Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 295 Acting vigorously and resolutely

Xu Chunliang knew what happened to Shu Yuanhang in Penang, and he also suspected that it was related to the big shot in Penang. If it was really this person who did it, this big shot was very courageous and dared to commit crimes across the border. Could it be that this I don’t know clearly, anyone who offends China will be punished no matter how far away he is?

The first thing Xu Chunliang thought of was Hua Zhuyue. Hua Zhuyue was a member of the Jianghu. The Huichun Hall had been stolen before and even the police could not find any clues and she was able to solve the problem. Nanjiang is her base, so I believe she should have a solution.

Xu Chunliang sent the photo to Hua Zhuyue and asked her if she recognized the old lady in the photo.

Hua Zhuyue quickly called and asked what he meant.

Xu Chunliang told Hua Zhuyue that the old lady in the photo had just abducted her friend's son.

Hua Zhuyue was also very angry when she heard about this incident: "It's really unreasonable. Huang Si Po is getting more and more despicable, and she actually engaged in human trafficking."

Xu Chunliang heard her call out the old woman's name and realized that he had found the right person: "Sister Hua, can you help me find this person?"

Hua Zhuyue said: "Okay, I'll ask someone to inquire about it right away. What's wrong? You didn't call the police?"

Xu Chunliang sighed and said, "This shouldn't be a simple kidnapping. The other party wants more than just ransom." He briefly told Hua Zhuyue about Shu Yuanhang.

Hua Zhuyue also thinks this matter is very troublesome. If it is for ransom, little Nianzu will most likely be safe until the kidnappers get the money. But if it is deliberate revenge, especially if the planner is the big shot in Penang, I am afraid that he The purpose is to make Shu Yuanhang feel the pain of losing his son, and the misfortune for little Nianzu is likely to be worse.

Hua Zhuyue immediately contacted her. Fourth Po Huang was a member of Qianmen, and Qianmen was said to have been founded by the Fuxi family. According to legend, after Nuwa Butian left, Fuxi was deeply aware of the suffering of the people in the world, so he established the Qianmen and left behind the three skills of the Qianmen to create faith in the world.

The three skills of Qianmen were originally intended to save the world from suffering, but they were turned into a means of intrigue. Qianmen also turned into Qianmen in the hands of a group of insidious and hypocritical fraudsters.

The three skills of piety, aimed at saving people, have also changed their nature as people's hearts have become sinister. Piety has turned into deception, and Qianmen has become equated with deception.

Huang Sipo, who kidnapped Xiao Nianzu, is a well-known figure in Qianmen. Qianmen has the title of the Four Heavenly Kings and the Eight Generals. Huang Sipo was once one of the eight generals. Fifteen years ago, Huang Sipo was also During her time of prosperity, her son Huang Jiucheng established a small and medium-sized enterprise investment guarantee company to raise funds and lend money. At its peak, it absorbed more than 1 billion in funds.

The case occurred eight years ago. Huang Jiucheng was held criminally responsible for allegedly illegally absorbing public deposits. Huang Sipo raised funds in various ways to reduce her son's guilt. In fact, the real boss of the company was Huang Sipo. The company exploded and her son After being imprisoned, Qianmen was worried about being implicated by her, so he also drew a clear line with her and expelled her from Qianmen.

Huang Sipo later started working in her old profession, and it is said that she was arrested once in the process. There are rules in the world, and even in Qianmen, the practice of picking minors like Huang Sipo is despised by the same family.

While Xu Chunliang was looking for clues through Hua Zhuyue, Tong Guangsheng and his son also met in the parking lot outside the Polar Ocean World. Shu Yuanhang told his father the ins and outs of the incident. Tong Guangsheng was very upset. He should not have left early today. But the problem is that his physique has been too weak recently, and he really couldn't hold on just now.

"Yuanhang, you should have told me a long time ago. If I knew about this, I would never let Nianzu out of sight no matter what."

Shu Yuanhang was also in a low mood. He didn't want to talk about it, but there was always a gap between him and his father. If his son hadn't been kidnapped, he wouldn't have told him about it.

Tong Guangsheng couldn't bear to complain when he saw his son's appearance, and sighed: "If they want money, it's easy, but if they just want revenge, this matter will be troublesome."

Shu Yuanhang said: "I didn't expect his hand to stretch so far and that he still has power in the country."

Tong Guangsheng shook his head and said: "A big shot in Penang is nothing to us. If he dares to come, I will teach him how to behave in a minute." He took a few steps uneasily.

At this time, a taxi drove up next to them, and Xu Chunliang got out of the car.

Shu Yuanhang told his father that he was the one who told Xu Chunliang the meeting place.

Xu Chunliang said: "Did the kidnapper call?"

Shu Yuanhang shook his head, raised his wrist and looked at the time. It was still five minutes away from the hour mentioned on the phone just now.

Tong Guangsheng said: "I'll answer the call back."

Shu Yuanhang said: "They came for me."

Tong Guangsheng asked: "Have you ever been on the battlefield?"

Shu Yuanhang shook his head.

Tong Guangsheng said: "I have seen all kinds of scenes. I am good at dealing with people like this!"

