Chapter 78: One Sword

Gao Xian was not someone who was deeply scheming and could maintain a calm demeanor in the face of major events.

His ability to remain calm was mainly thanks to Sister Lan's management of the bureau.

With the blessing of the Great Occult Divine Art, he was able to use reason to restrain his body and mind, effectively controlling negative emotions such as nervousness, unease, and panic.

On the other hand, he had made rapid progress in his spells, especially after defeating the Iron Scale Demon Tiger, which boosted his confidence.

In every aspect, he was indeed completely different from a few months ago.

"Dang, dang, dang..."

The deep sound of the clock striking the hour woke Gao Xian from his meditation.

This was the central area of the Feima District, and the sound of the clock was very clear.

According to popular belief in the Feima District, the clock not only told the time but also had the effect of calming the mind and dispelling evil spirits.

The effectiveness of dispelling evil spirits was obviously not reliable, as Old Wang had been causing trouble in the Feima District for a long time.

But the calming effect seemed to be true. Although the sound of the clock was deep, it carried a hint of mellowness.

Every time Gao Xian heard the sound of the clock, he felt a sense of tranquility and peace of mind. If he was asleep, he would not be awakened by the sound of the clock.

The consecutive three strikes of the clock indicated that it was the third watch of the night.

Gao Xian got up from the bed, first using a cleansing spell on himself, not only for personal hygiene but also to quickly wake himself up.

He organized the talismans, pills, and checked his Qingmu Armor, Qingyun Robe, Water and Fire Silk Boots, Stone-Cutting Sword, and Qinglian Crown.

This battle was extremely dangerous, so he had to bring all the usable magical tools, talismans, and pills.

After checking twice and finding no problems, Gao Xian finally left the bedroom. Zhu Qiniang was already waiting for him in the living room.

"Have you checked the magical tools and talismans?" Gao Xian asked.

Zhu Qiniang nodded. With her rich combat experience, she would naturally not make mistakes in this regard.

Gao Xian hesitated for a moment and asked, "Should we have a late-night snack first?"

He explained, "We need to eat well to have the energy to fight."

Zhu Qiniang glanced at Gao Xian and said calmly, "Are you serious?"

"Haha, I'm just afraid you'll be nervous. I wanted to lighten the mood..." Gao Xian chuckled, realizing that his joke wasn't very funny as Zhu Qiniang showed no sign of amusement.

Opening the door loudly in the middle of the night could startle Daniu or even attract attention from outsiders. The two of them used the Wind Control Art to leap over the wall, effectively avoiding this problem.

It was the seventeenth day of the first lunar month, the third watch of the night, and the moon in the sky was big and bright.

Both Gao Xian and Zhu Qiniang felt that the moon was a bit dazzling. For them, the more chaotic the battlefield, the better.

In a clear and visible environment, cultivators were more likely to make calm judgments.

"Or we could wait until the fifth watch to make a move," Gao Xian suggested.

The winter nights in the Feima District were long, and the moon would set at the fifth watch, making the sky the darkest.

"No, some cultivators will be practicing their breathing exercises at the fifth watch," Zhu Qiniang shook her head. "Let's go with the fourth watch. The moon won't be a problem. The key is you."


Gao Xian didn't dwell on this issue. With his proficiency in the Shadowless Robe, the presence or absence of moonlight wouldn't affect him.

The Feima District was not large, and Gao Xian and Zhu Qiniang quickly arrived at their destination.

It was still early, so they weren't in a hurry to take action.

Gao Xian activated the Shadowless Robe and circled the courtyard once to confirm that there were no guards or sentries nearby.

Last night, he didn't see anyone on guard duty, so out of caution, he wanted to double-check.

In theory, with such a large group of people gathering to do something bad, they should take turns on guard duty to prevent accidents.

However, this group of people was a motley crew and all cultivators with carefree personalities.

In the deep winter night, even cultivators couldn't withstand such low temperatures. It was normal for no one to be on guard duty.

The Feima District was sparsely populated on the outskirts, and the courtyards were empty except for the one where Qingping and the others lived.

It seemed that there were rampant demonic beasts, causing the scattered cultivators who lived on the outskirts to move to the central area.

Gao Xian checked and found no problems. He then took Qiniang for a walk around to familiarize themselves with the surroundings.

In case they couldn't win, they would know where to run.

The clock struck the fourth watch, and Gao Xian and Zhu Qiniang both took a Revitalizing Pill. They hadn't consumed much spiritual energy, but taking the pill in advance was a preparation for battle.

The pills would convert into spiritual energy, but it still took time. It was too late to use a low-level Revitalizing Pill immediately.

At this moment, a few clouds drifted over, blocking the sinking moon, and the world suddenly fell into darkness.

"May heaven assist me, victory is certain in this battle!"

Gao Xian was excited. When it was time to take action, it seemed that the heavens were on his side. This was a very good sign.

Zhu Qiniang nodded vigorously. "Victory is certain. Go!"

