Great Immortal With Boundless Mana

Chapter 2 The Great Idol

Chapter 2: The Great Art of the Divine Method

It wasn't until Zhu, the shopkeeper, and his companion had walked far away that Gao Xian finally let out a sigh of relief.

"These two are so cunning, they won't reveal anything even if they've done something wrong. You have quite the courage to associate with them..."

Not far from the entrance, there stood a skinny old man who was grinning and making sarcastic remarks.

The old man had messy hair, dark circles under his eyes, a pale face, and his black Daoist robe was greasy and stained with alcohol. He looked like a typical old lecher.

Gao Xian suddenly remembered that this old man was his neighbor, surnamed Wang, who had a fondness for visiting brothels and drinking flower wine.

"What an unreliable old man!"

Gao Xian didn't want to have any dealings with someone like him, so he pretended not to hear.

Seeing Gao Xian's obedient appearance, Old Wang became even more pleased and smirked.

Gao Xian closed the courtyard gate behind him, leaving Old Wang and his laughter outside, and hurried back to his room.

He took out "The Alchemy Formula," one of the Taoist books left by the original owner, and started flipping through it. Although Zhu, the shopkeeper, was easy to talk to, alchemy was the foundation of Gao Xian's livelihood, so he had to quickly master this technique.

Since the original owner knew alchemy, maybe by reading more, Gao Xian would be able to remember how to practice it.

After reading for a while, Gao Xian felt dizzy and confused.

He recognized every character in the book, but when they were combined, it became a blur and he couldn't make sense of it.

This reminded him of his experience studying advanced mathematics.

Helpless, Gao Xian put down the book. It seemed that simply reading it wouldn't be enough.

He sat on the bed and pondered for a long time, but couldn't think of any solutions.

A small black cat jumped onto the bed and meowed twice at Gao Xian.

"Are you hungry?"

Gao Xian affectionately stroked the little black cat's head. This little creature was really cute.

After spending a few days together, Gao Xian had already understood the cat's thoughts to some extent.

When the cat wanted to be petted, it would wag its tail and make softer sounds. When it was hungry, its meows would become sharper and it wouldn't wag its tail.

Getting off the bed, Gao Xian went to the neighboring kitchen to wash rice and cook.

The grains of rice were a greenish-blue color, about the size of peanuts, and had a translucent, jade-like texture.

This type of rice was called Qingyu Spirit Rice, which contained abundant spiritual energy and was quite expensive.

Ten jin (a Chinese unit of weight) of this rice could only be bought with a low-grade spiritual stone.

And this was the lowest grade of spirit rice.

The original owner was an alchemist, and with his alchemy skills, he could still live quite comfortably.

There were still more than half a barrel of Qingyu Spirit Rice stored at home, as well as some monster meat. They were hidden in the cellar in the yard, where the temperature was low and the meat could be preserved for a long time.

At least there was no need to worry about food and drink for the time being.

Gao Xian had already become accustomed to the life of a cultivator these past few days and was skilled at making fires and cooking.

The stove for cooking was made of bricks, with a large iron pot. It was similar to the kind of stove used in rural areas to stew geese, just cruder.

Gao Xian recited a few incantations, formed a hand seal with his fingers, and a flame about a foot long emerged from his fingertip, quickly igniting the firewood in the stove.

Every time Gao Xian used the Fire Control Technique, he felt excited. This was a real spell, not a fake magic trick!

Although the Fire Control Technique didn't have much power, it was equivalent to carrying a large lighter with him at all times. Even so, it completely shattered Gao Xian's understanding of physics from his previous life.

It was precisely because of the Fire Control Technique that Gao Xian realized that this was a real world of cultivators, where cultivators possessed powerful abilities...

From this perspective, this world was a hundred times more dangerous than a country where everyone had guns.

Having transmigrated to this world, whether he liked it or not, it seemed that he couldn't go back.

As a middle-aged office worker who had been beaten down by society, Gao Xian had long learned to accept reality.

To put it in the words of a motivational quote, "Everything happens for the best!"

It was precisely because of his open-mindedness that Gao Xian, who had no talents, could still live happily.

Now he didn't think about alchemy anymore and focused on cutting the monster meat into pieces and frying it. Then he added water, rice, and salt, preparing to make a fragrant hand-grabbed rice.

