Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 778 The visitor is evil

Che Shixiong finished roasting the ingredients and started to prepare for the next battle. He took everything very seriously and would not ignore any opponent because of his strong strength, not to mention Xu Chunliang's bad intentions.

Xu Chunliang had enough to eat and drink, and stretched his arms: "Boss, pay the bill!"

Che Shixiong wiped his hands and said, "This meal is treated as a treat for you, and it will be treated as the medical expenses I paid for you."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "You're too polite. We don't have such a good relationship. Let's go. I'll settle the new and old debts with you later. I'll pay for your medical expenses."

Che Shixiong locked the store door and led the way, and the two of them walked one after another to the unfinished building at the back.

Walking into the construction site of an unfinished building is like walking into a wasteland world.

Che Shixiong stopped, turned to Xu Chunliang and said, "I'll give you a piece of advice. Don't come to Han Shangyuan again. If you have anything to do, come to me and don't involve other people."

Xu Chunliang said: "It sounds like you are very loyal. The person I want to find is Lu Taiyin. Tell me where he is. I won't embarrass you." He sensed that Cha Shixiong must be nervous, nervous because of Kim Shin Hye, don't Judging from how tall and tall this guy is, he is actually a very passionate person.

Che Shixiong snorted coldly: "Get through me first." He punched Xu Chunliang and attacked him.

Xu Chunliang moved with one step and easily avoided Cha Shixiong's attack with the eight steps of the snake. Cha Shixiong's punches were like a storm. He received boxing training since childhood, and later learned taekwondo and fighting techniques. He once worked as a bodyguard for a chaebol. Seoul once had the title of No. 1 bodyguard.

It is precisely because of his strong fighting power that Huang Youlong appreciates him.

Although Xu Chunliang is 180cm tall, he still looks petite in front of Cha Shixiong. In fighting, height and weight are the two major factors that determine victory or defeat.

Cha Shixiong's punches were very powerful, but he soon realized that no matter how fast or powerful his punches were, Xu Chunliang could easily dodge them. This guy's footwork was really good, like a boxing champion's butterfly. It's nothing more than a step.

After all, Che Shixiong is a veteran who has been on the battlefield for a long time. He thinks that Xu Chunliang should be afraid of his heavy punches, so he uses flexible footwork to take a defensive position and consume as much energy as possible. When his physical strength is almost exhausted, this guy will start again. Fight back.

Che Shixiong was not a fool, so he deliberately provoked Xu Chunliang and said, "Cowards, don't hide when you have the opportunity."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "On account of you inviting me to dinner, how many tricks should I ask you to hide from you? I can't do that." He suddenly punched Che Shixiong.

Seeing that he finally faced him head-on, Che Shixiong was secretly happy. His fists were notoriously hard, but Xu Chunliang actually chose to confront him head-on. This punch will make you suffer.

The fists collided together, making a fuss! With a muffled sound, Xu Chunliang pretended to take three steps back, waved his right hand and said: "Damn, you... your fist is too hard..."

Che Shixiong punched him, and it felt like a punch hitting an iron hammer. The pain was so painful that his bones were splitting. He tried not to cry out. When he saw Xu Chunliang, he also waved his hands and feet in pain, thinking that this was The goods suffered more than themselves, gritted their teeth and sneered, unable to stop gritting their teeth, their hands hurt too much: "It's too late to know now."

Cha Shixiong punched again, this time he did not use his right fist, but changed to punching with his left hand.

Xu Chunliang didn't feel any pain at all, he was just pretending to lure him into the urn.

Xu Chunliang attacked, but he also used his left fist or fist bump. Che Shixiong once again felt the familiar pain. He didn't hit Xu Chunliang's fist, but it seemed like he hit an iron hammer. It hurt! It hurts so much!

Che Shixiong took a step back, intending to distance himself a little to relax, but before the pain in his right hand disappeared, it came again in his left hand.

How could Xu Chunliang give him a chance and immediately turn to counterattack. He responded in kind, using Cha Shixiong's attack method just now, attacking Cha Shixiong with both fists like a storm.

Cha Shixiong understood now that Xu Chunliang was faking it, but by the time he realized it, it was already too late. Xu Chunliang turned into attack mode, and Cha Shixiong had no choice but to fight back.

Xu Chunliang neither hit him in the face nor his chest and abdomen, and instead targeted Che Shixiong's two big fists.

Che Shixiong just hit the iron hammer, and now two iron hammers hit his hands in turn. Che Shixiong used fist to fist. Although he blocked all Xu Chunliang's attacks, his hands were so painful. He started to tremble and felt as if his finger bones were broken.

Fortunately, Xu Chunliang did not press forward step by step. He stopped and looked at Cha Shixiong with a smile. Although this guy has good combat power, he is far from Xu Chunliang. Xu Chunliang deliberately teased him and gave him a taste of the pain first. .

Che Shixiong took a few steps back. At this time, he finally understood that Xu Chunliang's strength far exceeded his own. He was playing a cat-and-mouse game. After thinking about this, Che Shixiong felt ashamed and angry. A wise man can be killed but not humiliated. Xu Chunliang obviously has the ability to knock him down, but he still wants to tease him.

Che Shixiong suddenly turned around and ran towards the unfinished building. Xu Chunliang followed Che Shixiong's footsteps into the building without any fuss.

Because of the lack of lighting, the building was dark. Xu Chunliang said: "Che Shixiong, don't insist, I'm looking for Lu Taiyin."

