Great Immortal With Boundless Mana

Chapter 341 Golden God Flag

Chapter 341: Golden God Flag

Soft jade, fragrant and charming. On this night, Gao Xian enjoyed all the tenderness, as if he had ascended to the Immortal Realm.

Jia Ting had been waiting until daybreak to see Gao Xian flying back from the center of the lake.

To Jia Ting's surprise, Gao Xian looked radiant and energetic, without any signs of exhaustion. On the contrary, he seemed rejuvenated, as if his cultivation base had improved significantly.

Jia Ting furrowed his brows slightly. Fan Qingxia was not a kind person. Even if she practiced the secret technique of dual cultivation with a Gold Core cultivator like Gao Xian, her essence would still be damaged.

This Red Lotus was actually able to retreat unscathed from under Fan Qingxia's body?

It's true that the Red Lotus had handsome features and extraordinary elegance. However, Fan Qingxia had encountered countless talented individuals in her lifetime.

Jia Ting was puzzled, but he couldn't stop Gao Xian and ask for details. He could only endure until noon before going to knock on Gao Xian's door.

Gao Xian opened the door and welcomed Jia Ting into the room. Before Gao Xian could speak, Jia Ting impatiently asked, "Fellow Daoist, how did it go?"

"Very well," Gao Xian gave a very brief evaluation.

"Uh, I meant how did it go with Sect Leader Fan?" Jia Ting felt a little embarrassed. He knew that Gao Xian didn't want to talk about the details, but he still wanted to hear them.

After all, he was an old lecher, and it was reasonable for him to be curious.

"Very well. Sect Leader Fan is gentle and considerate, and her cultivation base is profound. I have gained a lot from her," Gao Xian gave another vague evaluation. Seeing Gao Xian's expression, Jia Ting knew that he wouldn't be able to get any specific information, so he could only sigh.

"Unfortunately, I don't have the looks to enjoy such pleasures. I envy you, fellow Daoist," Jia Ting continued chatting with Gao Xian for a while before leaving.

Back in his own room, Jia Ting pondered for a long time. In the evening, he used a method to make two White Lotus disciples fall asleep.

Jia Ting coldly smiled at the two young female cultivators. With their shallow tricks, they thought they could absorb his cultivation base. They were simply dreaming.

He said to the crow standing on the shelf, "Go and tell the Patriarch that Fan Qingxia did not absorb the essence of the cultivators through dual cultivation. It seems that her cultivation base has fully recovered."

The black crow nodded its head and flew out through the open window.

Arriving at the Restriction formation, the black crow turned into a shadow and easily passed through two layers of Restriction formations, flapping its wings as it flew into the distance.

Jia Ting watched the crow disappear into the distance and let out a sigh of relief.

White Lotus Valley had a Rank Three Restriction formation protecting it, and Dahei was a naturally Yin-attribute black crow that could temporarily transform into a mass of Yin energy to evade spells, naturally able to penetrate the Restriction formation.

The main Restriction formation in White Lotus Valley did not operate on a daily basis, only maintaining one-tenth of its magic power restrictions.

With such a huge Restriction formation, it was not difficult to find a weak spot in the restrictions.

Jia Ting and the black crow could communicate through Divine Sense, but there was a strict distance limit.

Once the black crow flew out of the formation, Jia Ting could no longer sense it. He wasn't too worried though, as it was freezing cold outside, and high-ranking flying demonic beasts would also stay in their lairs during the winter and not wander around.

Furthermore, the black crow was a Rank Two demonic beast. It wasn't good at fighting, but its flying speed was exceptionally fast. It could even escape from Rank Three demonic beasts by transforming into Yin energy.

The White Elephant Patriarch was at the Iron Spear Peak, and there were no powerful demonic beasts within a thousand miles.

The black crow was intelligent and wouldn't fly aimlessly once it was out of Jia Ting's control. It followed a familiar route straight to Iron Spear Peak.

Iron Spear Peak was straight like a spear, black and heavy like iron. Because the mountain was too steep and smooth, no grass or even ice and snow grew on it.

Among the white mountains, the black Iron Spear Peak was very eye-catching.

Choosing to station themselves at Iron Spear Peak also made it convenient for them to meet. Otherwise, in the snowy mountains, it would be difficult to find a specific peak in the vast whiteness.

The black crow circled above Iron Spear Peak and flew straight towards the mountaintop.

