Great Immortal With Boundless Mana

Chapter 177 Breaking Through Three Levels In A Row

Chapter 177: Breaking Through Three Barriers

The sect leader personally issued an urgent call to mobilize, and as an outer sect elder, Zhu Qiniang must respond without any room for hesitation or delay.

Gao Xian was very worried. While the Seven Killing Sect was fine, the appearance of demonic cultivators meant that the situation at Feima Ji was extremely dangerous.

He was also very concerned about the safety of Yu Ling and Old Zhou.

Gao Xian said to Zhu Qiniang, "The most reliable way to deal with demonic cultivators is to buy more second-tier thunder talismans and two more thunder-based magical artifacts."

Zhu Qiniang nodded. "I know."

"Do we have enough spirit stones?" Gao Xian asked.

"It's enough. The fifty thousand spirit stones from selling magical artifacts last time are still with me."

Zhu Qiniang and Gao Xian didn't hold back. This trip was very dangerous, so they had to make sufficient preparations.

"I can't stay in Lianyun Sect anymore."

Gao Xian sighed. Joining the sect was for resources and safety, but now that Lianyun Sect was facing a strong enemy, the situation was very dangerous, and it wasn't worth sacrificing their lives for the sect.

Gao Xian had the mentality of a laborer and didn't have much attachment to Lianyun Sect.

If Lianyun Sect couldn't make it, he would find another place. There was no need to die on the same tree.

Besides, Lianyun Sect didn't treat him and Zhu Qiniang well either.

Zhu Qiniang nodded. "The sect leader specifically named me this time, so I must go. Wait for me to come back..."

Running away was an option, but they couldn't do it now. Yuntaihao was watching them, and running away would be equivalent to betrayal. If caught, they would be killed.

After a brief discussion with Zhu Qiniang, Gao Xian went to Yunsuilou.

After refining the pill furnace, Gao Xian didn't have the mood to work anymore.

Da Niu didn't know what had happened and was a little confused when Gao Xian suddenly gave him time off. "Brother, what happened?"

Looking at the dumbfounded Da Niu, Gao Xian felt a little better. He patted Da Niu on the shoulder and said, "Nothing, just tired. Take a few days off. I also need to seclude myself and cultivate for a while."

Gao Xian returned to his room but didn't have the mood to cultivate.

Knowing that something bad was going to happen and making preparations in advance, but still unable to stop it, this feeling was very uncomfortable.

It wasn't that he wasn't smart or didn't take action, but he simply didn't have enough power!

If he were a Foundation Building cultivator, he would have arranged Yu Ling and the others properly a long time ago.

But even as a Foundation Building cultivator, he couldn't protect Qiniang, and he even felt that he would be conscripted by the sect.

Is achieving Gold Core enough?

Looking at Yuntaihao's appearance, even a Gold Core cultivator couldn't rest easy. There were all kinds of troubles and problems that couldn't be solved.

Is it true that in the Ascension Immortal Realm, one can truly be free and happy? I'm afraid that may not be the case.

Each stage has its own set of problems that cannot be avoided.

In the world of cultivators, money is not all-powerful, but strength is. As long as one has enough strength, they can overturn the heavens, revive the dead, and reverse cause and effect.

Therefore, as long as cultivators focus on cultivation and master their strength, they can overcome all troubles and solve all problems!

Gao Xian took out the Wind and Moon Mirror. After several months of accumulation, he had already accumulated 330,000 Human Dao Spiritual Lights.

He didn't rush to allocate them because he wanted to advance to the tenth level of Qi Refining first and then use the Diamond Club to strengthen his body.

The situation is not good now, and he can't wait any longer.

As Gao Xian's thoughts turned, more than 320,000 Human Dao Spiritual Lights were invested, and the Diamond Club was instantly elevated to the level of a Grandmaster.

The three powerful Diamond Clubs appeared in his sea of consciousness, and the golden light emitted by the Diamond Club spread from the inside out, quickly permeating his whole body.

Every inch of his skin, every drop of blood, every organ, was immersed in pure golden light.

