Chapter 142: Conclusion

Wu An screamed in pain as he covered his severed arm and retreated. The remaining disciples, including Jiang Cheng, had pale faces and stood there unsure of what to do.

When they were discussing together, they all seemed brave, but when faced with Senior Sister Bai Yurong, they all felt guilty.

When Gao Xian cut off Wu An's arm with his sword, the others were even more frightened.

They were all low-level alchemists. Although Xu Mingyuan exploited them severely, they could still survive in Lianyun City with their alchemy skills. However, they had no combat experience.

Now that their leader had been attacked, they were all in a panic and didn't know what to do.

Gao Xian didn't stop Wu An, nor did he want to kill Jiang Cheng and the others.

Although this group of people were not good people, they were still his fellow disciples. If he killed them directly, how would others see him? How would Senior Sister Bai Yurong see him?

Such killings would bring no benefits and would only tarnish his reputation.

Even if he wanted to kill them, it should be Senior Sister Bai Yurong who took action, then it would be considered reasonable.

Gao Xian turned around and asked Bai Yurong, "Senior Sister, how should we deal with them?"

Bai Yurong sighed tiredly and said to Jiang Cheng, "You all can leave and never come back."

Jiang Cheng and the others breathed a sigh of relief. They had conspired together and threatened their senior sister, which could be considered a grave offense in any sect.

If their senior sister had killed them all, others would only praise her for her decisive handling and condemn them for their deserved deaths.

Fortunately, their senior sister was merciful and let them escape punishment.

Jiang Cheng and the others didn't dare to hesitate and didn't say anything to Bai Yurong. They hurriedly ran away.

When Jiang Cheng left, he even took Wu An's severed arm with him, showing loyalty.

Bai Yurong shook her head and sighed. Gao Xian comforted her, "They are just a group of ungrateful rats. Senior Sister doesn't need to care about them."

"It was Xu Mingyuan who had been exploiting them all along, using power without virtue, and being greedy for profit. That's how he raised a group of ungrateful wolves."

Bai Yurong didn't want to discuss Jiang Cheng and the others. She changed the subject and said, "Thanks to you, Xiaoxian, for taking action today and intimidating these ungrateful wolves. Otherwise, things would have become very troublesome."

She praised sincerely, "It's been a few years since we last met, and not only has your cultivation greatly improved, but your swordsmanship is also so powerful. You have really grown up and matured."

"Senior Sister is too kind. Feima Ji is very dangerous, and we often have to fight with people. Fighting frequently has allowed me to develop my swordsmanship."

Gao Xian modestly replied and explained the matter of his swordsmanship without leaving any traces.

Bai Yurong didn't seem to care much about these things. She smiled and said, "By driving away these ungrateful wolves, we have saved a lot of severance pay. Let's go to Chunfeng Tower for a good meal tonight..."

Gao Xian hesitated for a moment and nodded, "Disciples will follow Senior Sister's arrangements."

He actually didn't want to stay longer. He always felt uncomfortable around Bai Yurong.

The main reason is that the original owner had a close relationship with Bai Yurong, and Bai Yurong had watched the original owner grow up, so she was very familiar with him.

Qiqing, Zhou Yuling, and the original owner had very little contact, so they wouldn't notice anything unusual about him.

But when he was with Bai Yurong, it was easy to reveal his true colors.

It's just that Wu An and Jiang Cheng betrayed the sect and conspired to force Shi Niang, leaving only him as a disciple of the Xu family.

Unfortunately, he had a close relationship with Shi Niang, so he couldn't just turn around and leave at this time.

Bai Yurong took Chunxiang back to the backyard. At dusk, Bai Yurong wore a veil and went to Chunfeng Tower with Gao Xian.

Chunfeng Tower had three floors, with exquisite carvings, bright lights, and a grand atmosphere.

The entrance was bustling with carriages and horses, and the noise of people was loud.

Even the waiters at the entrance were dressed in clean long robes and spoke politely and elegantly.

Led by the waiter, Gao Xian and Bai Yurong went up to the third floor and chose a private room.

Bai Yurong didn't bother to be polite with Gao Xian. She took the menu and ordered a few dishes, as well as a jar of Ten Li Chunfeng wine.

There were a total of six dishes, all of them delicately presented.

Gao Xian had never seen any of them before, so he tasted a few bites. The flavors were either mellow or delicious, each with its own characteristics.

