Great Immortal With Boundless Mana

Chapter 157: Guiding The Maze

Chapter 157: Guiding the Way

Afterward, Gao Xian and Zhu Qiniang embraced intimately, feeling incredibly comfortable and joyful. There was an indescribable sweetness between them.

In this embrace, it seemed as if they had surpassed everything in the world.

After truly consummating their relationship, they shared extreme bliss and broke down the last barrier between them.

Zhu Qiniang's originally unyielding body had become as soft as boneless, hiding her rigidity and fully displaying her slender figure advantage.

In her freedom, expansiveness, and tenderness, there was a natural and incomparably beautiful aesthetic.

Gao Xian was completely satisfied. Qiniang was beautiful, and being intimate with her was pleasurable. What was even more rare was that they were in perfect harmony, able to merge both spiritually and physically.

Although Lan Jie was good, she was ultimately not a living person. Even if she became a Tai Zhen puppet, full of spirituality, she was still different from Qiniang.

Through this true union and cultivation, their feelings for each other deepened, and both of them gained immense happiness. They were so engrossed in it that it exhausted Gao Xian.

Body Refining and Foundation Building cultivators were truly terrifying!

Fortunately, the Rejuvenation Technique and the Electric Light Dragon Palm compensated for his lack of strength.

Through this deep and intimate exchange, Gao Xian also helped Qiniang completely remove her evil energy.

The Rejuvenation Technique was particularly powerful, as it could stimulate the vitality of cultivators and eliminate all foreign forces.

On the other hand, Gao Xian and Qiniang could regulate yin and yang through the Yin-Yang Wheel, allowing their souls and bodies to be perfectly harmonized and naturally expelling the evil energy.

After this dual cultivation, Qiniang not only eliminated the evil energy but also enhanced her foundation by adjusting her body and mind through the union of yin and yang.

This improvement in foundation was the basis for cultivation and much more important than advancing cultivation level.

Gao Xian also benefited from this dual cultivation because Qiniang's yin essence was already abundant, and the natural coordination of yin and yang greatly benefited him.

Similarly, his soul and body were strengthened, and his foundation became stronger.

For example, his original body and soul strength were ten, but after this dual cultivation, it became twelve.

Of course, there wouldn't be an exact number in reality because it is difficult to measure the enhancement of body and soul with numbers.

Simply put, his capacity for cultivation had increased.

It was like strengthening the root system of a big tree. There might not be any visible changes on the surface, but it allowed the tree to have a stronger vitality and absorb more nutrients.

Specifically, his body became more capable of absorbing spiritual energy and could hold more spiritual energy. This applied to the conversion of mana and other aspects as well.

Zhu Qiniang always said that the first time they dual cultivated could help him break through the bottleneck of cultivation. The root of this was here.

Gao Xian had also wanted to save the breakthrough for later, as cultivation was unpredictable. Perhaps he would suddenly be stuck at a certain level and unable to progress.

Just like Zhou Yuling, who was stuck at the seventh level of Qi Refining and couldn't break through. It was only after suffering a severe shock that she finally broke through the bottleneck.

Breaking through from the Great Puppet God Technique to the Tai Zhen Puppet God Technique had caused his spiritual power to skyrocket, reaching the top level of the later stage of Foundation Building.

With such a powerful spiritual power, he could still encounter bottlenecks at the Qi Refining level. That was truly unbelievable.

Qi Niang was infected by a malevolent aura, and this was a perfect opportunity for them to cultivate together. It not only helped Qi Niang solve her problem, but also deepened their relationship.

Gao Xian held Qi Niang in his arms, contemplating whether to deepen their relationship further. Suddenly, Qi Niang looked up and asked, "Has the Foundation Building technique been resolved?"

She was currently in a relaxed state, but not skilled in matters of love. For her, discussing business was more natural.

She had been in the Nanluo Mountain for several months and had no idea about Gao Xian's progress.

Gao Xian smiled and said, "I spent ten thousand spirit stones to buy the Foundation Building technique from Nanping Song. Finally, the problem of Foundation Building has been solved."

Qi Niang was delighted. The Foundation Building technique was crucial for Gao Xian's future path.

This was her biggest concern, and Gao Xian had easily resolved it. It was truly a cause for celebration.

She said, "Although Nanping Song is greedy, he is reliable in his actions. Since he has accepted ten thousand spirit stones, there shouldn't be any problems."

