Great Immortal With Boundless Mana

Chapter 331 Move Forward Bravely

Chapter 331: Moving Forward Courageously

After more than two years of cultivation, Gao Xian had been taking a Nine Cycles Returning to Origin Pill every ten days, which allowed him to regulate his magic power effortlessly.

He went to Lianyun City and saw that Qiniang was doing well, relieving the only worry in his heart.

Upon returning, he felt even more relaxed, empty, ethereal, and spiritual.

Apart from his regular exercises, Gao Xian did not deliberately cultivate his magic power.

The powerful secret techniques such as the Great Vajra Staff, the Tai Zhen Divine Statue, the Great Five Elements Technique, and the Great Principle Divine Transformation had all reached their limits in Foundation Establishment.

As he continued to relax and empty his mind, his originally tense soul and body gradually relaxed, providing space for these powerful magic powers to naturally operate.

With the adjustment of the Nine Cycles Medicine Pill, his magic power had accumulated to the point of overflowing.

Gao Xian casually recited a poem, triggering a moment of inspiration, immediately activating the three innate spirit lights that were ready to be unleashed.

It was not safe outside the Golden Core, even on Xuan Du Peak, as it was prone to interference.

Gao Xian walked slowly back home, letting Daniu leave first to avoid any unexpected incidents affecting him.

He then sent a message to Yun Qiushui, as it was necessary to find a skilled protector during the Golden Core stage.

Be careful on the Ten Thousand Year Ship.

The condensation of the Golden Core would cause anomalies in the heavens and earth, and it would be impossible to hide it within the sect.

Having Yun Qiushui as a protector would help avoid many troubles. As for a small favor, it was insignificant compared to the Great Dao.

Gao Xian activated the formation in his room and was not in a hurry to proceed with the Golden Core.

The Nine Cycles Returning to Origin Pill would take several days at least. During this time, he would seize the opportunity of the spiritual resonance between heaven and earth to enter the Golden Core state. As long as he didn't stop, he wouldn't be interrupted.

During this period of cultivation, Gao Xian had a deep understanding that the Golden Core should not be forcefully pursued.

With the abundant sect spiritual qi and the corresponding spiritual pills and treasures prepared for the Golden Core, there was no need to rush.

As long as he followed each step carefully, with his powerful cultivation base, there was no possibility of failure.

According to records, the success rate of Golden Core formation was actually very low, with only one in a thousand chances.

However, such rough statistics were unreliable and included a large number of rogue cultivators and small sect cultivators.

Speaking only of Azure Cloud Sect, in recent years, Yun Qiushui was the only one who successfully formed a Golden Core, making the success rate one hundred percent.

At this moment, with the inspiration in his hands, Gao Xian could clearly sense the Five Elements spiritual qi between heaven and earth, continuously converging towards him under the attraction of his innate spirit lights.

Previously, when practicing the Five Elements Breathing Technique, he knew the result but not the reason.

Through the wonderful resonance between heaven and earth, Gao Xian could now sense the various changes in the Five Elements spiritual qi.

In his eyes, the Five Elements spiritual qi appeared as ten colors of spiritual light, circulating between positive and negative, nurturing all things and beings.

Only with the circulation of the Five Elements could there be the changing of the four seasons, rain, snow, wind, and frost.

Gao Xian knew that this understanding was actually very crude and superficial, but for cultivators, it had already transcended the limitations of individual life and brought about a new understanding of heaven, earth, all things, and all beings.

Lan Jie, who resided deep in his sea of consciousness, appeared. She practiced the Five Elements Harmony Technique, which resonated with his Great Five Elements Technique.

The power of the positive and negative Five Elements converged within him and began to operate in an orderly manner.

At this moment, a white figure descended from the sky, Yun Qiushui arrived on his flying sword.

Gao Xian smiled at Yun Qiushui through the window, his friend had come so quickly! A true friend!

Yun Qiushui nodded, indicating that he would take care of everything.

Both of them were good friends, and at this critical moment, there was no need for many words.

Only then did Gao Xian enter the underground chamber and activate the protective formation.

With the double formations and Yun Qiushui, they had nothing to fear even if someone tried to disrupt his Golden Core formation.

This was Azure Cloud Sect. If the Water Clan could see his Golden Core, how could the Cloud Clan not see it?

If someone were to act at this moment, even the ancestor Yun in the heavens would not tolerate it.

Gao Xian made these arrangements just in case.

