao had been suppressing cultivation behavior, and now that the supernatural powers were fully condensed, he finally stopped suppressing cultivation behavior, and with the help of the thunderous thunderstorm, his cultivation behavior began to skyrocket.


Heavenly Dao seemed to be completely irritated, and the sky of Thunder Sea couldn't help Lingxiao, and suddenly there was a black Thunder Tribulation, exuding endless power of destruction, and suddenly slammed down towards Lingxiao!


Swallowing the king trembling violently, making a buzzing sound, the runes were dazzling, under the control of Ling Xiao, and violently collided with the black thunderstorm, and finally seemed to have exhausted the power of the thunderstorm In a flash, the Swallowing King Ding swallowed it!

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