Great Husband of the Northern Song Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1188: Famous in the world

When it comes to the issue of the Song Dynasty, countless people open their mouths to be redundant.

One of the three redundant is called redundant officials, which is about the shortcomings of too many officials.

In order to relocate these officials, Song Song created many seemingly unnecessary positions, and of course the expenditure was much higher, resulting in redundant expenses.

Two of the three redundancy are related to redundant officials. It seems that the crime is very evil, but redundant officials bring one advantage, that is, curbing corruption.

For example, there is a general sentence under Zhifu. In addition to their own work, a key sentence is to monitor Zhifu.

The Song Song ’s official positions are superimposed on top of each other. Everyone should not be able to cover the sky with one hand, which also leads to the increasing difficulty of corruption.

And another important tool to curb corruption is Yu Shitai's admonishment.

These people have the right to hear about things, and the impeachment of officials is a credit, so if they sharpen their heads, they want to bring down a Zaifu to pave their way.

This is Da Song's double insurance against corruption, and under normal circumstances it is impossible to be broken through on a large scale. Unless it is rotten from top to bottom.

"Daming Mansion has rotted from top to bottom. Wang Tong, who had previously supervised Liu Xian, was the main criminal in the corruption case. The following promoter Jiang Wei was also a member of this small group ... They colluded with the food merchants. The grain merchants swallowed the grain, they got the money, and the drip made by the account book did not leak ... "

Shen An's voice was very low, "In such cases, the minister can only open the case by means of thunderbolt. So the minister arrested and tortured, and those people confessed confessions ... Go ahead, the minister is at ease. "

If it is not right, it may be a tactic.

Zhao Shu nodded slightly, thinking that the young man would finally know the size, and if he did it, he could not keep Shen An.

"Then why are you killing people?"

Zhao Shu's face was a little squinted, thinking about how to deal with Shen An's affairs.

Those people shouted that they wanted Shen An to throw away his official to go to Jue, and the family sent to Qiongzhou.

Zhao Shu just wanted to slap in the past.

But Shen An murdered in violation of the rules, what is the law?

This is the main reason why those people have no fear.

Let's talk with the law!

Or ... Let Shen An go to the Southwest as an official?

No no no.

Go to Guangzhou?

The shipping company over there used to look good, but it was better than the Hangzhou shipping company. However, since Su Yan went to work for the Hangzhou Shipping Company, the Hangzhou Shipping Company stepped up to a higher level step by step.

What miracle can Shen An create if he goes to Guangzhou?

I am curious!

He glanced at Shen An, and when he saw that he was still calm, he smiled.

Young people always feel that this world is their own, but in fact this world belongs to those old guys.

"Chen can't help but kill them."

Shen An raised his head, "Before the disaster relief money was disbursed, more than 50 people died from starvation and sickness ..."

This small number is a miracle.

Zhao Shu nodded slightly and expressed his satisfaction.

Under the real natural disasters, starvation was everywhere, and the lives at that time were just numbers.

"After the disaster relief money was allocated to Daming Mansion, there were 352 people who died because of freezing and starvation ... Your Majesty ... With the money and food in place, the victims ... 352 people! Live them! "

Shen An really wanted to kill them alive, but the first person who could not find this kind of craftsmanship ... In the hundred years of the Song Dynasty, such things as peeling the grass have never happened.

Second, he knew he could not do this, otherwise he had to be stabbed with a knife while walking down the street.

Can't we have to insert steel plates on the street?

So he chose the simplest beheading.

When a person loses his head, it is equivalent to losing his soul.

So people in this era are extremely afraid of being decapitated.

And Shen An's act of building Beijing is a devil in their eyes, so he is out of place.

"More than three hundred people?"

Zhao Shu tranced, then thumped his seat and growled: "How dare those beasts! How dare they abuse the people! How dare ..."

Han Qi said aggressively: "Shut it, you should kill it!"

Zeng Gongliang was all angry, "This is the life of Kusuga, no, this is a deliberate murder!"

"The victims should have food and clothing, but because of them they are hungry and cold ..." Ouyang Xiu raised his head and sighed, tears falling.

"This is fearless!" Bao Zheng said angrily: "Distribution and distribution, the biggest mistake is the distribution, how can this deter those officials? The ministers should revise the law, how much corruption is killed!"


An inner attendant by the side was shocked by Bao Zheng's murderous words, and the thing in his hand fell to the ground.

Zhao Shu gritted his teeth: "The evidence is conclusive."

Shen An took out a bag and handed it over, "It's all inside."

The direct data of the corruption are in it, as well as confession and painting.

Zhao Shu opened the data and looked up, saying, "I'm wrong."

"His Majesty……"

The slaves bowed apprehensively.

"I used Liu Xian and others ... This is an act that has no eyes and no harm to the people!"

Zhao Shu felt sad and even choked up. "More than three hundred people died like this because of starvation. I feel sad ..."

"Your Majesty, the minister is incompetent."

The main insulter died, Han Qi and others could only bow their heads.

These things are terrifying, and the emperor has an inescapable responsibility.

But what about the opponents?

Shen An naturally thought of the group of people, and then ...

"Your Majesty, those people defend these people, and they thought they should be told."

Zhao Shu hasn't seen Shen An's innocent look for a long time, and at this moment I can't help but sigh.