Inside the chamber, a ancient five-legged incense burner emitted a lingering smoke, giving off a long-lasting fragrance that calmed the mind.

The Five-Element Incense Burner is a Rank Four Middle Grade Spiritual Weapon borrowed from the ancestor Yun Zaitian.

The incense burned is called Yunlong Incense, which is said to be made from grinding dragon horns. The lingering fragrance of the incense curls and dances in the air like a dragon, also making it a Rank Four spiritual object.

Yunlong Incense calms the mind and soul, can suppress Heart Demons, dispel evil spirits, and has various other miraculous uses such as Qi Transformation and blood activation.

There are also several other Spiritual Weapons and spiritual objects borrowed from the sect, such as the Heavenly King's Demon-Suppressing Sword and the Five-Element Origin Returning Spirit Pearl. Each of these items has its own unique uses and can greatly assist cultivators in reaching the Golden Core stage and overcoming various disturbances.

The biggest trouble during the Golden Core stage is the Heart Demon, followed by the disturbance caused by evil spirits sensing one's Qi, and then external enemies. The sect has rich experience in dealing with these issues and has a comprehensive set of countermeasures, greatly increasing the chances of success for cultivators in reaching the Golden Core stage.

Even if the Golden Core fails, the consequences will not be too severe.

If Gao Xian did not join the Azure Cloud Sect, he would not have been able to obtain any of these things. This includes the Ninth Grade Five-Color Lotus Flower, which was also borrowed from the sect. Gao Xian is very grateful for all of this and plans to repay the sect in the future.

This is normal, as Yun Qiushui also owes a large amount of good deeds for her Golden Core.

At the beginning, Gao Xian could still think about these miscellaneous matters, but as the Five-Element cultivation technique continued to operate, the intermittent distractions gradually disappeared.

In the depths of his sea of consciousness, he and Lan Jie's divine intentions merged and became indistinguishable from each other.

After a few days like this, three streams of light continuously purified and integrated the innate spiritual light, eventually forming a pure mass of spiritual light.

At this moment, his body and Divine Sense seemed to disappear, everything condensed into this mass of spiritual light.

Returned to Origin, firm and unyielding like gold.

This is what cultivators call the Golden Core, easily condensed at this moment.

Gao Xian could sense the mysterious resonance between the Golden Core and the Five Elements of heaven and earth. With a slight movement, he could induce the resonance of the positive and negative forces of the Five Elements.

This powerful feeling made Gao Xian unable to help but become immersed in it. It took a great amount of willpower for him to reverse the Golden Core and gradually dissolve and reintegrate the condensed mass of spiritual light back into his body.

At this moment, Gao Xian also found the feeling of pill refining. Indeed, refining pills and refining the body are very similar. One uses a pill cauldron for pill refining, while the other uses the body.

It is said that the body is the cauldron, Qi is the medicine, the heart is the fire, the kidneys are the water, the liver is the wood, the spleen is the earth, and the lungs are the metal.

By operating the Five Elements to refine the Golden Core, the Nine Cycles of the soul can be reversed to become an immortal. This is also the secret song of the Golden Core stage in the Five-Element cultivation technique.

At this moment, Gao Xian manipulated his Divine Sense according to the secret technique to purify his Divine Sense with Magic power.

The five-colored Lotus Flower floating in front of him silently rotated, giving birth to extremely pure Five-Element Spiritual Qi that enveloped Gao Xian.

With the support of the Five-Element Spiritual Qi from the Lotus Flower, Gao Xian quickly condensed into a pure mass of five-colored spiritual light once again.

This time, the condensed mass of spiritual light formed a structured combination of ten different colors, forming a positive and negative Five-Element structure.

From the perspective of the Golden Core level, it has far surpassed the first Golden Core.

Gao Xian operated the Golden Core, sensing the orderly changes in the Magic power of the positive and negative Five Elements. After a while, he used his Divine Sense to decompose and reshape the formed Golden Core once again.

The third time he reformed the Golden Core, the speed was faster and the formed Golden Core was more stable.

During the Golden Core stage, Gao Xian saw the five organs tremble, and black smoke rose from them.

The twisted black smoke resembled ghosts and demons, and with the operation of Magic power, it entered his sea of consciousness.

The pure and bright innate spiritual light was instantly contaminated by the smoke, causing darkness in his sea of consciousness.

Gao Xian knew that this was the impure Qi accumulated in the five organs, which evolved and transformed under the stimulation of powerful Spiritual Qi, appearing like ghosts and demons.