At the mountaintop, there were two people sitting. One was an old man with white hair and white clothes, while the other was a tall figure in black clothes. Even when hunching over, he was over five feet tall, and he had six arms growing from his body, his hair disheveled like a wild man.

The black crow was particularly afraid of the six-armed man. It carefully landed in front of the sturdy white-clothed man and nodded repeatedly, as if bowing to greet him.

"Dahei pays respects to the Elder Ancestor and kowtows to the Elder Ancestor."

The robust white-robed man is none other than the Myriad Beast Sect's White Elephant Perfected Being. He impatiently waves his hand and says, "You don't need to go through the formalities, you little furry creature. Just speak."

The black crow croaks, "Master said that Fan Qingxia hasn't absorbed the essence of cultivators and seems to have restored her cultivation base."

"I see."

The White Elephant Perfected Being furrows his thick eyebrows and thinks for a moment before saying to the six-armed black-robed man, "What do you think, Fellow Daoist Six Arms?"

The black-robed man across from him says, "You have a formation-breaking artifact, why bother thinking so much? As long as that woman is here, we can join forces to kill her. Can she escape?"

The six-armed black-robed man is tall, but his voice carries a sharpness and his pronunciation is somewhat unclear.

The White Elephant Perfected Being doesn't pay much attention to it. Although the other party has lived for a thousand years, he is only a six-armed iron ape. It's already good enough that he can speak human language.

After thinking for a moment, he says, "Since we have confirmed that Fan Qingxia is in the White Lotus Valley, we will take action tonight. Let Jiang Ting be prepared and let's go."

The White Elephant Perfected Being flicks his sleeve, and his powerful magic power carries the black crow as they fly straight into the sky.

The black crow doesn't dare to linger and stabilizes its figure after tumbling in the air for two rounds. It then flaps its wings and flies towards the White Lotus Valley.

After the black crow leaves, the White Elephant Perfected Being says to the six-armed iron ape, "Fellow Daoist Six Arms, once we obtain the White Lotus Golden God Flag, we will go and open the ruins."

The six-armed iron ape scratches its messy fur with one hand. Its crimson eyes stare at the White Elephant Perfected Being, and its thick lips reveal a strange smile.

"You can rest assured, even though I am not human, I still understand the principle of keeping my word."

The six-armed iron ape speaks slowly with a sharp and unpleasant voice, "We agreed beforehand to split the spoils fifty-fifty. I won't go back on my word."

"That's good."

The White Elephant Perfected Being smiles and says, "By getting rid of Fan Qingxia, we will no longer have anyone bothering the Iron Ape Mountain. It can be considered as removing a major threat."

The six-armed iron ape chuckles but doesn't say much.

While the two Gold Core cultivators are talking, neither of them notices that there are people watching them from hundreds of feet away.

Gao Xian activates the invisible Taiji Profound Light, which even a Gold Core cultivator would not be able to detect at this distance.

The Taiji Profound Light of the Great Master Returned to Origin is invisible and also has the ability to fly. Although it is far inferior to the Yin & Yang Heavenly Wheel, it is still sufficient.

Hidden in a wisp of cloud, Gao Xian can clearly see the two Gold Core cultivators through the Flower Discerning Mirror. He can see their subtle facial expressions and even individual strands of hair on their bodies.

Although the Flower Discerning Mirror, as a first-rank Gold Core, hasn't been upgraded, it is clearly more effective.

The clarity and flawlessness of a first-rank Gold Core, combined with the Flower Discerning Mirror, allows Gao Xian to keenly perceive changes in others' emotions.

At this distance, Gao Xian cannot hear what the two Gold Core cultivators are saying, but he can easily understand what they are talking about through lip movements, expressions, eye contact, and even subtle changes in emotions.

Gao Xian is still far from being able to hear all sounds in the world, but he can observe with his eyes, taste, and barely manage to do so.

The two Gold Core cultivators have deep cultivation bases, but their levels are not high. Gao Xian's first-rank Gold Core realm completely overwhelms them.

From a higher perspective, it's like observing patterns in the palm of one's hand.

Gao Xian watches for a while longer. It's clear that neither of the two Gold Core cultivators enjoys idle chatter. After briefly discussing their actions for the night, they stop talking.

Before dawn, Gao Xian silently penetrates the formation and returns to his room.

The situation is already clear. The six-armed iron ape and Fan Qingxia have a grudge, while the White Elephant Perfected Being has set his sights on Fan Qingxia's White Lotus Golden God Flag.

