Great Immortal With Boundless Mana

Chapter 117: Candle Illuminating The Netherworld

Chapter 117: Illuminating the Netherworld

Gao Xian pondered for a while but still felt a bit confused. The Flower Discerning Spirit Mirror was already capable of seeing through darkness, so what exactly was this new ability of illuminating the netherworld?

He tried using the Flower Discerning Spirit Mirror to observe Zhu Qiniang, who was always his best subject for observation.

Because he was most familiar with Qiniang, whether it was her magical power or physical condition, he knew them like the back of his hand.

No, his understanding of Qiniang far surpassed that of his own left and right hands.

Through observing Qiniang, Gao Xian immediately noticed the changes in the Flower Discerning Spirit Mirror.

Under the view of the Flower Discerning Spirit Mirror, he could faintly see the changes in the flow of magical power within Qiniang's body.

The last time he saw the flow of magical power within someone so clearly was when he used the Shadowless Robe to enter the state of illusion, where the world seemed to revert to a pure structure of magical power.

Now, through the Flower Discerning Spirit Mirror, he could see the eight strong spiritual apertures within Qiniang's body, and see strands of spiritual energy transforming into magical power within the apertures.

After watching for a while, Gao Xian felt extremely mentally exhausted and unable to continue.

Gao Xian had to put away the Flower Discerning Spirit Mirror and rest for a while before he could barely recover his energy.

He had never encountered a situation where his energy was insufficient when casting spells, relying on Lan Jie's guidance from deep within his brow.

Today, when he activated the illuminating the netherworld change of the Flower Discerning Spirit Mirror, he felt the strain.

Mainly because the Flower Discerning Spirit Mirror had reached the realm of Grandmaster Perfection, and he no longer needed Lan Jie's help.

After adjusting for a while, Gao Xian summoned Lan Jie again to activate the Flower Discerning Spirit Mirror.

This time, when he used the illuminating the netherworld change, with Lan Jie's guidance, the consumption of his spiritual consciousness was reduced by more than ninety percent.

Indeed, Lan Jie was his most important support.

With Lan Jie's assistance, his spiritual consciousness was no longer inferior to a Foundation Building early-stage cultivator like Li Shuanglin, and he even excelled in subtlety.

It was just that his magical power was too low. Even if a Foundation Building cultivator stood still and only relied on the magical power qi emitted by the Foundation Building stage, it would be difficult for him to break through their defenses.

With the Flower Discerning Spirit Mirror, he had great confidence in being able to detect Foundation Building cultivators in advance and avoid harm while seeking benefits.

The Flower Discerning Spirit Mirror could see the flow of magical power, which was a very powerful function. Whether it was magical tools, talismans, or spells, they all ultimately had to be released in the form of magical power.

However, could observing the flow of magical power be used to assist in cultivation? Gao Xian was not sure about this. He still needed to conduct detailed evaluations in the Heart-Mind Shrine regarding the various uses of the Flower Discerning Spirit Mirror.

After upgrading, the Heart-Mind Shrine could conduct various simulated trainings. This allowed Gao Xian to practice and test the limits of various spells without any worries.

For ordinary cultivators, even if their talent was high, they wouldn't dare to casually manipulate spells.

The Heart-Mind Shrine was of great help to spell cultivation.

The Ice and Fire Nine Heavens and the Sun Spear, these two spells required a large number of points to upgrade.

It was precisely because he had the Heart-Mind Shrine that Gao Xian could practice spells intensively and elevate both spells to the level of mastery.

Entering the Heart and Mind Temple, Gao Xian tried to observe himself using the Flower Spirit Mirror, and he could also see the changes in his mana flow, but he couldn't grasp the subtleties, which didn't provide substantial help to his cultivation.

However, directly observing the changes in his mana allowed Gao Xian to have a more intuitive understanding of spiritual energy and mana conversion.

If the Flower Spirit Mirror could go further, it could really help him have more precise control over the flow of mana.

However, the Flower Spirit Mirror has already reached the level of Grandmaster, and it is unknown whether it can break through to the next level.

The breakthroughs in the Ice and Fire Nine Heavens and the Sun Spear were both achieved when his spirit was strongly stimulated in critical moments.

The breakthrough of the Shadowless Robe originated from his insight when he spied on Nan Zhengxing.

These breakthroughs in spells all require special conditions. There is no clear and stable path upwards.

