Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 136: Snake Shadow Chasing Soul

Xu Chunliang felt more and more that Liu Haiyu's life experience was mysterious. When he rescued Liu Haiyu, he saw that he was not injured, and luck alone could not explain it.

Xu Chunliang took the opportunity to check his veins, and concluded that Liu Haiyu possessed martial arts, and he had practiced tyrannical external skills.

He should be the one who reminded himself to pay attention to safety. After reminding himself, Liu Haiyu was probably worried that he would be responsible for the gas explosion, so he fled Weishan Island as soon as possible.

Xu Chunliang contacted Lu Qi, reported Liu Haiyu's ID number to him, and asked him to help check his whereabouts.

That night, Xu Chunliang went to the Dahu Recycling Company alone. He wanted to settle accounts with the snake driver who ambushed him last night.

The Great Lakes Recycling Company is not far from the wharf. It is actually a waste collection place, occupying a large area. Xu Chunliang walked around the courtyard wall, chose a remote and uninhabited place, and climbed over the wall.

The yard was full of rubbish, and the stench was overwhelming. This kind of place was rarely visited by people, so it was convenient to hide their whereabouts. Xu Chunliang first observed the situation inside, and found that there were three temporary board houses in the northwest corner, which should be Workspace.

There is a big dog eating at the gate of the office area.

Xu Chunliang has been working in the medical office for a while, and has accumulated considerable experience. First, he observed whether there was any surveillance around him, and there was no camera within his sight.

A smell of snake could be smelled in the air, Xu Chunliang was extremely sensitive to this smell, and judged that the smell came from the small iron house in the northeast corner.

He took out a black stocking from his pocket and put it on his head. This method was more convenient and quicker than the disguise technique.

Under the cover of night, Xu Chunliang quietly approached the iron house.

The tin hut was covered with rust and was damaged in many places. The door was hung with wire. Xu Chunliang unscrewed the wire, pushed the door and walked in. A strong snake smell came from inside.

Inside was a wire cage containing five cobras.

In fact, Xu Chunliang felt a little strange when he encountered the snake array last night. There are not many poisonous snakes in Weishan Island, and it is not easy to domesticate so many wild poisonous snakes. Train for a while.

In terms of controlling poison, there is no sect in the world that can compare with the Five Poison Sect.

These people have been entrenched in the local area for a while, and the Dahu Recycling Station should be just a cover. Xu Chunliang speculated that this group of people knew Han Tianchi, and they probably belonged to the same gang.

Although Xu Chunliang is not a chivalrous man who punishes evil and eliminates rape, it is unbearable for these people to seek revenge on him again and again. He decided to seize this opportunity and wipe out the gang.

Opening the cage, cobras paraded out of it and gathered at Xu Chunliang's feet. An unprecedented sense of familiarity welled up in my heart. The poisonous snake that ordinary people would avoid was extremely cute in Xu Chunliang's eyes.

He stretched out the index finger of his left hand and lightly tapped the head of a cobra with its head held high. The cobra didn't dodge or attack.

Xu Chunliang's hand gestures changed, and the combination of ten fingers changed in many ways. The five cobras started to walk in circles around him.

The bright moon hung high, and when Xu Chunliang left the hut, a long black shadow followed behind him. The black shadow was composed of five cobras, arranged in a neat array, and meandering on the ground.

The big dog seemed to have sensed something, its ears were pricked up, and it was looking in the direction of the hut vigilantly. Suddenly it let out a low cry and fled towards the kennel at an alarming speed.

Xu Chunliang originally wanted to get rid of the big dog first, but he didn't expect it to be so timid. This also proves that animals usually have a stronger perception of danger than humans. When they encounter danger, they choose to hide immediately, and they don't even dare to bark. Playing safe is very human-like.

Xu Chunliang came to the board room where the light was on, leaned against the window and looked inside.

The light was on in the room, one person was lying on the bed, and the other was sitting at the table eating. Both of them were naked to the waist, with bruises on their bodies, and the person lying on the bed had a splint on his right leg.

The man on the bed said: "Third brother, do you think it was because of that kid that the snakes attacked us madly last night?"

The man called the third brother turned his face. He turned his back to Xu Chunliang just now, and now he can see his appearance clearly. He is about fifty years old, with gray hair, and one eye is blind because he didn't wear an artificial eye. , the eye socket of the left eye was sunken, and his face was covered with scars, making him look even uglier.

Cyclops shook his head and said, "Impossible, even though he has some skills, it's impossible for dozens of snakes to attack us at the same time? I think it's just a coincidence."

"But why doesn't our snake formation work on him? He can walk out of the snake formation swaggeringly, without a snake actively attacking halfway."

Cyclops said: "It seems that Huichuntang has a way to drive away snakes. I guess he may have something like a sachet on him. The snake gave up attacking after smelling him."

