Chapter 14: Unwelcome Guest

With a light "chirp," the silver needle deeply penetrated the wooden door, revealing its long needle tip on the other side of the door.

Gao Xian was both surprised and delighted. The Bai Mei needle was heavier than ordinary sewing needles due to its special material, and its power was significantly enhanced when activated with spiritual energy.

However, claiming that it could penetrate heavy armor within ten steps was clearly just Huang Ying's exaggerated advertising slogan and should not be taken seriously.

Back at home, Gao Xian felt like he had been tricked. He must have overpaid for this set of Bai Mei needles.

Fortunately, they were still usable, so it wasn't a complete waste of money.

Huang Ying also had two special pockets sewn into his sleeves, which were layered pockets.

Originally, he already had pockets in his sleeves, but these specially made pockets were more exquisite and had a more reasonable layout.

With two pockets, he could neatly store talismans, spirit stones, elixirs, and magical tools, making them easily accessible.

Gao Xian was very satisfied with this modification. His Electric Light Dragon Hand was both fast and skillful, and with these pockets, he could quickly retrieve the items stored inside.

With so many things in his sleeves, he had to be even more careful when using the Bai Mei needle.

Especially the hollow silver wrist guard, which had needle holes close to the wrist. One wrong move could injure himself.

The hollow silver wrist guard contained runes, and by activating the runes with spiritual energy, the Bai Mei needle hidden in the slot could be launched.

According to Huang Ying, the Bai Mei needle was very light and required very little spiritual energy to activate, making it suitable for someone like him, a second-level Qi Refining cultivator.

However, in order to control the flying Bai Mei needle, he needed to nourish it with spiritual energy every day until he established a stable connection with it and could control it as he wished.

Huang Ying knew that he knew nothing about controlling magical tools, so he kindly explained a lot of common knowledge to him.

Following Huang Ying's instructions, Gao Xian held a Bai Mei needle in his hand and focused his mind to stimulate spiritual energy.

Lan Jie, who was deep in his brow, appeared in his mind, and a spiritual light descended from her, creating an invisible connection between Gao Xian and the Bai Mei needle.

Gao Xian tried to control the Bai Mei needle. He transmitted his consciousness to Lan Jie deep in his brow, and she, in turn, used spiritual energy to control the Bai Mei needle.

At the same time, he silently recited the incantation to activate the Bai Mei needle.

The resonance of intention, speech, and body caused the three-inch silver needle to float slowly.

Gao Xian could control the Bai Mei needle, but he always felt that it was difficult to exert force and control it.

He remembered his first experience learning to ride a bicycle. Riding the bicycle itself wasn't difficult, but he always struggled to maintain balance, and the bike would sway uncontrollably, making it difficult to control the direction and force.

This flying needle was like that difficult-to-control bicycle, but with even greater difficulty.

Fortunately, Lan Jie was in charge of the overall situation and helped gather divine intent, condense the spell, and control the spiritual energy. He didn't need to exert much effort, making it much easier to control the Bai Mei needle.

After a few tries, Gao Xian had already grasped the key to controlling the Bai Mei needle.

However, when he put the Bai Mei needle into the slot of the wrist guard and activated it with spiritual energy, the speed of the Bai Mei needle became extremely fast, making it a hundred times more difficult to control.

It was like a person who couldn't ride a bicycle well trying to ride a motorcycle at a speed of two hundred miles per hour.

The shot Bai Mei needle instantly lost control and penetrated the wooden door at a high speed, completely deviating from Gao Xian's intended target.

Fortunately, each activation of the Bai Mei needle consumed very little spiritual energy, allowing Gao Xian to practice repeatedly.

Gao Xian, who had the soul of a middle-aged office worker, couldn't adapt to this dangerous cultivation world at all, and his heart was always filled with unease.

In modern society, even if you lay flat, you could still eat and dress warmly, and there would be no worries about life and death.

In this world, one wrong move could lead to one's death.

To protect himself, the most reliable way was to improve his own strength.

If there were no other means, he had the Wind and Moon Mirror, a treasure that could enhance his strength. With a clear path to improving his strength, he had to seize it and become the king of cultivation in this world!

With this determination, Gao Xian devoted all his time to practicing spells and practicing with the Bai Mei needle.

With the powerful techniques of the Great Occult Divine Art and the Electric Light Dragon Hand, Gao Xian made rapid progress in his cultivation, advancing by leaps and bounds.

In just a few days, he had reached the level of mastery with the Bai Mei needle.

Gao Xian could now activate four Bai Mei needles at once and control their direction and speed.

Within ten steps, the accuracy of the Bai Mei needles was quite good. Beyond ten steps, the Bai Mei needles would lose control.

At the level of mastery, the speed of skill improvement noticeably slowed down.

With the Ice Arrow Art, Flame Bullet, and the Bai Mei needle as his magical tool, Gao Xian had gained some confidence.

