Great Immortal With Boundless Mana

Chapter 171 But That's It (Da Zhang Asks For A Monthly Pass)

Chapter 171: Just Like That (Big chapter, seeking monthly votes~)

The Flying Leaf Boat is about four zhang long and a zhang wide, with pointed ends, similar in appearance to an ordinary small boat.

What sets it apart is that the Flying Leaf Boat is made from a transformed tree leaf, with clearly visible thick veins on its green, paper-thin hull.

The light and floating Flying Leaf Boat is carrying a hundred Qi Refining cultivators.

The fierce gusts of wind in the air cause the Flying Leaf Boat to constantly sway and shake, making the Qi Refining cultivators on board pale-faced from the intense turbulence.

The turbulence is not the main issue; the problem lies in the fact that the Flying Leaf Boat is too light and thin. Even standing inside, one can see the hull bending and distorting under the strong winds, as if it could split apart at any moment.

This place is two thousand zhang above the ground, and falling from such a height would be impossible to withstand even with Feather Flight Technique.

With such serious consequences, it is natural that few people can remain calm.

Zhang Chunjiang stands at the raised stern of the boat, looking down at the crowd with disdain on his face.

Qi Refining cultivators have weak cultivation bases and poor mental faculties. With him, Lu Lingfei, and Pang Su, three Foundation Building cultivators present, how could the Flying Leaf Boat capsize?

Zhang Chunjiang's gaze sweeps over Gao Xian. Among the panicked cultivators, Gao Xian appears remarkably calm.

His gaze seems to be in a trance or deep contemplation, and he even appears relaxed and at ease.

Zhang Chunjiang's gaze flickers. This kid's aura is stable and pure, with the five elements of Qi connecting into one, already at the ninth level of Qi Refining, and his cultivation is refined.

Judging from Gao Xian's current state, if everything goes smoothly, he will be able to reach Foundation Building in a few years.

"He does have some talent. The more so, the less we can tolerate him."

Zhang Chunjiang sneers inwardly. It won't be easy to kill Gao Xian once they enter the Bi Xia Peak.

Let this kid be proud for a while!

The Flying Leaf Boat is not fast, taking about an hour to reach Bi Xia Peak.

The new moon has just risen in the sky, and the mountains are dark and quiet. The faint moonlight outlines the shape of the massive peaks.

The Flying Leaf Boat hovers and stabilizes about a zhang above the ground. The Qi Refining cultivators jump off the boat, and as soon as their feet touch the ground, they all breathe a sigh of relief, feeling much better.

Zhang Chunjiang and the others have all disembarked. He recites an incantation and points at the Flying Leaf Boat, causing the huge leaf boat to curl up and fold, eventually turning into a small green package about a chi in size.

The Qi Refining cultivators look on with envy. Such a marvelous magical treasure can only be operated by Foundation Building cultivators.

Zhang Chunjiang is quite satisfied with the reactions of the crowd. He says to Pang Su and Lu Lingfei, "You two, go ahead and choose your people."

He points at Gao Xian. "Leave this kid to me."

Lu Lingfei looks at Gao Xian with some sympathy. The bet between Gao Xian and Zhang Chunjiang had spread throughout the Cloud Connection Sect at the time.

Later, Zhang Chunjiang argued unreasonably, insisting that Gao Xian did not exterminate the evil spirits, which caused many people to criticize him. They felt that Zhang Chunjiang couldn't accept losing...

This time, Gao Xian has fallen into Zhang Chunjiang's hands, and his death is certain!

Lu Lingfei is not Yun Feiying; he doesn't care about Gao Xian's life or death.

The ancient sect ruins deep underground in Bi Xia Peak may be hiding many Qi Sha Sect cultivators.

He is too preoccupied to take care of others, let alone the fact that doing so would greatly offend Zhang Chunjiang.

The other Foundation Building cultivator, Pang Su, is older than Zhang Chunjiang. He is a mid-stage Foundation Building cultivator, with a higher cultivation base than Zhang Chunjiang.

Pang Su is reclusive by nature and has a good relationship with Zhang Chunjiang, so it is impossible for him to stand up for Gao Xian. He doesn't even look at Gao Xian, simply selecting thirty Qi Refining cultivators for himself.

