Great Immortal With Boundless Mana

Chapter 107 Shadowless Vestments

Chapter 107: Shadowless Robe

Gao Xian was definitely not envious of the other person. He, who valued purity and chastity, looked down upon such promiscuous individuals. He felt nothing but disdain for them.

Through a wall, Gao Xian could clearly see the other person, but he couldn't hear what they were saying.

The private rooms in Feihua Court were soundproofed, not through magic, but by using a special type of wood that absorbed sound.

Having visited Feihua Court multiple times to enjoy the free performances, Gao Xian was quite familiar with the situation here.

If he wanted to eavesdrop on their conversation, he could only take advantage of the opportunity when the maidservant brought food and drinks.

"This is a bit troublesome... If only I could wear the Shadowless Robe and pass through walls!"

As Gao Xian thought of this, something stirred in his heart. It was as if a flash of inspiration descended from the heavens and landed on his head, instantly opening up some invisible bottleneck.

A glimmer of light flashed in his sea of consciousness, and the various transformations of the Shadowless Robe constantly shimmered, eventually bursting into a blaze of light.

In an instant, Gao Xian gained a deeper understanding of the Shadowless Robe.

Previously, when he activated the Shadowless Robe, it was like following a prescribed formula, but he didn't understand why he had to use that particular method.

At this moment, Gao Xian finally understood the essence behind the various intricate transformations of the Shadowless Robe.

At this point, the Shadowless Robe broke through the bottleneck of being a consummate grandmaster and reached a higher level.

Naturally, the Shadowless Robe on Gao Xian's body also adjusted and changed.

He felt a slight weight on his body, as if the transparent and watery Shadowless Robe suddenly gained a few pounds.

It couldn't be said that the weight increased, but rather, the Shadowless Robe, after breaking through, gained a sense of toughness and solidity, giving him the feeling of increased weight.

In reality, the Shadowless Robe was ultimately a stable form of magic condensed by mana, and it didn't have any actual weight.

Gao Xian opened the Wind and Moon Mirror in his sea of consciousness and saw that the Shadowless Robe had transformed into the Shadowless Robe of Law.

Shadowless Robe of Law: Mana condensed into a robe that envelops the entire body, transforming into a shadowless state with powerful defensive capabilities. Can be transformed into an intangible state. (1/2000 beginner level)

Compared to the Shadowless Robe, the biggest change in the Shadowless Robe of Law was its ability to transform into an intangible state.

Although Gao Xian hadn't tried it yet, based on his understanding of the Shadowless Robe of Law, he knew that the duration of the intangible state was very short and had various limitations.

The most direct use of the intangible state was to pass through material barriers, such as walls. It could also enter the ground.

Because the intangible state lasted for a very short time, entering the ground would bury oneself inside and could lead to various problems.

Therefore, the intangible state must be used with caution, as one wrong move could lead to one's demise.

In addition, the protective ability of the Shadowless Robe has been further enhanced.

Gao Xian feels that the protective power of the Shadowless Robe should be much higher than that of the Qingyun Robe he is wearing.

Specific details still need to be tested in detail.

After suddenly making a breakthrough in his spells, Gao Xian was in a good mood and didn't care about Nan Zhengxing and the others.

Returning home, Gao Xian greeted Qi Niang and went back to his own bedroom.

Lying on the bed and closing his eyes, Gao Xian's consciousness entered the Heart and Mind Temple.

In this inner temple transformed by the Great Pairing Divine Spell, he can freely cast spells and conduct various tests.

In the past, he often used spells to test their power on himself, such as testing the feeling of a Flame Blast exploding in his palm.

The consequences were quite severe, with most of his body being shattered.

This consequence also reminded Gao Xian that the greater the power of the spell, the more cautious and careful he must be when using it. Because one wrong move could harm himself.

After all, spells are not the same as firearms. Firearms have mechanical structures and are very stable.

Spells, on the other hand, are carried and released by humans. Although there is a stable spell structure, accidents can still happen when casting spells.

After all, this is not a game, and if there is a bug, it doesn't matter. Once a spell goes wrong in this world, the caster has to bear terrible consequences.

The Heart and Mind Temple has this advantage, allowing him to freely experiment with spells without worrying about problems.

Flame Blast, Ice Arrow, and various other spells, Gao Xian has cast them millions of times here, simulating various extreme and special conditions to test the various changes of the spells.

This kind of research on spells has also allowed him to truly master the various spells he has learned.

In this regard, there is probably no one among the Qi Refining cultivators who can compare to him.

The same goes for the Shadowless Robe. Gao Xian must thoroughly understand it in the Heart and Mind Temple before he dares to use it.

Otherwise, if he fails to pass through a wall while in an invisible state and ends up embedded in the wall, just imagining the scene is horrifying.

After studying for two days, Gao Xian finally figured out the Shadowless Robe.

There is actually nothing else, just an enhancement in protective power, better concealment, and most importantly, the ability to transform into an invisible state.

During this transformation, both the person and the magical tool will be transformed into an invisible and intangible state, like turning into a transparent light that can penetrate material barriers without magical protection.

According to Gao Xian's understanding, it should be entering a level beyond matter under the influence of the Shadowless Robe, or transforming into some kind of energy field.

Of course, these explanations are difficult to justify. Gao Xian can only temporarily understand them as the profoundness unique to high-level spells, and he cannot explain them using the physical knowledge he has mastered.

Gao Xian tried it and found that this invisible state can last for about half a breath, which is roughly one second.

During this relatively long period of time, one can easily pass through any ordinary wall. Moreover, when transitioning into the invisible state, there is a special sensation, and any obstacles that cannot be passed through will immediately generate a response.

After encountering obstacles, the invisible state will return to its normal state and return to its initial position. The Shadowless Robe will also lose its effect of concealing one's figure.

