Great Immortal With Boundless Mana

Chapter 134 Longevity Pill

Chapter 134: The Longevity Pill Scripture

Gao Xian sensed Zhu Qiniang's firm determination and after considering it for a moment, he also thought that it was feasible.

On the other hand, Zhu Qiniang was not afraid of taking risks, so he had nothing more to say.

He nodded happily and said, "Alright, I'll help you protect the law."

Cultivators at the Foundation Building stage completely lose their perception of the outside world and become extremely fragile. Therefore, cultivators at the Foundation Building stage must find the safest place.

"If I die, immediately abandon everything and go to Qingyun City. Don't refine the Deer Horn Powder or the Tian Gui Pill until you have achieved Foundation Building..." Zhu Qiniang gave her final instructions. Before Gao Xian could say anything else, she sat down on the wooden bed with the Ten Thousand Year Peach Wood Sword in hand and began to meditate.

This precious second-grade top-quality wood-type sword had the powerful spiritual imprint of Zhu Changsheng.

For a short period of time, she would be unable to control this sword.

However, her main cultivation was in the Primordial Origin Golden Body Art, with a focus on the gold and wood elements. The gold element was external, while the wood element was internal. The wood element was the foundation of this cultivation method.

Although she couldn't control the Ten Thousand Year Peach Wood Sword, it was not difficult for her to borrow two or three points of pure wood-type spiritual power from it.

The Flying Horse Gathering had a low level of spiritual energy, but with this sword, it could make up for the deficiency in spiritual energy.

While Zhu Qiniang was fully focused on preparing for Foundation Building, Gao Xian fell into contemplation.

The last words Zhu Qiniang specially instructed actually had a hidden meaning. Especially the phrase "abandon everything."

Gao Xian sighed lightly in his heart. It was easy to be a refined and selfish person. He was not the kind of person who would sacrifice himself for others.

If a person always does foolish things, then they are truly foolish! If a person never does anything foolish in their entire life, then they would live a very boring life!

Gao Xian was a bit absent-minded and decided not to think about it since there was no need to worry about uncertain things.

His gaze fell on the old Zhu's body on the ground. Zhu Qiniang didn't care, but he found it a bit annoying and casually put it away with a storage talisman.

As for the robes and magical tools on the table, he also put them away casually. They were all good things, and he felt uneasy leaving them like that.

Gao Xian sat for a while and saw Da Niu pacing back and forth in the courtyard, looking anxious.

This child was obviously still very afraid and didn't know that Zhu Changsheng had already died, so it was inevitable for him to be worried.

Gao Xian went out and called Da Niu, giving him some food and water.

Although Da Niu had a simple personality, he was not stupid. He also sensed that something was wrong.

But since Gao Xian didn't say anything, he didn't dare to ask more. He could only look at Gao Xian with anticipation, hoping to get an explanation.

Facing Da Niu's innocent gaze, Gao Xian felt a little embarrassed to deceive him. "Qiniang is currently at the Foundation Building stage, and we need to protect her."

After hearing this, Da Niu was first shocked, then showed a happy expression, but soon his face was filled with worry.

Foundation Building was a major hurdle. Once successful, one would soar to the sky. However, Foundation Building was also extremely dangerous.

According to legend, it was extremely difficult for ordinary Qi Refining cultivators to successfully build their foundation, with only one in ten being able to do so smoothly.

Once Foundation Building failed, the consequences ranged from minor injuries and a regression in cultivation to immediate death.

The consequences were so severe, how could Da Niu not worry about Zhu Qiniang?

Gao Xian was also worried, but as someone who had lived two lives and experienced so many things, he had become somewhat deep.

At least he wouldn't directly show his emotions on his face. It was meaningless to do so, and it would only transmit anxiety to Da Niu, making him even more uneasy.

With Zhu Qiniang's resolute and courageous character, he believed that she would definitely succeed.

It can't be helped if it doesn't work out, what else can we do? May the best man win!

These principles don't need to be explained to Da Niu.

Seeing Da Niu's appearance, Gao Xian realized that it would attract attention if he stayed outside. He pointed to the room next to him and said, "You go to the room and rest, just stay quiet. If there's anything, I'll call you."