Lu Lingfei carefully selects thirty cultivators and gives them specially made waist tokens to determine their identities by number.

He also rearranges the teams, dividing them into three groups of ten, each responsible for different tasks.

Zhang Chunjiang is not as meticulous as Lu Lingfei. He randomly divides the remaining people into three groups and leads them into the cave.

The entrance to the cave has been excavated multiple times and is several zhang high, with a spacious passage inside.

However, the cave is dark, and a chilling wind blows continuously from within.

The Qi Refining cultivators activate light symbols, causing faint light to float around, illuminating the surroundings.

Even so, the Qi Refining cultivators all have nervous expressions. They have heard that many people have died in the ancient ruins, making it extremely dangerous.

Seeing the crowd's fearful appearance, Zhang Chunjiang is dissatisfied and snorts, "What are you afraid of? The Qi Sha Sect's people are all hiding below. They're far away from here..."

Zhang Chunjiang has been to the ruins twice and is somewhat familiar with the situation here.

While the Cloud Connection Sect cannot control the ruins, the Qi Sha Sect is even less capable.

The ancient sect ruins are too vast, and it is impossible to find a few people hidden inside.

The Lingyun Sect continuously sends cultivators over, with the intention of wearing down the Qisha Sect.

As long as all the cultivators are worn down, the Qisha Sect will naturally quiet down.

The key point here is that the Lingyun Sect can gather scattered cultivators through the sect's ruins.

The Qisha Sect, on the other hand, cannot bring a group of scattered cultivators to the ruins to fight desperately.

The difference between the two allows the Lingyun Sect to have the confidence to wear them down.

Gao Xian followed in the crowd, neither standing out nor falling behind.

If it weren't for him discovering the ancient sect ruins from the Chishe Gang, and notifying Zhou Ye, the Lingyun Sect wouldn't have known about the news.

However, this was Gao Xian's first time here. He had no interest in digging things underground.

Not only was it hard work, but it was also very dangerous. There was no alchemy to make money, no comfort in alchemy!

The group of people walked for a long time in the winding and uneven underground passage, suddenly arriving at a spacious cavern. There was a cavity above the cavern that was dozens of zhang high, with stalactite-like stone pillars hanging down.

In the center of the cavern was a large pool of water, emitting a faint blue light that illuminated the surroundings. The hanging stone pillars above and the surrounding rock walls were all reflecting specks of blue light, making it look quite beautiful and fantastical.

Gao Xian noticed that there were many door-like entrances on the rock walls, arranged in an orderly manner.

These entrances should be the caves of the ancient sect cultivators, or rather, their living quarters?

Other Qi Refining cultivators also saw the entrances, and many of them were excited.

Zhang Chunjiang showed a disdainful expression. These fools, they liked the caves of the ancient cultivators, just like the Qisha Sect cultivators.

Otherwise, why would the Qisha Sect be causing trouble here, just to kill people?

Zhang Chunjiang raised his voice and said, "This is the official entrance of the ancient sect. According to the Tian Gang and Di Sha, it is divided into 108 entrances."

He pointed to a wide entrance directly facing the pool and said, "We will rest and adjust for an hour, and then enter from the first entrance. There are many chambers and complex passages inside, and the Qisha Sect's people like to hide here.

"Everyone must be careful when entering."

The group of cultivators all nodded repeatedly, taking out Bai Lu Dan to consume and sitting cross-legged to restore their energy and mana.

Gao Xian also took a Golden Yuan Dan. He didn't eat much for dinner, so it saved him the trouble.

Zhang Chunjiang saw that Gao Xian took a Golden Yuan Dan and his eyelids couldn't help but twitch. He only used Golden Yuan Dan when he went out, but this brat was so extravagant!

"I'll have to thoroughly check this kid's storage bag later!"

An hour quickly passed, and Zhang Chunjiang shouted, urging everyone to enter the spacious entrance.

The passage inside was smooth and wide, obviously artificially constructed. Gao Xian was also somewhat amazed. Digging and constructing in a cave like this must have consumed a tremendous amount of manpower and resources.

