Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 665: Undersea crisis!

"... But aunt, don't worry, cousin, he is a wizard of heaven, and he is so lucky, how could he die in the sea of ​​reincarnation? You may not know that he was just so arrogant, but he was in the holy ruins , Beaten by cousin like a dog!"

Long Aotian saw that Long Hanyan's expression was wrong and quickly explained that when he heard Burning Heavenly Demon Emperor, his eyes were full of indignation.

"What? The Burning Demon Emperor can't beat Ling Xiao?"

Long Hanyan's eyes were full of unbelievable expressions. He was so shocked that he couldn't calm down.

Who is Burning Heavenly Demon Emperor? The young master of the Heavenly Demon Palace, the pure blood fire unicorn, is the same pure blood beast as Long Aotian. It can be said that it is unparalleled in the world, and its talent is absolutely superior. It is more powerful than the peerless physique and blood of the human race!

The pure blood beast, that is to say, as long as it does not die, it is destined to become the supreme god!

But it was incredible that Burning Heavenly Demon Emperor was placed in Ling Xiao's hands!

Long Hanyan remembered that when he left 20 years ago, Ling Xiao was just a baby in his baby. Who would have thought that the baby left by his mother would grow to such a degree in 20 years?

"Xiao'er must have suffered a lot over the years..." Long Hanyan's voice trembled a little, and there were crystal tears in the corners of his eyes.

"But isn't it? Who am I Longaotian? I am not afraid of the old man, but I admire Ling Xiao's cousin!"

When mentioning Ling Xiao, Long Aotian's eyes were full of worship.

"At the time we were in the reincarnation of the sea, and my cousin fell into the reincarnation to save us. Fortunately, the Lord of the Taiyin Palace passed by and saved us back to the Taiyin Palace. The crazy woman in the Flame Mountain happened to be in the Taiyin Palace and took me back. After the Flame Mountain, I was sent back to the Crystal Palace, after which I was banned by the old man!"

Long Aotian's eyes were full of indignation.

"What a mad woman? Not big or small! Lord Fire Mountain, almost became your father's wife at that time!" Long Hanyan glared at him and said angrily.

"Lady of the old man? Fortunately, she didn't succeed, otherwise where would I still be? Too far away, we continue to say cousin Ling Xiao..."

Long Aotian murmured softly.

Although Long Aotian was banned, the series of things that Ling Xiao did afterwards were really shocking, shaking the whole Ares continent.

Especially among the gods of the gods, he bet on the stones with the group of heroes, participated in the gods meeting, cut the arrogance of the gods, and defeated the talents, until the back of the sacred genius in the holy ruins, even the numerous martial sacred places, and finally defeated the burning Heavenly Demon Emperor, won the Demon Saint Heritage.

This series of things have already spread throughout the entire God of War continent, especially after Long Zhantian returned to the Crystal Palace, Long Aotian was entangled with him and told him about the holy ruins.

Hearing Ling Xiao’s deeds, Long Aotian regretted it for a long time, regretting that he had not sneaked out, otherwise, he could witness Ling Xiao’s style in the holy ruins.

"Xiao'er, he really is as talented as his father, and I didn't expect him to get this step!"

Long Hanyan's face was covered with a gentle and loving smile, and there was a faint look of pride.

Her heart shook with Long Aotian's narration, as if following Long Aotian, she saw that her son came to the God of War mainland, chopping genius all the way, defeating Tianjiao, pushing the world horizontally and invincibly.

"Aunt, don’t worry. Your cousin told the elder brother in the holy ruins. When his affairs in the holy ruins are over, he will come to the Crystal Palace. Counting it, the time should be almost the same, and your mother and son will be able to reunite. Now!"

Long Aotian said very happily.

"Come to Crystal Palace? No!"

Suddenly, Long Hanyan's expression changed, and he said nervously: "Aotian, you must find a way to inform Xiaoer, and don't let him come to the Crystal Palace! Your father Wang's so stubborn temper was already very unattractive to Ling Zhen. Like, if you see Xiaoer, maybe Thunder will be furious, which is bad for Xiaoer!"

"No way?"

Long Aotian said in disbelief: "Whatever my cousin said, it is also the nephew of the old man. If he dares to do harm to his cousin, I will pull out his beard!"

"You don't understand, Aotian, your father is too stubborn, no one can change his mind!" Long Hanyan sighed softly.

Suddenly, Long Hanyan seemed to think of something, and suddenly asked, "Aotian, did Xiao'er awaken the blood of the Dragon race? His talent is so strong, should he awaken the blood of the Dragon race? As long as he is pregnant with the dragon blood, Even if I am a member of the Dragon family, I believe your father will not be too embarrassed!"

"Dragon bloodline? When I saw my cousin, he hadn't awakened yet! But aunt, I can feel that the dragon bloodline in my cousin's body may be stronger than me!"

Long Aotian said very seriously.

"Stronger than you? How is it possible?"

Long Hanyan is a little unbelievable. She is only the Dragon Bloodline, and Ling Zhen is a human race. There is no too amazing bloodline. How can they combine to create a talent that exceeds the Dragon Bloodline?

To be able to maintain the blood of the Dragon, it is already very remarkable.

The combination of the dragon and the human race, the blood lineage of the descendants born are all confusing, which is one of the reasons why the dragon king is so annoyed by the combination of Long Hanyan and Ling Zhen.

"I'm not sure, but if the dragon bloodline in the cousin's body is awakened, it is at least the true dragon bloodline!" Long Aotian said with his head tilted.

"This... is incredible!"

Long Hanyan laughed bitterly, his heart was ups and downs, and his heart was very unstable.

And the old men of the two dragons were stunned at the moment, their eyes full of unbelievable looks.

The eldest son of the long princess was so evil?

The genius who burned the demon king was even defeated in his hands. Could it be that the kid had already proven the supreme?

Think about the elder princess's son who is only twenty years old, and they are all a lot of ages and have lived for hundreds of thousands of years before they have the current practice, and each one is extremely ashamed.

With Long Aotian's narration, Long Hanyan's face also became radiant, which is a state of seeing hope.

Perhaps, it won't take long for her to see Xiaoer?

Thinking of this, Long Hanyan's heart was both nervous and frightened.


At this moment, the sea was violently turbulent, the endless runes exploded, and a terrible breath fell from the sea, and the whole body exudes cold, dark, and evil momentum.

"Hahaha...Long Hanyan was really here. I didn't expect Long Aotian to be here, too. It really helped me! Little ones, give them all to me!"

A wild and cold voice sounded.

Long Hanyan, Long Aotian and the old men of the two dragon races were all shocked, their faces changed greatly!

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