"Third brother, originally we came to find Liu Xin, why did we bother?"

Cyclops gritted his teeth and said, "Have you forgotten about the fifth child?" After a pause, he continued, "Then Liu Manfu is really lucky. He didn't blow him up this time."

Xu Chunliang immediately understood that Liu Yiman was Liu Haiyu, and he wanted to laugh, the name was too casual.

Judging from the conversation between the two, Yushuiqing's gas explosion was not an accident, but a deliberate murder.

The man lying on the bed said: "Liu Manyi has already left, what's the point of us staying here?"

Cyclops said: "Let's leave here when the injury on your leg recovers a bit. You were too careless to actually break your leg."

The man on the bed sighed and said, "No wonder I saw dozens of snakes rushing up at the same time. If I was a step too late, I'm afraid I would have been bitten to death by them. Third brother, you ran for your life in the same way."

Cyclops got up and took two steps, came to the bedside and asked for a cigarette, lit the cigarette and said, "That kid is not simple, no wonder the old five-fold is in his hand."

"Third brother, let's not make trouble."

"I can't swallow this breath. If he hadn't intervened, how could we have fallen to this point."

"Third brother, the rumors are too tight now, the police have sent a lot of force, and they have dug up our previous case."

One-eyed dragon said angrily: "The fifth one is too crazy. According to our previous methods, we just stole some gold and jewelry. Just because of a bet, he actually went to steal a mobile phone. Do you think he is crazy?"

Hearing this, Xu Chunliang had guessed that the fifth child they were talking about was Han Tianchi.

"It's too late to say anything now, I think we should leave here as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

Cyclops said: "We didn't get rid of Liu Yiyi this time, we have no way to explain to big brother."

"Things have come to this point, I'm afraid it's useless."

The one-eyed dragon said: "You can rest at ease, I will drain the water!"

The one-eyed dragon came outside with a cigarette in his mouth, walked straight into the grass, pulled off his belt, and urinated on the grass, suddenly a strand of black shadows shot towards his crotch.

The one-eyed dragon was so frightened that it was too late to escape, but a cobra lurked in the grass and bit his lifeblood.

Cyclops was frightened out of his wits, uttered a scream, and stretched out his hand to grab the cobra's body, but before he stretched out his hand, the sinus shrinkage point had been hit by someone, and Cyclops' body straightened and fell to the ground. At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind , I'm done, I'm dead.

His accomplice in the room heard the screams outside and realized that something was wrong. He picked up a steel pipe from the bed and stared at the door vigilantly.

The door opened slowly, and five cobras entered in a file.

Seeing the scene in front of him, he hurriedly dropped the steel pipe, picked up a tuning fork, and struck the tuning fork in an attempt to control the cobra.

The cobra has no outer ears, eardrums and earholes, but it can sense the resonance of the air. The man on the bed knocked the tuning fork to cause the air to vibrate, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling the cobra.

He soon discovered that tapping the tuning fork had no effect on the cobras. Five cobras quickly came to the bed, along the legs of the bed, four entangled his limbs, and one crawled along his body to his chest. Staring at his face, the bright red letter danced in front of him.

The man was too frightened to move. In fact, his right leg was broken and there was no hope of escape.

He didn't even notice that Xu Chunliang walked into the room and turned off the light.

The room was plunged into darkness, and the fear of the unknown was even more tormenting.

An indifferent voice sounded.

"You guys did what happened to Yushuiqing Restaurant?"

"You... who are you?"

"You just have to answer me yes or no!"


"What kind of grievances do you have with Liu Haiyu? Why did you kill him?"

"He...he stole our treasure..."

"What baby?"

"I don't know...I don't know anything..."

Xu Chunliang suddenly had a murderous intent in his heart, and when he was about to kill this fight, he remembered the elder brother that the two mentioned tonight.

"Who is your eldest brother?"

"Big Brother is Big Brother, I... I don't know who he is or what his name is..."

"You dare to be stubborn when you are about to die, it seems that you don't want to live!"

"His name is Meng Xuefeng, he's not in China... that's all I know, please forgive me."

Xu Chunliang did have the idea of ​​killing this person just now, but in the end he gave up this plan.

Because the world now is different from the world he lived in in the past, it is not that killing people can be irresponsible, and living in the present should make full use of the rules of the game of this era.

Although he can use the cobra to murder without anyone noticing, but once someone dies, the police will definitely check the surveillance on the island. If he finds out his route, won't it cause unnecessary trouble.

Another reason is that behind them is a huge criminal group. This person must still have a lot of things to explain. They should be thoroughly investigated. Professional matters should be left to professional people.

Xu Chunliang picked up the person's mobile phone: "If you want to survive, you must honestly confess all the bad things you have done."

He dialed Lu Qi's phone number. It is estimated that Lu Qi's case has not been found out yet, and this favor is still given to his old friend Lu Qi.

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