Chapter 230: Gift

"Brother Yun, you flatter me..." Gao Xian was also quite proud of "The Dream of Yellow Millet". This story integrated Zhuangzi's dream of the butterfly and the dream of yellow millet, and although the story was simple, it had multiple layers.

Those who like beautiful women can see the sensuality and excitement, those who go deeper can see the fantastical beauty of the butterfly fairy, those who go even deeper can see life as a dream, those who go further can see that dreams are life, and those who go even further can see the distinction between form and spirit...

Yun Qiushui exclaimed, "This book is seen as ordinary by ordinary people, elegant by elegant people, and profound by profound people. Its writing is like a mirror, able to reflect the hearts of those who read it."

"This poem is delicate and exquisite, radiant like brocade, and beautiful like jade. It fully expresses the fleeting nature of life..."

Yun Qiushui's tone suddenly changed as he directly exposed the scene, saying, "The only problem with this book is that the illustrations are too direct and too detailed, lacking any artistic conception."

Gao Xian explained, "Everyone enjoys this, and most people don't need to ponder about life. It's not that they lack the wisdom, but life is too bitter, and they don't want to dwell on it repeatedly.

"Enjoy the sweetness when there's sugar, enjoy the pleasure when there's joy, that's all..."

Yun Qiushui showed a pensive expression and remained silent for a while before saying, "Brother Gao, you have a compassionate heart and can see the suffering of sentient beings. I am far inferior to you."

"I dare not claim that. I am just immersed in it, so I have some insights," Gao Xian replied.

Gao Xian continued, "But some people are just brainless idiots, and it has nothing to do with whether they suffer or not."

Yun Qiushui deeply resonated with this and laughed in agreement, saying, "Indeed!"

The two of them spoke in harmony, unable to help but smile at each other, feeling an indescribable sense of camaraderie.

The carriage arrived at the Jade Mirror Palace first, and Yun Qiushui took Gao Xian directly to find Yun Qingxuan.

"Sister, this is a short story written by Brother Gao. Take a look," Yun Qiushui presented "The Dream of Yellow Millet" to Yun Qingxuan as if offering a treasure.

Although Gao Xian had thick skin, he couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed. In order to boost sales, he had drawn several explicit and provocative illustrations inside.

Yun Qiushui was a man and usually indulged in his desires, so reading this kind of book was not a problem.

But showing it to the ethereal and aloof Yun Qingxuan was as embarrassing as being caught by a female teacher while reading erotic literature! Yes, it was that embarrassing.

Fortunately, Gao Xian was not an ordinary person. He had even killed Foundation Building female cultivators before, so he could maintain a calm expression despite feeling embarrassed.

Yun Qingxuan was also not an ordinary person. She quietly flipped through "The Dream of Yellow Millet" and was not moved by those eye-catching illustrations. Instead, she seemed quite serious as she read.

A few tens of thousands of words in a novel wouldn't take much time if one didn't look at the illustrations.

Not to mention that a Gold Core cultivator had keen eyesight and could read ten lines at a glance. In no time at all, she had finished reading the entire book.

Yun Qingxuan closed the book and softly said, "It's a good piece of writing."

To her, the story in the book about Zhuangzi's dream of the butterfly living through a lifetime had several layers of meaning, which was quite ingenious.

Many classics talk about various profound truths, but they are not as thorough as this short story by Gao Xian.

The poem at the end was well-written, but the overall structure was a bit small, although the words were beautiful and delicate.

As for the illustrations, there was nothing to say about them. They were vulgar and tasteless.

Yun Qingxuan said to Gao Xian, "Fellow Daoist, your literary talent is outstanding, and your ingenious ideas are refreshing. I admire it."

Gao Xian clasped his hands and modestly declined. He didn't expect Yun Qingxuan to actually appreciate this book so much.

What surprised him even more was that Yun Qingxuan actually put away "The Dream of Yellow Millet".

She said, "I am going to visit our ancestor, and this book is a perfect gift."

Yun Qingxuan looked at Gao Xian again and asked, "Fellow Daoist, do you have any objections?"

Gao Xian could only smile and say, "It is my honor to present it to the true lord for review."