From their conversation, it can be inferred that there is a Grotto-Heaven or Immortal Cave deep in the Iron Ape Mountain that requires the White Lotus Golden God Flag to open.

Perhaps Fan Qingxia is also eyeing the Iron Ape Mountain for this Immortal Cave.

As for how the White Elephant Perfected Being and the six-armed iron ape got involved with each other, these are just minor details that don't need to be concerned about.

The other party dares to plot against Fan Qingxia in the White Lotus Valley and claims to have a formation-breaking magical item, but it's unclear what it is.

If the other party can really break the formation, then Fan Qingxia's life is in danger!

Gao Xian and Fan Qingxia had a passionate night together, greatly admiring her technology.

However, he is not a sentimental person. Participating in secret techniques with others will make him fall in love with them.

For him, this is just a practice. For Fan Qingxia, it's like tasting a dessert.

Moreover, Fan Qingxia didn't just taste it, she also left a white lotus seed in his sea of consciousness during their intimate moment.

The white lotus seed will continuously absorb Divine Sense, take root, sprout, and eventually integrate with his divine soul.

This white lotus seed doesn't directly control one's mind and spirit, but it will make people develop strong feelings for Fan Qingxia, allowing her to manipulate them.

Such a method of control is exquisite and extremely sinister.

This change in Divine Sense will subtly alter the state of the cultivator. For most cultivators, having this white lotus seed is equivalent to cutting off their path of advancement.

The Redstone Perfected Being who was obsessed with Fan Qingxia has obviously fallen victim to it.

Gao Xian didn't deal with Fan Qingxia at that time because he considered that there might be someone else hiding behind her, and it wouldn't be wise for him to show himself now.

He will tolerate Fan Qingxia's little tricks for the time being.

Sure enough, there were also the White Elephant Perfected Being and the Six-Armed Iron Ape hiding behind them.

Especially the Six-Armed Iron Ape, who has cultivated for a thousand years, their Magic power is exceptionally powerful, comparable to the late stage of Middle Grade Gold Core.

Since there are these two troublemakers, he will just watch from behind.

When Fan Qingxia is dealt with, he can make his move.

As for the other people in the White Lotus Valley, Gao Xian doesn't have the time or mood to care about them. He has never liked meddling in other people's affairs.

Everyone is a cultivator of the demonic path, all adults. He is not their father, so he can't manage so much.

However, after thinking about it, Gao Xian quietly went to Fan Lingzhen's room and placed a Rank Two High Grade concealment talisman by her pillow.

He didn't know where this talisman came from. With his Taiji Xuan Guang Invisible Heavenly Robe, he naturally didn't need such a thing.

Fan Lingzhen can't be considered a good person either, after all, she had a pleasant time participating in the secret Dharma Phase.

He helped Fan Lingzhen a little, and the rest depends on her luck.

When Fan Lingzhen finished her cultivation, she opened her eyes and saw a talisman beside her. Her eyes were filled with shock. When did someone come into the room?!

Fan Lingzhen took a deep breath to calm herself down. She picked up the concealment talisman and thought for a long time before quietly putting it away.

Gao Xian didn't keep an eye on Fan Lingzhen. If she goes to betray Fan Qingxia, the other party won't be able to guess the truth either.

Night fell, and the mist emitted by the hot springs became denser.

Jia Ting came to find Gao Xian with his black crow. He smirked and said, "It's late at night and there's nothing to do. How about I treat fellow daoist to a few drinks..."

He took out various preserved meats and other dishes from his sleeve, as well as two large jars of wine.

Without waiting for Gao Xian to speak, Jia Ting had already placed the food and wine on the table.

He opened the sealed jars and poured two large bowls of wine. The rich aroma of the wine immediately filled the air.

Gao Xian thought for a moment and didn't stop him. Since Jia Ting wanted to court death, let him be.

"Fellow daoist, this is a few hundred-year-old spirit ginseng soaked in pear blossom white foam. It's very nourishing and invigorating."

Jia Ting raised his wine bowl as a gesture and drank a bowl himself. He wiped his mouth and said, "Delicious."

Relying on the spiritual perception of his first-rank Gold Core, Gao Xian could see at a glance that the wine was not poisoned. So he drank along with Jia Ting.

After drinking, Jia Ting became even more talkative, and Gao Xian silently listened.