Not only were they delicious, but they also turned into a rich spiritual energy after entering the mouth.

Gao Xian couldn't help but sigh. It was indeed Lianyun City.

From the cups, plates, bowls, and chopsticks, to the dishes and drinks, and the furnishings in the room, everything here exuded a sense of wealth and luxury.

Gao Xian also couldn't help but feel amazed in his heart. Lianyun City truly lived up to its reputation as a big city, prosperous and developed.

In comparison, Feima Village was truly a wild and uncivilized place.

When the Ten Li Chunfeng wine arrived, Bai Yurong filled a cup for Gao Xian. "Today, thanks to your help, Shiniang toasts to you."

Bai Yurong covered her face with her sleeve and drank a cup first, and Gao Xian could only accompany her.

The Ten Li Chunfeng wine had a delicate and gentle taste, slightly sweet and sour, somewhat like plum wine.

It seemed to have been chilled, and drinking it felt even cooler and smoother.

As soon as Gao Xian took a sip of the wine, he felt a surge of spiritual energy spreading throughout his body, and he immediately relaxed.

Bai Yurong talked to Gao Xian about many things from his past, which Gao Xian didn't remember at first, but as Bai Yurong spoke, he gradually recalled them.

The two of them chatted and drank, unknowingly finishing a jar of "Ten Li Chunfeng" (a type of alcoholic beverage).

The taste of "Ten Li Chunfeng" was like fruit juice, but it had a rich and long-lasting aftertaste.

Even Gao Xian, with such strong spiritual awareness, felt a bit tipsy and dizzy.

Bai Yurong's cheeks blushed slightly like white jade, and her eyes were filled with a hint of haze and emptiness, clearly indicating that she was drunk.

Fortunately, Bai Yurong was still quite clear-headed, at least knowing to settle the bill.

As they left the Chunfeng Tower, Bai Yurong seemed to be floating as she walked, so Gao Xian had no choice but to support her by holding her arm.

Given their close relationship, this action was nothing out of the ordinary. It would be strange if he didn't support her.

Bai Yurong naturally held Gao Xian's hand and casually chatted with him.

Gao Xian was not used to this kind of intimate contact, but he couldn't just withdraw his hand, so he had to endure it and accompany Bai Yurong back home.

Fortunately, Jiang Cheng, Wu An, and the other disciples had been driven away, and only Chunxiang was guarding the gate.

When Chunxiang saw Gao Xian and Bai Yurong holding hands and returning, a hint of surprise appeared on her face, and she quickly lowered her head, not daring to look again.

Gao Xian also felt a bit awkward and casually said, "Shi Niang is drunk, please help her back to rest."

Chunxiang hurriedly came over to support Bai Yurong, and Bai Yurong chuckled lightly, saying, "I'm not drunk, Xiao Xian, don't talk nonsense."

She lightly patted Gao Xian's arm, as if blaming him for speaking nonsense, and she also reminded him, "You should rest well too, don't go out at night, it's not safe outside..."

Gao Xian watched as Chunxiang helped Bai Yurong into the backyard, finally letting out a sigh of relief.

Drinking with Bai Yurong made him more nervous than getting into a fight.

Fortunately, he managed to get through it, and there shouldn't be any mistakes. It's just that Bai Yurong took the initiative to hold his hand, which was a bit strange!

From his perspective, Bai Yurong was not the type to be so frivolous.

Although Gao Xian was a bit puzzled, he didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, he didn't intend to rely on Bai Yurong, as long as he maintained a distance, it would be fine.

He sat cross-legged on the bed and began practicing the "Great Five Elements Technique" while his spiritual energy was strong.

After circulating the "Great Five Elements Technique" for 108 cycles, the slight drunkenness on his body completely dissipated.

The alcohol he drank tonight absorbed a large amount of spiritual energy. When he practiced the "Great Five Elements Technique," he clearly felt that it was much smoother.

This meal cost nearly ten spiritual stones, which could be considered extravagant.

Consuming spiritual stones in this way was mainly to satisfy his appetite, although it had some benefits for cultivation, the cost-effectiveness was too low. Even if he had money, he wouldn't waste it like this.

After entering the "Heart and Mind Shrine" and cultivating with Lan Jie, Gao Xian practiced various spells and sword techniques several times.

