Great Husband of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 797: Countless crossbows

The knife passed slowly over the copper pieces, and the copper scraps fell in a roll.

Yang Yan is very serious, almost indifferent.

Later he took a caliper Shen Annong to measure the size, and then took another knife.

The last few parts that came out were combined after being polished. Yang Yan pulled it and said, "It's very smooth."

"How about the gap?"

If the gap is too small, it is easy to get stuck; if the gap is large, it is not good, and it is easy to make deviations when pulling the crossbow machine.

The hand of the crossbow should be stable. If the clearance of the crossbow is too large, it will definitely not be allowed to shoot.

"Not big."

Yang Yan handed the assembled crossbow machine to Shen An.

Shen An pulled around and said with satisfaction: "The gap is very small, just right."

"This is a crossbow?"

Fu Bi frowned: "The old man had seen it, and it was a headache, but he could easily create it by himself, is it because of this thing?"

He patted the machine tool and felt that this thing was really ugly.

"Almost." Shen An said: "In the past, the construction of the crossbow machine required beating and filing one by one, which was a waste of effort, and it could not be built by an old craftsman. Now Yang Yan has created this machine, which only needs one person to operate It can continuously produce the components of the crossbow machine, and there is an advantage ... "

"What's the benefit?"

"That would be interchangeable ..."

Shen An pointed to some of the crossbow machines that were ready, and some students brought them.

"Break apart and mix together."

Several crossbow machines were disassembled and the parts were mixed together.

"Put it up!"

When reassembling, no one could find the parts of a crossbow machine just now, so they had to mix them.

After the mixing was completed, Shen An checked it out without error.

He looked up and said to Fu Bi and Bao Zheng: "Do the two elders know the benefits?"

"Save trouble." Bao Zheng is not a warrior after all, so he has no idea.

Fubi is also a two-knife, he picked up a crossbow machine, pretending to say: "Could it be ..."

Although he was an ambassador, he didn't understand the weapons at all, and knowing that the crossbow machine is rare.

So he pretended to study, but actually wanted Shen An to say quickly.

"There are all kinds of things on the battlefield. For example, two crossbow machines are broken, but the bad ones are different. At this time, you can exchange them. The two crossbow machines fight together and come out well."

Do you understand this?

Fu Bi nodded and praised: "The old man heard a lot of news of weapon damage in the Privy Council. The craftsmen made the most of the different sizes. There is no way to dismantle and repair, only scrap ... This method is good."

The craftsmen process the crossbow machine separately, of course the size is different, but the machine tool is different, even if it is just a local machine tool.

"This is just one of them." Shen An said: "Another advantage is that ... in the past to cut things, you can only use a craftsman to grind slowly, but this bed can be successful at one time ... the size of the things it produces It ’s the same, that is to say, as long as dozens of such beds are made, the energy source will continue to create a crossbow machine. "

Shen An rejoiced in his heart and gave Yang Yan a compliment. Naturally, he praised the words, "In the past, everything was built by one person from start to finish, but with this bed, it was different. The bed was cut out of parts, the people below Polish according to the standard, and then assemble ... that is fast and saves labor. "

This is the big Song version of the assembly line!

As long as needed, Da Song can create countless beds, and then create countless divine crossbows ...

"Countless Shenwei crossbow array ... The old man thought that Bianliang was as stable as Taishan, good! Good!"

Fu Bi said with joy: "What if something else? Could it be made?"

"A lot of things will do."

Yang Yan was a little nervous, rubbing her hands; "Whether it is drilling or cutting."

"it is good!"

Fu Bi's face glowed with red light: "I heard that you are devoted to study and did not go to the imperial examination?"

Yang Di's blood was boiling all over the door.

The old Yang family is about to develop!

Jasuke praised me several times in a row, is this going to be developed?

Yang Yan nodded, "Yes. The miscellaneous knowledge is endless. The students feel that they can't explore clearly in their lifetime, and they have no time to write poems ..."

Fu Bi looked at him and asked seriously: "Can't I go to the Imperial Examination and become an official for this too?"

Yang Di was eager to rush outside, but the two big men at the door were staring at him coldly, but if he dared to step over the Leichi, he would definitely kick.


Go to the imperial examination!

Go to the imperial examination!

Yang Di hated to yell, but he was worried that Fu Bi and Bao Zheng would be annoyed. When the son didn't get any good, he didn't talk about it, and he was also lost.


Yang Yan said very calmly: "I have said that whether it is farming, business, or official, to support my family, there should be some ideals. The ideal of the students is to prosper and prosper ... "

"Strong Song!" Fu Bi tranced. "The old man thought the same way, and he did it in the same way, just ..."

They are just losers. Now they look down on the old man. Looking at the young Yang Yan in front of him, Fu Bi can't help but think of his time.

At that time, Fu Bi was regarded as an iron bone.

