Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 1224 Be Serious

Xu Chunliang said: "Not really familiar, she resigned a few days after I went to the Civil Affairs Bureau."

"Is her resignation related to you?"

Xu Chunliang laughed: "Where did you hear this news? I don't have much contact with her, and I didn't know her before I went to the Civil Affairs Bureau."

"No way, according to what we know, she publicly testified that you had molested her at the Civil Affairs Hospital."

Xu Chunliang looked at Lao Luo: "I say, Lao Luo, you have to be responsible for what you say. With my appearance and age, would I molest an old woman in her forties?"

"Although Qin Yujiao is older, she still looks good."

"That's what you think. She is the favorite of middle-aged and elderly men like you, but she is not my type. You can't force your preferences on me."

Xiao Fu, who was accompanying him, couldn't help but burst out laughing. Lao Luo glared at him fiercely, disliking that this guy was not serious enough.

Xu Chunliang got excited: "Comrade Xiao Fu, do you think Qin Yujiao is pretty?"

Xiao Fu didn't know how to answer, so he could only look at Lao Luo. He thought she was pretty, but Xu Chunliang was right. Qin Yujiao was old after all, and no matter how beautiful she was, she couldn't compare to a young girl.

Lao Luo knocked on the table in frustration: "Be serious, we are here to find out the situation, not you."

Xu Chunliang said: "You have to respect the facts when you ask me questions. Tell me with your conscience, with my looks and temperament, would I tease her?"

Lao Luo winked, and Xiao Fu understood and played a short recording.

The recording was Qin Yujiao's voice.

"The reason I resigned was because Xu Chunliang teased me and molested me in the room."

"Then why didn't you testify against him at the time? Why didn't you deny it?" This voice was Lao Luo's.

"Because he threatened me, he...he...he threatened me with photos and videos..."

"What photos and videos?"

"I don't know, I don't know, you go ask him, you go ask him, he has them all in his phone."

Lao Luo and Xiao Fu stared at Xu Chunliang with intimidating eyes, trying to use this method to break down his psychological defenses.

Xu Chunliang laughed: "Whatever she said is true? Where's my phone?" He just handed the phone to Xiao Fu.

Xiao Fu said: "You should take the initiative to explain. What videos and photos? Who is with whom?"

Xu Chunliang's face changed, and he said sharply: "What do you want to explain? Have I violated the law or discipline? You dare to look through my phone without my permission, which has violated my privacy."

Xiao Fu was obviously intimidated by Xu Chunliang's momentum, and looked at Lao Luo with some uneasiness. After all, Lao Luo is experienced. He smiled and said: "Chief Xu, why are you nervous? No one has touched your phone. Of course, if you insist on not cooperating, we can seek help from the technical department with the authorization of the leadership."

What he said was flawless. Just because we haven't touched it now doesn't mean we won't touch it in the future. If we have touched it, it is also agreed by the leadership, which has nothing to do with us personally.

Xu Chunliang said, "I have something to do later. If you have anything to say, please speak quickly and don't waste my time."

Xiao Fu said, "I suggest you explain the problem as soon as possible. Don't be lucky. If we don't have evidence, we wouldn't invite you here."

Xu Chunliang said, "Playing psychological warfare with me? Bring out the evidence."

Lao Luo said, "Xu Chunliang, have you known about Wang Tongan's style problems for a long time? Seize his weakness to threaten him, so as to gain his support and help for you?"

Xu Chunliang looked at Lao Luo, and he knew in his heart that the matter between Wang Tongan and Qin Yujiao had been exposed by someone. The reason why he was brought in was most likely because this pair of dogs and bit him.

Lao Luo lit another cigarette: "Tell me, what benefits have you gained from Wang Tongan?"

Xu Chunliang laughed: "What benefits do you think Wang Tongan can give me?"

Lao Luo said: "For example, let you be responsible for the construction of the new funeral home, such as the external leasing of the Civil Affairs Hospital..."

Xu Chunliang interrupted him and said: "You must be responsible for your words."

"Of course I will be responsible."

Xu Chunliang said: "Excuse me, what is your current level?"

Lao Luo said: "Deputy Director."

Xu Chunliang nodded: "No wonder, your level is not enough to understand the layout of the leaders. I was transferred from the Health Bureau to the Civil Affairs Bureau not long ago. Do you know which leader transferred me there?"

Lao Luo was stunned for a moment. This guy was clearly reminding himself that he had a backer.

Xu Chunliang said: "If you don't know, you can go to the organization to investigate. If you still don't understand, you can go directly to Secretary Wang Jianming."

Lao Luo thought that Xu Chunliang was deliberately bringing up Wang Jianming's name to intimidate him. He took a puff of cigarette and said: "Don't try this on me. I advise you to face the reality and face your own problems. If you cooperate with our investigation, you can get a chance to be lenient. Otherwise, no one can save you." He was also putting pressure on Xu Chunliang's heart.

Xu Chunliang had an indifferent attitude.

Lao Luo had almost finished his words. He stood up and said: "Think about it carefully. If you figure it out, you can use that phone to call me. There is a number next to it." He pointed to the internal phone on the bedside table.

Lao Luo and Xiao Fu went out one after another. Xu Chunliang heard the sound of them locking the door and smiled disdainfully. He knew very well that his problem was not serious. Lao Luo was just exaggerating. It wouldn't take too long for him to be free.

Xu Chunliang simply went to bed to rest.