"Let's go, there is still a journey ahead to Qingxiao Peak, don't be late..." Yun Qingxuan said, waving his sleeve. A faint white light surged out of thin air and turned into a white cloud umbrella above the heads of the three.

As the cloud umbrella gently rotated, it lifted Yun Qingxuan, Yun Qiushui, and Gao Xian into the air. As the cloud umbrella continued to rise, the speed also increased.

Gao Xian knew that this spell was called Cloud Light Umbrella, a spell specifically for flying.

Being inside it, he felt that a stable space naturally formed within the range of the cloud light umbrella, allowing people to stand steadily inside.

The high-altitude cold wind, spiritual energy, strong light, and chaotic aura were all blocked outside the cloud light umbrella.

The umbrella-shaped cloud light slowly rotated above their heads, and faint clouds rippled with spiritual light flowing.

Controlling the flight of the cloud light umbrella was difficult to accelerate, but it excelled in stability, with a graceful and elegant flying posture.

The cloud light umbrella driven by Yun Qingxuan was not slow, reaching about a hundred zhang per breath.

Converted into speed, it was over 500 kilometers per hour, surpassing that of high-speed trains.

The vast sky lacked reference points, and the cloud light umbrella floated leisurely, giving people the feeling of being slow.

After flying for half an hour, Yun Qingxuan landed with Gao Xian and Yun Qiushui on the peak of a mountain.

From a distance, Gao Xian saw a Taoist-style building on the mountaintop, with only two entrances and not very large in scale.

The Taoist temple was made of green bricks and had gray tiles, appearing quite simple. He didn't expect that the Nascent Soul true lord Yun Zaitian would actually live here.

When they arrived at the front gate of the Taoist temple, they saw the three large characters "Xuanming Temple" written on the horizontal plaque.

There was some moss growing on the green stone steps in front of the gate, and the wooden door was quite dilapidated, with the vermilion paint peeling off, revealing the natural color of the wood.

Yun Qingxuan and Yun Qiushui naturally adjusted their Taoist hats, straightened their collars and robes.

Gao Xian followed suit and did the same.

Regardless of whether their hair was messy or their clothes were wrinkled, this kind of ritual expressed respect.

After Yun Qingxuan finished tidying up, he gently knocked on the door. After a while, the door opened, and a twelve or thirteen-year-old Daoist disciple in a green robe came out.

The Daoist disciple in the green robe respectfully bowed and saluted, "Senior Uncle, the ancestor is waiting for you..."

Led by the Daoist disciple in the green robe, the group arrived at the main hall of the Taoist temple, where Gao Xian immediately saw Wan Yingying in an apricot-colored Taoist robe.

In the center of the main hall, there was a statue of a Daoist with a fish-tail crown. Wan Yingying sat on a cushion below the statue, trying her best to maintain a serious and solemn expression on her little face.

However, her beautiful big eyes were always looking around, making her appear more lively and playful.

Sitting opposite Wan Yingying was an old Daoist with white hair. His face was thin and pale, with three strands of long beard. He wore a blue hibiscus crown on his head and a blue Daoist robe.

The old Daoist with white hair closed his eyes and sat in meditation, exuding a serene and profound aura.

Yun Qingxuan and Yun Qiushui both respectfully bowed and saluted, "Disciples pay respects to the ancestor."

Gao Xian also followed suit and bowed, but he didn't say anything.

The old Daoist with white hair slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were clear like water, with a calm and peaceful demeanor of a Daoist.

He smiled slightly and raised his hand to gesture, "Come in, all of you."

Yun Qiushui, who usually talked a lot, also restrained his wild and unrestrained temperament in front of the ancestor Yun Zaitian, behaving like a modest gentleman.

Yun Qingxuan remained as cold and indifferent as ever. After bowing, she took out the book "Dream of the Red Chamber" and handed it to Bai Fa Daoren in front of Yun Zaitian.

"Ancestor, this is a short story written by Fellow Daoist Gao. It's quite interesting."

"Oh, let me take a look."

Yun Zaitian, with great interest, took the book and immediately greeted Gao Xian, "Fellow Daoist Gao, come here, sit here."

