Chapter 151: This Month, This Person

Gao Xian circled around the courtyard, marveling at the intricate array set up by the other party. No matter the direction or angle, he couldn't see through it.

Although Gao Xian was curious about the other party's origins, he ultimately didn't dare to venture into the array.

The world is vast, and one will always encounter formidable experts.

It's one thing to observe from the outside, but sneaking into the array would be both despicable and hostile.

Once discovered by the other party, they would never let him off easily.

After considering for a moment, Gao Xian concluded that people like Xu Lingyun and Zhang Chunjiang wouldn't have the means or the audacity to set up such an array.

Unless they were specifically targeting him, there was no need to pry into others' privacy.

Gao Xian quietly left the Hongyun Inn and entered the central area of Dajiangfang.

Just like Feima Street, the truly bustling area of Dajiangfang was just one long street.

Beyond the long street, various buildings sprawled haphazardly, occupying large areas.

Perhaps due to the prevalence of evil spirits, there were no people to be seen on the long street even though it was already late at night. Outside the long street, it was even darker and quieter, with no lights or sounds to be seen or heard.

The seemingly vast Dajiangfang appeared lifeless.

Gao Xian wore the Shadowless Robe and silently glided on the magnetic wheel along the quiet streets of Dajiangfang.

The operation of the magnetic wheel would interfere with the Shadowless Robe. In the past, the Shadowless Robe would transform into a watery state and attach itself to Gao Xian.

However, the perfected Shadowless Robe at the Grandmaster level could contend with the magnetic wheel.

As a result, Gao Xian's body flickered in and out of visibility. In such a dark night, his current state resembled that of a ghost.

Gao Xian intentionally did this to test the changes in the Shadowless Robe.

The range of application for the Shadowless Robe was too broad, and he would inevitably encounter various unforeseen problems, some of which he couldn't even imagine.

The Grandmaster-level Shadowless Robe allowed him to breathe and sense the changes in the five elements and yin-yang in the world more easily and clearly, rather than enhancing his divine sense.

It was like an amplifier for the Shadowless Robe, making it easier for him to perceive the changes in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Gao Xian circled around Dajiangfang along the streets and returned to the central long street.

Several shops on the long street hung lanterns, with the most eye-catching one being a large red lantern hanging above the Liuxiang Tower.

Liuxiang Tower was located at the corner of the street. Although it was called a tower, it was actually a large courtyard, with an elegant gatehouse in the front.

Anyone with a bit of experience could tell what Liuxiang Tower was for.

Normally, this was the liveliest time for Liuxiang Tower.

Gao Xian stood outside Liuxiang Tower, and even with the Flower-Reading Spirit Mirror penetrating the tall white walls, he could only see a few rooms lit up with pink lights inside, but there was no sound or music, nor any dancing.

There were people engaged in passionate activities on the beds, but Gao Xian only glanced briefly and didn't pay much attention.

He was here to find the evil spirits and had no interest in such things.

Gao Xian released his divine sense, which could reach up to five hundred steps away. Standing in the center of the long street, he could cover most of Dajiangfang.

However, using divine sense to scan like this would be sensed by other cultivators. Moreover, it consumed a significant amount of divine sense.

His divine sense was comparable to a cultivator in the mid-stage of Foundation Building, but it was still impossible for him to use divine sense for a long time and over a large area.

In comparison, using the Flower-Reading Spirit Mirror was simpler and easier.

When the Flower-Reading Spirit Mirror switched to the magic mode, he could see various magical reactions in the dark corners.

If there were evil spirits present, he should be able to see their gloomy and eerie magical aura.

Gao Xian wandered around Dajiangfang until dawn, and then returned to his room at the inn.

Generally speaking, evil spirits rarely appeared during the day.

According to Li Rui, the evil spirits that ravaged Dajiangfang only came out to kill at night.

After returning to his room, Gao Xian did his usual exercises before resting.

As for the mysterious cultivator in the courtyard, he didn't spy on him again.

Although the Flower-Reading Spirit Mirror was secretive, it was still a kind of magic. Ordinary cultivators couldn't detect it, but not everyone would be oblivious to the Flower-Reading Spirit Mirror.

If the other party wasn't specifically targeting him, he didn't need to meddle in unnecessary matters.

In the late July, when it was the hottest time of the year.

Even before noon, the room was already hot and unbearable.

Gao Xian was awakened by the heat. He activated the Spring Breeze technique on his Qingyuan Ruyi robe, and a cool breeze circulated within the robe, dispelling the heat.

The Qingyuan Ruyi robe also came with several other useful spells, such as the Spring Breeze technique and the Cleansing technique, although they were simple, they were very practical.

Gao Xian first activated the Flower Discerning Mirror to assess the situation around him.

When outside, one must be cautious.

