Great Husband of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 387: Brother is not waiting

"What? The husband's privy assistant?"

Inexplicably, several people were called to discuss outside the palace.

Bao Zheng is the third ambassador, and asking him to come to Tingding is to ask questions about money and food.

What can Ouyang Xiu do?

As a result, when they asked their inner attendants, they got the answer.

Ouyang Xiu shuddered and said, "The clerk's deputy old man can't move the knife, but who can't cut the dead man?"

Shen An stood on the side with a tangled expression: "Ouyang Gong, some Shen An!"

"Oh, you Shen An! What about you?"

He turned to Bao Zheng's side, and immediately took a sip: "Bah! Don't look, it's the shameless taste, it must be Bao Zheng's old man."

Bao Zhengnu said angrily: "Just in your eyes, the secret ambassador is afraid that the battle will lead the enemy!"

The two went into the palace with their mouths together, and the inner servant who led the way laughed all the way. After they entered the hall, they squatted with their stomachs on their sides and laughed in a low voice.

In the hall, no one laughed.

"The Guangxi Zuobao reported that the Jiaozhi people have been tempted recently and tried many times to enter. Although the number is not large, they can gradually become dense. Zhu Qing and the southwest are in chaos and accidentally become a sweeping trend."

Zhao Zhen was a little depressed, and felt that God was his opponent, otherwise he would have a stable day, and the people who came to him in a blink of an eye again.

"When Nengzhigao rebelled in the past, Jiaozhi wanted to take advantage of the fire, but now he is about to move, why?"

Zhao Zhen asked himself and answered: "Then Li Rizun is reportedly ambitious, certainly not to be a guest?"

The official family even teased, but the group officials did not have a thought of laughing.

Zeng Gongliang, who has not yet handed over, does not know whether he is a political ambassador or a ambassador, but the excitement of the new official makes him the first to speak: "Your Majesty, then Li Rizun would like to plunder."

This is to treat Jiaozhi as a rogue, and it can be seen that Jasuke did not understand the situation of Jiaozhi well.

Everyone was nonsense for a while, probably to be alert, and then send some reinforcements over.

Zhao Zhen heard an ear, but felt nothing new. Seeing Shen An standing there in a daze, he couldn't help but be furious.

I called you specifically, but it didn't make you daze.

"Shen An"

"The minister is here."

"In the past, you were talking on the Chaotang, what is happening today?"

The group ministers smiled at a glance, and Ouyang Xiu said: "Your Majesty, the young man is asleep, afraid that he is not yet energetic."

"Is it possible to hear that you are dating, is it missing in your heart?"


Shen An rallied, swearing in his heart that he was old.

This is the rights center of Da Song. Everyone is used to talking about things in a glance, and there is no joke for everyone to adjust.

The intrusion of Shen An, a young man, is a different kind. When everyone is uncomfortable, he looks for opportunities to make fun of him.

"Jiaozhi people's ambitions never end."

A group of old men's smiles froze on their faces.

Zeng Gongliang eagerly took a look at his colleagues, and when no one was in his head, he went to work and said, "Jiaozhi is weak, if you say you are ambitious"

Everyone laughed together.

Even Zhao Zhen couldn't help but smile.

He attaches importance to the toe, because there is a lesson in front of Nong Chigo, worried that there will become a muddy pond, entangled constantly.

But what to say about the ambitions of the Jiaozhi people is endless, that is to look at them high.

In these laughter, Shen An compares the **** in his heart, and feels like a lonely traveler, paving the way for Song in a peaceful voice.

"Jiaozhi people have more ambitions than Liao people"

Shen An's serious speech, but Zaifu were just at a loss.

"you this"

Fu Bi frowned: "Imagine? Still based."

Plainly and without reason, the ambition to talk about Jiaozhi is stronger than that of the Liao people. Does this want Da Song to turn his eyes to the southwest?

"Song Song's eyes are in the north and northwest, and you should know that you can't pay attention to it in the southwest."

Fu Bi's words represented the position of Zaifu. Everyone looked at Shen An and felt that he was still younger, startled and less calm.

"To be calm, calm down first when things happen, so that you can calmly deal with it"

This is Han Qi's style of teaching.

But this is ridiculous.

Your baby is still too young! When I encounter something, I am in a hurry. Whatever ambitions are more powerful than the Liao people say it, it can be seen that it is terrified.

Bao Zheng coughed a little angrily, but no one ignored him.

Lao Bao didn't have many friends. Finally, there was Wen Yanbo, an ally, but Lao Wen was chased down and had to wait until the next emperor.

Ouyang Xiu said: "The young man has little knowledge about this matter. He hasn't been to Jiaozhi, and we haven't been. No one knows that it's justified to make a mistake, so I will stop here."

Although Ouyang Xiu is only a clerk, he seems to have the lowest position here. But he has another identity, that is, the literary leader.

Old Ouyang actually slowed his cheek?

Everyone secretly speculated in their hearts, and then glanced at Bao Zheng, wondering if this meant that the two old men would join forces.

But Bao Zheng's face was sad.

Zhao Zhen sighed in his heart, he likes the two old men to join hands, so that there will be an extra voice in the middle of the DPRK.

He never thinks that there are many voices in the DPRK, only worrying about the crowd.

