Chapter 52 Trouble

The sky was clear and the snow was white.

The weather became even colder after the snow. Gao Xian's room had no heating facilities, and the windows were not transparent, making the room as cold as an ice cave.

Zhou Yuling was also freezing cold after walking all the way, and she was reluctant to let go of Gao Xian.

"How is it? Are you comfortable?"

Gao Xian smiled and said, "Are you also cold when you sleep at night? I can help warm your bed."

"You wish."

Zhou Yuling pinched Gao Xian's soft flesh on his waist. The feeling was not as comfortable as before, and it was particularly tough to pinch.

She immediately noticed something was wrong and said in surprise, "Your cultivation has improved recently!"

"Yes, I have reached the third level of Qi Refining."

Gao Xian was somewhat proud and pleased. With his innate talent, it was not easy for him to break through to the third level of Qi Refining so quickly.

After practicing in the mountains for more than thirty days, fighting almost every day, he learned how to control his qi and blood. His cultivation had made rapid progress during this time.

His qi and blood were surging, and his whole body was warm. When Zhou Yuling pinched him, his muscles naturally contracted to resist, making it impossible for Zhou Yuling to exert any force.

"Not bad, not bad."

Zhou Yuling was very happy for Gao Xian. "Although the Five Elements Technique is ordinary, it excels in being balanced and harmonious. The further you go, the faster your progress will be."

To encourage Gao Xian to practice well, Zhou Yuling said softly, "When you reach the later stage of Qi Refining, we can openly be together, and my father will have no reason to object."

"The later stage of Qi Refining..." Gao Xian pondered for a moment. If everything went smoothly, it shouldn't take more than ten or eight years to reach the later stage of Qi Refining.

By then, he would still be in his thirties, which was still acceptable!

Full of confidence, he said, "Wait for me, it won't be long."

Zhou Yuling was very satisfied with Gao Xian's attitude. The most important thing for a cultivator was cultivation. Alchemy and talisman-making were just auxiliary means of cultivation and should not be prioritized.

Gao Xian used to be indecisive and didn't know what he wanted to do.

After coming to Feima Town, Gao Xian had clearly matured a lot.

She praised, "With your talent, you will definitely achieve the Gold Core stage in the future."

Gao Xian shook his head. "Gold Core? How is that possible!"

Just as Zhou Yuling was about to encourage Gao Xian, she heard him say, "I am destined to become a Soul Formation Dao Lord!"


Zhou Yuling laughed so much that her body trembled. She hugged Gao Xian's neck and teased, "No, you are destined to become a Pure Yang Dao Venerable! Hahaha..."

"Huh? There's also the Pure Yang Dao Venerable level?"

Gao Xian, based on the knowledge he obtained from the original owner, thought that the Soul Formation Dao Lord was the pinnacle.

"Hahaha..." Zhou Yuling laughed even more happily.

She laughed for a while before stopping. "I can't anymore, my mouth is sore."

Gao Xian volunteered, "I can give you a massage to relax." As he said that, he opened his mouth.

"Here we go again!"

Zhou Yuling pressed Gao Xian's mouth with her palm. "Behave yourself, or I'll leave."

"I won't!"


Gao Xian and Zhou Yuling laughed and played for a while, and they both felt relaxed. The tense and suppressed emotions of the past month were completely released.

Teasing and being intimate with a beautiful woman, this was the life he wanted!

Zhou Yuling mentioned the main topic, "The sales of Deer Antler Powder are doing well. My father asked me to get more."

"Okay, I'll give you two thousand pills."

A few days ago, Gao Xian refined four thousand pills of Deer Antler Powder, and the current stock was sufficient.

After several rounds of promotion, the sales of Deer Antler Powder had stabilized. Two thousand pills would be enough to sell for a month.

After all, this kind of thing was very energy-consuming, and Deer Antler Powder was expensive. Having this level of sales was already very good.

Gao Xian took out a small box of Deer Antler Powder from his storage bag, which happened to contain two thousand pills.

"Oh, you have a storage bag now. Haha, it seems like you're getting rich..." Zhou Yuling saw that Gao Xian had a storage bag and was also very happy for him, but her tone carried a hint of teasing.

She knew that the sales of Lu Jiao San and Tian Gui Dan were very good. During this period, Gao Xian made quite a bit of spiritual stones.

"Not bad, not bad, lucky." Gao Xian casually responded, not daring to say that it was given by Zhu Qianniang.

Zhou Yuling also didn't notice anything wrong. She took out two blue spiritual stones and placed them in Gao Xian's hand. "Two hundred low-grade spiritual stones, I'll help you exchange them for two medium-grade spiritual stones. It'll be more convenient for you."