He didn't notice anything unusual, so he took out a Golden Yuan Pill and swallowed it. When he woke up from his meditation, it was already afternoon.

The Great Five Elements technique had reached the eighth level, even with Sister Lan overseeing it, it still took over an hour to complete the cultivation of the 108 Heavenly Circles.

Refining the mind was even more important, as any carelessness could damage the heart and ruin the foundation of cultivation.

Only authentic and inherited techniques, tested by countless cultivators, could avoid many problems.

It was because of this that, due to the subtle differences between individuals, the same technique would yield different results for each person.

After several years of cultivation, Gao Xian also understood the principles of cultivation.

No matter how advanced the technique was, it was ultimately lifeless. Cultivators, on the other hand, were alive.

Ignoring the differences in age, gender, and physical condition among cultivators, even just the differences in mental state, spiritual consciousness, and emotions could be significant.

Even though they all cultivated the Great Five Elements technique, Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness far surpassed that of other Qi Refining cultivators. He had to make various adjustments to leverage his advantages without deviating from the path.

After several years of adjustments, he had found a path that suited him.

The main reason was that his proficiency in the Great Five Elements technique continued to accumulate, reaching the level of an expert, allowing him to master the first seven levels of the technique with ease.

However, he had only just advanced to the eighth level of Qi Refining, and he was not yet proficient in refining the mind, so he needed to be careful in manipulating his mana.

For this reason, Gao Xian did not take the Fire Heart Jade to assist in his cultivation.

Gao Xian opened the Fengyue Treasure Mirror. He was only a few points away from reaching the level of a master in the Great Five Elements technique. In just over ten days, he would be able to advance to the level of a master.

At that time, he would be able to fully master the Great Five Elements technique and use spiritual objects to assist in his cultivation without any problems.

The Great Five Elements technique was his path to longevity and the foundation of all spells.

Despite the fact that spells like the Divine Occult Art and the Thunderous Dragon Palm could increase his lifespan, this increase only optimized his body and could not transform his level of life.

Only the Great Five Elements technique could allow him to complete the Foundation Building, refine the Gold Core, and even achieve the Nascent Soul.

Therefore, the Great Five Elements technique was of utmost importance and the foundation of his cultivation.

Gao Xian looked at the front of the Fengyue Treasure Mirror and couldn't help but sigh. If he could add a few points to this side, ascending on the spot would not be difficult.

Unfortunately, only the Yellow-Red technique on the back of the Fengyue Treasure Mirror could be upgraded.

He flipped the Fengyue Treasure Mirror, and there were still over a hundred thousand Daoist lights remaining, but the only spell that could be upgraded was the Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire.

Upgraded spells were enjoyable, but they lacked the process of cultivation and required a little time to adapt and familiarize oneself in order to fully master them.

The Sun Spear, the Crimson Dragon Swallowing the Moon technique, and the Shadowless Robe were all relatively complex and profound spells.

In a situation where time was abundant, Gao Xian naturally wanted to upgrade each spell.

After a day of digestion and absorption, he had already mastered the Master level of the Shadowless Robe.

He didn't know what kind of enemy he would face next, so he needed to improve his combat power as much as possible.

Gao Xian invested a full ninety thousand Daoist lights, raising the Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire to the level of a Master.

The Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire, which was originally a minor spell, underwent a fundamental transformation after reaching the Master level. The amount of Daoist lights required to upgrade this spell became extremely exaggerated.

Reaching the level of a Master in the Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire did not bring any increase in spiritual consciousness or lifespan to Gao Xian.

On the back of the Fengyue Treasure Mirror, Sister Lan appeared silently. She simultaneously displayed the various exquisite variations of the Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire, showcasing them.

After seeing Sister Lan's demonstration, Gao Xian was greatly surprised.

By reaching the Master level, the power of the Ice Arrow and the Flame Bullet had greatly increased.

Looking at the Ice Arrow and the Flame Bullet, two low-level spells that had also been upgraded to the Master level, Gao Xian felt that achieving this effect was due to the exceptional compatibility between these three spells.

Secondly, after reaching the Grandmaster realm of the Ice and Fire Nine Heavens, he gained a deep understanding of the water and fire forces, and even vaguely touched the two original forces of water and fire.

This understanding and recognition of the five elements' original forces greatly improved his understanding of the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and allowed him to fundamentally understand the Ice Arrow Technique and the Flame Bullet Technique.

To say that he comprehended the rules is a bit exaggerated, but it is equivalent to mastering some basic laws and formulas of water and fire spells.

This allows Gao Xian to surpass the limitations of the Ice Arrow Technique and the Flame Bullet Technique, and have a certain understanding of both the water and fire magic systems.

Compared to the increase in spell power, this improvement in understanding is more important and meaningful, and will become an important cornerstone for his cultivation of the Great Dao.

