Great Husband of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 952: Powerful man is a secret of cultivation

Zhao Shu has seen Yanwu and parade, but these tragic scenes were only seen in Shenjiazhuang.

At that time, Man Shanjun had just arrived in Bianliang, and some people provoked. The two sides came to perform a martial art in Shenjiazhuang, and the opponent was beaten by the hooded rat.

But at that time, the Mengshan Army won with an overwhelming advantage, so it didn't feel much tragic breath.


A big man was stabbed in a place with no protection on his arm, and suddenly howled, and then he grabbed his opponent with one hand, struggling to hit it.

The two men fell down with blood on their faces.

The tragedies everywhere abound, Zhao Shu could not bear to witness, said: "Is this the case in the battlefield?"

Cao Fei had been on the battle front, so he honestly said: "Officials, the real battle front is even worse than this."

"More terrible than this?" Zhao Shu said in shock: "Those soldiers ..."

He remembered the scenes where the Song Dynasty soldiers were struggling to fight, and could not help but tremble: "Is this the case? Why didn't those people say? Why didn't I let them know about this?"

Cao Fei couldn't speak awkwardly, just look at Zhao Xu.

There is no way to say this!

——Your Majesty, the soldiers fought **** battles, the situation is tragic ...

This has been said countless times!

But which time did you listen carefully?

In the eyes of the superiors, the blood and sacrifices of the soldiers are probably just a number, plus the trouble of spending more on pensions.

As for the tragic ... well, the old man knew.

But how can I understand the bravery of the soldiers who have never seen such tragic masters?

Cao Fei suddenly became enlightened and knew that Shen Anshun took advantage of himself. In this tragic way, he told officials that the soldiers were not easy.

But he didn't have grievances, because the previous one was just a drill, but the previous one was a real drill. This scene shocked him a little.

Was Shen An's arrangement so tragic?

How can that young man understand so much?

At the moment most of the people had fallen. Zhao Xu said when he saw it: "Officials, the general army is in danger of collapse when the casualties reach 20% to 30%. The Cao family is good."

Most of them have fallen and have not collapsed yet, showing Cao Fei's ability to train troops.

Shen An explained yesterday that he could not stop until there was only one person left at the end.

So this scene was presented, which made Zhao Shu very satisfied.

"Okay! Stop it."

Zhao Shu stopped contentedly, and then said, "Not bad."

Cao Fei knew that he had cleared the barrier and hurriedly knelt down and said, "The courtier is willing to die for the official family!"

Zhao Shu said with satisfaction: "Go back, I will think about it in the future."

Cao Fei got up happily and waited for Zhao Shu's father and son to go, looked at the guard who had fallen to the ground, and said, "Everyone gets it back."

Most young people are okay, helping each other stand up, but the two old soldiers lie there, breathing lightly.

A group of big men surrounded them with a sad look.

Cao Fei asked: "What's wrong?"

The crowd silently separated and Cao Fei walked in.

The two old pawns opened their eyes and smiled: "It's time to see Alang. Lang Jun, you have to work hard to cheer up the Cao family ... otherwise ... other ... otherwise ... Alang, the villain comes ... "

As soon as the old pawn's hand loosened, he fell.

Cao Fei didn't know what was wrong with him, so the tears slipped down, then he knelt slowly and swallowed silently.

"Is it right that I am sorry to you, some useless, useless!"

He looked up, only to feel the extreme failure, and wished someone could beat him up.

"Save them! What about Anbei?" Cao Fei turned around, and Shen An was behind him.

"An Bei, rescue them, what brother do you want ..." He felt that he had spoken, and this was humiliating Shen An, and he looked up: "They are the most loyal guards of the Cao family, even if they follow a certain This useless person succumbed without complaining ... Someone can't help them! "

Cao Fei burst into tears, never seeing the past again.

Shen An walked over, reached out and probed under the noses of the two old soldiers, and said, "Come here, take them to a sheltered place."

Cao Fei personally carried an old soldier's hands, and lifted his chin toward the side hall, "Go over there."

The inner servant at the edge said with amazement: "Uncle, there is no official's command over there to open the door!"

There are many rules in the palace. For example, some palaces can't open the door without orders, and even can't even sweep.

Cao Cheng said with a smile: "Open the door! Something happened when something happened. If you refuse, someone kills you first and then knocks on the door."

"Uncle Guo, that taboo!"

"Fart taboo!" Cao Fei scolded: "They all gave up their lives for the sake of the family and the family of Cao. Is the family still afraid of any taboos? Is that still a human being? That's a beast, go, open the door."

A Neiwai quickly went to tell Cao Fei's recklessness.

Zhao Shu, who was on the road, stopped and turned away for a long time without saying a word.

Zhao Xu worried that he would be angry, so he persuaded: "Official family, Uncle Cao Guozheng has a simple and honest nature.

Zhao Shu turned around and continued to move forward. The inner attendant was a little dazed and asked, "Guanjia, can you stop it?"