In simple terms, breakthroughs are unpredictable changes that he cannot control. Therefore, there is no need to think too much about it in this regard.

Gao Xian tested the Flower Spirit Mirror once and was satisfied with its effects in all aspects.

Reaching the level of Grandmaster made the Flower Spirit Mirror more stable, able to work steadily and eliminate disturbances caused by water, mist, ice, snow, flames, and other interferences.

It can even resist the impact of some low-level spells and provide some protection for the eyes.

After testing the Flower Spirit Mirror, Gao Xian looked at the Wind and Moon Treasure Mirror again, and there were still more than 8,500 points of human Dao spiritual light remaining.

According to his pre-planned strategy, he invested all of this human Dao spiritual light into the Shadowless Robe.

The Shadowless Robe is at a relatively high level, and it is difficult to upgrade.

Gao Xian wears the Shadowless Robe all day long, even when refining pills.

Even so, it took five months and he still hasn't filled up the entry-level proficiency.

The Ice and Fire Nine Heavens and the Sun Spear can be easily displayed with just a snap of the fingers, making it convenient to improve skill proficiency.

The Shadowless Robe, on the other hand, is quite special. It must be maintained for two quarters of an hour to be considered complete.

Gao Xian invested 8,300 points and directly raised the Shadowless Robe from the entry-level to the mastery level.

It is impossible to upgrade from mastery to expert in a short period of time, as it requires 8,000 points of human Dao spiritual light.

Gao Xian tested the expert-level Shadowless Robe, and its concealment and protection abilities were greatly enhanced.

The current Shadowless Robe has a higher defense power than the Qingyun Robe combined with the Qingmu Armor.

For a spell to have such high protection ability is quite extraordinary.

However, the Shadowless Robe is blessed by the Wind and Moon Treasure Mirror, so its spell power has completely surpassed its original level, and it is reasonable to have such an effect.

The expert-level Shadowless Robe can also become larger. Gao Xian feels that even if he is carrying Qiuniang, he can completely conceal his tracks with the Shadowless Robe.

Furthermore, the activation speed is faster, the spell state is more stable, and the duration is longer.

Especially the invisible state of the Shadowless Robe, which can be maintained for twice as long, reaching the duration of one breath.

One breath is two seconds, which allows the Shadowless Robe to pass through thicker barriers and evade spells more calmly.

Gao Xian emerged from the Heart and Spirit Temple, pondered for a moment, and suddenly made up his mind. He activated the Shadowless Robe and headed straight for Li Shuanglin's residence.

Li Shuanglin, a Foundation Building cultivator, was an inner disciple of the Lianyun Sect and the actual manager of the Feima Collection.

His residence was located in the center of the Feima Collection and was the most magnificent and grand courtyard in the entire collection.

The courtyard consisted of three sections, with a pair of vermilion red gates that stood over ten feet tall. Stone lions guarding against evil were placed on both sides of the gate.

Tall white walls and gray tiles enclosed the three sections of the courtyard securely.

While the courtyard walls couldn't stop cultivators, the Li family had established a formation that coincided with the boundary of the walls.

To enter or exit the Li family's residence, one had to carry the corresponding identification artifact to pass through the formation.

Gao Xian had been here a few times but hadn't found a way to pass through the formation.

There were many servants in the Li family, but their movements were strictly regulated. The ordinary servants didn't possess the identification artifacts that could pass through the formation.

Only the housekeeper and guards had such artifacts that could be recognized by the formation.

Gao Xian didn't dare to approach these people. His observation of Li Shuanglin was merely out of curiosity about a Foundation Building cultivator, and he had no intention of becoming enemies with him.

So, he had come a few times just to circle around the Li family and observe the situation inside the residence through the Flower-Appraisal Spirit Mirror.

The problem was that the interior of the residence was heavily protected by formations, and he could hardly see anything.

Today, with the significant improvements in the Shadowless Robe and the Flower-Appraisal Spirit Mirror, Gao Xian couldn't help but try his luck at the Li family's residence.

For him, the Li family was the only place in the Feima Collection that he hadn't set foot in, and it held some mysteries.

Gao Xian stood at the entrance of the Li family's gate and unabashedly observed the Li family through the Flower-Appraisal Spirit Mirror.

Under the candlelight of the Flower-Appraisal Spirit Mirror's ghostly mode, Gao Xian saw for the first time how the formations operated inside the Li family.