There are two main rooms in the adobe house, as well as a half room that can be considered an ear room, completely separated from the main rooms. It is usually used as a storage room, which is perfect for Da Niu to rest.

So not letting Da Niu go home is to prevent him from being caught, which would inevitably lead to the two of them being exposed.

As for Zhou Ye and her father, and Wan Zhen and her father, although they know the location, there is no reason for them to betray them.

In fact, it doesn't matter if someone comes. Even if Li Shuanglin comes, there is a chance for him to take action and kill the other party.

After killing Zhu Changsheng, Gao Xian gained a deep understanding of the power of a Foundation Building cultivator, which also greatly increased his confidence.

The power of a Foundation Building cultivator is formidable, but their bodies are fragile.

The Qinglian Feihong Sword has the mysterious power to break through the protective qi of a Foundation Building cultivator, including various spell shields.

As long as the protection can be broken, there is not much difference between a Foundation Building cultivator and an ordinary cultivator.

Of course, there is a great risk involved. Unless absolutely necessary, he will not fight a Foundation Building cultivator.

After arranging Da Niu, Gao Xian returned to the room.

To Gao Xian's surprise, Zhu Qiniang remained motionless after entering a state of meditation, and there was no movement even after a long time.

He used the Flower Reflection Spirit Mirror to observe Qiniang, but could only see her internal mana continuously gathering and accumulating.

The mana radiance had already turned into a barrier, blocking the Flower Reflection Spirit Mirror, and he couldn't see any deeper changes.

Gao Xian originally wanted to learn from the experience of Foundation Building, but seeing this situation, he gave up on this idea.

Staring at Qiniang was meaningless, so he started to fiddle with Zhu Changsheng's storage bag.

The storage bag contained a variety of items, but what Gao Xian was truly interested in were several jade slips.

Taking out a few jade slips, Gao Xian examined them one by one with his divine sense, and soon he was pleasantly surprised.

Several jade slips recorded important inheritance secret techniques.

Among them, "Qingmu Lihuo Jue" and "Qingmu Xuangang" were only up to the sixth level of Foundation Building.

These two secret techniques were also very advanced and had tremendous power. Moreover, one was used to enhance cultivation, while the other was a combat technique. The two complemented each other.

Unfortunately, these two secret techniques only covered the Foundation Building stage, without the Qi Refining method below or the Gold Core stage above.

This middle section was almost worthless.

Fortunately, there was a jade slip that recorded the complete "Changsheng Danjing," which had complex and profound content.

Gao Xian briefly read through it, and for a low-level alchemist like him, the "Changsheng Danjing" was an unparalleled secret manual!

The "Changsheng Danjing" not only recorded several important pill formulas, but more importantly, it provided a comprehensive interpretation of alchemy.

Especially the water and fire alchemy method, it provided detailed and subtle explanations.

He only skimmed through some parts, but he already felt greatly benefited. If he could fully comprehend the "Changsheng Danjing," it would be enough to promote him to a second-level grandmaster alchemist.

In Gao Xian's opinion, although Zhu Changsheng had many valuable things on him, the most precious one was this "Changsheng Danjing."

Foundation Building Pills and the ten-thousand-year peach wood sword, although valuable, could be bought as long as one was willing to spend money.

A systematic alchemy technique like the "Changsheng Danjing" was a hundred times more precious than pill formulas.

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible to obtain.

Gao Xian didn't dare to look at it for too long, mainly because Zhu Qiniang was in the Foundation Building stage next to him, and he must not disturb her.

"The Scripture of the Elixir of Immortality" is profound and exquisite, requiring complete concentration to read.

With nothing else to do, he could only continue rummaging through the old man's storage bag.

By the second day, Gao Xian had already searched through the contents of the storage bag and found several good things.

Among them was a four-inch-long Water Moon Sword, with a rounded tail and an appearance resembling a platinum hairpin. The most precious thing about this flying sword was that it concealed a set of "Water Moon Sword Techniques."

Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness was powerful, and with the Flower Discerning Mirror, he could see the more than seventy-six thousand cloud patterns engraved on the flying sword. These cloud patterns, when added together, were only the size of a grain of rice.

Judging from the style of the flying sword and the way the sword techniques were recorded, it should be an ancient inheritance of flying swords. It was unknown how it ended up in Zhu Changsheng's hands.

