Chapter 120: Exterminate Evil

The six Qi Refining experts were all highly skilled members of the Red Snake Gang, who were experienced in killing and arson.

Inside the main room, an eerie calmness made the six Qi Refining experts feel uneasy.

However, the Red Snake Gang was inside, along with Yang Qiying and the Su Yue couple. It was impossible for all three Qi Refining experts at the ninth level to have encountered accidents.

The six Qi Refining experts exchanged glances, none daring to act recklessly.

Gao Xian in the main hall used the Flower Spirit Mirror to see through the walls, clearly observing the six Qi Refining experts.

He could even switch the Flower Spirit Mirror to its Ghostly Mode to observe the state of their mana circulation.

By observing the spiritual apertures on the bodies of the cultivators, it was easy to determine their cultivation levels.

Three were at the seventh level of Qi Refining, and three were at the eighth level, all of them experienced cultivators.

Faced with the sudden situation, the three leading cultivators activated their defensive shields: two wooden shields and one earth shield.

The three cultivators behind them raised their repeating sleeve crossbows in their left hands. These were eight-inch-long bronze cylinders with nine circular holes in the front, capable of firing nine crossbow bolts at once.

This first-grade medium-quality magical weapon had a simple structure and could be equipped with different types of crossbow bolts, exerting great power within thirty steps.

Repeating sleeve crossbows were quite expensive and beyond the means of ordinary wandering cultivators. It seemed that the other party had one for each person, indicating their wealth.

The key was that these six Qi Refining cultivators were very experienced. The front line was protected by defensive shields, while the back line held repeating sleeve crossbows, ready to attack.

One defended, one attacked, with clear division of labor and seamless cooperation. They even seemed to have some sort of formation, completely different from those chaotic and murderous wandering cultivators.

In Gao Xian's view, these six Qi Refining experts were truly elite.

Unfortunately, they had encountered him, someone with a cruel fate.

With a flick of his left finger, Lan Jie, deep within his brow, had already completed the process of holding the talisman, chanting the incantation, and forming the seal. The mana within his body was orderly constructed and converged, forming sharp and crystalline ice cones, each about a foot long.

His activation of the Ice Arrow Technique did not require hand gestures; flicking his finger was just to show off his elegance.

The saying goes that in the blink of an eye, everything turns to ashes. That's what he wanted to achieve with this display.

Under the guidance of his divine sense, the crystalline ice cones broke through the window and shot directly at the three leading Qi Refining cultivators with a piercing whistle.

The Ice Arrow Technique was a first-grade low-quality spell that could be practiced by Qi Refining cultivators at the second level.

Because this spell was of such a low grade, its power was still considerable, and almost every cultivator could use it.

The several Qi Refining experts from the Red Snake Gang recognized the sparkling and cold brilliance as the Ice Arrow Technique.

For the three cultivators in the front, the Ice Arrow Technique, as a low-level spell, posed almost no threat.

However, several cultivators immediately sensed that something was wrong. The ice cones that shot towards them were too fast!

The cultivators who raised their mana shields all felt a strong sense of unease. But under the dazzling and cold brilliance that was as fast as lightning, they didn't have time to do anything else.

The cultivator standing at the forefront used a wooden shield. The sparkling and cold brilliance flashed and penetrated the green wooden shield, leaving a hole in it.

This cultivator never expected that the wooden shield would be easily penetrated. In shock, he tried to dodge to the side, but the sparkling and cold brilliance suddenly split into two graceful arcs, piercing into his neck and temple from two different directions.

The differentiation and change of Ice Arrow Technique are exquisite and swift as lightning.

Even Qi Refining eighth level cultivators have no power to resist or evade after their mana shields are pierced, and they are instantly killed by the ice arrows.

The other two cultivators are the same. They did not anticipate that the ice arrows could penetrate their mana shields and were completely unprepared for it.

Especially the cultivator who activated the Thick Earth Shield couldn't believe his eyes.

The Thick Earth Shield, known for its solidity, was easily pierced by a first-grade inferior Ice Arrow Technique, completely contradicting his understanding of spells and his decades of life experience.

Amidst the sharp whistling of the ice cones, the three cultivators in front of them were killed by the Ice Arrow Technique.