Gao Xian glanced at Yun Qingxuan and Yun Qiushui, both standing, and thought it wouldn't be appropriate for him to sit while they were standing.

He declined, "In front of the true immortal, how can I take a seat?"

Yun Zaitian smiled gently, "It's alright. Today, you are the elder, different from Qingxuan and the others. Please, have a seat."

Yun Zaitian appeared approachable, without any imposing aura, just like an ordinary Daoist.

Gao Xian didn't know why, but he naturally followed the other's words.

He scolded himself inwardly, thinking that he shouldn't feel weak in front of the Nascent Soul True Immortal. He should show a calm and composed demeanor, emphasizing a sense of self-confidence and dignity.

Yun Zaitian had experienced two thousand springs and autumns. Not to mention anything else, just this kind of cultivator refined through the long years was worthy of respect.

Respecting the old and caring for the young was a beautiful tradition from his previous life, and it was even more important to maintain this style here, allowing the Nascent Soul True Immortal to witness the high quality of modern people!

Gao Xian no longer declined and respectfully sat in the first seat under Yun Zaitian.

Wan Yingying, sitting opposite Yun Zaitian, stared straight at Gao Xian, her big eyes filled with joy, but she didn't dare to speak casually.

Gao Xian nodded at Wan Yingying. It had been more than ten days since they last met, and although the girl had changed into Daoist robes, she was still lively and hadn't changed much.

It was evident that Yun Zaitian treated Wan Yingying well; otherwise, she wouldn't be so relaxed.

Yun Zaitian said, "We still have some time. Let me take a look at the young friend's work first."

The two-thousand-year-old Nascent Soul True Immortal picked up "Dream of the Red Chamber" and started flipping through it.

Yun Zaitian didn't read quickly. He turned the pages one by one, showing a surprisingly serious attitude.

Gao Xian felt even more embarrassed when he thought about the explicit illustrations he had drawn, which were being carefully studied by this two-thousand-year-old Nascent Soul True Immortal.

The level of embarrassment was equivalent to writing a love letter to your first love and being caught by the teacher, who then made you read it aloud in front of the whole class...

Beside him, Wan Yingying curiously widened her eyes. She had no idea that Gao Xian could write books, and seeing the teacher's appearance, it seemed that he wrote quite well.

Gao Xian glared at Wan Yingying. This was not something she should be looking at!

Wan Yingying didn't understand why and pouted, feeling wronged. She didn't know why Gao Xian was scolding her!

Yun Zaitian reached the last page and nodded gently, "Young friend, you have extraordinary talent. I haven't seen such an interesting story in a long time. The illustrations are also good, with a unique style..."

He casually put "Dream of the Red Chamber" into his sleeve and then returned to the main topic, "Yingying has exceptional talent and a lively personality. We get along quite well, so I plan to accept her as my direct disciple. As her elder, do you have any objections?"

Gao Xian quickly bowed and said, "It is Yingying's good fortune to be favored by the True Immortal. I am very happy for her. It's all up to the True Immortal to decide."

Yun Zaitian nodded. He was just asking out of courtesy, thinking that Gao Xian had no reason to object.

He said, "Today, Yingying will officially become my disciple. As her elder, you can witness the ceremony."

Yun Zaitian stood up and beckoned to Wan Yingying, who obediently walked over.

"My initiation ceremony is very simple. Bow to the ancestral master, bow to the teacher, and make a vow to never betray the sect..."

Guided by Yun Zaitian, Wan Yingying burned incense and bowed to the ancestral master's statue, then kowtowed to Yun Zaitian three times, and finally made her oath in front of the ancestral master's statue under Yun Zaitian's witness.

The whole process was simple yet solemn. Gao Xian even felt as if the enshrined statue came to life, calmly observing the disciple kneeling before it.

Gao Xian could feel the sacred and solemn atmosphere pervading the hall. He could sense the pure and powerful force that had been refined over a long period of time, making him feel as small as an ant in the face of such power.

He was shocked in his heart, but then he had a realization. The invisible force had already penetrated his defenses and infiltrated his soul.

