Chapter 29: Swift Sword

The most useful skill on the back of the Wind and Moon Treasure Mirror is undoubtedly the Great Duo Divine Technique.

The master-level Lan Jie has been of great help to him in cultivation, alchemy, and combat.

Gao Xian has always felt that the Great Duo Divine Technique is the most important, and its priority for leveling up is also the highest.

The problem is that the Great Duo Divine Technique requires over 4,900 Human Dao Spiritual Lights to level up. This is too extravagant.

He doesn't have the ability to level up the Great Duo Divine Technique right now, so he can only put it aside for now.

Apart from the Great Duo Divine Technique, the next best skill is the Electric Light Dragon Palm.

This skill that he possesses allows his hands to be fast and steady, greatly assisting him in both spell casting and alchemy.

With over 400 Human Dao Spiritual Lights, it is enough to level up the Electric Light Dragon Palm to the master level.

Based on past experience, after reaching mastery, each level up brings a significant improvement to the skill.

Gao Xian is also full of anticipation for the Electric Light Dragon Palm.

As for the True Yang Spear, of course, it is also useful. However, he doesn't feel the need to level it up to the Grandmaster level, at least not so urgently.

The battle with the Evil Spirit last time has already proven that the power of the True Yang Spear is sufficient.

If he had performed better, he could have dealt with the Evil Spirit on the spot.

After weighing his options, Gao Xian decides to level up the Electric Light Dragon Palm.

With less than 300 Human Dao Spiritual Lights, he levels up the Electric Light Dragon Palm.

Electric Light Dragon Palm: Super-fast hand speed, both arms contain the power of electric light, capable of bringing extremely intense sensations to the target. (1/2000 Master)

After leveling up, the description of the Electric Light Dragon Palm has changed.

Originally, it was a fixed simple action with super-fast hand speed, but now the "fixed simple" restriction has been removed, and it is directly described as super-fast hand speed.

Originally, it was both hands that contained the power of electric light, but now it has been changed to both arms. The casting effect has also changed from intense to extremely intense!

It can be said that it has been significantly upgraded in all aspects!

In the Wind and Moon Treasure Mirror, Lan Jie extends her arms, and electric lights wander in her arms. Every joint and muscle in her hands, wrists, elbows, and shoulders are rapidly moving and changing.

It looks as if Lan Jie's arms have turned into two spiritual snakes, exceptionally flexible and agile, and exceptionally fast.

While Lan Jie is transforming, Gao Xian's arms also feel as if they have been electrified, tingling and itching, swelling and soreness.

After a while, Gao Xian's arms return to normal, and there doesn't seem to be anything unusual on the surface.

But he feels that every muscle and bone, from his fingertips to his shoulders, has changed, becoming stronger and more resilient, full of strength and exceptionally nimble.

Hmm, it feels like his arms have gained their own life.

Gao Xian sees the little black cat, who has been watching him with a vigilant expression, and suddenly gets an idea.

He suddenly reaches out to grab the little black cat, and the little black cat realizes that something is wrong and its whole body bristles, ready to jump and dodge. But before it can jump, it is held down.

The little black cat's somewhat mournful cry instantly turns into a cute "meow" sound, and its body becomes as soft as a puddle of water. Its bright black eyes are filled with satisfaction and comfort...

The upgraded Electric Light Dragon Palm instantly subdues the little black cat.

Gao Xian is also very satisfied. He is more than seven feet away from the little black cat, but he easily catches it.

They say a cat's reaction is seven times faster! It can be seen how fast he is now.

Not only are his arm movements fast, but his whole body movements also seem to be faster, including his reaction, which has become much faster.

With Lan Jie's blessing, his reaction will become very fast. This time, however, he did it all on his own, with his own improved reaction.

With faster reactions, increased speed, and more accurate judgment, all combined, it allows him to easily catch the little black cat and play with it as he pleases!

Gao Xian smirked proudly and said, "Why aren't you resisting? Why aren't you fighting back? Falling into my clutches, I'll make you wish for death. Tell me, do you submit or not..."