Zhao Shu shook his head, "What to stop? It is a good thing to have affection, do you want those who are waiting for the wolf heart and lungs to succeed? Let the doctor go!"

The imperial doctor rushed into the side hall and saw that Shen An was saving.

Seeing the imperial doctor coming in, Shen An got up and said, "It's just exhausted."

The two old soldiers haven't had such fierce fighting for many years, and the emotions are too excited ... At present, the emperor's emotions are very normal, so they smoked away.

After being lifted in, Shen An practiced the pinch of Dafa again, woke them up in two clicks, and is currently recuperating.

"Convert Hou Miao Shou to rejuvenate!"

The two doctors habitually touted Shen An, and then went to each for treatment.

"Thank you, Guixinhou."

The two old soldiers struggled to salute Shen An. Shen An said: "A loyal person will naturally rescue someone. A ruthless and unscrupulous generation will only fall into the hole."

Cao Fei solemnly arched his hands, "Thank you Anbe, for something to talk about in the future."

Shen An laughed: "It's just a trifle, it's not worth being an uncle."

Cao Fei said sternly: "These old soldiers have been thrown to my family all their lives. They were born and died, and they gave up their lives and forget their deaths. , Certainly can only take care of national affairs, so they tired them ... "

This is a gesture.

In his remarks, Cao Fei not only expressed his loyalty to Zhao Shu, but also appeased these guards.

This is a compulsory course for the dignitaries ... buying people's hearts.

"Lang Jun, but something is wrong, I will wait to follow Lang Jun in battle and kill the Liao people!"

The guards of the Cao family looked excited, and it was almost so praised by the house owner that their blood was boiling.

This is the difference between working people and working people.

Shen An showed little interest in these, and later these people evacuated from the Imperial City, leaving Cao Tong behind.

"An Bei, what is a powerful man? There is self-preservation, reliance, some people call ... let the battle can kill the enemy, let the function be herdsmen ... This is not just a family of scholars, but more talents in the family I want everything ... "

This is somewhat similar to the door-and-door system in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods. The main family uses its prestige to use this prestige and money to recruit talents, and then let them use it for their own purposes.

But Song can't get this kind of door system, otherwise the old Zhao family will let you have nightmares.

"No need, just a few talents."

Cao Fei is seriously teaching the housekeeping of Shen An Quangui.

The dignitaries have different approaches to housekeeping, but most of them are similar. They all use their brooms to cherish themselves.

"Most of these people can only use one generation, why?" Cao Fei is really serious about Shen An, "If you want to get them to heart, you have to give benefits, money is second, the first thing is to give their son benefits, to give They are free and try their best to help them go to the Imperial Examination ... "

Shen An nodded, "Only in this way can they survive."

"Yes, you are really smart in Anbei." Cao Fei said with a smile: "You only need to operate like this, and within a few years, the Shen family will become a real powerhouse."

"Aristocrats!" Shen An said with a smile: "There are talents in his hands, and there is money in his family ... He can attack and retreat, can he be a powerful man?"

Cao Fei nodded, "Yes, this is the power. And everyone has to communicate with each other. If necessary ... The Cao family is far away from those people because of their mother-in-law. The next generation, the Cao family will reintegrate into the elite. "

"It's good to hold a group for heating, but have you thought about it, why are those dignitaries not reused? Officials and Chaozhong would rather raise them like pigs rather than let them serve as officers, do you know why? "

Shen An left this sentence and left ~ ~ leaving Cao Fei in a daze.

"Something is wrong? Or are the dignitaries wrong."

He pondered for a long time, turned around and asked someone to talk to the Empress Cao.

The Empress Cao is taking medicine and the weather is cold. She practised martial arts in the morning and sweated all over her, and Xianqiang stood in the cool breeze for a while.

"Niangniang ..."

Ren Shouzhong ran staggeringly. The stick sores on his buttocks hadn't healed yet, and the pain was terrible.

His sweaty face did not attract the attention of the Empress Cao.

"It's called the soul!" Cao Empress stared at him coldly, which meant that he would make him clean up again.

Ren Shouzhong was taken aback and quickly said: "Madam, Uncle Guo won a great victory ..."

"shut up!"

Cao Empress's hand holding the bowl's knuckles were all pale, and her body was trembling slightly, not excited.

The old Cao family is about to turn over!

"Go, tell Dalang, be cautious, don't be complacent."

As soon as Ren Shouzhong went out, Cao Fei's words were brought.

"Sister Niang, the uncle asked ... Did the dignitaries do something wrong?"

"Huh?" Cao Empress's nasal voice is very heavy. After all, she is Cao Bin's granddaughter. She just guessed the meaning of her younger brother.

When the person came to go out, Cao Empress stopped him and said, "Go tell Dalang, don't make a bird ..."

After the others left, she said with relief: "Dalang is so sensible, so gratifying! Cao's worry-free."

"Madam, Uncle Guo and Guixinhou said something, and stayed there for a while, and later let the villain talk."

"Is it Shen An?" Empress Cao sighed, "This young man ... does things well and steadily, okay, okay!"

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