From the lower third rank to the middle third rank of the Golden Core, there will be tribulations.

However, the specific tribulations encountered during personal cultivation vary depending on different secret techniques, talents, encounters, and intellectual abilities.

The impure Qi that was stimulated to emerge from the five organs is a tribulation, but after refining it, the body becomes pure and free from impurities, and the Cultivation Base advances to a higher level.

Gao Xian's Divine Sense is powerful and cannot be shaken by mere impure Qi. His life origin is also extremely strong, so he quickly refined the impure Qi with his life origin, entering the Fourth Rank Golden Core Realm.

Five transformations, six transformations, all come from the same source.

Until the moment of reaching the seventh transformation and forming the elixir, Gao Xian's sea of consciousness was filled with the sound of music. A group of graceful and colorful women appeared, dancing as they walked, their figures soft and agile.

Vaguely, these women's faces were familiar, as if they were old friends from the Chang Le Tower...

As Gao Xian realized this, he found that his friends were already sitting around him. Yun Qiu Shui, Lu Jing Xu, and even Li Bao Ding and others.

On the table in front of him were abundant food and wine, the strong scent of alcohol, the aroma of the dishes, and the various fragrances of women's cosmetics, all mixed together, creating a unique atmosphere of revelry.

Manifesting as real due to the power of thought!

Gao Xian knew that he had triggered the seven emotions and six desires, connecting with the spiritual realm, and thus creating this illusion.

This illusion was born in his sea of consciousness, specifically tailored for his soul.

The fragrance of the Yun Dragon circulated gently, and these illusions in the mist of dragon smoke rippled like water waves.

The jade chimes hanging above emitted a clear sound, pouring onto Gao Xian's soul like cold water, instantly awakening him.

Gao Xian's heart trembled. This illusion was truly formidable. He knew it was fake, yet somehow he had fallen into it.

Not to mention being obsessed, there was already a hint of difficulty in distinguishing between reality and illusion.

At this stage, the stronger the Divine Sense, the stronger the power of the illusion.

As for the integration of form and spirit in the Great Vajra Staff, it was difficult to exert its effect at this moment.

Everything originated from the heart, and he himself was not the kind of cultivator who practiced diligently without any distractions.

"Evil spirits, trying to disrupt my righteous path!"

Gao Xian shouted, and the scene of joyous singing and dancing in front of him shattered. Yun Qiu Shui and Lu Jing Xu dispersed with a bewildered expression.

In an instant, his sea of consciousness became clear, with only his primordial light shining brightly.

The Five Elements Spiritual Qi emitted by the five-colored Lotus flower gathered together and, under the condensation of the primordial light, formed the Golden Core once again.

At this point, the third rank Golden Core was formed.

Gao Xian felt that about twenty percent of his original source had been consumed, which filled him with confidence.

With his foundation, the first rank Golden Core was not an exaggeration!

After experiencing the changes of the third rank Golden Core for a while, Gao Xian decisively dissolved it into a formed Golden Core and began to refine it again.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't condense the second rank Golden Core. Every time, it would silently collapse just before returning to its origin.

After trying several times, although Gao Xian still had some strength left, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

No matter how strong his life source was, he couldn't sustain such consumption.

The five-colored Lotus flower was just an external object, only playing a supporting role. It couldn't be relied upon.

Suddenly, Gao Xian had a thought. The orderly and layered power of the Five Elements in the Ninth Grade five-colored Lotus flower was exquisite in structure.

His condensation of the Golden Core should be the same, with orderly and layered structures, forming a three-dimensional and complete structure.

Under Gao Xian's control, the primordial light twisted and changed, continuously forming nine clusters of light, layer by layer, with the positive and negative Five Elements fitting together, finally condensing into a brilliant and pure five-colored light.

This Golden Core had just taken shape when a scene flashed through Gao Xian's mind. Qi Niang, wearing a Primordial Yang Flying Fish Crown, looked panicked and pleaded for help, "A Xian, save me..."

"Heart's Demon!"

Gao Xian remained unmoved. Even if he was in the Golden Core stage, let alone without a Golden Core, he couldn't reach Yun City, which was tens of thousands of miles away. If there were any abnormalities, he would be powerless.

Before forming the Golden Core, he had visited Qi Niang to avoid this situation.

Sometimes, even if you know there is a problem, as long as you care about it in your heart, it will give rise to endless changes in the Heart's Demon.

