Great Ming: I, Zhu Di, Declare My Intentions to Seize the Throne from the Start!

Chapter 148 Xu Miaoyun knows her mistakes, but she won’t change them!

"You two are really foodies. Even though Shiro has been gone for so long, I haven't seen you skipping a meal because you missed him..."

Xu Miaoyun stood in front of the manger. While adding wheat seedlings to the manger, he stretched out his hand to order two foodies and scolded them.

Unfortunately, the two foodies, who were so eager to eat, didn't listen at all.

Zhu Di was amused, and quietly took back his hand that had been pressed on the small gate of the fence.


Just when Zhu Di was about to continue watching Xu Miaoyun, how to 'educate' Xiao Hei and Da Huang.

Discordant sounds came from the left side, on the road leading to the ancestral hall.

The smile on Zhu Di's face froze.

He glared at Xu Huizu who ran over excitedly.

"Brother-in-law, have you just come back?" Xu Huizu ran up to him and looked at Zhu Di with excitement on his face.

Xu Miaoyun paused when she heard the shout.

Next trick, turn around...

Zhu Di patted Xu Huizu's shoulder, put the horse's rein into Xu Huizu's arms, pushed open the small fence door, and strode in.

He arrived in front of Xu Miaoyun in a few short steps.

He took the hydroponic box with one hand, threw it into the manger, picked up Xu Miaoyun, and spun it around.

"Put me down quickly, there is someone at home!"

Only then did Xu Miaoyun come back to her senses. She blushed, smiled in her eyes, and urged in a low voice.

"I'm so sore, I shouldn't have gotten up so early!" Xu Huizu covered his face and turned his back to the yard.

Hearing the noise, Xu Miaoyin walked to the door and saw the scene in the courtyard. She couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering. She quietly retreated into the house and continued busy making breakfast.

Zhu Di hugged Xu Miaoyun and deeply smelled the familiar smell.

Suddenly, everything felt like it was still.

My heart is particularly peaceful.

Xu Miaoyun blushed, looked down, and couldn't help but smile.

After a while, Zhu Di put Xu Miaoyun down steadily. Seeing Xu Miaoyun looking at her, he turned around and said with a smile: "Unscathed, he is still the same as he was when he left."


Seeing that Zhu Di was not injured except that his skin was a little rough from the weather and sun, Xu Miaoyun finally felt at ease. Hearing this, he glared with a smile and urged: "Go back to the house quickly and wash up. It's time to have breakfast soon."

"Huizu, what are you doing standing around outside the courtyard? Come in and eat."

Xu Huizu opened his mouth and pointed at himself.

Is he standing there stupidly?

Don’t you need me to just stand there?

"Okay." He responded and hurriedly led the horse and walked in.

At the dinner table, Zhu Di told everyone what happened along the way.

Of course, he chose to hide some special things.

My sister-in-law and brother-in-law are still young and sometimes cannot keep secrets.

And there are things, they know, that will implicate them.

"If I had known it, I would have followed him." After hearing what Zhu Di said, Xu Huizu muttered with regret.

Xu Miaoyun glared, "I heard what brother-in-law said and thought it was wonderful, but can you bear the hardship of having to eat and sleep in the open along the way?"

"In the past few days, you have been shouting from exhaustion while following Uncle Eight and the others in building the granary."

Xu Huizu came to Tuqiao Village after hearing that his eighth uncle and others were back.

Zhu Di asked curiously: "How is the granary built?"

"It was just built yesterday. It's very spectacular. Brother-in-law, are you full? I'll take you there!" Xu Huizu said impatiently.

He also has a share of the credit for the three granaries.

He especially wanted to show off.

"Your brother-in-law needs to rest after dinner. It's not too late to go after he's rested." Xu Miaoyun glared at Xu Huizu angrily.

Shiro came back early in the morning and must have traveled all night.