The clouds in the sky were not targeting him, nor were they intentionally acting. They were simply following an ancient and solemn ritual, and their power naturally emanated. This was the unparalleled Divine Ability accumulated by the Nascent Soul True Lord over two thousand years!

Gao Xian was also very happy for Wan Yingying. This young girl's parents had passed away early, but today she was able to join the Nascent Soul True Lord's sect, and her future prospects were truly limitless!

It should be noted that even someone with qualifications like Yun Qingxuan was not a direct disciple of Yun Zaitian. The weight of being a direct disciple can be imagined!

After the initiation ceremony, Yun Zaitian also appeared very happy. "In the past two thousand years, I have taken in eight direct disciples, and you are the ninth. I will give you this Heaven Escape Ring for self-defense."

Yun Zaitian took out a silver ring filled with spiritual light and personally put it on Wan Yingying as a hair accessory.

Wan Yingying didn't know what grade of Law Weapon the Heaven Escape Ring was, but since it was given by her teacher, it should be a good thing. She thanked him happily.

Gao Xian couldn't tell the depth of the Heaven Escape Ring either. In his opinion, it was at least a third-grade Spiritual Weapon!

He sighed in his heart. The Nascent Soul True Lord was indeed wealthy. After all this time, he still didn't have a third-grade Spiritual Weapon in his hands.

But then he thought about it. The Nascent Soul True Lord had lived for two thousand years and accumulated who knows how much wealth. He also controlled Qingyun Sect, with millions of cultivators under his rule.

Yun Qiushui and Yun Qingxuan were the same. Although they were young, they had the support of Qingyun Sect, with its sophisticated and rigorous cultivation system, as well as various supporting elixirs, Law Weapons, and spiritual objects.

They had gathered the power of a huge sect in themselves, which was why they had such cultivation.

Although Gao Xian had the external support of the Wind Moon Treasure Mirror, he had only accumulated it for a few years. How could he compare to the Nascent Soul True Lord, or to Yun Qiushui and Yun Qingxuan?

Gao Xian used to envy Yun Qiushui and Yun Qingxuan, but now he understood the reasons behind it and felt balanced.

Wan Yingying received a good thing and wanted to share it with Gao Xian. But the gift given by the teacher obviously couldn't be given away.

She playfully grabbed the sleeve of the white-haired old Daoist and said, "Teacher, my brother is here to witness the ceremony. As the esteemed Nascent Soul True Lord, you should give him a gift as a token of meeting..."

Gao Xian couldn't help but look at Wan Yingying and thought, "What a good girl, my brother didn't spoil you for nothing!"

Yun Zaitian smiled and said, "Yingying is young, but she knows etiquette and virtue. Young friend, since you have come to witness the ceremony and it is our first meeting, I should give you a gift."

After pondering for a moment, he said, "Young friend, I see that the quality of the Spirit Rhinoceros Flying Sword on your left hand is quite good, but its spirituality has been lost and it is difficult to exert its power."

"I happen to have a piece of Sword-Nurturing Jade, so I will give it to you. I believe it will enhance the power of this Spirit Rhinoceros Sword..."

Gao Xian considered himself to have high moral character and could be considered indifferent to fame and fortune, but he couldn't refuse the gift of an elder!

To refuse a gift from a Nascent Soul True Lord was not only impolite, but also ignorant of life and death!

He immediately bowed and thanked him, "Thank you, True Lord. This junior humbly accepts it."

Yun Zaitian smiled. He quite appreciated Gao Xian's straightforward and direct manner. If he wanted something, he wouldn't be pretentious. This was good, he was a smart person!

Yun Qiushui also showed a happy expression. To receive a gift from the ancestor was not so much about the gift itself, but more about the ancestor's appreciation of Gao Xian.

In the future, if there were any problems, just mentioning the ancestor's name would be enough to deter the insignificant people within the sect!

No matter how unruly Shui Yuyu was, she wouldn't dare to show any disrespect to the ancestor!

Gao Xian had made a mistake at the Qingyun Conference, but with the ancestor's care, it wouldn't be difficult for him to become a true disciple.

Yun Qiushui felt that he had gained a lot from this and sincerely felt happy for his good friend...

(End of this chapter)

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