When he opened his eyes again, he was fully awake. Looking at the position of the half moon outside, he knew it was probably around one o'clock in the morning, which is the "ugly hour" in Chinese tradition.

At this time, both inside and outside the Xu family were quiet.

Gao Xian changed into his Xuan Water Dao robe and checked his talismans, magical tools, swords, elixirs, etc. on his body. Everything was fine, so he activated the Shadowless Dao Robe and left the Xu family.

He used the Smelling Fragrance Technique to follow the scent on Wu An's body and moved forward.

Last night, he noticed that both Wu An and Jiang Cheng were carrying sachets.

It was obvious that both of them had prepared their own sachets, mainly to repel mosquitoes and mask odors.

Not only them, but almost all the disciples were wearing sachets.

Apparently, life in Lianyun City was more refined, and cultivators paid more attention to aesthetics, hence the habit of wearing sachets.

Gao Xian used the Smelling Fragrance Technique to lock onto the scent of the two sachets.

In less than a day, the traces left by the scent clearly marked the whereabouts of Wu An and Jiang Cheng.

Although Lianyun City was bustling, at this time, most people were already resting.

Only in one area of the western district, there was still a faint light coming through.

Gao Xian's powerful and keen divine sense could even capture the sound of music and singing coming from that place.

Obviously, that was the nightlife area of Lianyun City, the red-light district, where the singing and dancing continued throughout the night.

Other places were dark and quiet, with no one to be seen on the streets.

Even the main street that ran through Lianyun City was the same.

Gao Xian walked on a main street for a while before encountering a group of patrolling cultivators.

These cultivators were dressed in black Dao robes and carried swords. They were in groups of ten, with a Qi Refining cultivator in the late stage leading them.

No one in the group of cultivators spoke, silently patrolling the streets.

Judging by the state of these cultivators, they were more responsible than the patrol team in Feima Ji.

Gao Xian curiously observed them for a while and finally confirmed that these people were all Qi Refining cultivators, with the leader being in the late stage of Qi Refining.

According to Qi Niang's words, there were only three or four Foundation Building cultivators permanently stationed in Lianyun City.

Other Foundation Building cultivators resided in Jinxia Mountain.

It was impossible for Foundation Building cultivators in Lianyun City to come out for patrols in the middle of the night.

Having confirmed that the patrol group posed no threat, Gao Xian felt relieved.

Gao Xian followed the scent of the sachet to a courtyard in the western district. Judging from the strong smell emanating from the yard, Wu An must be here.

Using the Flower Spirit Mirror, Gao Xian easily located Wu An's position.

In a side room in the outer courtyard, Wu An lay on the bed, leaning against it. His severed arm had been reattached and wrapped in white cloth, with a visible red bloodstain on it.

Two talismans were pasted on the outside of the white cloth, with faint red runes shimmering with spiritual light.

Gao Xian had little knowledge and didn't know what these talismans were. Judging from Wu An's twisted expression, he must be in pain.

Jiang Cheng sat in front of the bed, squinting his eyes with a tired expression, almost falling asleep.

The two of them didn't speak, and Gao Xian felt a bit bored. His gaze shifted to the deep part of the courtyard, where he saw the main house brightly lit, with several people talking.

The man sitting in the main seat had thick eyebrows and a strong physique. The yellow robe he wore faintly shimmered with golden light.

He sat there with a stern face, appearing quite imposing.

The other cultivators all had respectful expressions, and their words and actions revealed a sense of caution.

Gao Xian didn't recognize the man in charge, but he could guess his identity. He must be Mister Xu, Xu Shengye.

He went to see Qi Niang in the morning and inquired about Mister Xu's situation.

Qi Niang didn't know who Mister Xu was, but there were only two Foundation Building cultivators surnamed Xu in Lianyun City.

One was his teacher, Xu Mingyuan, and the other was Xu Lingyun. It was said that the two were also relatives.

This Mister Xu must be someone close to Xu Lingyun.

Qi Niang sent someone to inquire, and soon learned that Mister Xu's name was Xu Shengye, at the ninth level of Qi Refining, and he was Xu Lingyun's great-grandson.

Xu Shengye had relatively strong abilities, and in recent years, he had gradually become an important figure in the Xu family. Because he was the seventh in his generation, he was respectfully called Mister Xu by outsiders.

Gao Xian looked at the appearance and demeanor of the person in the room and concluded that he must be Mister Xu without a doubt.

