Great Immortal With Boundless Mana

Chapter 337 First Visit To Eastern Wasteland

Chapter 337: First Encounter in the Eastern Wasteland

The wolf-headed Monster Race stood at nearly two zhang tall, with bulging muscles and black fur that stood straight up like steel needles.

After transforming, the magic power of the wolf-headed Monster Race doubled, and its blood and qi surged within its body, with a faint layer of flames burning around it.

This Monster Race, after transforming, possessed a formidable aura that rivaled a late stage Foundation Establishment cultivator. Its powerful muscles and bones were far superior to those of an ordinary Foundation Establishment cultivator.

In the dilapidated courtyard, large magic runes rose up one by one, forming a massive net of light that covered Gao Xian.

The powerful restraints generated by the formation not only bound Gao Xian's body, but also suppressed the surrounding spiritual qi, suppressing any fluctuations in magic power.

This Rank Two formation was not particularly exquisite, but it was very practical.

With the formation and a ferocious wolf-headed Monster Race, they were more than enough to deal with a late stage Foundation Establishment cultivator. Not to mention that there was another Foundation Establishment cultivator quietly activating the formation in the broken house nearby.

Before Gao Xian arrived, he never expected that there would be two Foundation Establishment cultivators in the broken courtyard, one of whom was a Foundation Establishment Monster Race, and there was also a protective formation.

Even a Foundation Establishment cultivator like Fan Lingzhen would suffer a great loss if they encountered such an ambush.

Unfortunately, this group of people had targeted the wrong person.

At first, Gao Xian thought that these people were a bit too rough and direct, just randomly grabbing someone and attacking without considering anything else.

But then he realized that this group of people had experienced a lot and had probably killed many others. They wouldn't think too much in such situations.

If one had to carefully plan and consider before acting as a bandit, then what was the point of being a bandit?

Most people are pushed forward by life and rarely make long-term plans.

Even those who can make plans, very few can persistently execute them.

This applies to mortals as well as cultivators.

Gao Xian's Tai Xuan divine clone, because it was a permanent clone, was completely separated from his other two divine clones, and couldn't even share the power of his main body.

Gao Xian felt particularly suppressed in this body, but it didn't hinder his ability to operate the consciousness of his first rank Gold Core.

Just this alone surpassed all Foundation Establishment cultivators in the world, surpassing 99.99% of Gold Cores in the world.

Not to mention that this clone possessed 90% of his late stage Foundation Establishment power, a divine sense range of 4,500 steps, and the formidable physical body of a 90% Great Vajra Staff, as well as the enhancement of various secret techniques such as thunder and lightning.

The divine sense range of an ordinary Foundation Establishment cultivator is a hundred steps, while a late stage Foundation Establishment cultivator's range is three hundred steps. The difference is more than ten times.

Within the divine sense range of the clone, there were no secrets in the small courtyard.

The body of the 90% Great Vajra Staff was far superior to this wolf-headed Monster Race that was showing its fangs and claws.

Facing the charging wolf-headed Monster Race, Gao Xian instantly had a thousand thoughts, and even had a plan on how to deal with this wild game that had delivered itself to his doorstep.

As the roaring wolf-headed Monster Race approached, Gao Xian's palm pierced through its body, burning its qi and blood, and pressed down on its head.

The fierce power of the Great Vajra Staff erupted, and the wolf-headed Monster Race, nearly two zhang tall, felt as if a mountain had been added to its head, forcing it to kneel down with great force on both knees.

The stone slabs in the courtyard shattered with a loud noise, and the wolf-headed Monster Race's knees sank deeply into the ground.

The wolf-headed Monster Race was shocked and furious. Its instinctive roar caused its qi and blood to surge, and the bulging muscles all over its body suddenly burst open, with blood spraying out like mist, but it still couldn't resist the terrifying force pressing down on its head.

As Gao Xian continued to press down with his palm, the wolf-headed Monster Race's body continued to shrink and sink, but even so, it couldn't release the force it was bearing.

Gao Xian tested the physical strength of the wolf-headed Monster Race and quickly lost interest. The power in his hand suddenly erupted.

The protective qi of the Wolf Head Monster Race instantly shattered, his spine broke inch by inch, and his powerful and unmatched strength continued to transmit, shattering all the bones in his body. Including his internal organs, everything was crushed to a pulp.

In the blink of an eye, the body of this brutal and ferocious Wolf Head Monster Race turned into a pile of minced meat, with only the fur remaining intact.

The Wolf Head Monster Race collapsed on the ground in a strange folding manner, and filthy blood continuously seeped out of his seven orifices.

The group of cultivators hiding in the room, who were watching the spectacle, were wide-eyed. They couldn't believe that the powerful Foundation Establishment Monster Race was killed with a single palm.

All along, as long as they lured people in, the Monster Race could tear them to pieces. They would eat their flesh and drink their blood, while leaving behind some Spirit Stones and Magical Items for the cultivators. They lived a comfortable life.

