Great Immortal With Boundless Mana

Chapter 38: Stone Slashing Sword

Chapter 38: Stone-Cutting Sword

Gao Xian was awakened from his sleep by the crowing of a rooster, but he didn't know whose rooster it was.

Gao Xian lay in bed for a while, waiting for his mind to fully wake up before getting out of bed to look at the Yang symbol on the door.

Several Yang symbols were intact, indicating that no evil spirits had come.

This was within his expectations.

As a Grandmaster-level True Yang Spear, he was very sensitive to the aura of evil spirits.

If Lao Wang was really coming, he would definitely be able to sense it.

Gao Xian freshened up and deliberately changed into a new pair of shoes.

The cloth shoes couldn't withstand his current explosive power. After practicing sword techniques last night, the shoes were already in a terrible state.

Today, he was going out and happened to buy some things along the way.

The morning sun was bright, and there were many cultivators coming and going. Perhaps because of the good weather, everyone's expressions were relatively relaxed and friendly.

Gao Xian felt that he had been too nervous before. Feima Ji was also orderly, and no one dared to cause trouble in broad daylight.

Besides, most cultivators had a dull complexion, shabby clothes, and a weak aura of mana.

As a Grandmaster-level True Yang Spear, his divine sense and sixth sense were sharp. He could easily observe the physical condition of other cultivators and even sense the fluctuations of mana on their bodies.

With the Grandmaster-level Electric Light Subduing Dragon Hand, he had a super-fast reaction speed. As long as he had the thought, he could activate the Electric Light Subduing Dragon Hand, making everyone around him unusually slow.

With confidence, Gao Xian became more self-assured and calm, and everyone else seemed like good people. Well, at least there was no threat.

As Gao Xian walked along, he also received passionate and fiery gazes from several female cultivators, which made him feel happy.

It wasn't until he saw the black corpse at the intersection that his good mood was instantly ruined.

His keen sixth sense allowed Gao Xian to observe many details on the corpse.

For example, the agonizing and grimacing expression on the dead body's face, and the irregular hole in the chest...

At this moment, Gao Xian realized that having overly sensitive senses was not a good thing. These details were deeply imprinted in his memory, and he couldn't forget them.

Yesterday, Zhu Qiniang had mentioned that there was a corpse at this intersection, obviously killed by an evil spirit, because the dead body was completely withered and black, which was a very obvious characteristic.

A few bold cultivators were pointing and discussing the terrifying nature of the evil spirit around the corpse.

Gao Xian sighed in his heart. This brother had a hard life!

He didn't look any further. This corpse reminded him that he had to be cautious and meticulous in this world in order to live longer.

Gao Xian's floating heart finally settled down, and he no longer looked around. He quickened his pace and crossed the intersection.

When he reached Chang Street, Gao Xian carefully bypassed the Changsheng Hall Pharmacy. He didn't want to run into Zhu Zhanggui.

In the late morning, there were no customers in the Baibing Hall, only one absent-minded assistant in the hall.

Seeing Gao Xian enter, the assistant forced a smile and said, "What would you like to buy? We have all kinds of knives, spears, swords, and halberds, as well as various magical tools..."

"Is Huang Zhanggui here?" Gao Xian asked.

The assistant didn't recognize Gao Xian. He looked him up and down and asked with a forced smile, "What business do you have with our boss?"

"Please inform him that Gao Xian has something to discuss." Gao Xian said.

The assistant hesitated and said, "Please wait a moment."

He walked to the back door and shouted, "Boss, someone is here to see you."

In a short while, Huang Ying lifted the curtain and walked out from the back. When she saw Gao Xian, her eyes lit up. She had a joyful smile on her face and said, "Little brother, you're here! What a rare guest!"

Today, Huang Ying was still wearing a bright red robe. The texture of the robe was delicate and soft, perfectly highlighting her figure.

The combination of the bright red and her fair skin was very harmonious. The red was passionate, and the white was rich, making people easily feel her charm.

Huang Ying glared at the assistant and said, "This is my little brother. Next time he comes, please let him directly into the backyard. Got it?"

The assistant was startled. Huang Ying was very enthusiastic towards customers, but allowing them to enter the backyard directly was obviously a special relationship.

He nodded quickly, "Got it, got it."

Huang Ying led Gao Xian to the main house in the backyard, holding his hand and smiling, "Why do you have time to come and find your sister today?"

"One is to deliver medicine to Sister Ying, and the other is to buy a sword."