"Shen An will stop here, let's take a look around and deploy some reinforcements."

"Your Majesty"

This is a bad thing, good early.

"Zhuqing go by yourself."

Zhao Zhen felt that the toe-affecting was a headache, but it was only a cause of ringworm and it was not worth mentioning.

Shen An said suddenly: "Your Majesty, please ask the Jiaozhi."

As soon as one thing was resolved, when everyone was relaxing, Shen An suddenly came up with such a sentence that made the group of people who were turning around could not help but be amazed.

Ouyang Xiu's eyes were not good. He turned around and stopped, but accidentally stepped on Zeng Gongliang's heel.


It was painful to be trampled on the heel, Zeng Gongliang yelled out in pain, Ouyang Xiu apologized hurriedly, making a mess for a while.

Zhao Zhen looked at these chaotic faces with black lines, angrily said: "Nonsense!"

Shen An bowed and said: "Your Majesty, the minister said that the Jiaozhi people are capricious, but they are a country of villains. Their nationals are greedy and unsatisfactory, and because of the sturdy civility in the country, the army is difficult to attack. Your Majesty, it is necessary to use a thunderous blow to deter their ambitions. "

Han Qi felt that he was stalking, and he said angrily: "You haven't been to Jiaozhi, how do you know all this?"

Shen An's heart was also full of anger, he stared at Han Qi and said: "Some will do it, and you you"

He decided to stop patience, he decided not to face this group of flamboyant old men, so he looked at them and said, "And you only talk about flamboyance."

The atmosphere suddenly exploded. In Zhao Zhen's stunned eyes, Fu Bi said: "You shouldn't be too shy about young people. The old man and others have gone through many affairs, and their knowledge is beyond your reach."

Zeng Gongliang and Shen An had private enemies. At this moment, seeing everyone attacking him, he was so happy that he joined the battle group.

"Things in the world are nothing more than people's hearts. Old men and others are accustomed to people's hearts. What the two countries are fighting for is strength and weak hands. How can they dare to be a car? What are you doing?

Yeah, what did you do?

Do you want to achieve your own political goals by talking nonsense?


Everyone thinks that Shen An is forcibly promoting his political views.

Song Song should not only pay attention to the north and northwest, but also open up a third front to fight.

Once this view is successfully promoted, it will be mentioned repeatedly in the future, and it will become his political property.

Just like the Yellow River diversion, if it succeeds, it is the political property of Fubi and others.

It's like Wang Anshi's innovative measures, that is his political property, and this is what Sima Guang wants to destroy. From a political point of view, his move is to eradicate the roots and prevent Wang Anshi from ever turning over.

Whether it is a politician or a politician, obtaining political property is their common purpose.

Shen An narrowed his eyes and sneered.

"Jiaozhi seems to be a wild place, but merchants can take risks for money."

As long as there is enough profit, let alone a toe, merchants dare to go to the North Pole at this time. Whether it's the Silk Road or the adventurous voyage on the sea, the caravan ventured to bring goods to the legendary central country, not to admire, but to make money.

There is no stronger driving force in the world than money, and Shen An knows better than everyone.

He felt that he was overlooking the group of monarchs, even with a slightly contemptuous tone: "Bianliang has businessmen who have been to Jiaozhi, more than a dozen people. Not only does he say who he will do before and who Have the businessmen talked? Have you asked? Who? "

His eyes turned, and the ministers avoided them.


I asked who else?

Bianliang even a businessman has been to Jiaozhi?

Qunchen did not believe first, but no one questioned it.

Shen An said that he had spoken to those businessmen, which shows that this is true.

Just now everyone reprimanded him for just saying that, but at the moment he threw out his own work, and beat the group officials with a stick.

The embarrassing atmosphere gradually thickened, and Zhao Zhen coughed and said, "You have something to do with this matter. How do those businessmen talk about it?"

The official's family was looking for a step for everyone, and the group officials were all standing. Zeng Gongliang, who had been stepped on the heel, stood with a straight face, as if the screaming just now was not sent by himself.

Ouyang Xiu Lao dizzyly looked at Zeng Gongliang's neck in front of him, muttering how to look at the black and black, does Zeng Gongliang never take a shower

Shen An bowed, "Your Majesty, no matter how much the minister has said, but there is a suspicion of bragging. Since that is the case, please quit."

Brother is no longer waiting, you can find someone to ask.


This boy is so stout?

Rich but ignorant.

Han Qiduqi

Bao Zheng is also a bit ignorant, but he is still wondering about Shen An's intention.

This kid is a little fox ~ ~ There are always implications in making decisions.

So he said nothing.

Zhao Zhen also felt embarrassed and was annoyed by the way, so she said stiffly: "So go for it."

Without Shen Tufu, can I still eat pigs with hair?

Shen Anyang passed away, and the group of officials were embarrassed and nobody spoke.

Say what?

Shen An said that he had to investigate before making a decision, and then discuss it. But there are so many political affairs every day, who has the time to investigate? Everyone works with experience and wisdom.

Otherwise why Jaesuke is the smartest person in the world.

It's just that this cleverness was beaten by Shen An with a stick, and everyone was a little bit embarrassed.

Zhao Zhen was cruel, and after Shen An left, he ordered people to find those businessmen.

First, ask for monthly tickets.

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