The three Diamond Clubs slowly rotated at the center of his sea of consciousness, as if commanding the center of heaven and earth. His body was constantly strengthened under the guidance of the Diamond Clubs, both internally and externally.

In the end, Gao Xian even felt that his blood had turned golden, like molten liquid gold, smooth, bright, and with the texture of gold.

After an unknown amount of time, the golden light emitted by the Diamond Clubs gradually converged inward. When the golden light completely disappeared, Gao Xian's body had completed its strengthening.

With a thought, Gao Xian condensed the golden light in his hand into a three-pronged Diamond Club.

The originally four-foot-long Diamond Club had grown to over five feet, appearing even more sturdy and powerful.

Holding it in his hand, it truly exuded an unstoppable aura.

As Gao Xian slightly extended the Diamond Club forward, although he didn't exert any force, the Diamond Club resonated with a powerful sound of wind and thunder.

The entire secret chamber trembled in the sound of wind and thunder, as if it could collapse at any moment.

Gao Xian was very satisfied with such a fierce and powerful momentum.

The Diamond Club had reached the level of a Grandmaster, strengthening his body to a higher level.

Gao Xian didn't need to test it. Just by making a move with the Diamond Club, he could determine that his body was now stronger than Qi Niu by a few points.

Gao Xian put away the Diamond Club, clenched his fists, contracted his muscles, and exerted force. The bones and skeletons in his body rumbled and resonated like thunder, and his blood surged like the Yangtze River.

The majestic power seemed to want to dissipate from his hundred thousand pores. Under the control of the Diamond Club's Law Manifestation, these powers were orderly integrated.

The feeling of mastering such immense power made Gao Xian somewhat intoxicated.

With his current strength, even someone like Pang Su, who was in the mid-stage of Foundation Building, might not be able to withstand a single blow from the Diamond Club.

Now, he was only one step away from condensing his brow spiritual aperture.

Gao Xian had just realized this and felt a swelling sensation in his forehead, as if something was about to burst out from inside.

"It's time to open the spiritual aperture..."

Gao Xian had a sudden realization that after strengthening his body to this level, it would naturally open the spiritual aperture.

The tenth level of Qi Refining referred to the opening of the spiritual aperture in the forehead. This step required the cultivator's spiritual consciousness to be strong enough to condense into a stable spiritual aperture that was tangible but formless.

For ninety-nine percent of cultivators, this step required time to temper their Soul Refining consciousness, gradually refining the spiritual aperture, and ultimately opening a stable one in the forehead.

Gao Xian was different from other cultivators. It wasn't that his spiritual consciousness was weak, but rather that it was too strong while his body was too weak.

This imbalance also affected his ability to open the spiritual aperture in his forehead.

After completing the body strengthening with the Diamond Pestle, his powerful spiritual consciousness naturally emerged and condensed into a stable and solid spiritual aperture in his forehead.

With this, Gao Xian successfully advanced to the tenth level of Qi Refining, only one step away from Foundation Building.

To Gao Xian's surprise, as soon as the spiritual aperture in his forehead condensed, a glimmer of light emerged from within.

"It's time for Foundation Building!"

Gao Xian immediately realized that after condensing the spiritual aperture, his powerful spiritual consciousness naturally emitted spiritual light from the aperture, entering the stage of Foundation Building.

He could forcibly stop it, but what was the point?

Gao Xian felt that he had accumulated enough, with a foundation surpassing that of an ordinary Qi Refining cultivator by ten or even a hundred times. Foundation Building should be as easy as turning one's hand for him.

The only trouble was his weak body and strong spirit, unable to fully integrate.

Qiniang was a Body Refining cultivator, strong in physique but weak in spirit. Even so, she needed two Foundation Building pills to enhance the power of her spiritual consciousness in order to successfully build her foundation.

To be safe, Qiniang had bought two Foundation Building pills for him during this period.

Buying things at the Yunshui Tower was convenient, but the prices were high. Fortunately, he was wealthy and not lacking in this regard.

As an alchemist, Gao Xian couldn't bear to dismantle the Foundation Building pills, but he could roughly understand the fundamental pharmacology of the pills.