Gao Xian's consciousness entered the Heart and Mind Temple and practiced the Ice Arrow Technique and the Flame Bullet Technique.

The combination of the Ice and Fire Nine Heavens at the Grandmaster level and the Ice Arrow Technique and the Flame Bullet Technique produced an astonishing change.

The power of a regular Ice Arrow Technique is equivalent to a handgun.

With the blessing of the Ice and Fire Nine Heavens, Gao Xian's Ice Arrow Technique is equivalent to the power of an assault rifle.

This kind of improvement is terrifying, allowing the Ice Arrow Technique to easily penetrate various first-level protective spells and robes.

Now, the power of the Ice Arrow Technique is comparable to an anti-material sniper rifle. Its power has increased nearly tenfold.

At a distance of five hundred steps, the Ice Arrow Technique still maintains a strong power, enough to easily kill Qi Refining cultivators.

This terrifying increase is due to both the Ice and Fire Nine Heavens and the Ice Arrow Technique reaching the Grandmaster level.

The most important thing is that Gao Xian's divine sense is as strong as the mid-stage of Foundation Building. His understanding of the water and fire magic systems allows him to fully exert his advantage in divine sense in the Ice Arrow Technique.

This kind of limit-breaking divine sense is equivalent to giving up self-protection and does not have much practical combat significance.

The Flame Bullet Technique is the same.

A regular Flame Bullet Technique is like a hand grenade. No matter how much a Qi Refining cultivator trains, they can only reach this level.

The Flame Bullet Technique displayed by Gao Xian is already comparable to a mortar.

The upgraded Flame Bullet Technique reaches the level of a 122mm howitzer shell. Of course, its range is far inferior.

However, the temperature of the Flame Bullet Technique is extremely high, and its extreme state is enough to melt gold and iron, which cannot be compared to a shell.

With his ability to instantly fire nine shots, the firepower he unleashes is comparable to a reorganized artillery battalion.

There is a saying: all fear stems from insufficient firepower.

Gao Xian has witnessed the power of Foundation Building cultivators like Li Shuanglin. Their greatest strength lies in condensing their mana into Gang Qi, making their defense and enemy resistance extremely powerful.

In addition, Foundation Building cultivators can instantly unleash their innate Divine Ability. Faced with Qi Refining cultivators, they can easily take on hundreds of enemies alone.

With his current Flame Bullet Technique and Ice Arrow Technique, he is not inferior to the innate Divine Ability of Li Shuanglin and others.

According to his estimation, the Flame Bullet Technique and the Ice Arrow Technique are enough to break through the Gang Qi defense of early-stage Foundation Building cultivators, including some second-level protective spells, and so on.

However, Foundation Building cultivators are powerful in all aspects and have no weaknesses.

With only the Flame Bullet Technique and the Ice Arrow Technique, his threat to Foundation Building cultivators is minimal.

Because spells are guided solely by divine sense, the divine sense of Foundation Building cultivators will form a barrier to resist and guide enemy spells.

Therefore, the most direct and effective way for Foundation Building cultivators to kill opponents of the same level is close combat.

It is difficult to threaten each other by using spells to attack.

Even powerful individuals like Yun Taihao, a Gold Core cultivator, have to charge forward with a sword to kill Qi Refining cultivators.

Of course, that is also because the opponent is controlling a huge flying ship with powerful protective formations. Yun Taihao does this to completely defeat the opponent in one fell swoop.

Gao Xian is very satisfied with this upgrade. With the Flame Bullet Technique and the Ice Arrow Technique, along with the Qinglian Flying Rainbow Sword and the Shadowless Robe, his combat power has greatly increased.

Against Xu Lingyun, Zhang Chunjiang, and others who are unprepared, he is 70-80% confident in taking them out in one wave.

In the evening, Gao Xian put on the Shadowless Robe and left the inn. He wandered around Dajiangfang all night but found no trace of evil spirits.

For several consecutive nights, Gao Xian did not find any trace of evil spirits.

On this night, coinciding with the full moon, Gao Xian wandered around Dajiangfang but still couldn't detect any evil spirit aura.

Looking at the full moon shining in the sky, Gao Xian suddenly became interested and went to the long embankment by the river.

The river water was as blue as the sky, reflecting the bright and full moon in the sky, shimmering in the water.

For a moment, it was hard to tell whether it was the moon in the water or the Yangtze River in the sky.

Gao Xian looked at the scenery of the moon shining alone in the river and couldn't help but think of an ancient poem. He murmured, "Who was the first to see the moon by the river, and in what year did the moon first shine on people?"

The language and writing in this world are similar to the previous one, and this poem completely retains its original charm and atmosphere.

"What a great poem!"

Suddenly, someone behind Gao Xian exclaimed in praise, interrupting Gao Xian's melancholic thoughts.

