Great Immortal With Boundless Mana

Chapter 236: Be Cautious

Chapter 236: Caution

Gao Xian looked at the stunned Yin Lihua with a puzzled expression, "How should we handle this?"

Yun Qiushui said confidently, "This woman plotted to kill Brother Gao, how can we easily let her off?"

"Shui Yuying didn't take her away, which means she left her for us to deal with."

Shui Yuying suffered a disastrous defeat in this battle and lost all face. She was also afraid that Yun Qiushui would hold onto this matter, so she abandoned Yin Lihua.

Yin Lihua, who possessed the Yin Ming Spirit Body, was indeed a genius. However, compared to Gao Xian and Yun Qiushui, she was far inferior.

After this battle, Shui Yuying was extremely disappointed in Yin Lihua. She didn't contribute anything in the fight and just stood there dumbly!

If you want to do something bad, you must pay the price.

Shui Yuying wanted to see how Yun Qiushui and the others would handle Yin Lihua!

Gao Xian was also somewhat hesitant. Killing Yin Lihua would be good, as she was not some innocent flower and it wouldn't be excessive to kill her for her crimes.

After experiencing so much, Gao Xian was not hesitant to kill.

However, killing someone like this seemed a bit cruel. Yun Qiushui obviously didn't mean that either.

Through Shui Yuying's concession, Gao Xian understood the internal struggles of the major sects. Everyone basically maintained a state of fighting without breaking apart.

It was fine to compete with each other, but resorting to killing and fighting to the death was clearly not the style of cultivators from major sects.

This was also because they had favorable conditions and could still live well even if they took a step back. There was no need to fight to the death over trivial matters.

In this regard, cultivators from major sects and ordinary cultivators were fundamentally different. Ordinary cultivators had no room for error and would be completely finished if they lost. So when they took action, they went all out and left no room for compromise.

Gao Xian, who rose to prominence from Feima Ji, had also developed this habit. If he didn't take action, he wouldn't, but if he did, he would kill.

Now he realized that some things didn't need to be so extreme, and some people didn't need to be killed.

Just like Yun Taihao, who had a ruthless and merciless personality. However, when it came to doing things, he still had some of the demeanor of a Gold Core cultivator and wouldn't go to extremes.

The same was true for him. Although he was initially treated as a discarded pawn, they found that he could be useful and didn't overly fear him. Instead, they gave him some opportunities and even let him come to Qingyun City in the end.

Gao Xian felt that he should also change his way of thinking, at least not always resorting to killing to solve problems.

He asked Yun Qiushui, "Brother Yun, help me obtain the Five Elements Unity Qi Technique. Everything else is not important to me. Yin Lihua can be left to you to handle."

Yun Qiushui smiled, "I, who am pure and devoted to the path of the sword, find such a cold and beautiful woman quite interesting. It would be good for Brother Gao to bring her home and enjoy her."

These words carried a hint of teasing, but they weren't entirely teasing. He truly had no interest in Yin Lihua. Why would he want a cold woman who wasn't even as good-looking as him to come over?

"This woman wants to kill me, I dare not indulge."

Gao Xian shook his head. Although he liked beautiful women, he had no interest in Yin Lihua and did not want to take such a huge risk.

There are plenty of beautiful women in the world, why focus on Yin Lihua? If it were Shui Yuying, he would seriously consider it.


Yun Qiushui also thought it was not appropriate. Having a woman with sinister intentions by his side was too dangerous. After all, she was a Foundation Building cultivator, and she had the support of Xuanming Sect behind her. It wouldn't be good to treat her as a plaything.

Shui Yuying abandoning Yin Lihua without any concern might be intentionally giving them a difficult problem.

Yun Qiushui brought Gao Xian to Yin Lihua's side. Yin Lihua glanced at the two of them but remained silent.

"I'll give you a chance to redeem your life," Yun Qiushui said calmly.

Yin Lihua was startled. A hint of joy appeared in her eyes. This was truly a precious opportunity.

After thinking for a moment, she said, "I can offer fifty thousand low-grade spirit stones."

Yun Qiushui looked at Gao Xian and asked, "What do you think, Brother Gao?"