Xu Huizu immediately lowered his head, shoveled rice into his mouth, and secretly cursed, "Xu Daya, I am laughing up at you in my heart!" You are in a treacherous situation, but you should use this fierce energy against your brother-in-law! whispering sound! ’

Xu Miaoyin couldn't help laughing while eating. After the meal, she didn't even wash the bowl. She pulled Xu Huizu, who didn't count and pestered Zhu Di to ask questions, and hurried out. At the same time, she said: "Sister, I will go to the morning class." For the kids…”


Halfway through his words, he left a string of laughter and hurriedly left.

Zhu Di couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction, 'My sister-in-law is more sensible than my brother-in-law. ’


Xu Miaoyun blushed slightly, smiled and asked, "Why are you nodding?"

"I'm lamenting that my sister-in-law is more sensible than my brother-in-law, but Huizu has no eyesight at all. After dinner, he still asked me to ask questions. I wonder, at this time, should he learn the disappearing technique?"

"Stop teasing me." Xu Miaoyun suppressed her laughter, blushed, and pointed at her pregnant belly, "You must be a hard-to-control little cotton-padded jacket. As long as I am happy, she will be very active and punch in it." Hitting and kicking..."

As he spoke, his words stopped abruptly.

Lower your head...

Zhu Di was already squatting next to Xu Miaoyun, putting his face on his lower abdomen and listening carefully.

At some point.


Suddenly there was a slight sound in the eardrum, and he also felt a strong touch on his cheek. Zhu Di immediately smiled and said: "Kick, this kick is very powerful."


There was a slight touch on the cheek again, and Zhu Di smiled and said: "This kick is relatively gentle. I can only feel the touch, and I can't even hear the sound in the cochlea."

"It seems you know who I am, this little cotton-padded jacket is airtight."

Xu Miaoyun said with a smile, "Don't be narcissistic. The little guy often does this. One is heavier and the other is lighter. The two forces take turns every time. Miaoyin finds it very strange. She also checked many medical books for this, but there is nothing similar. Record.”

"How about I take you to Jiangning and let Mr. Wang have a look?" Zhu Di suddenly felt worried and suggested.

"The imperial doctor has seen it." Xu Miaoyun explained with a smile, "During your absence, the queen mother sent the imperial doctor from the palace, disguised as a wandering doctor, to come and see it."

"The imperial doctor said that my body is very healthy and the little one is also very healthy."


Zhu Di breathed a sigh of relief.


Xu Miaoyun urged: "Go and rest quickly, I will accompany you."

Zhu Di smiled and nodded.

Who will accompany whom, I can’t tell yet.

After lying down, Zhu Di's breathing soon became even and long.

Xu Miaoyun quietly opened a small gap, and after confirming that Zhu Di was really asleep, she stood up carefully.

Sitting cross-legged next to Zhu Di, he looked at it with his hands on his chin.

After a while, he stretched out his index finger and gently moved it along the lines of Zhu Di's face.

After a while, he took back his hand, his face turned red, and with a shy smile on his lips, he gently leaned over and pecked the corner of Zhu Di's lips.

He sat up straight again, raised his head, covered his mouth, and snickered happily.

After a while, he smiled gently and saw that Zhu Di was still sleeping peacefully, so he carefully leaned over and pecked the corner of Zhu Di's lips twice in a row.

Two times later, I saw that Zhu Di was still sleeping soundly.

This time, I was completely relieved and instantly transformed into a woodpecker.

The corners of Zhu Di's lips raised slightly.

Just when a certain woodpecker was having the most fun, his eyes opened with a smile.

When she accidentally saw Zhu Di's smiling eyes, Xu Miaoyun was stunned for a moment. She rubbed her hands to cover her mouth, and her pretty face turned red instantly.

His eyes were "angry" and stared at Zhu Di.

Zhu Di smiled silently and reached out to hold the person in his arms.

Xu Miaoyun nestled in Zhu Di's arms. She was so shy that she wanted to find a hole to hide. She turned her beautiful eyes and whispered: "If I say that I was controlled by your little cotton-padded jacket just now, so I behaved so childishly, you You definitely won’t believe it, right?”

"But it's all true!"

"You think, how could I behave in such a childish way!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"This childish behavior is what you, little cotton-padded jacket, want to express through me!"