After multiple tests, Gao Xian believes that the true purpose of the invisible state is to evade attacks.

Even when facing nine flaming projectiles in the invisible state, one can still avoid damage.

The explosive spells can indeed cause some impact, but it is difficult to truly destroy the invisible state. This has great significance in actual combat.

However, this requires extremely high control over the timing. One wrong move and one may end up dying even faster.

After understanding the Shadowless Robe, Gao Xian took advantage of the night and went to find Nan Zhengxing.

The two of them were drinking in a private room at a wine shop, and Nan Zhengxing, who was a little drunk, was cursing and complaining, all directed at Zhou Ye and Zhou Yuling.

"When this old man begged my father, he was like a dog. Now that he has made money, he turns his back on people."

"Zhou Yuling is even worse. She has humiliated me multiple times, thinking that I owe her. Damn it, if it weren't for my cultivation progress being delayed, I would look at her differently!"

Nan Zhengxing became angrier as he spoke and casually crushed the copper wine pot in his hand.

Wang Kai persuaded him, "Senior Brother, don't be impatient. This woman is pretending to be reserved. There will be opportunities if we wait for some time."

"After all, Senior Brother just wants to sleep with her. As long as we arrange to meet alone, there will be opportunities to make a move."

"She cultivates the Mingyu Technique, and her cultivation is the purest."

"I have the Red Dragon Swallowing Moon Technique. By cultivating together, I can absorb three to five percent of her cultivation, which is enough to help me break through to the ninth level of Qi Refining and lay the foundation for Foundation Building..."

Nan Zhengxing and Wang Kai had a close relationship, and they had discussed this matter many times, so there was no need for secrecy.

"It's her good fortune to be Senior Brother's furnace. She really doesn't know what's good for her. Her father is also clueless..."

Wang Kai was following Nan Zhengxing, so of course, he had to speak up for him.

Moreover, he didn't think there was anything wrong with this kind of thing.

Being able to plunder others to increase one's own cultivation is a skill. Cultivators go against the heavens, and what matters is achieving the goal, without considering the means.

Gao Xian stood in the corner, listening to their conversation clearly.

Nan Zhengxing was actually planning such a despicable scheme, and it was targeted at Zhou Yuling. This made him unable to bear it and a hint of killing intent arose in his heart.

Killing the two of them would be as easy as turning one's hand, but the Nan family had influence, making it difficult to trace it back to him for a while.

However, his actions in Feima Ji had already attracted the attention of Li Shuanglin. Huang Ying also knew that his spells were powerful and that he had a close relationship with the Zhou family.

If Huang Ying is in contact with the Nan family, it would be easy to expose him.

Huang Ying has a good relationship with him, but obviously, he cannot compare to a senior martial arts elder in terms of influence.

When facing someone directly related, Gao Xian also doesn't like to use force directly.

He can't treat everyone as fools. As a mere Qi Refining cultivator, he can use various means to maneuver while hiding in the dark.

Once his identity is exposed, any Foundation Building cultivator can easily crush him.

Gao Xian was thinking about how to take action when he heard Wang Kai say, "If all else fails, just ask the Patriarch to say a word, and Zhou Ye will obediently send his daughter to Senior Brother's bed."

"Forget it, the Patriarch has gone crazy for some reason. He's currently crazily taking concubines and wanting to have more children. It's already good enough if he can still perform at his age, let alone having children. Hahaha..."

Nan Zhengxing sneered, "People become foolish when they get old, that's true. Damn it, instead of thinking about paving the way for their descendants, they still want to give birth to a genius cultivator themselves. This old man really dares to dream!"

As he spoke, he suddenly burst into laughter, laughing so hard that tears came out, "Beautiful concubines lying on the bed, the old man sitting on the edge of the bed naked, silently waiting for the aphrodisiac to take effect, just thinking about it is hilarious."

Even Wang Kai couldn't help but laugh, and Gao Xian, who was standing in the corner, also laughed, although he didn't laugh out loud.

Gao Xian used the Shadowless Technique to turn into an invisible state, and everything around him turned into a state of spiritual light.

Nan Zhengxing and Wang Kai were like two illusory shadows, with five relatively strong spiritual lights on Nan Zhengxing's body, which were his robe, magical tools, and talismans.

Inside Nan Zhengxing's body, faintly visible were seven points of gathered spiritual light, shining with a faint glow. This proves that Nan Zhengxing is an eighth-level Qi Refining cultivator.

The five elements of spiritual power in his spiritual apertures were so obvious that it was clear that Nan Zhengxing was also practicing the Great Five Elements Technique.

On the other hand, Wang Kai only had three magical tools, but the seven spiritual apertures inside his body were stronger than Nan Zhengxing's. However, he was not practicing the Great Five Elements Technique.

Pure matter appeared very dim, and this dimness was divided into different levels, allowing him to easily distinguish the original state of these substances.

The material world seemed to have turned into a black and white sketch, with only simple lines, black and white, light and dark remaining.

Gao Xian had entered the state of invisibility multiple times in the Temple of Mind and Spirit, but this was the first time he had used it in reality.

There was a significant difference in the feeling, and he found it quite novel.

Easily passing through a gray wall, Gao Xian returned to his normal state, and the abstract and simple world of lines and light and shadow returned to its colorful and original appearance.

Nan Zhengxing and Wang Kai, who were drinking in the room, were completely unaware of this.

Gao Xian couldn't help but sigh, this would be an amazing technique for an affair!

In his hands, as a righteous gentleman, it was like a hidden gem that couldn't exert its proper function.

Looking at Nan Zhengxing through the wall, Gao Xian glanced at him, letting this kid have some fun for now, and he would deal with him tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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