Gao Xian nodded. The old man shouldn't play any tricks. He was too old and had to consider his legacy. Even if Zhang Chunjiang and the others knew about the Foundation Building technique, they couldn't do anything about it. Setting a trap for him would only create a deadly feud. The old man might not care about him, but he couldn't ignore Qi Niang.

Qi Niang continued, "I have asked Yun Chenglin to help me purchase Foundation Building pills. With the strength of Yunshui Tower, it shouldn't be difficult to buy them. Even the Inner Sect has the qualifications to purchase Foundation Building pills."

After falling out with Xu Lingyun, she didn't want to waste her energy within the sect. Instead, she directly bought the Foundation Building pills at a high price.

For small sects like Lianyun Sect, controlling the Foundation Building pills meant controlling the number of Foundation Building cultivators and ensuring the sect's safety.

For a large business like Yunshui Tower, as long as the benefits were sufficient, there was nothing they wouldn't dare to sell.

Gao Xian was moved. Qi Niang was particularly concerned about his affairs. This was love.

He hugged Qi Niang tightly. Actions spoke louder than words.

Qi Niang experienced it for the first time and had no resistance to it.

The two of them stayed in the room for seven days. Besides their daily cultivation, they embraced each other for dual cultivation.

On the eighth day, Qi Niang understood Gao Xian's situation and they finally left the room.

They discussed visiting Nanping Song to express their gratitude and clarify the situation to prevent any further complications.

Gao Xian looked at Qi Niang, who was about to leave, and reached out to stop her.

Qi Niang looked at Gao Xian with confusion, not understanding his intentions.

Gao Xian lightly tapped Qi Niang's forehead and said, "You are full of spring-like charm right now, like a blooming flower. You should restrain it."

After being nourished by dual cultivation, Qi Niang's previous cold and stern demeanor had disappeared. Now, there was a charming and spring-like aura in her eyes and brows.

Anyone could tell that something was off with Qi Niang's state. Gao Xian didn't want others to see her in such a captivating manner.

Qi Niang nodded. Indeed, she had relaxed too much. She adjusted herself, her emerald eyes becoming deep and cold, concealing all traces of charm in her brows and eyes.

Gao Xian nodded in satisfaction, knowing that the alluring charm of the mature lady belonged exclusively to him and should not be seen by outsiders.

The two of them rode in the Qingluo carriage and arrived at the Scripture Hall once again.

The guards at the entrance of the Scripture Hall were already familiar with the Qingluo carriage and proactively opened the gate upon seeing it from afar.

Just as Gao Xian and Zhu Qiniang arrived at the front gate of the Scripture Hall, a charming maid came out to greet them, "Esteemed guests, the master is in the South Wind Pavilion. Please follow me."

The young and charming maid was already a Qi Refining cultivator, moving swiftly.

The group walked along a quiet path paved with broken stones for quite some time before reaching the South Wind Pavilion.

The pavilion was built next to a cliff, with no obstructions around it, and the howling mountain wind was fierce.

The wooden hexagonal pavilion looked quite simple, as the wind and rain had exposed its original wooden color. Many of the wooden coverings on the pavilion were also decayed and leaking.

Nan Ping Song sat in the middle of the pavilion, quietly gazing down the mountain.

The old man had white hair and was half-leaning against the back of the chair, appearing as frail and old as this dilapidated pavilion, giving off an air of impending doom.

Gao Xian had an average impression of the old man, but seeing a Foundation Building cultivator in such a weak state, he couldn't help but feel a bit emotional.

Zhu Qiniang was not as sentimental and didn't care about Nan Ping Song's life or death.

She clasped her hands together, "Unexpected guests, disturbing the tranquility of Elder Nan once again."

Gao Xian also clasped his hands, following suit, "We have come presumptuously to express our gratitude to Elder Nan."

As he spoke, he handed a wooden box to the charming maid next to him, containing eight Longevity Pills.

Nan Ping Song casually took the wooden box, but without opening it, he smiled and said, "You two don't need to be so polite, come and sit."

Gao Xian and Zhu Qiniang entered the pavilion, but neither of them sat down, after all, Nan Ping Song was three hundred years old, and they had to show respect to their seniors.

The two stood beside Nan Ping Song, and from this position, they could see countless golden chestnut trees undulating with the mountain, extending all the way to the end of their vision.

Under the clear autumn sunlight, the tree leaves were tinged with red, dyeing the mountains with a vibrant and splendid color. Fortunately, the sky was clear and the clouds were white, providing a broad and open space to accommodate the intense mountain scenery.

This magnificent and timeless autumn landscape exuded a high and profound artistic charm.