(Little cotton-padded jacket: Mom, thank you. Your student took the blame for you. Before I was born, I took the blame for something that didn’t belong to me!)


Zhu Di coughed hard and finally suppressed his strong smile. He rubbed his chin against Xu Miaoyun's hair and agreed: "Yes, it must be the little cotton-padded jacket that controls you to behave in such a childish way."

"She has to take the blame if she doesn't want to!"


Xu Miaoyun couldn't help but laugh at first.

After a while, he raised his head and reached out to touch Zhu Di's face, "Tell me something else."

She knew that there was something that Shiro must not have said.

It’s not that I don’t believe in Huizu and Miaoyin.

There are some things that are too sensitive, and they know that they may be implicated.

Zhu Di raised his hand, took out the jade pendant Liu Zuchang gave him from the clothes hanging on the bedside, and handed it to Xu Miaoyun, "After I took over this jade pendant, I regretted it to death. It's too hot."

"It's more serious than friendship."

Zhu Di told Xu Miaoyun what happened.

Xu Miaoyun also rarely looked solemn.

The door is full of people!

This official position in the palace was very humble.

Almost transparent!

The maids and eunuchs who had some status in the palace would not dare to offend their subordinates.

But this official position is very important!

Responsible for organizing memorials and copying some emperor's minutes.

These are core secrets.

"This Patriarch Liu has poor personal ethics, but his righteousness is pretty good." Xu Miaoyun looked at the jade pendant and commented.

Zhu Di smiled and asked, "Why do you say that?"

"His youngest son works as a servant in the court, and his daughter was forced to marry by horse bandits. If he really loves this daughter, he can use his son's identity to ask the local magistrate to come to his rescue."

"But he didn't do that."

"To put it mildly, Patriarch Liu is unwilling to use public weapons for personal gain."

"To put it bluntly, he doesn't want to cause any trouble to his son who is an official. After all, he wants the local county magistrate to run around to rescue him. The county magistrate is very likely to let him be the son of a subordinate to help. .”

"If this kind of thing affects his son's official promotion, even if it involves his family, he will choose to sacrifice his family."

"But this Patriarch Liu, after you rescued his daughter, first erected a monument for you."

"After confirming that Tuqiao Village has a very upright culture, knowing the situation of Tuqiao Village, and feeling that Tuqiao Village has certain potential, I am willing to give this jade pendant as a token of friendship."

"That's why I say that his personal ethics are lacking, but his righteousness is unqualified. Several things have vividly demonstrated the complexity of human nature."

Xu Miaoyun sighed and shook her head, "Hide this jade pendant well, we won't use it, just don't come into contact with this disciple."

"Even if our father comes to know about it one day, we still have a clear conscience and are not afraid of surveillance or investigation!"

"My dear wife, she sees things clearly." Zhu Di smiled and hugged Xu Miaoyun tightly in his arms, turned around and asked with a smile, "Little cotton-padded jacket, do you want to be a woodpecker now? I don't mind that."


Xu Miaoyun's face instantly turned red, she raised her head and pecked her, "At this moment, the little cotton-padded jacket just wants to peck..."

Before he even finished speaking, his mouth was already on the line.

When Meimei woke up with his wife and children in his arms, Zhu Di felt relaxed all over.

Looking at the sleeping beauty.

He stretched out his hand to scratch Qiong's nose, and couldn't help but smile. He tiptoed on tiptoe, dressed neatly, looked at the time, and went to make lunch.

Xu Miaoyun quietly opened her eyes, a bright smile appeared on her lips.

He stretched out his hand and stroked his lower abdomen, and whispered: "Little cotton jacket, I'm sorry for making you take the blame. Mom knows she was wrong, but she is not prepared to change it. You may have to take the blame in the future. I want to say hello to you first."

"Oh! If you move, my mother will take it as your consent."

Little cotton-padded jacket:......

Write a warm and joyful one, and make a plot transition. The plot of re-taking the road of Jingnan and the famous minister Jingnan is over for the time being. Thank you for your support.

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