Great Immortal With Boundless Mana

Chapter 175 Qinglian Robe

Chapter 175: Qinglian Robe

"It's great that you're okay."

Yun Feiying was surprised by Gao Xian's return, but she was also happy for him.

She initially approached Gao Xian with strong utilitarian motives, but after getting to know him, she found his speech and knowledge extraordinary. He also had talent and ability, which made them compatible and she genuinely admired him.

She was genuinely happy that Gao Xian was able to return safely.

On the other hand, whether Gao Xian was lucky or relied on his intelligence and agility to survive, it proved that he had great value. He was worth cultivating.

Yun Feiying had also been trying to improve her relationship with Zhu Qiniang these past few days. She was not good at communicating with people to begin with, and Zhu Qiniang was even more aloof and reserved. They would run out of things to say after just a few sentences.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't adjust to this awkwardness.

Being with Gao Xian was always comfortable to talk to, while Zhu Qiniang was the complete opposite.

Yun Feiying also understood why Zhu Qiniang was so interested in Gao Xian. This woman probably only had Gao Xian to chat with...

Gao Xian's return also caused a sensation. After all, everyone who followed Zhang Chunjiang died, but Gao Xian was the only survivor. Wang Chuan personally called Gao Xian over to interrogate him.

Wang Chuan didn't suspect Gao Xian of anything, after all, he was just a small Qi Refining cultivator. He had clearly stated in front of the Divine Mirror not long ago that he had no connection with the Seven Killing Sect, so he definitely wasn't a spy.

Wang Chuan just wanted to know what had happened and who else was on the battlefield.

They had gone to see the battlefield and it was obvious that there were other powerful experts, but they didn't know where they came from!

Naturally, Gao Xian knew nothing about it. He only said that he was scouting ahead and suddenly someone attacked from underground. He managed to dodge the first wave of attacks because he was at the front.

Sensing danger, he used a speed talisman to escape.

Speaking of this, Gao Xian's face still carried a hint of embarrassment.

Wang Chuan, being so experienced, could tell that Gao Xian was clearly pretending to be embarrassed.

It was well known that Zhang Chunjiang had ill intentions towards Gao Xian. It was reasonable for him to have Gao Xian scout ahead. However, the attack came from underground, so the demonic clan should have directly ambushed Zhang Chunjiang, and Gao Xian, who was at the front, managed to escape unscathed.

It had to be said that Gao Xian was alert and had speed talismans, so it was no wonder he could escape alone.

Everything made sense.

Even Pang Su, who was on good terms with Zhang Chunjiang, couldn't find fault with it. In front of Zhu Qiniang, Pang Su couldn't help but dislike that Gao Xian escaped alone, but he didn't dare say much.

Ever since they intentionally made things difficult for Zhu Qiniang, they always encountered misfortune.

Xu Lingyun died inexplicably, and now Zhang Chunjiang died today!

Pang Su felt that Zhu Qiniang's luck was too strong. If they continued to fight, all of them might end up dead.

Wang Chuan didn't have any special opinions about Gao Xian. Yun Feiying had spoken up for Gao Xian in private, so he naturally wouldn't make things difficult for him.

Instead, he reassured Gao Xian and told him not to think too much.

Zhang Chunjiang's death was not a small matter. He was an elder of the inner sect and the head of the Shangong Hall. He held an important position within the sect.

The two Foundation Building cultivators who died earlier were both elders of the outer sect, expendable to the sect. Once they died, they were dead.

Wang Chuan led a group of Foundation Building cultivators, including Zhu Qiniang, Pang Su, and Yun Feiying, into the ruins for a large-scale search.

This time, two groups of Foundation Building cultivators were formed, each accompanied by dozens of Qi Refining cultivators. The distance between each group was limited to facilitate mutual coordination.

Upon seeing Wang Chuan leading the team, Gao Xian knew that this old Foundation Building cultivator was quite capable.

Firstly, other Foundation Building cultivators respected him and could fully obey his orders. This point was crucial.

Zhang Chunjiang did not have the qualifications or cultivation level to make other Foundation Building cultivators completely obey his orders.

Furthermore, Wang Chuan was more meticulous and had strong organizational skills, able to bring together scattered cultivators into teams.

Not to mention strict discipline and prohibition, at least there was a sense of teamwork.

This time, Gao Xian naturally followed Zhu Qiniang. Yun Feiying had already informed Wang Chuan in advance and formed a team with Qiniang.