Gao Xian was startled. He couldn't believe that his spiritual power didn't sense the person behind him. Judging from the voice, the person was already very close to him.

He slowly turned around and saw a young man in white standing ten steps away.

The young man had exceptionally beautiful features, with a delicate and youthful charm. He appeared to be around seventeen or eighteen years old.

He wore a magnificent silver lotus crown on his head, and his white clothes were as pure as snow, flowing like clouds. He had a green jade pendant tied around his waist and a silver sheathed long sword hanging on one side.

The bright and star-like eyes of the young man in white were fixed on Gao Xian. His face was filled with admiration and joy, as if he particularly appreciated the poem Gao Xian had just recited.

Being approached silently by someone, Gao Xian felt both annoyed and cautious. However, seeing the young man's appearance and demeanor, he found him quite pleasing to the eye.

There is a mysterious affinity between people.

Some people, upon meeting for the first time, find each other unpleasant and awkward no matter how they look at it.

Some people, upon meeting for the first time, feel a sense of closeness and affinity.

There is no logical explanation for this; it mostly stems from an instinctive judgment.

Gao Xian felt comfortable looking at the young man in white. He liked the ethereal and agile feeling of his white clothes, admired his handsome appearance, and appreciated the openness and freedom in his brows.

He was used to observing others with his Flower Spirit Mirror. No matter how much he appreciated someone, he still maintained a sense of caution.

The young man in white emitted a completely integrated aura of spiritual power, making it impossible for the Flower Spirit Mirror to see its depth.

Although Gao Xian couldn't determine the level of the young man's crown and robe, he could see clusters of radiant and bright spiritual lights, indicating that they were at least of the second level.

The sword at the young man's waist was hidden in its sheath, but the faintly rippling divine light on the blade was unparalleled, appearing as elusive and mysterious as clouds and mist.

Just by looking at this sword, it seemed to be even more exquisite than the sword in Yun Taihao's hand. Gao Xian's heart trembled. Yun Taihao was a Gold Core cultivator and the master of the Lianyun Sect. His status and wealth were extraordinary.

Yun Taihao's sword was likely top-tier even among third-level cultivators. The fact that the young man's sword was better than Yun Taihao's indicated his astonishing identity.

Based on the young man's appearance, his cultivation should have reached the Foundation Building stage.

It was extremely rare for a true disciple of the Lianyun Sect to reach Foundation Building at the age of thirty. This young man, at the age of seventeen or eighteen, had already reached the Foundation Building stage. He must be a true disciple of a prestigious sect!

Why would such a person come to Dajiangfang?

Gao Xian thought of the mysterious guest in the inn's courtyard. He was almost certain that the young man was the mysterious guest who had set up the formation in the courtyard.

While his thoughts were spinning, Gao Xian remained calm on the surface and politely clasped his hands in greeting, "I am Gao Xian from the Lianyun Sect. I have seen Fellow Daoist."

The young man in white smiled gracefully and returned the greeting, "I am Yun Qiushui. I have seen Fellow Daoist Gao."

This person's demeanor was elegant and refined, exuding an air of nobility that was untainted by the mundane world.

It was impossible for an ordinary wandering cultivator to possess such an aura. Even Zhou Yuling, who had never lacked food and clothing since childhood, did not have such an incomparably confident, elegant, and noble aura.

Yun Qiushui explained, "I came here to admire the moon and the river. When I heard Fellow Daoist's wonderful poem, I couldn't help but be a little overwhelmed and disturb Fellow Daoist. I apologize for that."

He then asked with curiosity, "I wonder if Fellow Daoist has the next line?"

Gao Xian remembered quite a bit of "Spring River Flower Moon Night," but most of the lines didn't fit the current situation.

He sighed lightly, "It's just a poem I occasionally read in ancient books. I don't remember the rest..."

Hearing the young man's surname was Yun, Gao Xian couldn't help but think of the Qingyun Sect, which was in charge of the Qingyun Path.

The Qingyun Sect's sect master and his lineage all had the surname Yun, and their inheritance had lasted for countless years, resulting in the surname Yun being widespread.

The sect master of the Lianyun Sect, Yun Taihao, was said to be from a branch of the Yun family.

Being so young yet possessing such an imposing manner and having the surname Yun, he should have some connection to the Qingyun Sect.

Gao Xian's thoughts shifted, realizing that he shouldn't take everything this person said at face value. Regardless, he had no reason to offend someone of such status.

Yun Qiushui looked at the moon reflected in the river and expressed some regret, "This poem has lofty aspirations, but unfortunately, it's only a fragment!"

He then said, "On this night, under this moon, by this river, this line alone is worth three cups of wine. To meet a person of such extraordinary demeanor as Fellow Daoist is also worth three cups of wine."

Yun Qiushui enthusiastically said, "Fellow Daoist Gao, let me treat you to a drink! Come..."

(End of this chapter)

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