Great Immortal With Boundless Mana

Chapter 310 Looking At People With Their Hearts

Chapter 310: Observing People with the Heart

Gao Xian was not unwilling to help, he just didn't expect Yun Qingxuan to actually have something for him to do.

Yun Qingxuan is a third rank Gold Core cultivator, seen as a Nascent Soul seed and holds a transcendent position within the sect.

In this aspect, even Yun Changfeng cannot compare to Yun Qingxuan.

For someone like her, it is unlikely for the sect to assign her any trivial tasks.

These trivial matters have no impact on ordinary cultivators and can even be used as an opportunity to sharpen their cultivation base.

Yun Qingxuan's cultivation is different from others. She sits by the lake every day, contemplating the Dao through water. She is obviously not suitable for worldly cultivation.

Gao Xian has known Yun Qingxuan for ten years, and she rarely leaves the Jade Mirror Palace.

She has only left the Azure Cloud Sect twice, once to go to Feima Gathering and once to help him deal with Zhang Changzhen.

Yun Taihao was able to ask Yun Qingxuan for help because he begged her earnestly and offered a huge reward. Additionally, the sect needs the Yun Clan as a barrier.

So Gao Xian was able to ask her for help because Zhang Changzhen was going to deal with him, and Yun Qingxuan's reputation is well-known.

If he wanted Yun Qingxuan to help him snatch the Five-Colored Lotus Flower, that would be a different matter.

These two things have fundamentally different natures.

Of course, the main reason is their relationship. If it were someone else, they wouldn't be able to contact Yun Qingxuan at all.

Gao Xian values relationships. Not only has Yun Qingxuan helped him several times, but their friendship alone is enough for him to help her.

It's just that someone like her, who is untainted by the mortal world, Gao Xian thought that she wouldn't come to him for help so easily.

He didn't expect this to happen!

Gao Xian was a little worried if he could handle Yun Qingxuan's matter.

By forcefully breaking the Thousand Year Mountain Protection Formation of the Xuanzhen Sect with a magical item, it means that Yun Qingxuan alone can wipe out the Xuanzhen Sect.

Compared to ten years ago, today's Yun Qingxuan is obviously more powerful, so powerful that he can't fully understand her.

"I am more than willing to help Senior Brother with this matter. I'm just afraid that my abilities are limited and may hinder Senior Brother's affairs."

Gao Xian knew Yun Qingxuan's temperament, so he wanted to make things clear beforehand. Yun Qingxuan is not an ordinary person who would misunderstand him and think he's making excuses to decline.

Yun Qingxuan said, "It's not difficult. Go to Feixian Peak and guard the gate for Qiu Shui for a few days. At most, it will take him a year to reach Golden Core."

Qiu Shui reaching Golden Core is a big deal. Although there are layers of formations protecting it, someone still needs to watch over it from the outside.

The person guarding the gate must be trustworthy, have a high cultivation base, and have the time. After filtering through these criteria, Yun Qingxuan is the most suitable.

Yun Qingxuan cannot refuse this task, and she really doesn't like Feixian Peak.

Fortunately, Gao Xian is here. Apart from his slightly lower cultivation base, he is suitable in all other aspects.

Feixian Peak is protected by layers of formations and a mountain protection formation. Even a Nascent Soul True Monarch would not be able to break in easily for a while.

If someone really comes in, it would be enough for Gao Xian to sound the alarm.


When Gao Xian heard that it wasn't difficult and that it was about his good brother Yun Qiushui, he readily agreed.

Gao Xian asked again, "Should we inform Senior Brother Yun about Zhang Changzhen's situation?"

Zhang Changzhen is the Sect Leader of Xuan Zhen Sect. He was severely injured by Yun Qingxuan in public. This is not a simple personal fight, and the consequences are quite serious.

In Gao Xian's opinion, it would be better to explain it to Yun Changfeng.

"I'll go and tell him."

Yun Qingxuan handed Gao Xian a token, "Feixian Peak Formation Token. There are people guarding there, just go and hand it over."

"Okay. Senior Brother, I'll go now."