"I think it's acceptable."

Gao Xian was somewhat surprised that Yin Lihua could offer so many spirit stones. He had killed so many Foundation Building cultivators and only accumulated forty high-grade spirit stones.

Yin Lihua, who came from a small sect, was unexpectedly so wealthy!

Yun Qiushui nodded. "You give the fifty thousand spirit stones to Brother Gao, and you can leave."

Yin Lihua readily took out fifty high-grade spirit stones from her storage bag and handed them to Gao Xian. After thinking for a moment, she also gave Gao Xian the spirit bag containing Yinmasan. After finishing this, she turned and left, not daring to stay any longer.

Gao Xian looked at Yun Qiushui. "I feel a bit awkward accepting so many spirit stones. I'll leave it to Brother Yun to handle."

With Yin Lihua present earlier, Gao Xian couldn't say these things in front of an outsider.

"Hey, she wanted to kill you, so of course, the compensation should go to you. I'll take care of it," Yun Qiushui waved his hand.

"We're friends, no need to worry about these small matters," he said. Since childhood, he had lived a life of luxury and never worried about cultivation. He never valued spirit stones, elixirs, or Law Weapons.

Fifty thousand spirit stones were not a small amount to him. Compared to that, he valued Gao Xian more and cherished their friendship.

Yun Qiushui was always like this. When he treated someone well, he treated them extremely well. He always did things in a proper and impeccable manner, leaving no room for criticism.

This time, he took the opportunity to fight with Shui Yuying and also to teach her a lesson. He had always disliked how Shui Yuying was always ambiguous and spoke ill of him behind his back.

Through this incident with Gao Xian, he also gave the other party a big lesson.

Now that he had defeated Shui Yuying, although it was expected, he was still very happy. He didn't even want tens of thousands of spirit stones.

"Alright, I accept it with gratitude."

Gao Xian didn't bother being polite either. Although 500,000 spirit stones were a lot, he didn't think Yun Qiushui cared about them. The main point was that there was no meaning in going back and forth with each other. Since someone like Yun Qiushui said he didn't want it, then he didn't want it. If Gao Xian wanted it, there was no need to be so polite about it.

After coming out of the Yin Wind Cave, Gao Xian waited on the Qingmu Fei Ship for more than ten days before the various teams of Qingyun Sect's cultivators returned one after another.

The Yin Wind Cave only weakens for one month each year, and that's when the Yinma Ginseng emerges from deep underground. During other times, the Yinma Ginseng hides deep underground, and even if one could enter the Yin Wind Cave, they wouldn't be able to catch it.

Yun Qiushui's team had also successfully completed the mission, and the Qingmu Fei Ship set sail on its return journey.

One day later, Gao Xian returned home. He could have come back earlier to refine pills, but he found it quite boring to stay in the Biluo Mountain. However, since Yun Qiushui had helped him so much, he couldn't just abandon him.

This time, the harvest was huge. The 500,000 spirit stones were secondary; the key was the Five Elements Unity Technique.

Shui Yuying, a Gold Core True Immortal of the Water Jade Sakura Hall, had agreed to it. Gao Xian believed that she wouldn't regret it.

Actually, Gao Xian was a bit uncertain about this. If Shui Yuying did regret it, he wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

He could only stay at home and refine pills, waiting for news.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed. Gao Xian was refining pills at home when Yun Qiushui arrived.

Yun Qiushui handed a golden jade slip to Gao Xian as soon as they met. "Brother Gao, this is the 'Five Elements Unity Technique.' Shui Yuying is a Gold Core True Immortal. She may not have a good character, but she still cares about her reputation."

Gao Xian was overjoyed. He eagerly took the jade slip with both hands and said excitedly, "Brother Yun, from now on, you are my true brother! You are my elder brother!"

"I bow to my elder brother. Please accept my respect," Gao Xian deeply saluted, his face full of sincerity and earnestness.

Yun Qiushui stepped aside, laughing heartily. "That's enough, that's enough..."

To Yun Qiushui, defeating Shui Yuying or obtaining 500,000 spirit stones were not as interesting as Gao Xian. This cultivator always brought him a sense of freshness and exceeded his imagination. To him, this friend was very precious.