How did this Wolf Lord die in the blink of an eye?!

A group of Qi Refining cultivators couldn't understand this battle. Dong Qi, the Foundation Establishment cultivator who was presiding over the formation, was horrified and terrified, his liver and gallbladder were about to burst.

It was obvious that the opponent's cultivation base far surpassed the Wolf Head, and even the Hexagram Formation couldn't restrain the opponent.

After killing so many cultivators, they finally encountered a tough opponent.

Dong Qi knew that this day would come, but he couldn't stop killing and robbing people just because he was afraid of trouble!

Don't worry so much about things that haven't happened yet!

Besides, he was prepared.

Dong Qi realized that the situation was not good. He immediately jumped out of the back window and took out a concealment talisman from his sleeve pocket.

This Rank Two High Grade talisman could conceal his aura and block Divine Sense, and even turn his body into a phantom.

The chaotic and disorderly broken house here made it difficult to discern the path, only those who were familiar with this place could find their way.

As long as he escaped from this yard and found a house to hide in, unless the opponent turned the whole place upside down, they would never find him.

Dong Qi thought well, but just as he activated the concealment talisman, a curved blood light came straight at him like a huge curved blade.

"Blood Transformation Blade!"

Dong Qi had been wandering in the Eastern Wasteland for many years, so he naturally recognized this vicious spell.

However, he had never seen such a huge Blood Transformation Blade before. The curved blood light was crystal clear and bright, like gold and iron, carrying a sharp aura that could cut through everything.

In horror, he activated his protective qi and the Magical Robe shield, but the blood-colored curved blade easily cut through his protective qi and Magical Robe shield.

The Foundation Establishment early stage cultivator's vision turned red, and he instantly lost all consciousness.

When Dong Qi woke up, he found himself lying in his own yard. He hurriedly used his Divine Sense to check himself and found that his Blood Essence was greatly depleted, and his foundation had suffered a huge damage.

Dong Qi felt extremely uncomfortable. He followed the Wolf Head in killing and robbing people, just to earn more Spirit Stones and buy some spiritual treasures, hoping to break through to the Foundation Establishment middle stage.

This loss of Blood Essence directly cut off his path to advancement.

But he was also optimistic, at least he didn't die. But where did that powerful black-clothed cultivator go?

Dong Qi turned over and saw that the black-clothed cultivator was standing behind him, holding a long knife left by the Wolf Demon, lost in thought.

This knife was obtained by the Wolf Demon by chance and should be at Rank Three. It was heavy and sharp, and very useful.

Unfortunately, the Wolf Demon was too arrogant and rarely used this long knife. As a result, he was killed with a single palm.

Dong Qi's gaze shifted and he noticed some black ashes on the ground, but he couldn't see the figure of the wolf demon anymore.

Including the other people in the courtyard, they had all disappeared without a trace.

He understood in his heart that the other party practiced Blood Cultivation Technique, and everyone had been absorbed as Blood Essence using a Magical Item.

As a disciple of a branch sect of the Yin Demon Sect, Dong Qi looked down on the Blood Devil Sect. These people only knew how to absorb Blood Essence through cruel means.

The problem was that most of the absorbed Blood Essence would be wasted. In a fight, they would use Blood Blades or Blood Banners.

This cultivator in black in front of him made Dong Qi realize for the first time that the Blood Devil Sect was actually quite powerful.

Dong Qi was a smart person, and he knew that the other party wouldn't kill him unless they had a use for him.

"Thank you, sir, for sparing Dong Qi's life." Dong Qi bowed deeply and his head almost touched the ground.

Gao Xian's face remained unchanged, but in his heart, he nodded. He spared this guy's life because he looked cunning and was a Foundation Establishment cultivator.

To him, creatures like wolf demons were not worth paying attention to. He came to Liuhe City to find someone familiar with the situation in the Eastern Wasteland to guide him.

The Eastern Wasteland was vast and chaotic, with a mix of humans and demons. Having someone to guide him would save him a lot of trouble.

Gao Xian said coldly, "I have placed the Blood Devil Locking God Curse on you. If you behave obediently and do things well, I might spare your life."

Dong Qi naturally knew how powerful the Blood Devil Locking God Curse was. He touched his chest and felt a burning pain there.

He had some knowledge of spell formations and knew that his body was locked by a curse. Without the other party suppressing the power of the curse, his body would turn into a pool of pus and blood within seven days, extremely tyrannical and cruel.

Each person's spell formation would have slight differences, and even a Gold Core Perfected Being from the Blood Devil Sect might not be able to easily break this curse. Besides, where could he find a Gold Core Perfected Being to help him?!

Dong Qi's pale face looked miserable, and he bowed again, "I will do my best according to your instructions."

"You are a smart person, don't do anything foolish," Gao Xian reminded him and asked, "You should be familiar with the Eastern Wasteland, right?"