The three cultivators behind them were frightened by the overwhelmingly powerful Ice Arrow Technique. After randomly firing a volley of crossbow arrows, they immediately turned and fled without hesitation.

These three cultivators couldn't see Gao Xian. The volley of crossbow arrows they fired was just randomly shot towards the doors and windows.

Just as dozens of seven-inch long crossbow arrows were shot through the air, three crystal-clear cold glimmers intersected with the arrows and shot directly at the three cultivators.

No matter how they reacted, these three cultivators had no resistance against the cold glimmers that accelerated and changed direction.

In the blink of an eye, the cold glimmers pierced through the heads of the three cultivators, instantly ending their lives.

The dozens of arrows that intersected with the ice arrows penetrated the walls after passing through the doors and windows, not harming Gao Xian in the slightest.

In fact, Gao Xian didn't even move.

Fighting each other through walls and obstacles, the opponents had no idea of his location, and the randomly shot crossbow arrows posed no threat.

The Ice Arrow Technique he displayed had reached the level of a grandmaster, surpassing the power of ordinary Ice Arrow Techniques by more than ten times.

According to Gao Xian's understanding, the power of an ordinary Flame Bullet Technique was equivalent to a small-caliber pistol, while the grandmaster-level Flame Bullet Technique was like a light mortar.

The Ice Arrow Technique and Flame Bullet Technique were exceptionally compatible with the Ice and Fire Nine Heavens. With the enhancement of the Ice and Fire Nine Heavens, these two grandmaster-level spells could increase their power by thirty percent and achieve even more intricate variations.

Just like condensing three ice arrows together and allowing them to differentiate and change direction when killing enemies, this was largely due to the blessing of the Ice and Fire Nine Heavens.

His Great Pairing Divine Technique had also reached the level of a grandmaster, and in terms of divine sense, it was even two points stronger than Li Shuanglin, a Foundation Building cultivator.

Divine sense is a special spiritual power condensed from a cultivator's mental consciousness. According to Gao Xian's understanding, divine sense is equivalent to a certain type of special electromagnetic wave.

Externally, it can scan the external environment like a radar, and internally, it can manipulate mana at an extremely subtle level.

The so-called talismans can be seen as the solidification of divine sense into spell programs. The stronger the divine sense, the more refined and stable the spell programs are, and the smoother they operate.

Hand seals and incantations are used to coordinate with the talismans, better stimulating the spells. With a powerful divine sense and profound spells, hand seals and incantations can be omitted.

The same goes for external magical tools, which also require commands to be transmitted through divine sense for more precise control.

Cultivating mana, casting spells, manipulating magical tools, and even controlling the body and mind, divine sense is fundamental.

So, the most important criterion for measuring a cultivator is the strength of their divine consciousness.

Gao Xian has always believed that the Great Duo Divine Art is the most important, which is based on his own experience and understanding of cultivation and spells.

From the current situation, his understanding is completely correct.

The powerful divine consciousness bestowed by Sister Lan allows him to control spells more calmly and subtly, giving the spells greater power.

Only with these conditions combined can he easily kill six Qi Refining stage cultivators through the wall.

These six cultivators never knew who killed them or what they looked like.

After killing these six cultivators, Gao Xian immediately saw the maid Hong Mei in the west wing.

Hearing the commotion, Hong Mei was cautiously peering outside through the window. The easy killing of the six cultivators also frightened her.

Gao Xian couldn't bear to let Hong Mei be so frightened, so he used an ice arrow to send her into a peaceful slumber, resolving all her negative emotions.

After dealing with everyone from the Yang family, Gao Xian leisurely cleaned up the battlefield.

He had already become accustomed to this method. Every cultivator is a resource, and once they're dead, there's no need to waste them.

In some ways, this behavior is quite environmentally friendly. Of course, killing for treasures is another matter.

The Yang couple were both wealthy, and their robes and swords were of superior quality. They both had storage bags.

What surprised Gao Xian a bit was that he found two storage talismans on Yang Qiying.

A storage talisman is a type of talisman used to store items, similar to a simplified version of a storage bag.

Storage talismans have a problem, which is that the talisman itself is quite fragile, and opening the storage space with the talisman is also very unstable and easily broken.

A single storage talisman is also quite expensive, and few Qi Refining cultivators can afford to buy one.

Wealthy cultivators would directly buy storage bags.