Cultivation was not just about fighting and killing; it was mostly about the mundane aspects of life.

Gao Xian also wanted to cultivate all day long, but he still had to refine pills.

Only through alchemy can one earn spirit stones, and with spirit stones, one can purchase essential resources such as spirit rice, magical tools, and elixirs.

There are enough medicinal materials left to refine a furnace of Solidifying Yuan Pills, so he must start working quickly to refine the pills.

Various medicinal materials are already prepared. Gao Xian ignites the fire and starts the furnace.

Gao Xian is now proficient in refining low-level elixirs like Solidifying Yuan Pills, and he is exceptionally skilled.

During the tedious and boring process of alchemy, he can still play with the cat, read books, and meditate.

However, cooking is not his strong suit. Fortunately, there is Bai Lu Pill, which can sustain him for a day and provides more spiritual energy than spirit rice or monster meat.

It is simple, convenient, and fast to consume, truly an essential elixir for daily life and travel.

Gao Xian has already cooked some monster meat strips for the little cat, enough for it to eat.

After three days of simmering, the freshly made Solidifying Yuan Pills are ready.

It looks like a big green mess, somewhat resembling sticky mung bean porridge.

Gao Xian rolls the pills in cinnabar and seals their medicinal properties. Thanks to his Electric Light Dragon Hand technique, he performs these simple tasks as quickly as an automated assembly line.

Finally, the work is done, and he can now implement his plan.

Gao Xian can't help but hum a tune. Just when he is feeling happy, he hears a faint sound.

Gao Xian's heart tightens. It's midnight and raining. Who would come at this time?

He quickly wipes his hands and takes out a golden body talisman from his sleeve as a backup.

At the same time, Gao Xian extinguishes the nearby oil lamp.

The room immediately darkens, with only the faint red glow of the remaining charcoal fire in the alchemy furnace.

Gao Xian steps out of the range illuminated by the fire, carefully presses against the wall, and raises his left hand with a white plum needle aimed at the door.

As a middle-aged office worker, Gao Xian has no experience dealing with situations like this. His nervous heart beats rapidly, his breathing becomes rapid, and the hand holding the golden body talisman becomes slightly sticky.

After waiting for a while, the continuous sound of the night rain makes the surroundings unusually quiet, except for that, there is no other sound.

This calmness only adds to the oppressive atmosphere. Gao Xian can't help but shout, "Who's outside?!"

Due to being too nervous, Gao Xian's voice sounds sharp, but he is unaware of it himself.

However, Old Wang, who is hiding outside, hears it. A disdainful cold smile appears on his old face. This brat usually acts decently, and just now he even blew out the lamp to hide himself. His reaction was quite clever. It turns out he was scared to the point of peeing himself!

It's a good thing he was so cautious, but it was completely unnecessary.

Old Wang feels that he has seen through Gao Xian's true abilities, giving him some confidence.

He takes two steps forward and knocks on the door twice, making a loud noise. "Xiao Gao, open the door, it's me!"

Amidst the sound of the pouring rain, Old Wang's voice sounds even more gloomy.

Inside the alchemy room, Gao Xian's heart trembles. It really is Old Wang!

He quickly says, "I'm in the middle of alchemy, it's not convenient right now. Come back tomorrow..."

"That won't do, I have urgent matters."

Old Wang sounds a bit impatient as he forcefully pushes the door, but he can't open it.

Gao Xian is timid, and the solid wooden door has long been securely locked with a heavy bolt.

Old Wang is experienced and doesn't waste his energy on the door. He rushes towards the window, smashing the window frame to pieces and entering the alchemy room.

"What are you doing?"

Gao Xian exclaims in shock, shrinking into the corner of the wall. At the same time, he hurriedly activates the golden body talisman.

A golden light flashes from his sleeve, coating Gao Xian's body with a faint yellow glow.

This kind of talisman activation also requires corresponding incantations. With Lan Jie's help in activating the incantations, Gao Xian can instantly activate the golden body talisman silently.

Gao Xian feels like he is wearing a semi-transparent, tight-fitting armor, giving him a strong sense of envelopment.

His muscles naturally tense, and his body is filled with strength. Although he doesn't know the specific effect of the golden body talisman, it gives Gao Xian a sense of security and a bit of confidence.

In the dimly lit room illuminated only by the charcoal fire, Old Wang doesn't notice anything unusual about Gao Xian's appearance.

He grips his sword and sneers at Gao Xian, "Look at you, so scared. I'm not going to eat you..."

The alchemy room is filled with a strong medicinal fragrance, and Old Wang catches sight of a large pile of pills densely spread out on the table.

Although he can't see the appearance of the pills clearly in the dim light, he can't be fooled by the familiar scent of Solidifying Yuan Pills.

Old Wang's eyes instantly light up. With so many Solidifying Yuan Pills, they are worth at least several dozen spirit stones...

(End of this chapter)

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