Although the Water Moon Sword was good, Gao Xian felt that the set of "Cloud Pattern Secret Interpretation" was more valuable.

There were a total of ten thick booklets, detailing the explanations of nine thousand commonly used cloud patterns.

In this world, high-end knowledge was very expensive. This set of "Cloud Pattern Secret Interpretation" was a very useful reference book, equivalent to a cloud pattern dictionary.

Gao Xian speculated that the old man obtained this set of "Cloud Pattern Secret Interpretation" in order to decipher the "Water Moon Sword Techniques."

He obtained a set of "Crimson Dragon Swallowing Moon Technique" from Nan Zhengxing. This technique was recorded using cloud patterns, but he had never been able to understand it. With this set of Cloud Pattern Secret Interpretation, learning the "Crimson Dragon Swallowing Moon Technique" would be easier.

Gao Xian sighed once again, realizing that Foundation Building cultivators had a profound background that Qi Refining cultivators couldn't compare to.

Zhu Changsheng was truly a treasure trove!

This book was quite dry and suitable for passing the time.

At noon, the spiritual power in Zhu Qiniang's body began to leak out, and the surging force forced Gao Xian to retreat outside the room.

In order to prevent the leakage of aura, Gao Xian had to take out the Floating Cloud Flag and embed ten spirit stones on the flagpole to activate this magical tool.

As soon as the Floating Cloud Flag was deployed, it successfully concealed the turbulent changes in the room's spiritual power.

The spiritual power in Zhu Qiniang's body became abnormally thick and viscous. When she operated it, it seemed quite difficult, and veins bulged on her face.

Although Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness was strong, he didn't know how to help, so he could only watch helplessly from the side.

After a long time, the spiritual power in Zhu Qiniang's body suddenly stagnated, causing her body and spiritual power to solidify together.

Feeling the situation was not good, Zhu Qiniang didn't hesitate to take the second Foundation Building Pill.

The Foundation Building Pill had powerful spiritual effects and could also stimulate the potential of cultivators. However, if the Foundation Building failed, the medicinal effects of the Foundation Building Pill would cause great harm to the body.

Taking two Foundation Building Pills, if she couldn't successfully build the foundation, the result would inevitably be the self-destruction of spiritual power and instant death.

But at this point, there was no turning back.

Whether it was for herself or for Gao Xian, she had to move forward bravely!

With the help of this Foundation Building Pill, Zhu Qiniang's solidified spiritual power suddenly boiled up. Under her spiritual consciousness guidance, strands of spiritual power converged at her brow like rivers converging into the sea.

Under the impact of the immense spiritual power, an invisible spiritual aperture deep within her brow suddenly opened, and an indescribable pain spread.

Zhu Qiniang remained steadfast in the face of the pain, and she poured all her spiritual consciousness into this spiritual aperture.

The spiritual aperture seemed like an unfathomable abyss, no matter how much spiritual consciousness was poured into it, there was no response. If it were someone else, they might hesitate and be at a loss, but Zhu Qiniang remained unwavering. Her character was indifferent yet resolute, and in the endless darkness, her determination burst forth.

Within the deep and secluded spiritual aperture, a faint flame-like blue and gold spiritual light suddenly appeared, instantly illuminating the spiritual aperture and illuminating Zhu Qiniang's entire body, including her spiritual apertures, spiritual power, and even her organs, bones, muscles, and everything tangible and intangible.

Through this true spirit, Zhu Qiniang completely integrated all tangible and intangible forces.

With this completion, the Foundation Building was ninety percent complete.

Finally, under the control of the true spirit, the spiritual power in each spiritual aperture, which was originally light and ethereal like air, transformed into a solid state like water.

There were a total of nine spiritual apertures interconnected, constantly inhaling and exhaling spiritual energy, transforming it into water-like spiritual power.

The spiritual apertures became like springs, and pure spiritual power flowed out like gurgling water, continuously permeating into the organs, limbs, and bones.

As the transformation of her mana was completed, her body also underwent a transformation from the inside out.

When Zhu Qiniang opened her eyes, she saw Gao Xian sitting not far away.

The night outside was dark, and the room was even darker. But in Zhu Qiniang's eyes, everything was as clear as day.

Under such keen eyes, Gao Xian's face remained handsome and flawless, just as it was when she first chose him. He was just too good-looking!