The two of them drank until the middle of the night, almost finishing the two jars of wine. Jia Ting's face was red, his body reeking of alcohol, but his eyes were very bright.

"Fellow Daoist, I truly envy you..." Jia Ting was rambling on when suddenly a deafening sound shook the sky.

Intense magic power surged like an invisible tide, causing the ground to roll and shake, sending furniture and other objects in the room flying.

Jia Ting intentionally looked outside with a shocked expression, taking the opportunity when Gao Xian turned his head. The black crow perched on Jia Ting's shoulder suddenly pounced on Gao Xian.

The black crow turned into a mass of black gas, easily penetrating the protective magical robe, freezing the bloodline and magic power of the cultivator.

With this move called the Yin Crow Transformation, Jia Ting had no idea how many people he had killed.

To Jia Ting's surprise, the mass of black gas that landed on Gao Xian was abruptly repelled.

In the midst of the rolling black gas, it transformed back into a crow, but Gao Xian easily caught it. In a flash of golden light, the struggling crow froze in place.

Gao Xian looked at the crow shining with golden light in his hand and casually said, "Fellow Daoist, what is the meaning of this?"

Jia Ting's face was full of horror. The opponent's ability to easily subdue the crow didn't seem like that of someone at the Foundation Establishment stage. He had originally planned to take advantage of the chaos to secretly attack Gao Xian.

Not for any other reason, but because he coveted Gao Xian's wealth. And also, he was a bit jealous of Gao Xian and couldn't help but want to get rid of this kid.

How could he have not expected that this guy named Honglian would be so powerful!

"Why aren't you saying anything, Fellow Daoist?"

Gao Xian chuckled lightly. "Forget it, we've had our encounter. I don't want to embarrass Fellow Daoist too much. Goodbye."

Jia Ting sensed something was wrong, but before he could beg for mercy, the Five Elements Gang Qi had already descended.

The pure white Gang Qi erupted, causing Jia Ting, who had activated his protective Gang Qi, to explode into a mist of blood.

Including the frozen crow, everything was shattered under the Five Elements Gang Qi.

Gao Xian flicked his sleeve and collected the storage bag left behind by Jia Ting.

By now, a battle had broken out on the lake. The Perfected Being with the White Elephant and the Six-Armed Iron Ape joined forces, continuously releasing their Gang Qi to surround Fan Qingxia.

Fan Qingxia unleashed a sharp golden divine light like a long flag, shredding all kinds of spells and Gang Qi.

The intense battle caused the lake to churn with huge waves, and the water pavilions and boats in the center of the lake were crushed under the heavy impact of magic power.

The White Elephant Perfected Being used earth-based spells, causing the surrounding area to become as stagnant as quicksand. No matter how sharp the White Lotus Golden Divine Flag was, it couldn't break through the heavy obstacles.

The Six-Armed Iron Ape relentlessly bombarded Fan Qingxia. His attacks had no particular pattern, but each of his six long iron arms was like a ten-thousand-jin iron hammer. Every time they struck, a tremendous roar would sound, creating an extremely terrifying momentum.

Gao Xian watched the battle from afar and felt a familiar aura from the White Lotus Golden Divine Flag. This Spiritual Weapon should be from the same sect as his Azure Lotus Sword.

He muttered to himself, "Qingxia, rest assured, I will definitely avenge you!"

"Fan Qingxia, hand over the White Lotus Golden Divine Flag and become my obedient servant, and I might spare your life..."

The White Elephant Perfected Being broke the formation and trapped Fan Qingxia again, unable to contain his excitement.

As for making Fan Qingxia his servant, it was just talk. Even if Fan Qingxia was willing, he didn't have the courage to let a Gold Core cultivator sleep in his bed.

Fan Qingxia clenched her silver teeth tightly and didn't say a word. The sudden change caught her off guard, mainly because the formation was broken, leaving her defenseless against the White Elephant and the Six-Armed Iron Ape.

The disciples and other cultivators around were at most at the Foundation Establishment stage and couldn't help at all.

Fan Qingxia knew that if she continued to delay, she would definitely be worn down. She could only fight to the death.

A bright white light suddenly burst forth from her body, shining like a lotus flower. The White Lotus Golden Divine Flag released an unmatched sharp divine light.

The thick magic power obstacles were easily cut through, and the Six-Armed Iron Ape quickly retreated to avoid its sharpness.

The White Lotus Golden Divine Flag turned into a white rainbow and shot up into the sky in an instant...

(End of this chapter)

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