About an hour later, Lao Luo came over and opened the door, his expression obviously much kinder: "Chief Xu, you can go back."

Xu Chunliang looked at him strangely: "You are asking me to go back? I thought I would stay for a while. I won't be leaving today. You can prepare a few dishes for me. Four dishes and one soup will be enough. I just need it." "Adjust."

Lao Luo said: "Chief Xu, your matter has been investigated clearly. There is a misunderstanding. It is a complete misunderstanding."

Xu Chunliang said: "You can come when you ask me to come and leave when you ask me? No, you have to get the people who framed me over. I want to confront them face to face."

Lao Luo secretly sighed in his heart. It was so easy to ask for help but difficult to send him away. He said at a loss of whether to laugh or cry: "Chief is waiting for you outside."

When Xu Chunliang heard that Jiang Qiyong was coming, he didn't continue to embarrass him. He got up and went out. Xiao Fu was waiting for him outside with his mobile phone and luggage.

Xu Chunliang took the phone over, stared hard into Xiao Fu's eyes and said, "Did you touch my phone?"

Xiao Fu shook his head guiltily. After unlocking the phone, Xu Chunliang checked the missed calls. Several of them were from Jiang Qiyong. Xu Chunliang walked outside, and Xiao Fu followed behind him carrying his duffel bag, as if he had become His little follower.

"Chief Xu, your bag."

Xu Chunliang ignored him and continued to walk forward. As he walked, he called home to report to his grandfather that he was safe, saying that he had some business matters to attend to and would not go back tonight. He was mainly worried about the aftermath of this incident, and it would be bad if disciplinary inspectors found his home again.

In fact, this possibility is unlikely. Since they returned the phone to him and gave him his freedom, it proves that the problem is not big.

Jiang Qiyong and a person in charge of discipline inspection were standing in the yard chatting happily. When he saw Xu Chunliang coming out, Jiang Qiyong smiled and said, "Chunliang, if you don't go back to the unit, you're just hiding here."

Xu Chunliang said: "Deputy Director Luo insists on inviting me over for tea and dinner. It's hard to refuse such hospitality."

Lao Luo followed slowly, smiled at Jiang Qiyong and said: "Jiang Bureau, I have sent you the man. The jade is returned to Zhao intact."

Jiang Qiyong ignored him and said to Li Tongxin, the person in charge on the side: "Secretary Li, you are not following the rules now. If this matter reaches Secretary Wang, it will be difficult for us to explain."

Li Tongxin smiled and said: "Misunderstanding, completely misunderstanding. The purpose of inviting Section Chief Xu here is to clear his name."

Xu Chunliang said: "Secretary Li, do you mean that the matter between me and Qin Yujiao has nothing to do with it?"

Li Tongxin smiled and said: "Of course it doesn't matter, Section Chief Xu. I'm sorry for wasting your precious time. I hope you can understand. The nature of our work determines that suspicious problems must be investigated clearly. We must act in line with the party and the country." , I still have a highly responsible attitude toward you.”

Xu Chunliang wanted to say something else, but Jiang Qiyong was the first to say, "That's it for today. Xiao Xu, let's go."

Xu Chunliang had no choice but to give up temporarily, took his duffel bag from Xiao Fu, and got into Jiang Qiyong's car.

After getting on the bus, he asked curiously: "Bureau Jiang, how did you know I'm here?"

Jiang Qiyong said: "First, Qin Yujiao was controlled. She confessed many problems about Wang Tongan, and Wang Tongan was double-checked. I estimate that this matter will most likely involve you."

Xu Chunliang said: "I have no problem."

Jiang Qiyong smiled and said: "I know, but no matter whether you have any problems or not, this is the principle of disciplinary inspection. They will definitely ask you to investigate. When I called you and no one answered, I guess you may have been intercepted by them, so I I called Secretary Wang."

Only then did Xu Chunliang realize that the fundamental reason why he was released so quickly was Wang Jianming: "Thanks to Bureau Chiang for your hard work."

Jiang Qiyong sighed and said: "It's not hard work, but it's a mess this time. Secretary Wang originally meant that the recent series of problems in the Civil Affairs Bureau should not expand their impact, but some people want to create problems. Wang Tong'an and Qin Yujiao's The city has known about it for a long time and has asked Secretary Wang for instructions, but Secretary Wang has no intention of dealing with him now. "

Xu Chunliang understands what Wang Jianming is thinking. The Dongzhou Civil Affairs Bureau has been leaking dirty information frequently recently. Deputy Director Song Xinyu has just stepped in. If the scandal of top leader Wang Tongan is exposed again, it will be devastating to the reputation of the entire Dongzhou Civil Affairs Bureau. Wang Jianming did not want to become the focus of national attention because of this incident. Wang Tongan's issue is about his lifestyle and does not involve financial issues. This is why Wang Jianming suppressed the matter for a while.

Wang Jianming didn't want to move, but this matter was still uncovered by someone who was interested, which proved that someone wanted to create a fuss about this matter and make Wang Jianming look bad through this matter.

Xu Chunliang said: "In which direction will things develop?"

Jiang Qiyong said: "Wang Tongan is definitely doomed. Qin Yujiao now insists that Wang Tongan used his power to force her to submit. He also reported that you have mastered their dirty information and used the audio and video materials in your hands to blackmail Wang Tongan into giving you benefits."

Xu Chunliang said: "This girl is really not a good bird, she actually poured dirty water on me."

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