Gao Xian bid farewell to Yun Qingxuan and controlled the Yin & Yang Heavenly Wheel to fly away.

He first returned to Xuan Du Peak and explained things to Da Niu. Then he brought some daily necessities and followed the guidance of the Shenxiao Order to fly towards Feixian Peak.

Azure Cloud Sect has thirty-six internal peaks and seventy-two external peaks.

The thirty-six internal peaks are named according to the thirty-six volumes of Qingyun, while the names of the seventy-two external peaks are more arbitrary.

Xuan Du Peak, where Gao Xian lives, is one of the seventy-two external peaks. Feixian Peak is also one of them.

Feixian Peak is solitary and steep, with most of the rocks exposed, and only sporadic trees rooted between the rock walls.

Clouds lingered at the top of the peak, faintly revealing a hint of green.

Feixian Peak is protected by a formation, and Gao Xian can only enter with a pass token.

When he reached the top of the peak, Gao Xian saw a simple wooden house, and a man in yellow clothes was reading in front of it.

Seeing Gao Xian's arrival, the man in yellow clothes raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Junior Brother Gao?"

Gao Xian recognized this man, Lu Yunfeng, a Gold Core Perfected Being of the Shenxiao True Transmission. He is the head of Tianyi Academy and also a fellow disciple of Lu Jingxu.

The Lu family and the Yun family have a good relationship and can be considered legitimate allies. It is reasonable for Lu Yunfeng to help protect the law.

Tianyi Academy is responsible for collecting and preserving scriptures, records, and accounts, making it a very leisurely department.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Yunfeng has the time to come and help protect the law.

Gao Xian took out the pass token and explained Yun Qingxuan's instructions.

Only then did Lu Yunfeng smile and get up, "So it's a shift change. That's great. It's boring and dull here if you stay for too long."

As he spoke, he raised the book in his hand to Gao Xian, "Junior Brother, your White Snake Legend is very good, but you write too slowly."


Gao Xian didn't expect to encounter a reader who wanted faster updates, and he was even a Gold Core Perfected Being.

A dignified Gold Core, is this Liu Bei-style literature really that good?

Gao Xian forced a laugh, "It just so happens that I have nothing to do, so I'll write more."


Lu Yunfeng laughed heartily. He found Gao Xian quite interesting, which explained how he could write such novels.

Lu Yunfeng brought Gao Xian to the stone wall in front of the wooden house and pointed at it, saying, "This is the entrance to the Feixian Sword Cave. If the runes on the stone wall are intact, it means no one has entered or left."

Gao Xian understood that this was a necessary handover procedure. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to explain if anything happened to Yun Qiushui.

"I'll leave it to you then."

After completing the handover, Lu Yunfeng cupped his hands and flew away.

Gao Xian inspected the wooden house. It had been around for a while and looked quite old, but the room was relatively clean.

He used the Cleaning Technique to clean the room quickly and placed some daily necessities, such as bedding, tea sets, books, and writing materials.

There were also Golden Origin Pills and Dingyuan Pills, which were enough to meet his daily needs, so he didn't need to eat anything.

Gao Xian sat on the chair in front of the wooden house and couldn't help but sigh.

Although Xuan Du Peak was a bit quiet, it had all kinds of facilities. If he wanted to eat something, Li Feihuang and Zhou Yuling could make it for him. If he wanted to play, they would accompany him.

When he was bored, he could lie down and sunbathe. It was his own home, where he could relax comfortably.

But it was different here. Not only were the living conditions extremely simple, but he also had the responsibility of being a guardian.

It wouldn't be appropriate to call Zhou Yuling and Li Feihuang here while he stayed.

In fact, Gao Xian couldn't stand loneliness. He rarely engaged in Closed Door Training cultivation. The last time he practiced for two years, it took great determination.

"Fortunately, Lanjie is here with me..."

Gao Xian sighed again. It was boring in the mountains and wilderness, so he could only take out a pair of newly acquired golden whips to play with.

When the two golden whips were put together, they naturally resonated, shining with layers of lightning, which looked quite majestic.