The Foundation Building pills contained pure spiritual energy that could be used regardless of the cultivation method. This was also the most exquisite aspect of the Foundation Building pills.

During the Foundation Building stage, whether one had a weak body and strong spirit or a strong body and weak spirit, the pure spiritual energy transformed by the Foundation Building pills would naturally flow into the weaker side, helping the cultivator balance their body and spirit.

If the cultivator's body and spirit were balanced, the Foundation Building pills would transform into pure spiritual energy, helping the cultivator produce their own life spiritual light.

Gao Xian had heard that the major sects with high-level alchemists would specially refine Foundation Building pills tailored to the individual circumstances of their true disciples.

That's why those geniuses from the major sects rarely failed in Foundation Building.

Although he was an alchemist, he was only at the first level, and the only second-level pill he could produce was the Longevity Pill.

Even if he was given the formula for the Foundation Building pill, he might not be able to easily refine it, let alone customize it for himself.

But Gao Xian didn't need to worry about all this. With four Foundation Building pills in hand, it should be enough for him to build his foundation.

Since the qi and energy naturally arise and the form and spirit are in harmony, this is the best opportunity for Foundation Building.

He is already thirty years old, and the situation in the Cloud Sect is not good. The sooner he reaches Foundation Building, the better he can protect himself, Seven Sister, and Yu Ling.

Thinking of this, Gao Xian completely relaxes, allowing his spiritual awareness to naturally arise from his brow chakra.

If the brow chakra is the room of the spiritual awareness, then a glimmer of light is the illumination in the room.

Once this glimmer of light stabilizes, it can illuminate the inside and outside.

Although Gao Xian's spiritual awareness is strong, he cannot see his own body or soul. He lacks this glimmer of light.

This glimmer of light is the foundation of Foundation Building and is called the innate glimmer of light.

Some people also call it the primordial spirit, meaning that the innate spiritual nature manifests and becomes tangible.

For cultivators of Foundation Building, the step of cultivating the innate glimmer of light is the most difficult.

Gao Xian's spiritual awareness is exceptionally powerful and has reached the peak level of Foundation Building. Cultivating the innate glimmer of light is as easy as turning one's hand.

A glimmer of light from his brow chakra shoots up like a skyrocket, instantly illuminating his spiritual awareness, illuminating his body inside and out, and illuminating his sea of consciousness and soul.

At this moment, this glimmer of light completely illuminates him.

Including his past and present, all emotions and consciousness, everything is revealed under the light.

Gao Xian even sees Lan Jie. She is wearing a bright red jacket that they wore when they first met, with a golden hairpin in her hair. She stands in the depths of his sea of consciousness, smiling gently with joy in her bright eyes.

Time seems to freeze here. Gao Xian looks at the memories of his past and present, looking at Lan Jie's gentle smile.

Many memories he had long forgotten, like peeing on cabbage in the vegetable field as a child, stuffing a toad into the schoolbag of a girl with two braids...

The seemingly silly and rough childhood was so interesting. Perhaps because of this, he had a good character and treated others with goodwill.

Gao Xian even sees the memories of this body, seeing how poor he was as a child, seeing how he fought with other children for a piece of meat pie, his face covered in blood.

He sees the memories of Bai Yu Rong, Yu Ling, and Seven Sister.

The impoverished and miserable childhood made the host lack a sense of security, so he tried his best to hold onto everything. Using his face and sweet words to capture women was also his survival strategy...

Seeing these memories, Gao Xian suddenly understands the host, understands his various behaviors.

Including the crazy drug use to level up, because he didn't have many choices and had to fight desperately to make progress.

From his experiences, the host has had a tough time!

Although Gao Xian has not experienced these things, seeing these memory scenes, he can still empathize.

This kind of spiritual resonance suddenly makes Gao Xian feel a sense of relief, as if an invisible barrier has been broken, as if he has let go of an invisible burden.

Countless distractions disappear, leaving only the pure and incomparable divine light that illuminates inside and outside in Gao Xian's consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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