But soon he said with a cold face: ‘It ’s fine, go personally and spread the news ...’


Shen An stopped Chen Zhongheng, Han Qi said: "You have many ideas, what did you think of?"

"No." Shen An said: "There is one more thing."

He looked up, "The subject didn't want to sue, but that was bullying ..."

When Zhao Shu felt cold, what would Shen An choose to hide?

It must be something that made him afraid or taboo, and it was related to the imperial power.


His voice was cold and terrible, and the majesty of the emperor appeared for the first time.

"After the capture of Chen Wei, the commander of the Daming Mansion, the minister learned that he and Liu Xian and others ... colluded with each other ..."

The hall immediately became quiet.

Why did the emperors of the Song Dynasty suppress the martial arts?

Why do they disregard civil servants and suppress warriors?

It's because of the previous convictions of martial arts.

During the period between the end of the Tang Dynasty and the founding of the Great Song Dynasty, the martial arts staged numerous dramas of betrayal.

Suppressing the martial arts is an established national policy, which has now eased somewhat, but the pattern is still there.

The collusion between civil servants and martial arts, this martial arts also makes the emperor afraid.

There are also civil servants who resist the martial arts, but if the civil servants are with them, what should we do?

The emperor became an orphan.


Shen An is out of the palace.

Many people gathered outside, and he was shocked to see that he had safely left the palace, but he was not followed by anyone behind him.

This man was not punished?


Just when Shen An entered the house, Shushu poured into the palace again.

"The husband is hard." Yang Zhuoxue came with a family.

"Brother is working hard." Guo Guo's face was red, and she looked a little cute.

"Father ... hard work." Taro was led to salute. This was not to fear that he would not stand steadily, but the boy would run as soon as he released his hand.

Shen An looked at a family member and suddenly felt that all his efforts were worth it.

Bathing and dressing, and then the wind feast.

Taro was sitting side by side with Yang Zhuoxue, looking curiously at Shen An who was eating and drinking, and thought the man was so strange.

As for the concept of dad, he has almost forgotten it.

"It's called Dad." Like thousands of mothers, Yang Zhuoxue likes to spoil the children, but after Shen An returns home, the good life of Taro is over.

"Dad." Taro yelled happily again.

Still have a kid!

Shen An felt very comfortable.

Shen An knows what his wife and sister are waiting for, but she still finishes her meal slowly.

"This matter has passed."

"It's past?" Yang Zhuoxue said in surprise: "The city has been in trouble for a long time. Yuan Ze let the students out, and only then broke up those people. Otherwise, the concubine's family would not be able to do anything.

She was really worried, but the husband returned home, even if the hind leg emperor wanted him to beheaded in the court, she had to wait for her husband to bathe and change clothes, and finish the meal.

This is the wife's responsibility.

But now she began to worry.

Guoguo did the same. She held her cheeks in her hands and said melancholy: "Brother, Brother Zizhan and Brother Zhe visited our house together last time and said they wanted to see if they could help. Speaking ... Later I saw that Zhuang honest eyes were red and I went back to sharpening the knife ... "

This is to prepare Zhuang to be honest. Once things are discordant, he will take a bold risk and send away the Shen family.

These brothers!

Shen An felt that his greatest luck in this era was knowing these brothers.

In such a chaotic situation, they dare to take such a large risk to help, it is a life and death.

Shen An's mood became very good at once, "That ... Zhao Wuwu ..."

The side of Zhao Wuwu's subconscious hands embraced his chest, blocking a pair of big things, and then let go.

Brother doesn't make you, what are you doing for a day?

Shen An said with a black line: "Go get some wine ~ ~ He's tired enough in this trip, and has been in danger. After solving the problem at this moment, I feel a little tired when my mind relaxes.

Yang Zhuoxue knew his husband ’s temperament, and when he saw that he wanted to drink, he could n’t help but be happy: “Is it really all right?”

Shen An nodded, "Those people have made taboos and were grabbed the handle by the husband. Wait and see, those who are noisy will be beaten."

"Hua Hua ..."

Hearing that his brother was okay, Guo Guo cheered, and the flowers outside rushed in, and his tail was flattering.

"Let's go and see what!"

It seems that Guoguo has also been very depressed recently, which makes Shen An feel guilty.

"Tomorrow our family will go out for dinner."


Guoguo happily ran back with flowers and flowers, Yang Zhuoxue smiled and said: "Fu Jun returns safely, let Ermei Duo get some good food at night, all of them."

"Thank you lady."

This was the treatment only available at the end of the year, and the Shen family went up and down with joy.

In this beam of joy, Shen An went to the front yard and instructed, "Go tell Zun Dao, since a certain person is back, he will naturally have to break a few legs. The first ones are ... hands on!"

Chen Luo went away, Shen An turned around and looked at Zhuang honestly, "Someone had a sense of proportion before he murdered, that group of idiots really thought that something was impulsive ... Something was impulsive, but there were countless ways to get things back. . "

Zhuang honestly experienced a test this time and was not aggressive enough, but he did well.

He excitedly said: "Lang Jun's turnaround is a shock to the world, and the Shen family is going to be famous all over the world!"

"Famous world ..."

Green hair flew by, Huahua followed to chase and flutter, and it was full of vitality.


The third is sent to you, good night, begging for a monthly ticket.

If you want to add more, you will add more, so what ... character.

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