At this time, Shu Yuanhang's cell phone rang, and Tong Guangsheng motioned for him to hand the phone to him.

Shu Yuanhang hesitated and turned on the speakerphone.

"Shu Yuanhang, your son is in my hands!"

Shu Yuanhang was about to speak, but Tong Guangsheng stopped him: "Ten million! I'll give you ten million!"

Shu Yuanhang secretly complained that he didn't come here for money at all.

Xu Chunliang secretly admired Jiang for being so old. Although this kidnapping was for revenge on Shu Yuanhang, the specific executor was most likely not a subordinate of the big shot in Penang. If he wanted to do such a thing in China, he should They paid money to find a local criminal gang. It is certain that Huang Sipo was involved in the kidnapping.

Tong Guangsheng's offer obviously shocked the other party. He immediately proposed a price of 10 million. Tong Guangsheng also thought carefully. These people can't take risks just for a small amount of money. Tong Guangsheng's offer must be the first to impress the other party. Only by letting the kidnapper's mentality Only by swaying and stimulating their greed can they succeed.

"Who are you? Let Shu Yuanhang speak!"

Tong Guangsheng said: "I am Shu Yuanhang's father, and the child you kidnapped is my grandson. My name is Tong Guangsheng. You can check my company. I have Xianhongxin Agriculture Group under my name. I don't know how much the other party gave you." Money, one thing I can guarantee is that the price I give you will definitely be much more than what he gave you."

"We're not in it for the money!"

"Fifteen million! As long as my grandson is safe and sound, I promise not to call the police and just pretend that this thing never happened."

"Tong Guangsheng?"

"It's me. My information is easy to find. I'll give you half an hour to think about it. I also put the ugly words first. If there is anything wrong with my grandson, I will use the money as a reward. I want you to participate. Everyone involved in the kidnapping incident must pay with blood!”

After Tong Guangsheng finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Shu Yuanhang was startled by his father's actions, and he became emotional: "Why did you hang up the phone?" He was worried that his father's actions would anger the kidnappers.

Tong Guangsheng said: "Getting in the car, someone must be watching us nearby."

They got in the car and Tong Guangsheng said: "If that person from Penang comes over, he won't be tempted no matter how much money I give him. He wants you to feel the same pain as him. If these kidnappers are just hired by him, , then ten million is enough to make them tempted, and twenty million can make them forget about the so-called professional ethics."

Tong Guangsheng was out of breath after saying these words. He was already weak, and because he was concerned about his grandson's safety, he was under great pressure. Now he was trying to hold on.

Xu Chunliang saw Tong Guangsheng's vigorous and resolute approach, and secretly admired him. After all, he was a man who had experienced the baptism of blood and fire. Tong Guangsheng had a clear judgment on the current situation. He was negotiating with the kidnappers in a special way. He was betting, The bet is human nature, the bet is the greed of the human heart.

Only twenty minutes later, the kidnappers called: "Thirty million! We want cash and give you six hours."

"I can only raise 20 million in six hours." Tong Guangsheng secretly scolded the kidnappers for being too greedy, but as long as the other party raised a price, it meant that their hearts were loosened, and they might turn back.

"If it's less than 30 million, just wait to collect the body. Cash, we want cash!" The kidnappers are very cunning. They know that there are great risks in transferring money, so they ask for cash. They also investigated Tong Guangsheng, who was indeed rich. His net worth is at least hundreds of millions.

"Thirty million in cash? You definitely can't do it in six hours. You have to give me more time, and prove that my grandson is alive!"

"Grandpa..." Xiao Nianzu's cry came from the other end of the phone.


The phone returned to the kidnapper's hand: "Thirty million in cash. I'll give you eight hours. You are not allowed to call the police or make any noise. I will inform you of the specific location."

This time it was the kidnapper's turn to hang up.

It is almost impossible to raise 30 million in cash in one day, especially in this era of popular electronic payments. Tong Guangsheng has 20 million in cash. Firstly, it is related to his dislike of depositing in banks. Secondly, cash can avoid a lot of troubles.

Tong Guangsheng called Zhan Aihua: "Old Zhan, how much cash can you prepare for me?"

Zhan Aihua said: "Is half a million enough?"

Tong Guangsheng said: "What's the most? Activate all your connections!"

Zhan Aihua knew as soon as he heard that Tong Guangsheng was in trouble: "We can raise almost two million!"

"Okay, you get ready right away, I'll have someone get it."

Tong Guangsheng hung up the phone and called Wang Jinwu again. He asked Wang Jinwu to prepare cash immediately, as much as he could. After preparing the cash, he immediately drove to Nanjiang.

The reason why Zhan Aihua was asked to help raise cash was because he was worried that the money would not be enough. It would take at least five hours for Wang Jinwu to prepare the cash and then drive to Nanjiang. Even if Tong Guangsheng used all his connections, he would only be able to raise 23 million at most, which is still 7 million short of the 30 million the gangster wanted. .

Xu Chunliang also helped to find a way. He didn't have many friends in Nanjiang, but he knew a lot of rich people. He first thought of Hua Zhuyue. As the deputy CEO of Blue Star, she should be able to think of some way. It was just an emergency. Tomorrow at the latest Tong Guangsheng can return the money to her.

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