Although Wang Chuan didn't think Gao Xian had any problems, he still carefully led Gao Xian back to the battlefield, allowing Gao Xian to point out his escape route and where he hid.

Following Gao Xian's path, they did find some traces left by Gao Xian, and only then did Wang Chuan stop searching.

Gao Xian also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was cautious and left traces in advance.

In the following time, Wang Chuan led the team to search the underground ruins but did not find any enemies or demonic beings.

It turned out that Foundation Building cultivators were still very valuable.

A sect like the Seven Killing Sect couldn't afford to consume Foundation Building cultivators. Once Mu Yunxiu and the others died, they would be powerless.

A group of Foundation Building cultivators led the way, searching and excavating everywhere, finding many new caves and unearthing many magical treasures.

Gao Xian was also very interested in this. He had always felt that the Qinglian Law Crown, belt, boots, and sword were a set, so there should be a Qinglian Law Robe as well.

It's just that the Red Snake Gang was not helpful, and the Foundation Building cultivators of the Seven Killing Sect were useless, so he still hadn't obtained the Qinglian Law Robe.

While wandering in the underground ruins, Gao Xian secretly used his clone to sneak into many caves, but the gains were meager.

After more than two months of turmoil, everyone was exhausted and had no morale left.

Wang Chuan could only gather the team and lead them back to Feima Gathering.

By now, it was already mid-December, officially entering the harsh winter.

The scattered cultivators in Feima Gathering had entered a hibernation state, and the hundreds of sect members who had been busy for more than two months needed rest and adjustment.

According to the plan, the Green Wood Flying Ship would arrive in two days. Since they returned early, they could only stay temporarily in Feima Gathering.

In order to win over the hearts of the people, Wang Chuan asked Li Shuanglin to arrange for everyone to rest, while he invited a few Foundation Building cultivators to the Feihua Courtyard for drinks.

Gao Xian originally wanted to find Zhou Yuling, but he was brought by Zhu Qiniang to attend the banquet.

It was the first time Gao Xian openly drank flower wine at Feihua Courtyard, and it was also a public expense. His mood was quite good.

The only downside was that there were no fringe performances at Feihua Courtyard, only a few beautiful women playing music and singing on the side.

The remaining beauties acted as maids, specifically pouring wine and serving dishes.

According to Gao Xian's experience, this was a typical business scene, with a serious and lively atmosphere!

After three rounds of drinking, the atmosphere gradually became livelier and overwhelmed the seriousness.

Pang Su, who had always been silent, stood up on his own initiative and took out a green robe from his storage bag to show everyone.

"Everyone, this is the robe I obtained from a hidden cave in the ruins..." Pang Su pointed to the blue lotus embroidery on the chest of the robe and said, "I don't know what kind of wonderful material was used for this blue lotus embroidery. It can be seen from any angle, and the state of the blue lotus seen from each angle is different. The material of the robe is also very special. In my opinion, it is at least of the second-tier level..."

Gao Xian caught a glimpse of the blue lotus mark on the chest of the robe, and his heart suddenly moved. This blue lotus mark was exactly the same as the one on his crown and sword, the blue lotus robe he had been desperately searching for.

It actually ended up in Pang Su's hands!

Of course, he knew that Pang Su was in cahoots with Zhang Chunjiang and Xu Lingyun. Could this old man be deliberately disgusting him?

The blue lotus crown, belt, and sword were all on him. Anyone with discerning eyes could tell that they were a set.

Gao Xian's gaze shifted to Zhu Qiniang's face, and Zhu Qiniang understood Gao Xian's meaning. She used her eyes to signal Gao Xian not to act impulsively.

Many Foundation Building cultivators present clearly showed some interest. A second-tier robe excavated from an ancient sect's ruins must have its unique features.

After all, that underground ruins were too large. Just by looking at the scale, one could tell that this sect must have been very powerful in the past, far beyond what the Lianyun Sect could compare to.

It had been three years since the excavation of the sect's ruins, but they had never dug up anything good.

Pang Su actually managed to excavate a second-tier robe. His luck was truly extraordinary.

Even Foundation Building cultivators couldn't help but envy him.

Pang Su only displayed the robe briefly and did not intend to let everyone have a closer look.

He said, "This robe doesn't match well with my Five Elements technique. If anyone is interested, you can contact me. The price is negotiable."