Gao Xian drew the loose-patterned long sword from his waist and placed it on the table. "This sword can no longer be used."

Huang Ying picked it up and looked at it. "Indeed, not only has the sword deformed, but there are also tiny cracks inside the blade. It will easily break. This sword is useless."

Although she was not good at refining weapons, she dealt with weapons and artifacts every day. With her sharp eyes, she could immediately see the problem with this loose-patterned long sword.

"These ordinary steel long swords are not good. Weapons must be of good quality."

Huang Ying stood up and said, "Wait here, little brother. I'll go get a few swords."

In no time, Huang Ying came back with two assistants. They carried more than ten long swords and placed them all on the tea table.

She said boldly, "Little brother, feel free to choose. I'll give you the best price."

"Thank you, Sister Ying." Gao Xian sincerely expressed his gratitude. He was really afraid that Huang Ying wouldn't accept money.

Free things are often more expensive. He didn't want to mix money and favors in his business with Huang Ying. It was hard to calculate.

Long swords, short swords, wide swords, thin swords, all kinds of long swords were placed together, and Gao Xian was dazzled, not knowing how to choose.

Huang Ying leaned over and introduced, "For close combat swords, the first thing to consider is the feel. Try drawing them out and see which one feels the most comfortable. That's the right one."

"As for the material and forging process of the sword, there isn't much difference in low-level sword weapons..."

Gao Xian thought it made sense. He tried them one by one and chose a long sword that resembled the loose-patterned sword.

The blade sparkled with a cold light, looking sharp, and the weight was just right.

Gao Xian waved it casually and felt quite comfortable. He asked, "How about this sword?"

"It's called the Stone-Cutting Sword, forged with cold iron, and enhanced with sharp gold runes. It can cut stones and break gold without damaging the sword. It's a good sword. However, it weighs about seventeen catties, a bit heavy. Is it suitable for you?"

Huang Ying was a little surprised. Swords made of cold iron were very heavy. Low-level Qi Refining cultivators could easily pick them up, but it was difficult to handle them skillfully.

Generally speaking, only cultivators in the mid-stage of Qi Refining, with abundant qi and blood and strong bones and muscles, could skillfully handle the Stone-Cutting Sword.

Gao Xian casually performed a few sword moves, then accurately sheathed the long sword.

He nodded in satisfaction, "This sword will do. How much spirit stones?"

Seeing Gao Xian's agile and nimble swordplay, Huang Ying knew that he had great strength and could easily handle this sword.

As a cultivator in the early stage of Qi Refining, Gao Xian had obviously practiced Body Refining techniques to have such strong and powerful bones and muscles.

She praised with a smile, "Little brother, your Body Refining technique is amazing. You can easily handle such a heavy sword."

"The quality of the Stone-Cutting Sword is very good, but the Integrated Union rune is simple. It can be considered a mid-grade first-order sword weapon. The price is one hundred spirit stones for outsiders. You only need to give fifty spirit stones."

"Thank you, Sister Ying."

Gao Xian happily picked up the Stone-Cutting Sword. Even without the enhanced runes, just the weight and hardness of the sword were enough for it to be powerful.

He said to Huang Ying, "Put it on the account for now. We'll settle the bill together later."

He and Huang Ying were selling Tian Gui Pills together, and they had agreed to settle the accounts at the end of the month. Using this sword to offset the bill would be convenient for both parties.

"Little brother, since you've come all this way, let's have lunch here. I'll treat you."

Huang Ying warmly said, "The meat of the demonic beasts at Old Li's Wine Shop on the street is very delicious. I'll order some good dishes, and we can have some wine and chat..."

"Sure, let Sister Ying treat me."

Gao Xian didn't refuse either. He had other things to discuss with Huang Ying this time, so they needed to have a good chat.

Sour and spicy pickled tendon, fragrant and spicy lung slices, stewed pork elbow, big bone soup, as well as several plates of dried fruits and preserved fruits, and a jar of spirit rice brewed rice wine.

The meat dishes were all very flavorful. The rice wine was mellow and smooth. It was the first time Gao Xian had eaten so well since he transmigrated. He felt hot and sweaty all over, feeling extremely satisfied.

Huang Ying's cheeks were also rosy, her eyes were misty, and she sat closer and closer to Gao Xian, her body gradually leaning against him.

Gao Xian didn't get drunk from drinking, but seeing Huang Ying's seductive appearance, his mind became a bit dizzy, as if he was slightly intoxicated...

(End of this chapter)

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