However, she never expected that this slick little man would be so reliable, rescuing her from danger time and time again.

Especially this time, Gao Xian drew his sword directly against Zhu Changsheng for her.

You should know that Zhu Changsheng is a Foundation Building cultivator. For Qi Refining cultivators, Foundation Building cultivators are invincible.

Gao Xian's decisiveness and bravery in this matter shocked her. Compared to Gao Xian's usual caution, this kind of boldness and decisiveness was even more commendable.

However, at this point, she didn't need to say much to Gao Xian. It was simply a matter of life and death, never abandoning each other.

After experiencing so much, Gao Xian's appearance had become insignificant.

Now that she had successfully reached Foundation Building, she would be able to protect Gao Xian with her abilities! They no longer needed to be cautious and fearful all the time.

Thinking of this, a joyful smile appeared on Zhu Qiniang's face.

Gao Xian had already noticed the flickering light in Qiniang's eyes, and he smiled too, saying, "I knew you could do it."

"Thank goodness for you," Zhu Qiniang stood up and walked to Gao Xian. Although her words were few, her eyes were full of tenderness when she looked at Gao Xian.

This was the first time Gao Xian had seen Qiniang in this state, so gentle in both spirit and body, even with a hint of charm.

Like a spring of water, it made people want to dive in and swim freely.

His heart skipped a beat, and his whole body seemed to heat up with blood.

Gao Xian smiled and embraced Qiniang's waist, "We've accomplished a great feat. Shall we celebrate?"

He leaned close to Qiniang's ear and said somewhat shyly, "I want to taste the power of a Foundation Building cultivator."

Zhu Qiniang thought seriously for a moment and said, "Let's take care of business first."

It took her several days to complete Foundation Building, and she had no idea how the sect would react.

Time was precious now, and they couldn't waste it on this matter.

She comforted Gao Xian softly, "Now that I have completed Foundation Building, my Yin essence is abundant. During our dual cultivation, I can help you break through your cultivation bottleneck. Your cultivation progress is extremely fast now, so don't easily waste this opportunity."

Qiniang's seriousness made Gao Xian feel a little embarrassed, and he quickly nodded, "Business comes first, business comes first."

Zhu Qiniang said, "After completing Foundation Building, I refined two innate Divine Abilities: Indestructible Golden Body and Lion's Roar of Thunder."

Gao Xian was pleasantly surprised, "I heard that completing Foundation Building would give rise to innate Divine Abilities, but you actually have two. That's amazing."

"It's all thanks to the demonic tiger crystal core you gave me. After absorbing it, I couldn't comprehend the secret technique. But during the Foundation Building process, all the powers integrated and gave birth to the second Divine Ability, Lion's Roar of Thunder."

"Li Shuanglin is only at the second level of Foundation Building, but with my two innate Divine Abilities, I am more than enough to contend with him."

Indestructible Golden Body is derived from the Primordial Origin Golden Body Technique, which makes her body extremely tough. Not only is her body exceptionally resilient, but she can also resist the same level of magical treasures. It also possesses an incredible strength.

Most importantly, Indestructible Golden Body has a super recovery ability. Even if she is seriously injured, she can heal in a very short time.

Physical cultivators have stronger combat power than cultivators of the same level, and Indestructible Golden Body allows her to fully utilize this advantage.

Lion's Roar of Thunder is more special. She had originally cultivated the Lion's Roar secret technique, and with the power of the demonic tiger crystal core, she integrated the wood-based thunder technique from the Primordial Origin Golden Body Technique, giving birth to Lion's Roar of Thunder.

In her own perception, Lion's Roar of Thunder carried a bit of the might of thunder, and at the Foundation Building level, being able to freely use thunder techniques was a great advantage.

These were her innate Divine Abilities, ready to be used at will. They had tremendous power in battle. Although Li Shuanglin was at the second level of Foundation Building, he might not be her match. However, she was introverted and reserved, and she didn't like to boast or show off, so she naturally wouldn't tell Gao Xian about these things.

Zhu Qiniang said solemnly, "Li Shuanglin has someone backing him. If we want to stay in Lianyun Sect, we can't kill him. But this person is arrogant and conceited, so we need to have a good talk with him..."

(End of this chapter)

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