Chapter 233: Fishing

A medium-sized Qingmu flying ship cut through the layers of clouds and descended continuously towards the ground.

Gao Xian stood on the deck, overlooking the scene below. He saw that the mountains were all twisted and contorted, with circular patterns on the surface, resembling the shape of a snail shell.

Hmm, it looks a bit like ice cream.

Thousands of peaks had this same shape, like thousands of giant green snail shells. Looking down from the sky, it was a magnificent sight.

Yun Qiu Shui, dressed in white, said, "Brother Gao, the mountains here have this shape because the underground yin wind rises up and collides with the yang energy, forming invisible whirlwinds. That's why these mountains are twisted into the shape of snail shells."

"The plants and trees that grow in the Bi Luo mountains are all imbued with yin energy, which is highly toxic to ordinary life. That's why there is a pervasive miasma and rampant poisonous insects here. There are no human traces for hundreds of thousands of miles..."

Gao Xian nodded and said, "The vastness of the heavens and earth, the wonders of creation, are truly awe-inspiring."

Yun Qiu Shui smiled and said, "The surface is still fine. Although the changes in the mixture of yin and yang energy are drastic, we cultivators just need to be a little more careful. However, underground, countless invisible yin winds have created thousands of hollow caves, and these yin winds can greatly interfere with our divine senses."

"Even a Gold Core cultivator will have their divine sense restricted to within two hundred steps. All kinds of Law Weapons and talismans will also be greatly limited. Once trapped inside, it's impossible to escape, and it's even more difficult to transmit messages outside. It's a perfect place for murder..."

He looked at Gao Xian and said, "Brother Gao, you must be extremely careful!"

Gao Xian laughed and said, "When I was young, I stole a pill and was punished by my master with ten lashes. I wet my pants from the beating."

"Since then, I have understood one thing: no matter what you want to obtain, you have to pay a price. So, before I reach out my hand, I always think about whether I can afford that price."

"Haha, Brother Gao, with such enlightenment, you can achieve the great Dao." Yun Qiu Shui laughed and praised.

The Qingmu flying ship entered the airspace above the Bi Luo mountains, and the chaotic airflow mixed with yin and yang energy shook the ship continuously.

The Qi Refining cultivators on the deck couldn't help but sway along with the ship, their faces looking grim.

The swaying Qingmu flying ship seemed like it could crash at any moment, but in the end, it landed steadily on a flat ground on the mountaintop.

The huge ship shattered countless rocks, raising a cloud of dust.

The Qi Refining cultivators breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the ship land safely.

At this moment, Yin Li Hua also came out. Yun Qiu Shui said to Yin Li Hua, "Fellow Daoist and Brother Gao are traveling together. Each of them will receive two shares, and the remaining six shares will be handed over to the sect."

The Bi Luo mountains were only a few thousand miles away from Qingyun City, and every blade of grass and tree here belonged to the Qingyun Sect.

Not to mention precious spiritual items like the Yinma Ginseng, outsiders had no qualifications to touch them.

Yun Qiu Shui giving Yin Li Hua and Gao Xian two shares each was already his maximum authority.

After all, these were the sect's belongings, and although his status was high, he couldn't just give them away indiscriminately.

Yin Lihua nodded slightly, indicating no objection.

Gao Xian knew that Yun Qiushui was taking care of them, so he clasped his hands and said, "Thank you, Brother Yun, for your care."

To capture the Yinma ginseng, a specially made spirit bag is needed. Each cultivator present had one, including Gao Xian and Yin Lihua.

Ready to go, Gao Xian and Yin Lihua took the lead and entered the underground cave.

This place is quite similar to the Fenghuo Cave of the Lianyun Sect, with interconnected caves, but without the hot and fiery aura of the Fenghuo Cave.

The Yin Feng Cave is cold and gloomy, occasionally emitting a low wailing sound like a ghost crying from the small cracks in the rock wall.

Gao Xian activated a golden light talisman, enveloping his whole body in golden light, blocking out the cold Yin wind.

His robe could easily withstand the Yin wind, but activating it would consume his own spiritual power.

According to the plan, they were supposed to stay in the Yin wind environment for twenty days. For such a long time, they naturally had to minimize their consumption.

Using talismans had no disadvantages except for being a bit expensive.

Yin Lihua didn't use any talismans. A layer of faint light circulated on her black robe, actually absorbing the spiritual energy in this Yin wind while breathing.

Gao Xian felt a bit envious. Yin Lihua had a natural Yin and Ming spirit body, and she was like a fish in water in this Yin wind environment.

For her, the cold and spiritual energy in the Yin wind should be very suitable for cultivation. However, absorbing too much of this cold spiritual energy wouldn't be a good thing.

Otherwise, if Yin Lihua stayed in this environment all year round, her cultivation would skyrocket.

Yin Lihua didn't even look at Gao Xian. She took the lead without hesitation and continued to descend.

After walking for half an hour, they encountered a black snake about ten feet long.

The black snake was lurking in the darkness, preparing to ambush. Yin Lihua flicked her finger and easily severed the snake's head with a sword-like dark light.

"Xuanming Finger Sword." Gao Xian recognized this spell. It was a second-grade lower-tier spell. Yin Lihua effortlessly displayed it, showing both ease and astonishing power.

It was evident that Yin Lihua had a high level of accomplishment in this spell.

After walking like this for half a day, Yin Lihua killed many low-level demonic beasts, while Gao Xian followed behind without even getting a chance to take action.

"It's right ahead!"

Yin Lihua suddenly said, "You stay here, I'll go catch it."

Gao Xian adjusted the Flower Discerning Spirit Mirror and, through several layers of rock walls, saw the small horse-like creature about a foot tall.