After playing with the whips for a while, Gao Xian felt a bit silly holding two whips. Qin Qiong and Wei Chi, those two godly talents, used double whips. As an elegant and handsome young man, one whip was enough for him...

Perhaps he could find someone to integrate the two whips together...

Gao Xian couldn't help but think of Yun Qingxuan. This senior brother of his had vast supernatural powers and might be able to help him solve the problem.

At the same time, Yun Qingxuan was discussing Gao Xian with Yun Changfeng.

"You siblings really trust him..."

Yun Changfeng couldn't help but sigh, "Putting aside his identity and background, let's talk about his character. He's quite cunning, even a bit treacherous and ruthless."

"Shui Yuying must have died at his hands, and yet you still trust him!"

"Gao Xian is not a bad person."

Yun Qingxuan calmly said, "Shui Yuying chose to die on her own. Who can we blame?"

Everyone knows in their hearts that Shui Yuying's death was definitely caused by Gao Xian. At the very least, he cannot escape responsibility.

There is no evidence to support this, and Gao Xian has also proven his innocence in front of Xuanming Heavenly Venerable.

However, Shui Yuying had a grudge against Gao Xian, and she died inexplicably. Meanwhile, Gao Xian was not present at Azure Cloud Sect during that time.

The karmic relationship here is very clear.

If you investigate Gao Xian's situation, you will know that anyone who has a grudge against him will always end up dead.

One or two incidents could be coincidences, but ten or eight incidents? No one would believe it.

Why was Shui Yujun so confident? It's because he was absolutely certain about this. He just didn't expect that Gao Xian could deceive Xuanming Heavenly Venerable and be exposed on the spot.

Of course, Yun Changfeng is the same. It's just that Gao Xian is one of their own, so they have to protect him no matter what.

In his heart, Yun Changfeng doesn't trust Gao Xian as much. This kid is cunning and ruthless. He may be a fast swordsman, but one must be careful not to harm oneself.

Yun Changfeng naturally disagrees with Yun Qingxuan and Gao Xian being so close and trusting each other so much.

He said, "Qiu Shui is about to reach Golden Core stage. If he is disturbed at this time, something big will happen."

Yun Qingxuan fell silent for a moment and said, "Father, don't underestimate Gao Xian like that."

She paused and continued, "Gao Xian appears to be smooth and worldly-wise on the surface, but deep down, he is very noble. If you sincerely treat him well, he will respond with sincerity. If you have ulterior motives, he is even more cunning than you."

Yun Changfeng shook his head. He disagreed with his daughter's view, but he couldn't convince her either.

After thinking for a moment, he said, "You all forcefully broke through the formation of Xuanzhen Sect and severely injured Zhang Changzhen. This person holds grudges and will cause trouble in the future."

"Zhang Changzhen is arrogant. He dared to lay hands on the true transmission of Shenxiao. Not killing him was already showing mercy."

Yun Qingxuan said softly, "With the invasion of the Eastern Wasteland, people are in panic. We need to use thunderous means to deter the insignificant."

Yun Changfeng fell silent. Indeed, the invasion of the Eastern Wasteland made all the thirty-six sects of Qingyun Dao uneasy, and they couldn't help but make various moves behind the scenes.

This battle also made the other sects see the strength of Azure Cloud Sect, which served as a good warning to them.

"In this troublesome autumn, you must be cautious in your actions."

Yun Changfeng gave a warning, unable to help but say, "Don't trust Gao Xian too much. There must be something wrong with him."

"Father, you use your eyes to judge people, Qiu Shui uses his sword, I use my heart, and Ancestor uses wisdom. All three of us think Gao Xian is good..."

Yun Changfeng fell silent again. His daughter was implying that his judgment was lacking, which made him somewhat unhappy.

Yun Qingxuan said slowly, "Ancestor said that there is a high-rank five-colored Lotus flower deep in the Lihuo Underground Palace. Let's think of a way to help Gao Xian..."

"Huh?!" Yun Changfeng was shocked. Ancestor still cared about such trivial matters!

(Seeking votes~)

(End of this chapter)

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