Great Husband of the Northern Song Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1264: Shen Anzhengyi, plus boldness

Wang Min knelt there, and tears couldn't help but go down, "It's the blame of the bureaucrat ... it's the fault of the bureaucrat. Shen Jungong needn't do this for the bureaucrat ..."

After the messenger committed suicide, he felt that the sky had collapsed, and that Jasuke was very angry, so he was ready to be dispatched.

But Shen An suddenly made a statement with righteousness, this friendship ...

Yes, Shen Jungong spent a long time in the Privy Council at the time. At that time, he was a deputy principal and was in charge of the four rooms of the Privy Council. Among them, the courtroom was most valued by him.

Wang Min is the deputy Chengzhi, and can be said to be the descendants of Shen An. At this moment, he suddenly realized that Shen An was helping him for this reason.

Shen Jun Gong is really anxious and righteous!

At this moment, he wanted to use all the commendatory words on Shen An.

But Shen An said faintly: "Some talk about truth."

The words are even taller, and a faint force is born spontaneously.

Zhao Shu said with a headache: "Don't worry about this matter, I will send someone else."

According to Shen An's attitude, most of them want to start from the Xixia people.

It's all right, Zhao Shu looked at Fu Bi and said, "Fu Qing ..."

"Your Majesty!"

Shen An refused to retreat, he firmly said: "The officials dare to assert that the Xixia people have already moved to the northwest, and the Xixia army is definitely ready to send out the northwest, just waiting for the news to send troops!"

"A lot of nonsense!"

No one knew the fierceness of Liang ’s lady, and even Zhao Shu was unpleasant: "You just go home and count your paintings."


Shen An recently received gifts and received soft hands, everyone knows this, so Zhao Shuyi said, all laughed, very kind of joking.

"Your Majesty!" Shen An was anxious. "The minister came to see His Majesty. One wanted to say that the matter was fraudulent, and the other was to invite His Majesty to send a quick alert to the northwest ..."

"Alert?" Han Qi frowned: "Always there must be movement in the alert, if the Xixia people think that Da Song wanted to attack them?"

"Then attack!" Shen An angered and growled: "Since the Li family became kings in the northwest, which one of Xixia's things is reliable? Every time he sends troops to attack the Song Dynasty, he always speaks badly. Now But it was just a messenger who died. If he wanted to fight, what about Da Song who hit Te Niang? "

This product is even swearing?

But it was not over yet, Shen An continued, "If you can't be on guard, you must be afraid that Xixia will send troops because of this. Then what is this big song about ZTE? It's better to return to Xuzhou to plant the land!"

He hurriedly retired, leaving a hall of consternation.

"This man is so angry?"

Shen An seldom got angry, so this made the princes a little ignorant.

Han Qi sighed: "Young man, mad!"

Bao Zheng coldly said: "Shen An is attained with foreign affairs, who said this?"

Han Qi said this, and immediately Bao Zheng slapped her face.

Bao Zheng repelled Han Qi in one sentence, and said to Fu Bi: "Whether the messenger was intentional or unintentional, but Wang Min's words gave him an excuse.

The words were fair, Fubi nodded and admitted wrong.

Bao Zheng finally said to Zhao Shu: "Your Majesty, Shen An once dealt with Liang in the northwest at that time ... Therefore, your lord asked your majesty to order Northwest to be alert.

Bao Zheng kneeled slowly.

This is endorsing Shen An.

If there is no warning in the northwest, Bao Zheng will be attacked at the moment.

Zhao Shu lowered his eyes and said, "So ... nothing, the horse orders all over the northwest, be alert!"

Bao Zheng added: "Be quick!"

Zhao Shu glanced at him and nodded slightly.

No matter what, he must give Bao Zheng this face.

Quick horse rushed out of Bianliang, and then someone went to the post, let Xixia people quickly dispose of the messenger's body.

But the Xixia people have turned a deaf ear, and it doesn't matter whoever comes.

Zhao Shu was angry, "Let Shen An go!"

The impetuous emperor was angry.

Someone came to report later, "Guan's family, Shen An said he would take someone."

The so-called manpower refers to the rural soldiers.

Zhao Shu pondered for a while, "Okay."

He turned back and said to Gao Tao: "Shen An, this is to frighten Xixia people, either."

Gao Tao said with a smile: "He is also helping you out!"

But if they saw the dress of the village soldiers, they would have no idea about it.

Fifty village soldiers entered the city, but they even wore armor.

The logo of the black armor made them very eye-catching, and the young people followed along enviously.

These villagers walked all the way to West Street.

Shen An and Wen Xiaozhong stood there, and Huang Chun walked forward and said: "Yang Langjun, fifty village soldiers brought it."

Shen An nodded, glanced at the soldiers and said, "Follow a certain one."


Shen An walked in front, behind the mighty black Jiaxiang soldiers, and the people.

Someone felt something was wrong and went to inform Kaifeng House.

Kefeng could not manage this matter, so the news was stabbed to the Privy Council and the Political Affairs Hall.

In the Privy Council, Fu Bi moved: "Anbe is so dedicated to the old man, old man ..."

Fubi thought that Shen An was removing trouble for himself, so he was moved.

In the political hall next to him, Han Qi jumped up and down, "He is going to do it, that kid, the old man knows his temperament, he probably has to do it ... hurry, stop him!"


The messenger was forced to death, and the entourage's entourage was beaten by Shen An. What kind of bad influence will this cause?