Seeing such a wonderful view, Gao Xian couldn't help but feel a sense of liberation.

Zhu Qiniang was not interested in these things, she glanced at them briefly and then shifted her attention to Nan Ping Song.

This old man, who was nearly three hundred years old, squinted his old eyes and quietly gazed at the distant mountain scenery, his expression calm, as if lost in thought.

Nan Ping Song also noticed Zhu Qiniang's gaze and smiled at the young Foundation Building cultivator.

Although she was a woman, her character was deep and strong, different from the ordinary.

Nan Ping Song had seen countless people in his lifetime, and he had his own way of judging and evaluating people.

In his eyes, Zhu Qiniang was pure and courageous, dedicated to cultivating and achieving something. However, she lacked a bit of spirituality and adaptability. Cultivation was difficult to achieve great success, and it was even harder to win in the struggles of human affairs.

On the other hand, Gao Xian, who could be moved by the scenery, showed great delicacy and spirituality.

At the Shangong Hall, when faced with setbacks, Gao Xian decisively came to find him and acted generously. It can be seen that he is worldly-wise and experienced, as well as extremely decisive. Speaking of character, Gao Xian is far superior to Zhu Qiniang.

From this perspective, in the future, Gao Xian may achieve even greater success than Zhu Qiniang.

Of course, fate is mysterious and unpredictable. Even if a person is strong, if their destiny is not strong, there is nothing they can do about it.

Regardless, Gao Xian has great potential. With Zhu Qiniang, who is at the Foundation Building stage, it is best to establish a good relationship and leave a personal favor.

Nanping Song made up his mind and said to Gao Xian, "I know the purpose of your visit.

"Don't worry, teaching you the Foundation Building technique is in accordance with the rules of the sect, there is no problem."

Zhu Qiniang said, "Please explain it to us, Senior Nan."

"It's actually very simple. Xu Mingyuan was an outer sect elder and made many contributions to the sect. According to the rules, the sect must take care of Xu Mingyuan's family and disciples.

"Gao Xian, as Xu Mingyuan's only direct disciple, obtaining the Foundation Building technique is reasonable and justified.

"I am the elder responsible for transmitting techniques, with this reason, I can legitimately pass on the Foundation Building technique to you."

Nanping Song briefly explained the situation. There is nothing complicated about it, he just used the rules of the sect to help Gao Xian.

Gao Xian felt a bit complicated. He didn't expect that Xu Mingyuan's death could still create value for him.

However, in doing so, he used up the favor that his teacher Xu Mingyuan had left behind, which seemed a bit unfair to his teacher's wife, Bai Yurong.

Gao Xian clasped his hands to Nanping Song, "Thank you, Senior Nan. Without Senior Nan's help, I would never have obtained the Foundation Building technique. I will never forget this favor."

Nanping Song nodded in satisfaction. At least this kid understands. Xu Mingyuan was just an excuse for him to get this matter done.

He said, "I don't have much time left. If there is a chance in the future, please take care of our Nan family..."

Gao Xian nodded, "Senior Nan, rest assured, if the Nan family encounters any difficulties in the future, I will do my best to help."

Nanping Song also knew that this kind of verbal promise didn't hold much meaning.

In such matters, it all depends on a person's character and conscience.

After thinking for a moment, Nanping Song said, "As someone who has been through it, let me give you some advice."

The old man looked up and deeply looked at Gao Xian, "In my opinion, your spiritual consciousness is very strong, far surpassing your cultivation level."

Gao Xian was slightly surprised. This old man had sharp eyes.

When he encountered Yun Qiushui, he was able to completely control his spiritual consciousness with Lan Jie's help, without revealing any flaws.

After upgrading the Great Couple Divine Art to the True Couple Divine Art, his spiritual consciousness power skyrocketed. And because Lan Jie had independent spiritual consciousness power, the spiritual consciousness he controlled himself became less harmonious. The old man saw the problem.

In addition, his root and foundation grew through dual cultivation with Qiniang, which also made him show more sharpness in his spiritual consciousness.

Gao Xian's expression became more solemn, "Senior Nan's insight is indeed accurate."

Nanping Song smiled with a complex meaning, "Having a strong spiritual consciousness is certainly good, but for Foundation Building, spiritual consciousness and body must be completely unified. If your spirit is strong but your body is weak, in this state, Foundation Building will inevitably fail..."

Gao Xian was truly shocked this time. He solemnly clasped his hands and saluted, "I am ignorant, please enlighten me, Senior Nan."

(End of this chapter)

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