"At that time! A lot of heads." Fu Bi smiled bitterly: "The old man is afraid. Now I'm watching you waiting for the vitality ... Anbei."

Shen An responded, and Fu Bi said: "Teach these young people well. Da Song needs young people who don't care about fame and fortune. Don't let them go our old way."

Shen An glanced at him, "Yes."

At that time, Fu Bi and Fan Zhongyan joined forces to innovate the Song Dynasty, but eventually they were planted. Nowadays, I can see the young people set off again and want to make changes to this big song again. Fu Bi is very excited.

"When I see their old man, I feel old." Bao Zheng also sighed a little, "Jin Fei Dan, Shenwei Crossbow, what else to follow? The old man waits and sees. If he can get something good, rich, how to say ..."

He looked at Fubi with a little provocation.

Fu Bi smiled and asked Yang Yan: "It's easy to get started, and the old man will tell the official's family that this matter is only a trivial matter."

Yang Di outside the door felt that his legs were a bit soft and his lips were trembling, but he was speechless.

Shen An opened academy, what can students do?

Bao Zheng had been thinking about this problem for a long time, but he was worried that he would be alone. At this moment, Fu Bi dragged him into the water and made him feel very happy.

"Okay, the old man is one of them!"

Yang Di slowly leaned against the door, his cheeks trembling, and I couldn't believe it was Jason Fu from Song Dynasty.

"This is ... this is a mistress?"

The big man outside the door looked at him coldly, "What do you think?"

"My son, agreed! Hurry to agree!"

The people inside were startled by this shout, and the two big men grabbed Yang Di and were about to gag and drag away.


Yang Yan rushed out, Shen An shouted at the back: "Let him go."

Yang Di was free, the first thing was to go in to salute, and then said with a smile: "I have seen two princes, and have been treated, Xiao Yang Yang ... The dog is young and ignorant, and the villain compensates for it."


Yang Di salutes, Yang Yan sees him so flattered, and can't help but get angry.

Yang Di glared at him and raised his head, said: "The dog is ignorant, but reading is advancing, and the people are honest, doing things seriously ... If you are an official ... certainly will not disappoint the official family's kindness, the graciousness of the two friends ... The villain remembers it all his life, his grandchildren remember ... "

He had met many officials in laymen and knew how powerful these people were, so he ridiculed habitually, "The dog will dare to forget when the time comes, the villain will break his leg ..."

Do n’t forget that others help you. For ten or twenty years, you ca n’t forget it until your children and grandchildren.

This is Lutheran!

People can't stand without faith. People in this era know this well and pass it on to their children and grandchildren as a family motto.


Yang Yan was flushed with rage.

Most of the young people ’s first idols are fathers, but in the past, the tall father laughed at the two Zaifu, trying his best to flatter ...

Yang Yan was disappointed and more embarrassed.

But Fu Bi and Bao Zheng felt that this was normal, and Fu Bi said with a smile: "This matter is also simple, just look at the back."

Bao Zheng said: "This matter is guaranteed by the old man, it must be right."

Students who can study this kind of baby can't cherish it!

Yang Di's face glowed with red light: "Thanks to the two princes, the villain will burn incense every day after returning home, pray for the two princes ~ ~ Students disagree!"

Yang Di's smile dissipated and turned to look at his son, the anger in his eyes almost burst out.

"The dog is stunned."

This son is crazy!

"Baby is not crazy!"

Yang Yan said earnestly: "The child has given miscellaneous studies in this life, not an official."

This life ...

A person's life may seem long, but it is short.

Every moment of his life, it is mostly a joke in the eyes of the old man.

But Bao Zheng and Fu Bi didn't smile.

Yang Yan's eyes are full of firmness, and the time from studying too much to the present is not short. He should think clearly about the things he should think about.

Is it so decisive?

Yang Di's complexion turned white and shouted: "Reverse!"

"shut up!"

Fubi stopped his scolding and asked, "Isn't it good to be an official?"

"Okay." Yang Yan said: "There are more officials, but how many people can learn miscellaneous? That miscellaneous ..."

He smiled and said: "There is a whole new world, which makes people fascinated by it. I wish I could study it every day ..."

Is this a fool?

Yang Di thinks that his son is in danger.

"My son, what's wrong with you?"

He was sorrowful, but Bao Zheng smiled: "It is an aspiring teenager, so it is not impossible to do so."

He glanced at Fu Bi, "The official positions of the Song Dynasty ... many can be appointed as officials without doing anything. If you make something out of miscellaneous knowledge, you can also grant officials. What does Fu Xiang think?"

Is this okay?

Yang Di suddenly felt that he knew nothing about miscellaneous knowledge.

However, it is said that Bao Zheng and Shen An have a good relationship. Will this be a partiality?

He stared at Fubi impolitely, awaiting feedback from this one.

Fu Bi frowned slightly, nodding his head; "Old man sees!"

Northern Song Great Husband

Northern Song Great Husband

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