The little black cat comfortably squinted its eyes, its paws spread out in relaxation. It was completely immersed in its enjoyment, paying no attention to what Gao Xian was saying.

After playing with the cat for a while, the little black cat became so limp that it couldn't even stand up.

Gao Xian glanced at the "Wind and Moon Mirror" and saw that his proficiency in the Master-level "Electric Light and Thunderous Dragon Hand" hadn't changed at all.

Obviously, the difficulty of upgrading the Master-level "Electric Light and Thunderous Dragon Hand" had also increased.

Fortunately, playing with the cat was a great way to relieve stress. Even if it didn't improve his proficiency, he didn't feel like he was wasting his time.

Gao Xian carried his sword and went to the courtyard. He took a deep breath and drew his sword forcefully. After a dazzling flash of cold light, the three-foot-long sword blade turned into a streak of light and returned to its scabbard.

The sword was sheathed, but the piercing sound left by the sword blade cutting through the air still echoed in Gao Xian's ears.

He practiced the motion of drawing and sheathing his sword every day, and now he was very skilled and fluent in it.

However, he had never done it this quickly before.

Without a clear standard of measurement, he felt that this sword was more than ten times faster than before.

What was even more impressive was that he could control this sword with ease. After quickly swinging it out, he could easily bring it back, reaching a whole new level of control over the sword.

Upgrading the "Electric Light and Thunderous Dragon Hand" to the Master level had an immediate effect on his swordsmanship.

Fighting with a sword required coordination of the whole body, but drawing and striking with a sword only required the involvement of the arm. Most of the changes in swordsmanship were mainly driven by the wrist, elbow, and arm.

Gao Xian didn't understand swordsmanship very well, but he knew a simple physical principle: the faster the speed, the stronger the kinetic energy, and the higher the damage.

If he had his current skills in the battle against Lao Wang, he could draw his sword and counter-kill Lao Wang when he made a move.

He found a piece of wood about the thickness of a finger and casually drew his sword. The wooden stick was cleanly split into two equal pieces.

Gao Xian was very satisfied. Being able to do this proved that his sword was not only fast but also accurate.

With a flick of the sword, he picked up one of the wooden sticks in mid-air and swiftly swung his sword. In the flashing sword light, the wooden stick was cut into eight even segments...

In the instant the wooden stick fell, Gao Xian executed seven more strikes, maintaining good precision.

In fact, Gao Xian felt that he could be even faster, but if he was too fast, he would lose control of the sword.

The feeling of using the fast sword was very comfortable and satisfying.

Gao Xian held the sword and wandered around the courtyard, wanting to cut everything he saw.

Even flies and mosquitoes flying in front of him couldn't escape being cut.

In fact, there was no problem with cutting flies and mosquitoes with a fast and accurate sword.

With one strike, flies and mosquitoes would be smashed to pieces by the high-speed sword blade.

Gao Xian played for most of the day until his arms were so sore that he could barely hold the sword. Only then did he reluctantly return to his room to rest.

After eating something hastily, his arms still felt weak and powerless. Finally, Gao Xian could sit down and practice the Five Elements Technique in peace.

After coming out of his meditation, Gao Xian's mood completely calmed down.

He went to the courtyard to test the Ice Arrow Technique and Flame Blast because his seal casting speed had increased, and the casting speed of these two spells had obviously accelerated.

If it weren't for the fact that chanting required a little time, he could cast them instantly.

Gao Xian tested them for a day, and the improvement in the "Electric Light and Thunderous Dragon Hand" had greatly increased his combat power.

With his fast sword, he seemed to be on par with a mid-level Qi Refining cultivator.

However, the battles were too dangerous, and unless absolutely necessary, Gao Xian didn't want to fight with others.

There were still over 150 points of human enlightenment left in the "Wind and Moon Mirror." After weighing his options, Gao Xian added the human enlightenment to the "Heavenly Water Pill."

(End of this chapter)

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