Han Qi did not dare to think, rushed out and shouted: "Bai Ma!"

Lao Han did not choose to stand by at the moment, but to discourage.


In front of the post house, the remains are still there.

In this weather, the corpse will swell up to two or three days, which is the so-called giant view. What followed was a stench.

Mission members kneeled on the side in shifts, and looked indifferent.

And they still carry a knife, the people around can't get close.

"That person's face is swollen."

Everyone around was a little sick.

"Flash off!"

Shen An is here.

He looked at the Xixia people and asked, "Who is in charge?"

A Xixia came out from there and nodded slightly, "I have seen Shen Jungong."

Shen An pointed to the corpse and said, "Cremated."

Said with a sneer: "The messenger was forced to death by you, now you still want to force me to wait? Then come."

Shen An took a step forward, followed by the soldiers in the black armor village behind him.

He squinted slightly at this person and said, "Don't Liang think it's embarrassing to do this trick?"

The eyes of this person were slightly cold, and Shen An couldn't help but be happy.

Oh, you veteran Liang, there is such a suicide drama, but did you expect me to have expected it?

"Does Shen Jungong humiliate the empress dowager?"

In his twenties, he was the queen mother. Shen An felt very interesting. He went one step further. "This kind of drama can't be concealed from Shen. Should the Northwest side be ready? Just wait for the people you sent back to do it ... "

This person looked at Shen An, his expression was cold, "It's useless to say more, Song dying to kill our emissaries, this is a humiliation to us, somebody now wants a request to force the man who forced the ..."

Shen An smiled and said: "What's wrong with that man?"

The man said coldly: "That man has to pay his life!"

The people around exclaimed.

"This is a life for a life!"

"How could there have never been such a thing?"

Has never had such a thing, so no one knows what to do.

Xia Xia people are forced to kill Wang Min, this is to make Da Song no way back, only a hard way.

"Someone once said that when Liang came to power, he would go to war to unify the internal contradictions. But at that time, she thought that it would be half a year later, but she didn't expect that it would not be long before she suddenly shot, this woman is wild. ! "

Shen An smiled, then reached out and patted the cheek of this Xixia man, said lightly: "There is nothing wrong with this song, even if it is wrong, then how to deal with it is not outsiders' beak."

"it is good!"

The Great Song has been weak for a century, and it always has to be inferior to the outside world.

But after Shen An said this today, the people couldn't help but be excited.


Our people handle as much as they want, and whoever dares to reach out will tidy up.

This is a statement with imperialism.

And these words unexpectedly caused the resonance of the people of Bianliang, showing that the pride of the central country has never disappeared.

In the Han and Tang Dynasties, the self-family made mistakes, that is, the self-family disposition.

Beauty will not die you!

Han Tang's answer to this is mostly a knife and a gun.

Let's talk with a knife and gun until you are convinced.

This attitude laid the sense of superiority of the central country in the hearts of the people, and now this sense of superiority has also appeared in the Song Dynasty, which can not help but inspire people.

The Xixia blushed, the redness of shame gradually deepened, he shouted angrily: "Song people bully ..."

Said that he reached for a punch and actually wanted to do it.

Shen An stared at the group of Xixia people behind him, unmoved.

One hand suddenly rushed past him.

This hand first opened the Xixia people's punch, and then hit the Xixia people's chin hard.


The Xixia people twitched on the ground, and the entourage followed up, shouting with sadness and indignation.

"Draw a knife!"

Someone shouted, and those Xixia people drew their short knives, and their eyes were firm.

Shen An stepped over the Xixia who collapsed before him, and walked slowly over.

"This is premeditated, from the suicide of the messenger to the morgue outdoor, these are all premeditated means, the purpose is to anger Da Song, let Da Song do it!"

Everyone was shocked.

Can it still be like this?


Shen An raised his hand, and the village soldiers neatly drew their swords.

He pushed slowly.

"The corpses in these weathers will quickly spoil, and even infect epidemics. This is Bianliang, and no one can tolerate the corruption of a corpse here, so your strategy is good, but it is stupid!

He stopped, and the Xixia people in front began to come.

"If someone else arrives, it will recede."

If you change your personal situation to deal with it ~ ~ It will probably be persuasive.

Can be different from Shen An.

"When the northwest beacon rises again, the sacrifices you wait for have value, but now someone wants to tell you this group of idiots, Song has ordered the northwest to be alert."

Shen An took a step back and said, "Do it!"

Black armor fluttered past.


Old Han came, but he was one step late and could only watch the soldiers of Heijia Township strangling those Xixia people.

"You are crazy!"

Han Qi's face was iron blue, and he dismissed and shouted, "Do you know what you are doing?"

"They are provoking the Great Song!" Shen An said calmly: "Bring the knife with you outside the post, **** it!"

Is not a broken leg, but a behead.

This young man's courage is really big!

Han Qi smiled bitterly: "I knew you would be like this, the old man shouldn't argue with Fubi, everyone will put the matter down together."

"Can't hold it down." Shen An and their views are different. They naturally urinate in less than one pot. "Some said, this is Liang's method."

The village soldier over there is over, and the ground is full of corpses and blood.

Han Qi smiled and shook his head bitterly, "Now you can only pray to the northwest side to warn, otherwise the officials will not be able to protect you."

Shen An said lightly: "Someone knows what Liang's thinking."

:. :

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