Chapter 7: Sister-in-law

Although they were intimate words, when Zhu Qijiang said them, there was a hint of coldness that made Gao Xian's hair stand on end. He didn't know if he was excited or scared.

Zhu Qijiang is the owner of a medicine shop!

If the owner of the medicine shop found out, he would be in real danger.

Although he had fantasized about Zhu Qijiang before, it was mainly to get back at the shopkeeper Zhu. He never thought about doing anything.

However, Zhu Qijiang, with her tall and fit figure, resembled Gal Gadot, but with a bigger chest and longer legs, and her features were even more beautiful, which perfectly matched Gao Xian's aesthetic.

At the same time, more images of intimate moments between men and women appeared in Gao Xian's mind.

Gao Xian was shocked. The original owner, at such a young age, knew the benefits of having a rich woman. He dared to make a move on Zhu Qijiang. This guy had some guts! Really big guts!

Fortunately, fortunately, the original owner and Zhu Qijiang were just exchanging cheesy words and didn't have any substantial relationship.

According to the original owner's memory, Zhu Qijiang practiced the Primordial Origin Golden Body Technique, which transformed her body into metal, losing most of its normal functions and making it impossible for her to have physical intimacy with others.

The shopkeeper Zhu married her because he saw that her cultivation was strong and she was skilled in battle.

The two of them didn't have a real husband and wife relationship.

The original owner saw through Zhu Qijiang's situation and took the opportunity to flirt with her.

The original owner had a way with words and a good appearance, and he quickly managed to flirt with Zhu Qijiang.

Now that the original owner was gone, it was Gao Xian's turn to enjoy the benefits.

Gao Xian understood the cause and effect, and hmm, he felt a bit sympathetic towards Zhu Qijiang.

This woman really had poor taste in men. Her husband was nothing special, and her lover was just a scoundrel.

He felt that the aesthetics here were all about delicate and charming Eastern traditions, and Zhu Qijiang was too tall, which didn't fit men's aesthetics.

Zhu Qijiang probably didn't even have any friends here. Being with the original owner was probably just to have someone to talk to and pass the time. There was probably no sexual desire between them.


Gao Xian could appreciate the beauty of the other person, but he wasn't in the mood for anything else.

He had a clever idea and used the Electric Dragon Palm technique to hold Zhu Qijiang's hand.

The Electric Dragon Palm technique was exquisite and concealed the power of electricity. It could directly reach the nerves of the body, bringing an exceptionally comfortable feeling.

Even though Zhu Qijiang's body was as hard as steel and had lost all normal sensations, her nerves hadn't really transformed into steel.

With Gao Xian's gentle touch, Zhu Qijiang initially felt a bit uncomfortable, but she quickly felt a tingling sensation all over her body, an indescribable comfort...

From head to toe, Gao Xian repeated this motion hundreds of times, causing the diamond-like Zhu Qijiang to become as soft as boneless, and she fell asleep in complete comfort.

When Zhu Qijiang was asleep, she curled up into a ball, with her arms crossed in front of her chest, looking a bit weak and cute.

Gao Xian also breathed a sigh of relief. My goodness, playing with a small black cat was just for fun, but playing with such a big one was really physically demanding.

Fortunately, he managed to handle it. The Electric Dragon Palm not only brought happiness to himself, but also to others. Very good!

Hmm, Qijiang's muscles are as hard as iron, but her skin is tight and smooth. It feels great to touch!

As night fell, Zhu Qijiang woke up.

She sat up and stared blankly for a while, completely awake.

Looking at Gao Xian, Zhu Qijiang unexpectedly showed a bit of shyness.

On her cold and stern face, such a subtle change in emotions made her strong aura soften, truly giving her a hint of femininity.

Zhu Qijiang really didn't know what to say. She sought out Gao Xian because she found him good-looking and interesting, like a fun toy.

Today, Gao Xian made her experience a joy she had never felt before.

This joy wasn't just about intense stimulation, but also had a lingering aftertaste, making her feel comfortable, at ease, and peaceful.

Since practicing the Primordial Origin Golden Body Technique, she had become like a piece of metal, losing most of her sensations.

Now, she felt alive again.

"You're good."

Zhu Qiniang hesitated for a while and only managed to say three words.

She took away two boxes of elixirs and left two talismans for Gao Xian.

One is the Golden Body Talisman, and the other is the Gengjin Sword Talisman.

Gao Xian didn't want to rely on others and earnestly refused, but he couldn't match Zhu Qiniang's strength and could only reluctantly accept.

Through these few days of turmoil and the memories of the previous owner of the Integrated Union, Gao Xian also gained a basic understanding of spells and talismans.

The Golden Body Talisman is a protective talisman that makes the whole body as hard as gold and iron. It is a middle-grade first-order talisman. It costs about two low-grade spirit stones.

The Gengjin Sword Talisman emits an exceptionally sharp Gengjin Sword light. It is a lower-grade first-order talisman. It costs one low-grade spirit stone.

After massaging once, he earned three low-grade spirit stones. The fees are quite high.

The talismans are made of monster skin, two inches wide and four inches long, with large red runes painted on them, which look very complicated.

These disposable talismans only need to be activated by guiding spiritual power with divine consciousness to unleash their power.

They are very convenient and quick to use.

However, talismans are expensive, and ordinary low-level Qi Refining cultivators can't afford to consume them.

Usually, they only buy a few protective talismans and keep them for critical moments.

Gao Xian looked at the talismans for a while, but ultimately couldn't bear to test their power.

He put away the two talismans and took out the Wind and Moon Mirror, pleasantly surprised to find that he had gained thirty-two points of human light.

So, he had earned so much income from "Lulu Big Sister".

Thirty at a time, three hundred for ten times, three thousand for a hundred times...

Calculating this way, accumulating human light is not difficult.

A smile appeared on Gao Xian's face. With the Divine Technique of Electric Light and Suppressing Dragons, a bright future awaited him!

He suddenly realized that as long as there was a subtle affection between men and women, human light could be generated.

Gao Xian suddenly thought of the three hundred and thirty-five points of human light he possessed. The smile on his face slowly disappeared.

He had lived for more than thirty years, and no woman had ever loved him...

Such a life was truly colorless and bleak...

Gao Xian sighed for a while about the desolate life of his previous incarnation, but soon he cheered up.

This was how a mature middle-aged man should be. Occasionally reminiscing, but not indulging in self-pity and self-harm.

Life might be terrible, but it had to go on.

Sympathizing with oneself was Daiyu's business. A man should spare himself and not live so miserably.

Gao Xian took out the Wind and Moon Mirror and studied how to make the most effective use of human light.

Upgrading the Divine Technique of Electric Light and Suppressing Dragons still had a long way to go.

However, the proficiency of the Divine Technique of Electric Light and Suppressing Dragons had unexpectedly increased by seven points. It was effective to practice on oneself, cats, and others.

But practicing on oneself was too painful, so it was better to practice on others, with cats being the second choice.

Therefore, he had to do more of this work. Benefiting others and oneself, a win-win situation.

The Great Occult Technique was even more powerful. Now he only had less than seventy points of human light, which was not enough for an upgrade.

Right, he should go and learn some Huangchi techniques now. Perhaps he could learn something new.

Quickly convert human light into combat power.

This world is too unsafe.

Just like Zhu Qiniang earlier, the result was very good. But if he didn't handle it well, he might have been torn apart by an angry Zhu Qiniang.

Middle-aged office workers don't like fighting, and they are also very afraid of death. They detest this completely passive situation.

Gao Xian was thinking about his next plan when he suddenly noticed that his human light had increased by one point again...

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(End of this chapter)

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