Gao Xian accepted the jade slip and let Yun Qiushui into the main hall. He said boldly, "Today, I'll treat you. Whatever Brother Yun wants to eat, just say it."

"Let's skip the food. In a few days, the head of the Scripture Hall will host a banquet for talented individuals from all sides. Coincidentally, I also have two friends coming. Brother Gao, accompany me to attend..." Yun Qiushui said.

"Brother Yun has other friends?" Gao Xian was a bit surprised.

Yun Qiushui was a bit puzzled. "I've traveled all over and made many friends. Is there a problem?"

"I thought Brother Yun had high standards and chose me as a friend. I didn't expect you to be so casual..."

Gao Xian said seriously, "I only have Brother Yun as a friend!"

Yun Qiushui felt a little embarrassed by the comment. "The others are just ordinary friends, not like the close confidant I have in Brother Gao."


Gao Xian chuckled. "I was just joking, Brother Yun, don't take it seriously."

Yun Qiushui also laughed.

He then became serious and said, "The Five Elements Harmony Technique requires finding a good cultivation partner, otherwise the effort will be doubled and it will only hinder Brother Gao. If Shui Yuying gave you the Five Elements Harmony Technique so readily, I'm afraid she has ulterior motives."

"After cultivating the Five Elements Harmony Technique, it will be even more difficult to cultivate the Thirty-Six Volumes of the Azure Cloud Technique. Brother Gao must be cautious... "

After seeing Yun Qiushui off, Gao Xian hurriedly finished refining the pill furnace and went into seclusion in his quiet room.

The Five Elements Harmony Technique was related to his future path. No matter what, he had to give it a try. If Lan Jie couldn't do it, then he would think of another way.

Gao Xian had a feeling that the Five Elements Harmony Technique was tailor-made for him, and there was no reason for it not to work.

He held the golden jade scroll in his hand and activated the divine consciousness engraved within it. The technique of the Five Elements Harmony was deeply imprinted into his sea of consciousness through the interaction of two divine consciousnesses.

The Five Elements Harmony Technique was more complex and profound than the Great Five Elements Technique, especially when it came to the powerful dual cultivation method for men and women.

Men represented the positive elements, while women represented the negative elements. When the positive and negative elements were in harmony, they encompassed all the changes of the five elements in the world.

Gao Xian suddenly realized that it was because of the Five Elements Harmony Technique that the Great Five Elements Technique was considered the top cultivation method in the world.

Under his urging, Lan Jie appeared from her brow. He and Lan Jie were connected in both aura and mind.

Lan Jie had always helped him hold the talisman, saving him countless troubles. This was why he could easily cast spells.

At this moment, Gao Xian and Lan Jie combined their divine consciousnesses, with Lan Jie naturally operating the negative elements while he operated the positive elements, jointly practicing the Five Elements Harmony Technique.

Every day, Gao Xian and Lan Jie combined their divine consciousnesses, practicing the Tai Zhen Couple God technique, while also refining their own divine souls and divine consciousness. His powerful divine consciousness was rooted in the Tai Zhen Couple God technique.

At this time, they jointly practiced the Five Elements Harmony Technique, but the way their divine consciousnesses combined was more complex and exquisite. Lan Jie couldn't absorb external spiritual energy, but she could operate his mana.

It was as if they were evenly sharing his gathered mana, and then using the Five Elements Harmony Technique to combine their positive and negative elements for dual cultivation.

After practicing this dual cultivation cycle for 108 weeks, Gao Xian opened his eyes and looked at the Wind Moon Treasure Mirror, only to see the Five Elements Harmony Technique listed there, which made him overjoyed!

What surprised him even more was that the Five Elements Harmony Technique appeared on the back of the Wind Moon Treasure Mirror.

There was just one question: why was the Five Elements Harmony Technique labeled with "Tai Zhen Couple God"? And another question, why did the Five Elements Harmony Technique only go up to the Foundation Establishment stage and not beyond...

The next update may be delayed~ I'll try my best.

(End of this chapter)

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