Gao Xian looked at the translucent blue spiritual stones with a happy expression on his face.

Low-grade spiritual stones are green, while medium-grade spiritual stones are blue. The different colors represent differences in the concentration of spiritual energy.

One medium-grade spiritual stone can be exchanged for one hundred low-grade spiritual stones, which is the public price. However, medium-grade spiritual stones are relatively rare.

It's easy to exchange medium-grade spiritual stones for low-grade spiritual stones, but it's a bit troublesome to exchange low-grade spiritual stones for medium-grade spiritual stones. Often, a premium is required to make the exchange.

"Look at you, so obsessed with money."

Zhou Yuling tapped Gao Xian's forehead and said, "Your cultivation level is too low right now. Don't save up the spiritual stones, use them to buy magical tools and talismans to protect yourself."

She glanced at the dilapidated house and said, "It's better to change to a new house. This place is too old and unsafe. With the mountain sealed by heavy snow, the cultivators on the mountain have all gathered at Feima Market. Those people are extremely dangerous!"

Zhou Yuling knew that Gao Xian didn't have much experience, so she earnestly reminded him to be careful.

Although Gao Xian had heard Zhu Qianniang say this before, he still nodded repeatedly and obediently accepted the advice.

"It's getting colder and colder. If you really want to buy a robe, make sure to wear a dao robe over it when you go out. Don't wear the robe directly, it's easy to attract trouble..."

Zhou Yuling thought carefully and explained every detail, afraid that Gao Xian would do something foolish and get into trouble.

"Mhm, I'll be careful. You should be careful too."

Although Gao Xian was going to move to the courtyard behind the Lingfu Hall in a few days, he didn't mention it. He wanted to surprise Zhou Yuling.

After seeing Zhou Yuling off, Gao Xian felt that she was right. With spiritual stones, he should buy magical tools and talismans to improve himself.

Yes, he should buy a robe first. A robe with the Spring Breeze Technique would be great. It's too difficult to endure this cold winter.

He poured out all the spiritual stones from his storage bag and carefully counted them.

In the past few months, Tian Gui Dan and Lu Jiao San had earned him two medium-grade spiritual stones and over two hundred low-grade spiritual stones.

During this period, he had spent one hundred and twenty spiritual stones on the Slashing Stone Sword and the Water and Fire Silk Boots.

He had also spent a considerable amount of money on medicinal materials. Of course, compared to the profits from the pills, this material cost was negligible.

During this time, he had also earned a large sum of spiritual stones from practicing in the mountains. After deducting the prepaid rent and the payment to Big Niu for his help, he had a remaining one hundred and seventy-two low-grade spiritual stones.

If all of them were converted into low-grade spiritual stones, it would be a total of five hundred and thirty-one. With so many spiritual stones, he could be considered wealthy at Feima Market.

The three thousand pills he had prepaid to Zhou Ye and Huang Ying would be settled next month. That would be another three hundred spiritual stones.

Gao Xian put most of the spiritual stones into his storage bag and hid the bag in the lining of his Qingmu Armor. It was very safe here and would never be stolen.

He put a medium-grade spiritual stone and dozens of low-grade spiritual stones in the inner pocket of his shoes. All the talismans in his sleeve pocket were neatly arranged, and the Slashing Stone Sword was slanted on his waist.

The seventeen-jin Slashing Stone Sword was a bit heavy and not suitable for hanging, so he could only carry it slanted on his waist.

This way of carrying a sword also added a touch of toughness.

After practicing in the mountains for more than twenty days, Gao Xian had gained confidence. He walked with a sword hanging by his side, no longer as timid as before.

However, it was really cold outside.

Gao Xian walked with his head held high, but not long after, a gust of cold wind blew, making him want to shrink his neck.

Not long after he walked, Gao Xian heard shouts and killings ahead.

He was slightly startled and hurriedly took a few steps forward. When he turned a corner, he saw a group of people fighting in front of him.

There were even some cultivators watching the scene, but everyone kept a safe distance.

There were more than ten people on both sides of the battle, with the side with fewer people taking the upper hand.

Especially the leader of the group, a woman in a green robe, her robe radiating with spiritual light.

Her swordsmanship was fierce, and the long sword in her hand was extremely sharp.

No matter the wooden shields, various armors, or protective magical tools, they couldn't withstand a single strike from her green sword light.

Wherever the green sword light passed, there were only corpses left behind.

In the blink of an eye, the side with more people was defeated. The remaining few cultivators panicked and fled in all directions.

One of the cultivators ran towards Gao Xian while shouting, "Fellow Daoist, don't just stand there!"

Gao Xian couldn't help but curse in his heart, "You old sixth, you even want to drag someone down with you when you're about to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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