Great Entrepreneur Reborn

Chapter 1014: Negotiation with Huo Zhenting

w After listening to Liu Jian, he had an idea. The suppression of his company directly threatened Lu Runsen's wealth, while the suppression of his position threatened his status.

Because Lu Runsen's wealth actually relies on his special status to develop. If he loses his agency, his status will be useless. Losing his status means that he will never have a chance to make a comeback. As for the logistics company in Shenzhen, it is against him. Squeezed by other sources of income, he has no room for maneuver, and his methods are so sophisticated and ruthless.

Huo Zhenting is not Huo Qigang's brat, the methods must be very careful, one link after another, Liu Jian believes that the evidence about Lu Runsen's use of his identity to grab wealth has been prepared.

The next step is to force Lu Runsen to sever his wrist and leave Hong Kong. If Lu Runsen refuses, Huo Zhenting will mercilessly send him to a dead end. The reason why he is merciful step by step now is because of Lu Tian'er's face, after all, he can't be caught by others, saying that the Huo family took the opportunity to retaliate.

But even if Lu Runsen has a plan to leave, if he leaves in such a desperate manner, the assets sold may not be enough to guarantee the family's life abroad. Not a high price, it seems that Huo Zhenting has a deep resentment towards Lu Tian'er for bringing the Huo family in.

Lu Tian'er looked at Liu Jian expectantly. This was her last resort. She had given up everything for her parents and family.

"Don't be nervous. Since I promised you, I will rescue your father. But you can't stay in Hong Kong for the time being. Come back to the mainland with me, and I will arrange for you. Don't you want to deal with Huo Qigang? I will give you a chance! " Liu Jian said.

Lu Tian'er nodded and said, "As long as my parents are fine."

Liu Jian picked up the phone and called Liang Naipeng: "Old Liang, make an appointment with Huo Zhenting, doesn't he want to see me?"

Liang Naipeng said: "Okay, Mr. Liu!"

After hanging up the phone, Liu Jian sized up Lu Tian'er and said, "Go change a set of clothes, put on some makeup, don't make yourself so embarrassed, and give me confidence. You are mine now, even if it is my dog." With vigor, no one dares to underestimate me, not even a dog."

Hearing Liu Jian comparing her to being enough, Lu Tian'er didn't feel the slightest bit strange, nodded in agreement, and walked out.

Not long after, Lu Tian'er came back in a Louis Vuitton attire, not to mention that she grew up in this atmosphere since she was a child. She changed her clothes and put on makeup, and the nobility that had disappeared returned to her body.

Liu Jian said, "Let's go."

Lu Tian'er followed Liu Jian closely, after a little comparison, Lu Tian'er found that Liu Jian and Huo Qigang were completely different.

When encountering things, Huo Qigang always had no idea, he lost his position first, and would call his family every now and then to ask what the family meant, and dared not decide anything. And Liu Jian made up his own mind about everything, and once he made a decision, he would do it without hesitation, and calling others was to order other people to do things.

Such a comparison, Huo Qigang is a son-in-law, and Liu Jian is a high-ranking person.

There is not much difference in age between the two, but Huo Qigang is far inferior to Liu Jian in terms of ability, temperament and self-confidence. The two are like people living in two worlds.

Thinking of Huo Qigang's evaluation of Liu Jian at that time, Lu Tian'er had the urge to laugh out loud, and taught Liu Jian a lesson, why should he? How ridiculous, it's really watching the sky from the bottom of a well, this is the young man of a wealthy family, who always feels that his status is superior to others, but in fact his status has faded, they are not as good as an ordinary person. They just have a higher starting point than others because they grew up in a good environment.

"Mr. Liu?" Lu Tian'er asked.

Liu Jian interrupted: "An outsider can call me Liu Shao or Mr. Liu, but no outsider should call me master. Remember your own identity, you are not my wife, nor my lover, you are just one of mine. Plaything, a bitch, you can bite whoever I tell you to bite, you know!"

Lu Tian'er lowered her head and felt the endless humiliation. Soon she raised her head and regained her composure and said, "Yes, master! Master, I want to tell you that Yang Zhenglong will cause the conflict someday, not only him but also him. His father, Yang Shoucheng, wants to deal with you!"

Liu Jian sneered and said, "You beast, I know!"

Lu Tian'er thought to herself: You two are beasts, and no one is much better than the other!

"Qiuxia, find someone to find out about him and his two sons. Only him and Uncle Shao are left in Hong Kong's entertainment industry. Our struggle with Wireless is long-lasting, but I have to get rid of Yang Shoucheng, otherwise I will The country is not at ease." Liu Jian said.