Gao Xian had also learned some knowledge of talismans from Zhou Yuling, so he immediately recognized the storage talisman.

Why did Yang Qiying have a storage bag and carry a storage talisman?

Gao Xian activated the storage talisman and found that it had a space of three cubic units, with two bodies inside.

"So that's how it is."

Gao Xian suddenly realized that Yang Qiying's storage talisman was for storing bodies. This was so convenient, and it wouldn't pollute the storage bag, being both sanitary and convenient.

Three cubic units is not small, considering an average adult is only 0.06 cubic units.

If neatly arranged, theoretically, one three-cubic-unit storage talisman could hold fifty bodies.

The actual situation is more complicated, as people come in different sizes and shapes, and it's not possible to fit them together like playing Tetris.

However, one storage talisman is enough to throw all the bodies of the Yang family inside, with plenty of space to spare.

Gao Xian thoroughly searched everyone's magical tools, robes, storage bags, and other items, and packed the bodies with the storage talisman.

After finishing all this, Gao Xian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

For him, killing these bad people does not pose a psychological barrier, it's just that dealing with the bodies is still somewhat uncomfortable.

In this regard, Qi Niang is truly formidable. Every time she does it cleanly and efficiently, unlike him who always overthinks.

Gao Xian did not leave the Yang family. The Yang family is the center of the Chi She Gang in Feima Town. According to Yang Qiying's plan, everyone would gather at the Yang family before taking action.

These members of the Chi She Gang have integrated into Feima Town in various ways, and in a few months, they have organized a group of scattered cultivators.

Gao Xian has an extreme aversion to the members of the Chi She Gang and staying at the Yang family allows him to kill as many Chi She Gang thieves as possible.

As for the survival of Feima Town, that is not something he can control.

It can be expected that several Foundation Building cultivators from the Seven Killing Sect will definitely make a move this time.

Gao Xian cannot defeat Foundation Building cultivators, but it is not difficult for him to evade them using the Shadowless Robe, which is why he has the confidence to stay at the Yang family.

While waiting for the others, Gao Xian opens the storage bags he obtained one by one.

Yang Qiying and Su Yue's storage bags are filled with spirit stones, magical tools, and elixirs. Both of them are quite wealthy, but there are no surprises.

In the storage bag of the Chi She Gang, Gao Xian finds a pair of blue lotus-patterned boots embroidered on a white background.

These boots are obviously magical tools made from special materials, and the key is the blue lotus pattern on them, which is extremely similar to his blue lotus hairpin, blue lotus sword, and blue lotus belt.

Gao Xian is not good at identifying magical tools, but through the Flower Appraisal Spirit Mirror, he can see many details of the magical tools.

In his opinion, these boots, along with the blue lotus hairpin, blue lotus sword, and blue lotus belt, originate from the same source and have subtle connections with each other.

They should all be a set of magical tools excavated from ancient sect ruins, but for various reasons, this set of magical tools was divided into several parts and ended up in different hands.

After pondering for a while, Gao Xian puts away the boots. This set of blue lotus magical tools is quite exquisite, but he doesn't have time to study them now.

The enemy is about to arrive, and he needs to concentrate and prepare for battle.

At dusk, someone gently knocks on the door of the Yang family.

Gao Xian stands in the main hall and silently opens the Flower Appraisal Spirit Mirror, clearly seeing the several people outside the door.

The leader of the cultivators has a long scar on his dark face, and he is indeed a master of the Chi She Gang.

According to Yang Qiying's address, this person should be called Black Scar.

Following behind Black Scar are six other cultivators. Judging from their attire and sword accessories, they should be struggling cultivators who haven't had a good life.

The only thing they have in common is their ferocity. They all look like ruthless characters skilled in combat.

Black Scar called out twice at the door but received no response. A hint of suspicion appeared on his fierce face.

After hesitating for a moment, Black Scar whispered a few words to the cultivators beside him, and then forcefully pushed open the gate and rushed into the courtyard.

As Black Scar's gaze swept around, he saw some bloodstains on the ground, and his expression changed again. "Something's not right."

Before he could finish speaking, several sharp and icy rays of light shot out from the main room with a piercing whistle.

The seven cultivators hadn't even reacted yet, but their heads had already been pierced by sharp ice cones, and they all died on the spot...

(End of this chapter)

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