The large iron pot was fixed on the stove and was only suitable for steaming, boiling, and stewing. Cooking rice and dishes together was convenient.

After a short while, the aroma of meat began to waft out.

The little black cat meowed incessantly on the stove, but it didn't dare to get too close.

Lifting the rough wooden lid, the Qingyu Ling rice was already large in size, having absorbed water and expanded several times. Gao Xian filled a large wooden basin with it.

He took out a coarse pottery bowl and filled a small bowl for the little black cat.

Gao Xian ate the remaining rice and meat in one breath.

It must be said that the Qingyu Ling rice was truly fragrant, and the meat of the monster was even more delicious.

After eating to his heart's content, not only were his taste buds and stomach satisfied, but his body was also filled with warm and abundant spiritual energy, making him feel incredibly comfortable.

Gao Xian burped and thought to himself that if it weren't for Zhu the shopkeeper and his wife causing trouble, this simple yet fulfilling life would be considered happiness.

He stroked the little black cat, who was burying its head and gnawing on the meat, and said softly, "Eat more, so you won't miss home when you're full..."

The little black cat, whether in response to Gao Xian or out of joy from eating, meowed twice.

After eating and drinking to their heart's content, with their bodies filled with spiritual energy, Gao Xian felt drowsy.

Gao Xian forced himself to stay awake and took out the Fengyue Treasure Mirror once again.

This time, he was looking at the other side of the mirror.

The Fengyue Treasure Mirror was divided into two sides. One side could reflect his appearance and various abilities.

The other side of the mirror, however, showed a woman.

The woman had a beautiful appearance and wore a bright red dress with a high collar.

The texture of the dress was soft and somewhat translucent, faintly revealing the woman's fair skin and graceful figure.

The key was that this woman looked like his first love and a colleague named Lanjie, a generous and sexy young woman.

Hmm, these two people already looked alike! The only difference was their temperament, one pure and the other charming, completely different.

There was also a difference in their figures. The young woman was not fat, with fair and moisturized skin that exuded the unique charm of a mature woman.

As for his first love, she had a slender figure and tight skin, radiating the youthful vitality unique to a young girl.

The woman in the mirror was both pure and alluring, combining the best of both. However, her demeanor and expression carried a hint of seduction, making her seem somewhat improper no matter how you looked at her.

Gao Xian studied it for a few days and, for convenience, he called this woman Lanjie.

He discovered that Lanjie was actually alive, not a living person, but an interactive advanced intelligent program... Well, it was like a high-level interactive intelligent program.

Gao Xian reached out and lightly tapped Lanjie in the mirror.

Lanjie raised her head and gave Gao Xian a seductive smile, and at the same time, a text appeared on the mirror.

The affairs of Fengyue, the utmost goodness and beauty in the mortal world.

With a graceful appearance, witnessing the beauty of Fengyue can lead to the ultimate path.

Human Dao Lingguang: 335.

Secret Technique: Electric Dragon Palm, Great Dual Divine Technique.

Electric Dragon Palm: Mastered after thirty years of being single. When performing certain simple movements, the hand speed is extremely fast, and the hand contains the power of electric light. When activated, it will give the person being touched a wonderful stimulating sensation. (Proficient: 188/300)

Great Dual Divine Technique: Heart and senses, spirit and descent. High and low merge, two qi combine to form a god. Thirty years of delusional obsession condensed into a true spirit, with endless uses. (Expert: 321/400)

When Gao Xian first read this text, he felt extremely embarrassed, even a little angry.

What the hell is this? It's too damn improper!

There's no need to mention the Electric Dragon Palm, it's as straightforward as it gets.

As for the Great Dual Divine Technique, it clearly mocks his fantasies about beautiful women, treating all his teachers as wives.

It's simply slander. He's just an ordinary middle-aged office worker, never done anything bad. Damn it, thinking about it is still wrong!

Gao Xian could actually tolerate all of this, but the problem was that this traditional skill was useless!

Human Dao Lingguang could only enhance the abilities on the other side of the mirror, and it was completely useless for alchemy and other abilities.

He had a feeling that Lanjie should be able to play a role! It's just a matter of how to use her, he still needed to study...

However, why does it seem like Human Dao Lingguang has increased by a few points?

I'll update the new book twice a day, once at noon and once in the afternoon~ The most important thing for the new book now is to increase the reading data. I sincerely ask everyone to take a look every day.

(End of this chapter)

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