At this point, various spiritual weapons and treasures were useless. He could only rely on himself to overcome the tribulation of the Golden Core.

Yun Qing Xuan had said that reaching the third rank Golden Core was extremely difficult, and with each step forward, the difficulty increased tenfold.

As Gao Xian was thinking, Yun Qing Xuan appeared. She calmly said, "Reaching the third rank Golden Core is as difficult as ascending to the heavens. You have the heart to defy the heavens, but you also need the power to defy the heavens!"

Yun Qing Xuan, dressed in a flowing green robe, her eyes still crystal clear and cold, seemed like a celestial being from the Nine Heavens.

"I'm in the Golden Core stage. Senior Sister, isn't it a bit too much to discourage me like this?"

Gao Xian pointed at Yun Qing Xuan with his finger, "Evil obstacle, retreat!"

In front, Yun Qingxuan remained calm and unaffected. She glanced at Gao Xian with cold eyes and said, "You are far behind me, and you know it..."

Gao Xian's heart trembled. This was troublesome. He knew that Yun Qingxuan was his Hearts Demon illusion.

However, he had always admired the real Yun Qingxuan, admiring her temperament and cultivation base.

He had compared himself to her many times and knew that there was a huge gap between them.

On the other hand, they were also good friends.

At this critical moment, when his Hearts Demon took the form of Yun Qingxuan, he couldn't easily dispel it.

After all, he had recognized Yun Qingxuan as stronger, and this recognition had become stable in his heart.

The Hearts Demon that had taken this form couldn't be easily broken by him.

This meant breaking his own understanding, and the problem was that it also denied his own wisdom, which Gao Xian couldn't do.

However, if a direct attack wouldn't work, he could try a clever approach.

The Hearts Demon couldn't exceed his understanding, and he couldn't imagine the Hearts Demon that he couldn't think of.

Gao Xian called Lan Jie, and their eyes met, naturally merging their energies through dual cultivation.

Yun Qingxuan stood by, motionless.

Gao Xian beckoned, "Why not join us, Senior Brother?"

Yun Qingxuan's expression changed constantly, her figure constantly fading, and finally disappeared without a trace.

"As expected."

Gao Xian knew it would be like this because he couldn't imagine how Yun Qingxuan would respond to his invitation for dual cultivation.

He himself didn't know how his Hearts Demon would naturally change.

In the depths of his bright sea of consciousness, Gao Xian's own spiritual light condensed into a nine-layer second rank Gold Core Returned to Origin, solid and unyielding like gold.

Second rank Gold Core achieved.

Gao Xian felt joy in his heart, but also some hesitation, as he had already consumed about fifty percent of his original power.

A third rank Gold Core was already enough to dominate over others and lay the foundation for a Nascent Soul.

Not to mention a second rank Gold Core, in the vast Wanfeng County, there might not even be a single second rank Gold Core. No, Yun Qingxuan was very likely a second rank Gold Core.

That was enough.

Because he possessed the Wind Moon Treasure Mirror, as long as he formed a third rank Gold Core, he could develop calmly.

Rationally, this was the best stopping point, but Gao Xian couldn't help but want to try.

A first rank Gold Core was a Peerless Grade in the world, enough to lay the foundation for pure yang.

If his goal was only a Nascent Soul, then he wouldn't need to make an effort. But if he wanted to achieve pure yang, he only had a chance with a first rank Gold Core.

Gao Xian wasn't someone who liked taking risks, but he wasn't without a gambling nature.

With his foundation and abilities, couldn't he achieve a first rank Gold Core? Who else in the world could achieve a first rank Gold Core?

This hesitation that arose in his heart was already the influence of the Hearts Demon.

Gao Xian immediately dissolved the second rank Gold Core, and the condensed spiritual light surged, like a divine light piercing through the inside and outside, illuminating the deepest part of his sea of consciousness.

Lan Jie appeared by Gao Xian's side, holding his hand and softly saying, "Let's go home..."

Gao Xian was slightly startled. He had already fallen into endless darkness.

When Gao Xian opened his eyes again, he saw a tender face pouting, staring at him unhappily.

This is, this is...

Gao Xian was suddenly shocked. This wasn't his first love!

He looked around again, bright windows, a large blackboard in front, tables and chairs around, and young faces...

"I transmigrated back in time?"

Gao Xian vaguely felt that something was wrong. What transmigrated back in time?!

He tried hard to think, but his mind was blank, and he couldn't remember anything...

(End of this chapter)

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