Gao Xian used his Feather Flight Technique and Wind Control Technique, activated his Shadowless Robe, and gracefully flew over the courtyard gate, landing inside like a feather.

To prevent making noise, a pathway made of stone slabs was laid in the courtyard. Gao Xian landed on the largest slab.

Only in this way could he minimize the sound.

Black Snake was at the ninth level of Qi Refining, with sharp senses. Even in a deep sleep, the slightest noise would alert him.

Even though Gao Xian's body was as light as a feather, there would still be some sound when he landed. Fortunately, the Shadowless Robe covered up even the slightest sound.

Gao Xian took every step with great caution, until he reached outside the main room and positioned himself in the right spot.

After counting to one hundred, Zhu Qiniang raised the heavy stone in her hand and threw it forcefully. The stone rolled and flew several zhang before smashing into the gate, creating a large hole and a tremendous roar that woke up all the cultivators in the courtyard.

Although the cultivators of the Red Snake Gang were lazy, they were highly alert.

Several cultivators from the east and west wing rooms rushed out, holding swords and talismans, and looked towards the gate together.

The hole in the gate and the stones in the courtyard shocked and angered everyone. Who was this person who came in the middle of the night to smash the gate?

A cultivator activated his Wood Shield and ran over to open the gate and look outside, but found nothing.

Other cultivators also came out, and everyone gathered around the stone, cursing and expressing their anger.

The main room lit up, and the deep voice of Black Snake came from inside. "What happened?"

"Second Young Master, some son of a bitch came and smashed the gate, creating a big hole..." a cultivator obediently answered loudly.

"Damn it," Black Snake cursed. He was sleeping comfortably in his warm bed with his beauty when this kind of trouble suddenly arose.

The gate being smashed wasn't a big deal, and it wasn't worth much. But they were doing some shady things at Feima Gathering, so they were a bit nervous.

If someone suddenly came to smash the gate, could it be that they had discovered something?

Black Snake felt that he couldn't be careless. He got up, put on his robe, and although Qingping didn't want to get up, she couldn't just lie there motionless when Black Snake was already up.

Qingping helped Black Snake put on his shoes and socks, and the two of them pushed open the door one after the other.

There was a significant difference in status between the two, so naturally Black Snake walked in front, with Qingping a few steps behind.

Qingping had just arrived at the door when she saw a flash of cold and icy sword light shining from the void, directly slashing the back of the Black Snake's neck.

This sudden and mysterious sword strike was swift as lightning, yet it carried a sense of natural elegance, like a gentle breeze brushing against willows.

She was so frightened that her mind went blank, instinctively letting out a sharp scream.

The many Red Snake gang cultivators facing the Black Snake also saw the dazzling sword light appearing out of nowhere. Everyone was shocked.

The Black Snake, with his back turned to the sword light, couldn't see it, but he heard the low and sharp whistle of the sword cutting through the air.

With his keen eyes, he even saw a dazzling flash of snow-colored sword light in the eyes of the cultivators across from him.

The Black Snake was horrified. Where did the sword come from?!

Despite his experienced combat skills, he instinctively activated the Xuan Water Shield on his robe in fear.

At the same time, he exerted his spiritual power to leap forward, trying to avoid this sword strike.

As the spiritual light on his black cloud robe flowed, just as it was about to form a shield, the agile sword light lightly swept across the back of the Black Snake's neck.

Even the formidable body of a Qi Refining ninth level cultivator couldn't withstand the Stone-Cutting Sword enhanced by sharp gold runes, nor the lightning-fast sword empowered by the Electric Dragon Hand.

The sword passed, the neck was severed, and the head flew!

Black Snake, the master who dominated the Snake Mountain, was killed by a single sword strike. His headless body leaped forward several zhang before collapsing to the ground.

Gao Xian, who swung the sword to kill the Black Snake, was covered by the transparent water-like robe of the Shadowless Robe, fully revealing his figure.

Gao Xian had long activated the Qinglian Crown, and the clear light hanging down from the crown completely covered his face.

The many Red Snake gang cultivators looked in astonishment at Gao Xian, only able to see the blurry features behind the clear light, seemingly a man. They couldn't see any details clearly.

Qingping, standing inside the house, recognized Gao Xian from his back, recognized the Qinglian Crown on his head, and recognized the green robe he was wearing.

Qingping was extremely certain that this person was Gao Xian! But she couldn't believe it. Gao Xian, who was as timid as a rabbit, actually killed the fearsome Black Snake with a single sword strike!

Even though she saw it with her own eyes, she still felt that everything was like a dream, so unreal!

She couldn't help but think of a phrase: "Difficult to know like shadow, swift as thunder."

While Qingping was lost in her thoughts, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her forehead, as if she had been pierced by an invisible spear.

Qingping's vision went black, and she immediately fainted.

Before she lost consciousness, she vaguely saw several points of red light flashing and landing in the crowd.

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