Yu Qiuxia said: "Sister Fan has been investigated, and Mei Xiangrong is in charge of this matter!"

"Her?" Liu Jian frowned, and he also noticed that Fan Junyu seemed to be interested in this Mei Xiangrong.

Speaking of such an ambitious and capable woman, Liu Jian doesn't like it very much. Forget it, since Fan Junyu likes to use it, let her use it. She can distinguish priorities.

After waiting for a while, Yu Qiuxia said: "Mr. Liu, why don't I send someone to kill him directly! If I am afraid that the impact will be bad, I will ask a few people to kidnap him. Anyway, there are many wealthy people in Hong Kong who are kidnapped and tear up their tickets. It's no big deal to die."

Liu Jian shook his head and said, "No. Someone has already noticed you about the Lin family's affairs. You should be careful. If you really want to send someone, I'll find a few from overseas. Your people are too weak."

Yu Qiuxia stopped talking, can her subordinates compare with Liu Jian's?

Yu Qiuxia felt trembling when she thought about Liu Jian's subordinates running across Taiwan. Those guys were really murderous. They only cared about Liu Jian's orders, and didn't care about anything else.

I don't know how Liu Jian raised such a group of people.

If she knew that Liu Jian picked those people out of the retired special forces, especially those who couldn't eat, had major difficulties in their families, and couldn't solve the crisis, it wouldn't be surprising.

Liu Jian gave these people a way to survive, took care of their families, helped them solve all their difficulties, and has been supporting their families until now. These people have sold their lives to Liu Jian.

Every year, I have family leave to go back to see my relatives. The family members have formal jobs and a prosperous life. The children go to the best schools, and the whole family enjoys medical insurance. Even their wives are placed in the easiest positions by Liu Jian. , And sent someone to monitor, lest these women cheat.

Are those people still human if they don't obey Liu Jian's orders?

Moreover, Liu Jian never asked them to do anything illegal in China. As for people from abroad, they are just symbols to them, without much meaning. It can be said that Liu Jian has exhausted all his efforts to support these people, because these people are the guarantee of Liu Jian's safety and the greatest reliance for his future survival abroad. What Liu Jian has paid is beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

This is the Hilton Hotel. In the box that had been arranged long ago, Liu Jian and Huo Zhenting, the helm of the Huo family, finally met.

"Mr. Huo, I've heard you famous for a long time!" Liu Jian reached out and shook Huo Zhenting.

Huo Zhenting turned a blind eye to Lu Tian'er who was following Liu Jianjian, and said with a smile: "I've heard about Mr. Liu's name a long time ago. My father called from the capital and asked me to have a good communication with Mr. Liu. They are all the same!"

Liu Jian said with a chuckle: "Sit, sit! It's rare to see Mr. Huo in the capital. I will definitely visit him when I have time."

Huo Zhenting smiled and said: "Well, my father has long been looking forward to chatting with Mr. Liu. Since the beginning of the new century, Mr. Liu can be said to be the fastest-growing person in the world. My father has a very high interest in your business experience. .”

Liu Jian laughed and said: "Small trouble, it can't be compared with such a famous family as the Huo family. By the way, Mr. Huo, I took a picture of a ghost valley down the mountain a few days ago. I heard that it is Mr. Huo's favorite. I’m really sorry. I originally planned to send it back the next day, but later ATV had to do a special episode of blue and white porcelain, so I stayed, and when this episode is finished, I will order someone to send it back.”

Huo Zhenting's eyes lit up. This big blue and white pot was no longer an antique, but represented the facade of the Huo If it can be brought back, it is really a wish.

"I ordered someone to fetch Mr. Liu's check!" Huo Zhenting said.

Liu Jian shook his head and said: "Mr. Huo, didn't you slap me in the face! The money was donated, and I sent it back because of the Huo family's actions and Shangfeng's deepest intentions. When we talk about money, we will see each other. "

Huo Zhenting's heart skipped a beat, and he didn't know if what Liu Jian said was true or not. Could it be that Liu Jian is really a person from above, a red-capped businessman?

"But after all, it's worth hundreds of millions, so I just accepted it. It's really hard to explain it to my father!" Huo Zhenting said.

Then Liu Jian pointed to Lu Tian'er and said: "This woman, she had a little awkward fight with me, said some inappropriate things, and made a lot of jokes. I also taught her a little lesson. After a while When the time comes, she will return to the mainland with me."

Huo Zhenting took a look at Lu Tian'er, thinking he understood Liu Jian's purpose.

The old wolf washed and slept, and will continue to add more tomorrow!


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