Arriving in the main hall, Gao Xian discovered that a formation had been set up in the room.

The formation looked somewhat crude, but the faint spiritual light it emitted was enough to provide shielding and protection.

He used the Shadowless Robe to pass through the wall and enter the main hall, easily penetrating the invisible light curtain of the formation without triggering any fluctuations.

The several mid-stage Qi Refining cultivators in the room were completely unaware of this.

Xu Shengye, sitting in the main seat, said, "It's getting late, we should set off."

As he spoke, he stood up and beckoned everyone to leave.

The other cultivators also got up, and an old man with gray hair hesitated and said in a low voice, "Mister Xu, should we ask the ancestor's opinion first?"

Xu Shengye looked impatient, "Do we really need to bother the Patriarch with such a trivial matter?!"

He glared fiercely, his face full of ferocity.

The old man with gray and white hair dared not meet Xu Shengye's gaze. He lowered his head and said, "After all, it involves Xu Mingyuan, which is different from the Patriarch's relationship with others. The Patriarch has also instructed us not to meddle in the affairs of the San Yuan Hall."

"You old man, the older you get, the less courage you have."

Xu Shengye pointed at the old man and reprimanded him impolitely, "Xu Mingyuan has long been dead, leaving only a woman in charge. What is there to be afraid of? The Patriarch's words are just a reminder for us to be cautious."

Before the old man could speak, Xu Shengye continued, "Today, Wu An and the others threatened Bai Yurong together. If that woman had any means, she would have used them long ago. There's no need for a disciple to act on her behalf."

The others nodded when they heard this. They had instigated Wu An to steal the San Yuan Dan Jing in order to test the true strength of the Xu family.

From the results, Bai Yurong didn't have much ability.

Xu Shengye continued, "Now other families are still watching, it's a good opportunity for us to take action."

"As the saying goes, 'Opportunity knocks but once!' We have to take some risks for the San Yuan Dan Jing."

The old man with gray and white hair couldn't help but retort, "But what if Bai Yurong doesn't have the San Yuan Dan Jing?"

Xu Shengye's gaze turned cold, "Even without the San Yuan Dan Jing, Xu Mingyuan has been operating in Lianyun City for decades. There are always magic tools and spiritual stones."

A short and fat man said impatiently, "Bai Yurong is just at the Qi Refining stage, why think so much? The few of us joining forces can easily deal with her."

The short and fat man suddenly smirked and said, "I've seen Bai Yurong once. She looks dignified but has a strong scent of promiscuity. Tonight, the few of us will also taste the wife of a Foundation Building cultivator..."

Xu Shengye frowned slightly. Although he liked women, he didn't like to involve them when doing serious business.

But seeing the excitement on the faces of the others, he couldn't say anything.

Xu Shengye said to the short and fat man, "Lao Wu, have you arranged the manpower?"

The short and fat man nodded, "They're all waiting in the side room. They are all good at doing dirty work for the family, so rest assured."

He thought for a moment and asked, "What about those two boys?"

"Let Jiang Cheng lead the way. After all, he has been with the Xu family for many years and is familiar with the situation."

Xu Shengye said indifferently, "After we finish the job, we'll deal with them."


The short and fat man grinned and said, "I'll go and inform the others first."

Saying that, the short and fat man left first.

Xu Shengye looked at the old man with gray and white hair, about to speak, but Gao Xian, who was standing in the corner, didn't want to wait any longer. He flicked his fingers, and four cold lights shot out from the rippling water, piercing through the air with a low and sharp whistling sound, piercing into the ears of everyone present.

"Something's wrong, someone is attacking!"

With his rich combat experience, Xu Shengye immediately sensed that something was amiss. Without hesitation, he activated the Golden Light Technique on his Scarlet Iron Robe.

The Golden Light Technique is a second-tier defensive spell that is generally only mastered by Foundation Building cultivators.

However, the Scarlet Iron Robe was enhanced with a powerful restriction, allowing Xu Shengye to instantly activate the Golden Light Technique with his divine sense. This was the most valuable aspect of the Scarlet Iron Robe.

Just as the golden light flickered on the Scarlet Iron Robe, a high-speed transparent ice cone shot through and pierced Xu Shengye's head from behind.

Xu Shengye practiced the Primordial Origin Golden Body Technique, which made his entire body as strong as steel. But even so, he couldn't withstand this ice cone.