He didn't know why the sect back then chose to build caves in the cave. There was no light here, and living here all year round would probably drive one crazy. It was very contrary to human nature.

Gao Xian was pondering the reason behind this when he heard Zhang Chunjiang's rough voice shouting, "Gao Xian, you go ahead and scout."

Gao Xian looked up at Zhang Chunjiang, whose face was gloomy. He knew that the other party was waiting for him to defy orders, but there was no need for that.

It wasn't that he couldn't take action, but there were too many people around.

Their grudges didn't need to involve others.


Gao Xian responded and took the lead, activating a light-illuminating talisman to light up the path ahead.

The crowd followed Gao Xian at a distance of a dozen steps. Someone was scouting ahead, and everyone was happy.

After walking for a while and turning a corner, the crowd suddenly realized that Gao Xian had silently disappeared.

Zhang Chunjiang was also somewhat stunned. He was less than thirty steps away from Gao Xian, and he couldn't miss any of Gao Xian's movements with his spiritual sense.

How could Gao Xian disappear without a sound?

Zhang Chunjiang felt that something was not right. He fell silent and said to the crowd, "Gao Xian fled in the face of the enemy, damn it. I will personally take his life."

Zhang Chunjiang's cold and fierce gaze swept over the many cultivators. Whoever dared to disobey orders or leave without permission would be killed without mercy!

The many cultivators trembled, quickly bowing their heads and responding in unison.

Gao Xian was standing not far away at another bend in the passage, quietly watching Zhang Chunjiang shouting and making a fuss. A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"The old man is getting a little impatient. Don't worry, the real show is just beginning..."

The ancient sect ruins were incredibly vast, unimaginably so.

It seemed like the underground had been completely hollowed out, divided into regions and layers.

There were passages everywhere, and stone chambers everywhere. Most of the stone chambers were sealed, and some had spell seals on them.

Zhang Chunjian led a group of people wandering underground. Sometimes, when he was in the mood, he would choose an unopened stone chamber to excavate.

The stone door was thick and reinforced with some kind of strengthening spell. It wasn't easy to forcefully break it open.

Forcing the door open with violence might trigger defensive spells inside, and sometimes even result in death.

After much effort, they managed to break open the door, only to find that most of the chambers inside were empty.

Gao Xian followed behind Zhang Chunjian and the others, witnessing their repeated fruitless attempts, and couldn't help but sigh.

How many stone chambers could there be in this vast underground ruins?

It's important to note that this is just one of the 108 entrances, and there are countless layers and chambers inside. The underground ruins are truly terrifying in size.

Even if the power of the sect is fully utilized for excavation, it's unknown how long it will take to dig through.

No wonder the sect tried for a while and then decisively opened the ruins to independent cultivators.

Only independent cultivators would be willing to come here and take a chance.

After two days of searching, Zhang Chunjian and his group didn't find anything valuable, but instead encountered an ambush by cultivators from the Seven Killings Sect.

The opponent should be a Foundation Building cultivator. The evil spirits condensed by the Yin Sha Flag turned into a pitch-black long arrow, whistling towards a group of cultivators standing in front.

The leading Qi Refining cultivators activated defensive spells such as the Golden Body Talisman and the Wood Shield, but they were still far inferior to the Yin Sha Flag.

The pitch-black smoke arrow, as dark as ink, fell down, melting away almost half of the bodies of the seven cultivators in front. Four of them died on the spot, leaving three screaming in agony.

The sudden attack also frightened the other Qi Refining cultivators, causing them to panic and hide everywhere.

Zhang Chunjian flicked his finger and activated a flaming arrow talisman. A spark shot out, splitting into ten, then a hundred in mid-air.

The flaming arrows, transformed from the sparks, formed a huge net of fire, instantly covering a large dark area in front.

Gao Xian, who was watching from behind, couldn't help but admire Zhang Chunjian. Although his character was not good, his combat power was formidable, even stronger than Xu Lingyun. Moreover, he had rich combat experience and was adept at adapting and remaining calm. He truly had some skills!

Hundreds of flaming arrows tore through the darkness, with many of them piercing into the stone walls, bursting into huge flames.