Dong Qi hesitated for a moment and said, "I come from the Yin Spirit Sect, and I am only familiar with the area where the Eastern Wasteland borders the Liuhe Sect."

"That's enough. Get ready, we will leave for the Eastern Wasteland tomorrow," Gao Xian waved his hand, indicating that Dong Qi should prepare quickly.

Dong Qi's expression became even more grim. It was already November, and it had started snowing in Liuhe City. The Eastern Wasteland was a bitterly cold place, much colder than Liuhe City.

Entering the Eastern Wasteland at this time, everywhere would be covered in ice and snow. Even a Foundation Establishment cultivator would find it difficult to endure.

But he didn't dare to say anything and could only remind Gao Xian in a low voice, "The Eastern Wasteland is especially cold now. The cold wind at night carries bone-chilling yin energy, which is extremely tyrannical. To enter the Eastern Wasteland, you should prepare Cold-Resistant Magical Items and Medicine Pills to avoid getting injured..."

"Alright, you can go," Gao Xian waved his hand. He had the Great Vajra Staff to protect him, so he had no problem resisting the cold wind.

He also had the Rank Three Supreme Grade Spiritual Weapon, Blood Banner, which he had completely refined and could control like a Ruyi Scepter.

Coupled with his powerful Divine Sense, he had a great chance of winning even against a Gold Core Devil Cultivator. Resisting the cold wind was even easier.

Dong Qi had no choice but to go and purchase Cold-Resistant Magical Items and Medicine Pills. Gao Xian didn't take his storage bag, so he had to pay for everything himself.

In fact, Gao Xian was quite interested in the lower city area. It was a place filled with pollution and filth, but it was also very vibrant.

Mainly gathering various gray businesses, this place is actually a huge market, with a large number of Spirit Stones, Medicine Pills, spiritual objects, and so on.

It is inevitable that there are some treasures and Supreme Grade items here.

Engaging in demon-slaying and monster-hunting here would surely bring in a fortune.

After considering for a moment, Gao Xian decided to give up. Killing too many would attract a lot of attention, and even attract Lu Bingyang.

Although he is not afraid, there is no need to expose his identity for a little wealth.

The most important thing now is to go to Iron Ape Mountain and hopefully find the treasure left by Qinghua Sect.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he can kill more Devil Cultivators and Monster Race, continuously enhancing the power of the Blood God Banner.

Tai Xuan's divine clone cultivation secret technique can be improved, and there is a chance to reach Golden Core in one or two years.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he can also gather some spiritual objects needed for Golden Core.

The next day, Gao Xian and Dong Qi boarded a green wooden flying boat and flew towards the Eastern Wasteland.

The two of them traveled day and night, flying for more than ten days before entering the Eastern Wasteland.

At this time, the Eastern Wasteland was covered in white snow, and the mountains and hills were all pure white, with no other colors in sight.

The howling cold wind made the world appear exceptionally desolate.

After flying for several days, guided by Dong Qi, they arrived at a market.

The crude city walls were built with giant stones, and the houses were also made of bluestone, appearing sturdy and simple.

"Sir, this is Giant Stone Market, established by the Yin Ling Sect. Inside, there are mostly Devil Cultivators from various factions, as well as some Monster Race."

Dong Qi said, "I don't know the location of Iron Ape Mountain, so I'll go down and ask fellow cultivators for information..."

Gao Xian could feel that Dong Qi was a bit nervous, this kid had ulterior motives.

However, he didn't mind. What kind of help could a mere Foundation Establishment early stage cultivator find?

"Alright, let's go down and take a look."

Gao Xian led Dong Qi into Giant Stone Market, and Dong Qi found an inn called "Big Stone" and asked Gao Xian to wait there.

Braving the cold wind, Dong Qi arrived in front of a large courtyard and quickly entered the hall after presenting his identity bronze plaque.

The hall was very crude, with the most eye-catching feature being a fireplace against the wall, with a blazing fire inside.

A bald big man sat next to the stove, gnawing on a lamb leg. He was bare-chested, covered in grease, and his manners were rough and fierce.

Dong Qi cupped his hands in a respectful gesture from a distance and smiled, "Hello, Lord Xiong. May I ask if Redstone Perfected Being is here?"

The bald big man glanced at Dong Qi and said, "Cut the crap!"

Dong Qi thought for a moment and gritted his teeth, "Lord Xiong, I encountered a Foundation Establishment expert from the Blood Devil Sect. This guy is carrying a Rank Three Spiritual Weapon, very powerful. If Redstone Perfected Being is here, he can take this Spiritual Weapon for himself..."

"Oh, tell me more."

The bald big man didn't speak, but a cold and sharp voice came from behind.

Upon hearing this voice, Dong Qi's face immediately filled with joy, and he bowed deeply, "Dong Qi pays respects to Perfected Being..."

(End of this chapter)

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