A strong wind blew through the darkness, but it was Che Shixiong who picked up a steel pipe and swept it towards Xu Chunliang's waist.

Xu Chunliang sighed, grabbed the tip of the stick, and Che Shixiong raised his foot to kick him in the face. Xu Chunliang took a step forward, and before Cha Shixiong could finish the attack, he got into his arms and hit Che Shixiong with his left shoulder. On Shixiong's chest.

Che Shixiong was hit in the chest by Xu Chunliang. His burly body was unstable and flew backwards like a cloud, hitting the isolation wall and falling heavily to the ground.

Xu Chunliang dragged the iron rod towards Che Shixiong, and the iron rod rubbed against the concrete ground to create a trajectory composed of Mars.

Xu Chunliang said: "I told you to eat more. You will be beaten when you are full, but you just didn't listen."

Che Shixiong endured the pain and got up from the ground: "The outcome is still unclear, so don't be arrogant."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "I admire how shameless you guys are. You can wear pants as big as your butt, but you still take off your pants and cover your face all day long if you don't have the strength. Are all people in your country like this?"

"I'll fight you!" Che Shixiong was furious and rushed towards Xu Chunliang again. Before he could get closer, Xu Chunliang raised the steel pipe and pressed it against his throat. If Xu Chunliang hadn't been merciful, this time he could have done it. Break his throat.

At this time, Kim Shin Hye's voice came from outside: "Shixiong, are you there?"

The moonlight filtered in from outside, illuminating Che Shixiong's big face as pale as paper. He had always considered himself a master, but tonight Xu Chunliang shattered all his confidence and made him lose face.

Kim Shin Hye's voice is getting closer and closer.

Cha Shixiong swallowed and said, "Don't involve her."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "You care about her very much."

Cha Shixiong said: "Roh Tae-in has returned to Seoul." Because he was worried that Xu Chunliang would be detrimental to Kim Shin Hye, Cha Shixiong made concessions and answered Xu Chunliang's question just now.

"Where's Huang Youlong?"

"They went back together."

Xu Chunliang nodded and threw the iron pipe to Che Shixiong.

At this time, Jin Xinhui had already entered this unfinished building, because she knew that Cha Shixiong would come here to exercise when he had nothing to do.


"Here we are!" Cha Shixiong replied. He turned on his flashlight and greeted him: "Xinhui, I won't even let you come here. Many places on the construction site are very dangerous."

Jin Xinhui said: "You didn't answer my phone call, so I guess you are here."

Jin Xinhui appeared at the top of the stairs. She saw Xu Chunliang and was a little surprised and said: "Is this gentleman here too?"

Xu Chunliang smiled and said: "Boss Che invited me to come and visit his gym."

Che Shixiong nodded quickly: "Yes."

Jin Xinhui smiled and said: "What's there to visit? It's just an unfinished building with no one to manage it anyway. He comes here occasionally to exercise." She turned to Cha Shixiong and said: "Why do you bring guests here?"

Che Shixiong said: "This... this..."

Xu Chunliang said: "I brought it up on my own initiative."

Che Shixiong said: "Let's go back."

Jin Xinhui nodded and suddenly started coughing, accompanied by wheezing. Cha Shixiong hurriedly helped her sit down on the stairs and gently patted her shoulders and back.

The two of them were sitting together, blocking Xu Chunliang's way. Seeing how affectionate they were, Xu Chunliang didn't want to disturb them.

In fact, when Xu Chunliang saw Kim Shin Hye for the first time, he could tell that she was sick. Her face was blue, her eyes were tired and lifeless, her voice was hoarse, and she was short of energy.

But Xu Chunliang didn't come here to see a doctor today, so he didn't take it seriously.

When Kim Shin Hye was in the hotel just now, she only coughed occasionally, but this time she coughed non-stop, and her shoulders were obviously raised when she coughed and wheezed.

Xu Chunliang heard from her breathing sounds that she was dying, which was a sign of severe deficiency. A normal person's cough would have echoes, but Kim Shin Hye's coughing sound was flat and straight. This kind of sound is common in lung disease, which is called in Western medicine Pulmonary Fibrosis.

Che Shixiong said: "I will accompany you to the hospital for a checkup."

Jin Xinhui shook her head and said, "There's no need to go. I'll just take it easy. Maybe I'm suffering from the cold."

Xu Chunliang noticed that it was already summer and Kim Shin Hye was still wearing a sweater. There were various signs that she was terminally ill.

Xu Chunliang said: "Madam boss, you are very ill."

Che Shixiong glanced at Xu Chunliang with some dissatisfaction and said to himself, what does it have to do with you?

Kim Shin Hye sighed and said, "I have interstitial pulmonary fibrosis. There is no cure for my disease."

Idiopathic pulmonary interstitial fibrosis is very rare and its mechanism is unknown. In modern medicine, it is believed that there is no effective treatment for this disease and the condition is irreversible. It usually takes two to three years from onset to death. Some doctors internationally are trying to use lung transplant surgery. To treat the disease, the surgery is expensive and the survival time after surgery is usually no more than three years.

Once this disease is diagnosed, it is almost always at an advanced stage, and almost 100% of the time it will be complicated by pulmonary heart disease, and will eventually lead to death due to systemic failure, heart failure, and respiratory failure.

Today’s update, my son will leave home next week, I need to spend more time with him, everyone should be more understanding.

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