A black figure flashed through the flames, disappearing into a deeper darkness.

The bursting flames only illuminated the back of the person before they merged into the darkness.

Zhang Chunjian stood with his sword, pondered for a moment, and gave up the idea of pursuing.

He didn't know how many people were inside or what kind of arrangements they had. It would be too dangerous to attack rashly.

Zhang Chunjian looked at the several injured cultivators still screaming in pain. He furrowed his brows and pointed his finger. A green-colored Qi shot down, piercing through the foreheads of the injured cultivators.

The screams abruptly stopped.

Many cultivators looked shocked. Zhang Chunjian didn't save the injured, but instead directly killed them. This frightened them all.

"The Yin Qi from the Yin Sha Flag has corroded their organs. They are bound to die. Dragging it out will only bring more suffering."

In order to win over the hearts of the people, Zhang Chunjian had to explain a few words.

Many cultivators remained silent. Even if what Zhang Chunjian said made sense, it was still too cruel to directly kill several people like that.

After Zhang Chunjian left, Gao Xian followed into the darkness.

There were too many people around Zhang Chunjian, and Gao Xian had no grudges against them, so it was impossible for him to attack them.

Anyway, Zhang Chunjian wouldn't leave for a while, so he would wait a few days before deciding.

The Foundation Building cultivator from the Seven Killings Sect had revealed himself, piquing Gao Xian's interest.

Although the Art of Fragrance Detection was considered a relatively mediocre spell, a masterful Art of Fragrance Detection could detect the aura of spells.

The Foundation Building cultivator from the Seven Killings Sect had activated the Yin Sha Flag, leaving behind a very faint trace of mana. The Art of Fragrance Detection could discern it.

Gao Xian followed the faint trace of Yin Qi. With the Flower-Viewing Spirit Mirror, he could easily see through the darkness, penetrate various barriers, and didn't need to release his divine sense.

Coupled with the concealment of the Shadowless Robe, Gao Xian was like a wandering ghost in the underground ruins.

After chasing for a while, Gao Xian saw two cultivators hiding on the left and right sides of a junction, apparently waiting to ambush Zhang Chunjian.

The two of them concealed their aura very well, probably using some kind of spell or magic tool.

But two living people standing there couldn't escape the detection of the Flower-Viewing Spirit Mirror.

Gao Xian switched the Flower-Viewing Spirit Mirror to the Netherworld mode, but still couldn't see the changes in the mana inside the two cultivators.

The two cultivators patiently waited for half an hour, and the faint black aura covering them gradually dissipated, revealing their strong mana fluctuations.

By switching the Flower-Viewing Spirit Mirror to the Netherworld mode, Gao Xian could see a faint light or flame in the center of the eyebrows of the two cultivators, illuminating their entire bodies inside and out. Most of their mana was gathered in their chest's spiritual apertures, indicating that they were early-stage Foundation Building cultivators.

In the early, middle, and late stages of Foundation Building, generally speaking, there are three stages of refining essence, qi, and spirit.

In the early stage of Foundation Building, the refinement of essence is mainly concentrated in the lower dantian, which is the spiritual aperture located at the heart position. The most common characteristic of cultivators in the early stage of Foundation Building is the strong containment of essence. This applies to Zhu Qiuniang, who is also engaged in Body Refining.

Gao Xian and Qiuniang are together every day, so they are very familiar with the characteristics of the early stage of Foundation Building. With just one glance, they can determine the cultivation level of the two Foundation Building cultivators.

In his opinion, neither of them is as cunning as Zhang Chunjiang. He secretly plans to attack and is about 70-80% confident in dealing with the two of them.

However, there is some risk involved, and if he can't resolve it, there may be some trouble.

Gao Xian decides to wait. Foundation Building cultivators are also human and need rest.

The two Foundation Building cultivators, one male and one female, both appear to be middle-aged. They both have decent appearances, but there is a strong gloomy atmosphere between their brows, giving them a sinister and eerie look.

They don't speak, and all their communication is done through mental transmission, showing great caution.

They walk a long way before stopping to rest in a semi-closed stone chamber.

For safety, they seal the entrance and exit of this passage with spider silk-like threads and place a box containing metal magical tools.