The ice cone penetrated Xu Shengye's head and pierced deep into his skull. The powerful impact and icy cold instantly destroyed the tissues in his brain, leaving only his late Qi Refining stage divine sense to preserve his last trace of consciousness.

Xu Shengye saw the three cultivators in front of him tremble, their heads completely pierced by a semi-transparent ice cone.

"It's the Ice Arrow Technique!"

In his final moments, Xu Shengye suddenly understood that it was the Ice Arrow Technique that killed them.

However, he didn't understand where the enemy was or how they managed to attack them through the protective formation in the room. How could such a low-level spell like the Ice Arrow Technique have such terrifying power?

Xu Shengye didn't have time to think any further. His consciousness was completely engulfed by darkness.

The other three cultivators met the same fate, almost instantly losing their lives.

The four Qi Refining stage cultivators died without ever seeing Gao Xian, who made the attack.

Standing in the corner of the room, Gao Xian's body shimmered with water, appearing faintly behind the water's reflection. This was because his Ice Arrow Technique conflicted with his Shadowless Robe.

He stood behind everyone, even without the Shadowless Robe, they would have to change positions to see him.

Gao Xian's main purpose in coming here was to gather information, not to kill. However, Xu Shengye and the others were ruthless, so he naturally didn't hold back.

The Ice Arrow Technique, enhanced by the Ice and Fire Nine Heavens, allowed him to unleash the power of a heavy sniper rifle. Its power was more than ten times that of a regular Ice Arrow Technique.

Launching the ice arrows without any warning at close range, the four Qi Refining stage cultivators had no time to activate their defensive spells, resulting in their immediate deaths.

Time was tight, and there was no time to linger. Gao Xian used a storage talisman to collect the four bodies.

Gao Xian once again activated his Shadowless Robe and easily passed through the protective formation, entering the courtyard.

The short and fat man had just called out seven subordinates, unaware that Xu Shengye and the others in the room had been killed.

This was mainly due to the protective formation, which concealed the sounds and changes of light and shadow in the room, making it impossible for anyone outside to know what had happened inside.

"Stay alert and keep your weapons ready..."

The short and chubby man was giving orders to his subordinates when a sharp and piercing scream suddenly pierced his ears.

Only then did he realize something was wrong, as an ice spike had already pierced through his head.

The seven Qi Refining mid-stage cultivators across from the short and chubby man, although they saw the flashes of cold light approaching, were unable to react in time and were all pierced through the head by the ice spikes.

The eight cultivators staggered and fell to the ground, instantly losing their lives.

The low and piercing sound of the ice spikes breaking through the air was extremely penetrating, alarming Jiang Cheng and Wu An in the room.

Jiang Cheng, who was drowsy and about to fall asleep, was startled awake.

Wu An, feeling uneasy, said to Jiang Cheng, "Go and take a look..."

Before Jiang Cheng could speak, the door was pushed open and someone walked in.

The oil lamp was dim, and Jiang Cheng and Wu An could only see a black figure, with a layer of watery light covering their face and body, making it difficult to see their appearance clearly.

While Wu An was still observing the other person, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but exclaim, "Gao Xian!"

Gao Xian was a bit surprised. He was completely enveloped in the shadowless robe's watery light, yet Jiang Cheng could recognize him at a glance?

He had originally wanted to transform into Xu Mingyuan's appearance to scare the two rebels. But then he thought, these two trash weren't worth his trouble.

He smiled faintly, "Brother Jiang has sharp eyes."

As he spoke, he removed the watery light covering his face, revealing his true appearance.

Jiang Cheng saw that it was indeed Gao Xian, and his face was filled with shock. He had only casually called out because he found the other person's figure somewhat familiar, but he didn't expect it to really be Gao Xian.

Gao Xian swaggered into Xu Qiyue's house, which made Jiang Cheng feel a strong sense of unease.

Wu An was also greatly shocked, "How did you get in?!"

"That's not important."

Gao Xian shook his head slightly. Wu An still couldn't figure out the situation, truly a fool.

It was precisely because he was foolish that he was being used as a pawn.

Gao Xian had originally wanted to chat with these two, but seeing their panicked and helpless weakness, he felt it was unnecessary.

Two flashes of cold light descended with a sharp scream, ending all the panic and unease of Jiang Cheng and Wu An.

(This chapter is over)

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