There were a total of seventeen artifacts within the Li family, scattered throughout the premises. These artifacts were connected through the resonance of their spiritual power, forming a network of power that covered the entire Li family.

Cultivation encompassed various arts, each with its unique techniques and profound principles.

Among them, the art of formations was the most intricate and exquisite.

In the small Feima Collection, there were alchemists, artifact refiners, and talisman makers, but not a single formation master.

The original owner of the body had learned alchemy under his teacher, Xu Mingyuan, and besides that, he hadn't understood anything about the Five Elements Technique.

Having transmigrated for over two years, Gao Xian had relied on the Wind and Moon Mirror to enhance his spells and alchemy.

As for refining artifacts, making talismans, formations, and so on, he was completely clueless.

At this moment, Gao Xian probably understood how the formations operated, but he didn't understand the mechanism behind them or how to break them.

However, he had a hunch that the intangible state of the Shadowless Robe could penetrate the formations.

Ultimately, formations were just a kind of spiritual power barrier.

If the intangible state of the Shadowless Robe could evade spells, it naturally wouldn't have much difficulty in penetrating the spiritual power barrier.

Gao Xian was eager to try. Even if the Shadowless Robe couldn't penetrate the formation, at most it would only trigger the alarm, causing little harm.

Li Shuanglin was only at the Foundation Building stage, so how strong could the protection formation in his house be?!

Gao Xian used the Flower Discerning Spirit Mirror to observe for a while. Through the observation of the internal magical reactions in the Li family, he could determine one thing: Li Shuanglin wasn't home.

If Li Shuanglin was at home, his powerful magical reaction would definitely be extremely conspicuous, impossible to miss.

Li Shuanglin not being home made Gao Xian even more daring.

If he really exposed his whereabouts, no one could stop him!

Gao Xian thought about it and immediately activated the Shadowless Robe, transforming into an invisible state and heading straight for the weakest point of the formation.

In the invisible state, he couldn't use the Flower Discerning Spirit Mirror, but in this state, he was extremely sensitive to magical power and spiritual energy.

Gao Xian had already chosen the weakest point of the formation. With a nearly ethereal flicker, he had already passed through the barrier of the formation and entered the Li family's courtyard.

This formation itself shouldn't be of high grade, and its operation was also very simple.

It was just composed of fixed magical tools, forming a net-like barrier of magical power. The formation divided the Li family's interior into several areas.

Relying on the Shadowless Robe, Gao Xian easily penetrated a layer of magical barrier and arrived at the central main building of the courtyard.

There was no one in the room. Gao Xian walked around the bedroom and found several valuable books, as well as two volumes of secret techniques.

After flipping through them, he found that they were all written in a complex and obscure manner. He could barely understand them, but couldn't grasp the important key points.

Gao Xian also discovered several magical tools, all of which were of decent grade, but they were all decorative and for appreciation.

For example, a flower vase used for flower arrangement was an exquisite magical tool. The appearance of the vase would automatically change colors and patterns, and it could gather spiritual energy to nourish flowers and plants.

This was the first time Gao Xian had seen magical tools with no practical value. He couldn't help but sigh. It was only at the Foundation Building stage that one could indulge in using magical tools in daily life.

The central part of the formation was the study. The study was completely enveloped by a barrier of magical power, a tightly protected independent room.

Entering the study, Gao Xian found that it was quite messy, indicating that Li Shuanglin wasn't a very meticulous person.

No one should be able to enter this study, so the room was left unattended.

Gao Xian found an unfinished letter on the desk, which piqued his interest.

The letter directly addressed the recipient as "Master Uncle" and was written in a respectful and polite tone. It seemed to be from an elder of Li Shuanglin's sect, and the relationship between the two was not very close.

The main content of the letter was Li Shuanglin complaining about the situation at Feima Gathering. He mentioned that the Seven Killing Sect was causing trouble from behind, and he was afraid that Feima Gathering would soon fall into chaos. He begged his Master Uncle to speak up and seek help from the sect.

This letter was only half-written, with some corrections and alterations. It was clear that Li Shuanglin hadn't figured out how to phrase it and strike the right balance.

Upon seeing this, Gao Xian's heart stirred. Li Shuanglin wasn't stupid either. He had discovered that Feima Gathering was currently in a precarious situation.

From the content of this letter, it seemed that the Yunzi Sect didn't seem to care about Feima Gathering and had no countermeasures.

This made him feel a bit heavy-hearted. The situation was not good...

(End of this chapter)

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