Gao Xian speculates that these magical tools will be triggered by the pulling force of the spider silk, acting like landmines. He has never seen this kind of magical tool before and is quite curious about it.

After making the necessary arrangements, the two of them finally relax in the stone chamber. The female cultivator closes her eyes and sits in meditation to cultivate her techniques after taking a pill.

The male cultivator leans against the door, slightly squinting his eyes to rest.

Gao Xian activates the Invisible Shadow Robe, easily passing through the defense set up by the two of them, and stops at a distance of thirty steps from them.

Getting closer would increase the chances of a successful sneak attack, but it would also be more dangerous. For him, safety comes first.

Gao Xian is well aware that once he activates a spell or the Lingxi Sword, the power of his spiritual consciousness will alert the two Foundation Building cultivators. However, he has the advantage of the Flower-Reflecting Spirit Mirror, which can easily lock onto the two Foundation Building cultivators without alarming them. This advantage is too great!

Gao Xian waits until the two Foundation Building cultivators are most relaxed before making his move, which is even more treacherous.

Lan Jie appears in his mind, and under the activation of the Nine Layers of Ice and Fire, nine flaming projectiles shoot out like bullets.

The crimson flames cut through the darkness, leaving behind nine faint red traces of light.

The two Foundation Building cultivators resting in the stone chamber immediately sense the fluctuations of mana and spiritual consciousness. They react quickly and immediately activate their protective qi.

(Note: The translation provided is a direct translation of the Chinese text. Some sentences may not flow smoothly in English, but the aim is to maintain accuracy and faithfulness to the original text.)

The man standing at the door waved the Yin Sha flag, a magical weapon that he had been holding in his hand.

With the powerful divine consciousness, the Yin Sha flag immediately emitted a dense black gas.

The male cultivator originally intended to use the Yin Sha flag to sweep away the Flame Bullets, but he didn't expect that Gao Xian's Flame Bullets were exceptionally refined and hard, and their speed was extremely fast.

Moreover, with Gao Xian's powerful divine consciousness controlling them, the nine Flame Bullets pierced through the dense black gas with incredible speed and exploded inside the stone chamber.

Inside the sealed stone chamber, the fierce and violent flames became exceptionally terrifying.

The two Foundation Building cultivators each activated their protective qi, as well as their golden light technique and robe shield, but they were still hit by the erupting flames, causing them to feel dizzy and disoriented. Their protective golden light technique and robe shield were shattered.

Before the two could react, Gao Xian had already launched the second wave of nine Flame Bullets.

As a master of the Ice and Fire Nine Heavens, Gao Xian could either use a combination of ice and fire or focus on one element.

In the confined space, Gao Xian chose the most powerful Flame Bullets and launched them in rapid succession.

The two Foundation Building cultivators realized the danger too late, and the nine Flame Bullets that were shot in rapid succession hit them.

The release of the fierce and violent flames once again increased the impact power of the fire-based magic in the semi-sealed space.

Although the two Foundation Building cultivators activated their protective magic again, they couldn't withstand the power of the raging flames. Their robes were burned with holes, and parts of their faces were charred.

The intense impact caused internal injuries to the two Foundation Building cultivators, but these injuries were not enough to threaten their lives.

As long as the two Foundation Building cultivators caught their breath, they could activate their protective qi and break out.

At this moment, a clear and melodious sword chant came from the darkness.

Both Foundation Building cultivators were greatly shocked. They knew it was a flying sword!

However, both of them were stunned by the onslaught of the Flame Bullets, and their divine consciousness was slow to react. By the time they wanted to activate their magic to defend themselves, it was too late.

A faintly discernible flying sword left a sparkling trace of light in the stone chamber, connecting the heads of the two Foundation Building cultivators.

In the continuous and melodious sword chant, there were two muffled sounds of "pu pu," and the heads of the two Foundation Building cultivators simultaneously exploded into a burst of blood...

Their bodies swayed and fell to the ground, without any breath left.

Gao Xian, thirty steps away, raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a proud smile. He raised his left hand slightly, and the clear and watery Lingxi Sword returned to his long sleeve like a swimming fish.

(End of this chapter)

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