The Yin wind in the Yin Feng Cave was very strong and greatly interfered with the Flower Discerning Spirit Mirror.

In the Candlelight Yin Ming mode, Gao Xian could see through the Yin wind, giving him a great advantage.

After all, divine consciousness would be strongly disturbed by the Yin wind in this place, and he could observe the environment more intuitively and sensitively through the Flower Discerning Spirit Mirror.

Yin Lihua was able to detect the Yin Ginseng, obviously not relying on her eyes, but on her sensitive perception of Yin Qi through her ethereal spirit body.

Gao Xian followed calmly behind. When he turned the corner, he saw Yin Lihua quickly release a large black silk net towards the Yin Ginseng.

The small horse, about a foot long, reacted very quickly. It sensed the danger and immediately lowered its head, trying to burrow into the ground.

Yin Lihua pointed her finger, and a faint light flashed across the ground for several zhang.

The small horse crashed into the faint light and immediately fell to the ground. Before the small horse could struggle again, the large net had already enveloped it.

Yin Lihua took out a specially made black spirit bag and put the Yin Ginseng into it.

With the abilities of a Foundation Building cultivator, as long as the Yin Ginseng could be found, there was almost no possibility of failure.

A large number of Qi Refining cultivators from the Qingyun Sect came over mainly because the Yin Ginseng was too difficult to find. The Yin wind here also had a strong interference on divine consciousness, so it could only be found through a large number of people.

Yin Lihua, with her naturally ethereal spirit body, indeed had a great advantage in this aspect.

Yin Lihua put away the Yin Ginseng and continued walking forward without even looking at Gao Xian.

Gao Xian didn't mind. This woman was very beautiful, but extremely cold and uninteresting. Compared to Qiuniang and Yin Lihua, she was considered a socialite.

He didn't expect women to talk to him either. It was fine for everyone to work quietly like this.

His only concern now was whether the strong Yin wind here would affect the implementation of the plan.

Actually, he didn't like fishing, and using a direct hook to fish was even more excessive. However, the other party still bit the hook in this situation, either their intelligence was a problem, or they had too high of an opinion of themselves and didn't take him seriously.

Regardless of which one it was, it was their own doing, and he couldn't be blamed.

Yin Lihua worked silently, and as they went deeper underground, the Yin wind became even stronger.

The golden light talisman that could last for two or three hours was consumed in less than half an hour.

A second-grade inferior golden light talisman cost one hundred spirit stones.

Although Gao Xian was wealthy, he was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed. He had to switch to using the Shadowless Robe.

The Shadowless Robe, which was a master-level perfection technique, had strong protective abilities in all aspects. In this environment, it was enough to withstand the Yin wind for an hour.

With his cultivation, he could easily activate it continuously for twelve hours without stopping.

Yin Lihua noticed Gao Xian's Shadowless Robe. She couldn't recognize what kind of spell it was and was quite curious about this layer of watery outer garment.

What surprised her even more was that this spell had an extremely strong protective power and could withstand the Yin wind for an hour without dispersing.

The Qi Refining cultivators of the Qingyun Sect have cloaks specifically designed to protect against Yin Winds, but it is still impossible for them to venture to such depths.

She is able to withstand it because her spiritual body is in harmony, and her cultivation technique and robe can easily absorb the spiritual energy in the Yin Winds.

Gao Xian, on the other hand, seems to be at ease, indicating how profound his spells are!

In the environment of the Yin Wind Cave, she is afraid that she is no match for Gao Xian. She also becomes more cautious and fearful of Gao Xian.

As they continue to go deeper underground, there are more and more Yin Horse Ginseng. However, these deep-level Yin Horse Ginseng are very sensitive, and Yin Lihua finds it difficult to catch them even after trying three or five times.

Gao Xian can't help but intervene. He cooperates with Yin Lihua and, using the Flower Identification Spirit Mirror, he can always predict the direction in which the Yin Horse Ginseng will escape in advance.

With their cooperation, they are always able to catch the Yin Horse Ginseng.

After working together twice, they gradually develop a tacit understanding. Yin Lihua's opinion of Gao Xian also changes. This man never takes the initiative to provoke or show off his cultivation level. He is calm, gentle, and surprisingly pleasant to be around.

But at this point, she can't regret it.

In the darkness, a blue spiritual light flickers, illuminating the vast cavern.

This is a closed cavern, but it is extremely spacious, tens of zhang high and hundreds of zhang wide.

The blue spiritual light casts a layer of blue over the entire cavern.

Gao Xian notices that the center of the spiritual light is a gem, obviously embedded by someone above the cavern.

Gao Xian looks at Yin Lihua and asks, "Fellow Daoist, what does this mean?"

Yin Lihua doesn't say anything. She transforms into a phantom and quickly retreats, instantly returning to the entrance of the cavern passage.

A sweet laugh comes from behind Yin Lihua, "Gao Xian, we meet again!"

Before the words even finish, Shui Yuying, dressed in a black robe, appears next to Yin Lihua.

Originally, she was much shorter than Yin Lihua, but now she floats in the air, making her half a chi taller than Yin Lihua.

Gao Xian calmly asks, "Lady Shui, our past grievances have already been settled. What is the meaning of your visit?"

Shui Yuying smugly smiles and says, "The past is settled. I'm not here to settle scores with you. I'm here to have fun with you."

With a seductive face, she says, "Little obedient one, don't be afraid. Sister will treat you well..."

Gao Xian clasps his hands and says, "I am pure-hearted and devoted to the Dao. I will not indulge in lustful desires. Please restrain yourself, Lady."

Shui Yuying laughs arrogantly, "I just love your righteous and rebellious appearance. If you don't resist, then this game would be too boring!"

(Stable double updates, seeking votes~)

(End of this chapter)

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