Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 729: Luo Feng's killing opportunity!

It seems that the Temple of War is indeed not simple, this time the election conference, be careful!

At the same time, Ling Xiao also doubted the purpose of the Temple of War to open the election conference. If the Temple of War really has an untold secret, it might be terrifying behind the election conference.

"Okay, Ling Xiaoyou, the old man is going away! Four seas and eight wildernesses, all heavens and all realms, I believe you will be able to wipe out this big catastrophe, land on the **** realm, and set foot on the top, we... will be indefinitely!"

Ye Yu smiled softly, with a hint of hope in her eyes, the whole body was shining brightly, slowly turned into a light rain, and disappeared in front of Ling Xiao.


Ling Xiao sighed softly, with a trace of sorrow in her eyes.

He could feel that in the depths of the space, the two brothers and sisters of Yefeng and Yemeng were cultivating, with a strong and terrifying atmosphere around them, which contained a trace of the power of darkness, and cultivation practice was skyrocketing.

They seem to be undergoing some kind of transformation, towards the true Shura family.

This time may be very long!

The light flashed in Ling Xiao's hands, and Dayan black bone strings appeared in his palm.

This Dayan black bone string is extremely mysterious, and when combined with Dayan's destiny, it can explode extremely terrifying power, and with Dayan black bone string, he can now mobilize a trace of the power of the Shura battle tower.

"This Shura battle tower is truly extraordinary, it turned out to be an eighth complete world?!"

Ling Xiao's eyes shook. The so-called Shura battle tower trial space was only a small part of it, and most of the space was sealed.

The entire Shura battle tower is composed of eight complete small worlds, but it is an extremely powerful artifact.

The Shura Battle Tower must be a treasure, but Ling Xiao also knows that when the two brothers and sisters of Yefeng and Yemeng are completely transformed, they can master the Shura Battle Tower.

"It's time to go out! The Tenjin Assembly should be about to start!"

Ling Xiao sighed softly, with a sharp edge in his eyes.

It took him more than half a year to comprehend Dayan's Destiny Skills. Calculating the distance from the opening of the Natural Election Conference, less than two months remained.

Ling Xiao can come to today, it seems that Xiu is advancing by leaps and bounds, and his talent is unparalleled, but every step is his hard work, and every cultivation for improvement is dependent on strong opportunities and fortune.

Today, Ling Xiao is already a half-step Supreme Cultivator, but he himself estimates that if he follows the step-by-step practice, if he wants to survive the Four Elephant Tribulation, the Supreme Tribulation, it will take hundreds of years to prove the Supreme Supreme.

He can't wait, nor can Jinse!

Ling Xiao has decided that this time the General Election Conference must survive the Supreme Tribulation and enter the Supreme Realm!

Ye Feng and Ye Meng should not be able to participate in this day's election conference, and Ling Xiao did not plan to take them there, accepting the inheritance of Ye Yu is the most important.

Ling Xiao is also looking forward to what changes will take place after the two brothers Yefeng and Yemeng go out!

"The Shura Battle Tower was closed by Senior Ye Yu? I am afraid that Shura Sect will be alarmed!"

Ling Xiao was about to go out, feeling that Shura Battle Tower was closed, and could not help but smile bitterly.

He has some headaches and how to explain it to King Xiuren.

But the truth still can't tell Xiu Ren Wang, so he had to make an excuse.


Dayan's black bones are shining brightly, Ling Xiao controls the Shura battle tower with this treasure, and still seals most of the space, leaving only the space for the original trial, which lifted the seal of the Shura battle tower. Went out.


"It's the elder Ling Xiao, is he out of the gate? The seal of the Shura Battle Tower is also lifted!"

"Hurry up and report to the Supreme Master!"

Several disciples guarding the Shura battle tower, when they saw Ling Xiao coming out, they were all excited, and their eyes showed a very excited look.


At this moment, a terrifying breath rose in the distance, and a black palm print came across the sky, enveloping the monstrous momentum, and shot down towards Lingxiao.

"Ling Xiao, you eat something inside and out! Are you honestly telling me, is the Shura Battle Tower a mischief?"

The old and cold voice rang at the same time over Shura Zong.

"Luo Feng?!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine glance, and he felt the horrible monstrous breath, and it really had reached the ninth peak of the Supreme Realm.

This palm, Ling Xiao couldn't take it at all, the gap was too big.


Ling Xiao's body was dazzling with dazzling light, and the flames rose, breaking the shackles of the supreme divine power instantly, casting the secret technique of moving, and immediately evading.

"Luo Feng, now I am also the elder of Xiuluo Zong. You shot me and violated the rules. Did you want to die?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed murderously, staring at the figure of Luo Feng in the distance, and said coldly.

In the distance, Luo Feng wore a black robe with a tall figure, a childlike crane, and a majestic look. He was followed by two powerful elders, who came from the sky.

Luo Feng's eyes were gloomy, and there was a hint of cold murderous intent, looking at Ling Xiaodao indifferently: "The overlord elder Xiuluo Zong? Are you also worthy? Without the decision of our elder meeting, what would you be an elder elder? Honestly? Explain, why is the Shura Battle Tower blocked? Are you in trouble? If you don’t know clearly today, then leave your life!"

"Hahaha... It's a joke! If the supreme master of Shura Sect can't admit that he is too elder, do you still have to ask you? You are not an elder too much, what is the right to question the decision to teach the supreme? The following commits, Luo Feng, your sins cannot be forgiven!

Besides, the Shura battle tower is a treasure that teaches the supreme control. Even you have no ability to seal it. Do you think I can have this ability? You don’t want to spit out people, even if there is something, I will also report to the Supreme Master Zhang, what kind of thing are you, and you are also qualified to ask me? "

Ling Xiao sneered, staring at Luo Feng, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

"A good little beast with sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, I think you just don't see the coffin and don't If that's the case, don't blame the old man for being welcome!"

Luo Feng's eyes were cold, revealing a cold killing opportunity, and the terrifying Supreme Divine Power filled him.


The earthquake shook, and the entire Shura Sect seemed to be overshadowed by a horrific murderous intention. All the disciples of Shura Sect were pale.

On the road to supremacy, one step at a time, Luo Feng is already a peerless strongman in the Supreme Realm, which is much stronger than his supreme dharma body.

Even Ling Xiao faced this supreme supernatural power, his eyes were somewhat dignified.

"You're welcome? Ben Wang would like to see how you are welcome! Ben Wang's nephew, are you worthy of talking here and there?"

A cold and indifferent voice exploded in the void, with monstrous domineering and majesty.

"Long Lie?!"

Luo Feng was shocked, and his eyes suddenly became very ugly.

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