Gao Xian watched Pang Su put away the robe with eager eyes, wishing he could snatch it right away.

That was just a thought. Even if there were no one here, he couldn't just snatch something from others because they had something good. He was a kind and righteous person, how could he do such a thing?

Zhu Qiniang knew that Gao Xian's blue lotus sword in his hand was quite extraordinary, and he must be coveting the blue lotus robe. She said to Gao Xian, "I'll talk to him later and see if we can buy it."

Gao Xian used his divine sense to transmit to Zhu Qiniang, "I think the old man is deliberately showing off to us. It might be a trap."

"Just ask, there's nothing to lose," Zhu Qiniang replied dismissively. If the old man wanted to sell, that would be great. If not, then forget it. What did it matter what he was plotting?

"It's better to ask Yun Feiying to intervene," Gao Xian suggested.

"There's no need. Pang Su must have recognized the blue lotus belt and blue lotus crown on you. Asking Yun Feiying would make us appear particularly concerned. On the other hand, we would owe Yun Feiying a favor," Zhu Qiniang said.

Gao Xian disagreed with Zhu Qiniang's judgment. Yun Feiying's intention to win them over was very obvious.

If they didn't want to refuse, they should take the initiative to extend a friendly hand at this time.

Requesting help from others is the easiest way to establish emotional communication. After others help you, they naturally hold goodwill towards you. If you respond positively, it can promote the relationship between both parties more effectively and quickly.

Just like this time, if they asked Yun Feiying for help, Yun Feiying would definitely be willing.

Regardless of the success or failure of this matter, they would clearly establish a deeper connection with Yun Feiying.

Zhu Qiniang is not good at handling these things, which is why she would have a falling out with Xu Lingyun and others.

Of course, at that time, Zhu Qiniang had no other choice. She had not yet proven her strength, and choosing to back down would only allow Xu Lingyun and his group to take advantage.

Gao Xian didn't want to argue with Qiniang over such a small matter.

After the banquet, Zhu Qiniang and Gao Xian went to visit Pang Su in the guest room.

Pang Su was already sober at this point, with a calm expression on his face, showing no signs of joy or anger.

He didn't say anything, just quietly watching Gao Xian and Zhu Qiniang.

Gao Xian smiled and bowed, saying, "Mr. Pang, you mentioned earlier that you were interested in selling that Qinglian robe. I am very interested, so I came to visit you."

"Oh, it's about that."

Pang Su neither confirmed nor denied it. He said, "Please have a seat, both of you."

Both parties took their seats as host and guest. Pang Su asked, "The material of the Qinglian robe is quite special. Although I can't identify it, I know it's a good item. How much spirit stones are you prepared to offer?"

Gao Xian was a little surprised. This old man was quite direct, asking about the price right away.

After pondering for a moment, he said, "Mr. Pang, can we take a look at the robe?"


Pang Su readily took out the Qinglian robe and handed it to Gao Xian.

Gao Xian stood up and took the robe, carefully examining it in his hands.

The material of the Qinglian robe was unknown, but it looked soft, thin, and resilient. The green color was very pure and not eye-catching, a deep shade of green.

The lotus flower embroidered on the chest had a complex and exquisite structure, and upon closer inspection, there seemed to be a faint spiritual light flowing.

Gao Xian gently touched the lotus flower mark, and in his heart, he made a judgment. This lotus flower mark had a subtle connection with his hairpin, belt, and sword, indeed forming a set.

Complete sets of magical tools were not uncommon.

Just like in the Cloud Sect, the true disciples of the sect were equipped with a complete set of crown, robe, and sword.

However, the quality of these complete sets of magical tools was usually not very high, and they were generally used as ceremonial attire.

This set of Qinglian robe and sword was probably the same. However, its quality was exceptionally high, and it also concealed mysterious changes, making it extremely valuable.

Gao Xian handed the Qinglian robe to Qiniang, and she carefully inspected it, confirming that the robe was intact inside and out.

However, she couldn't recognize the material or determine how many spells were hidden in the robe.

Gao Xian took it back and looked at it again, reluctantly handing the robe back to Pang Su.

"Mr. Pang, I really like the robe. Can you give me a price?"

A somewhat stiff smile appeared on the corner of Pang Su's mouth, and his eyes showed a hint of complexity.

"This robe is in perfect condition, at least second-tier, and it might even be third-tier."

The old man said slowly, "You can take it for a hundred thousand spirit stones."

(End of this chapter)

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