inside the house.

Zhu Di held his sister in his arms and walked gently on the ground. The little one slept very sweetly in the gentle rocking of Zhu Di's 'arm cradle', with cute bubbles popping out of his little mouth from time to time.

Xu Miaoyun was on the bed, coaxing her brother to sleep.

At the same time, the two chatted quietly.

Xu Miaoyun patted her brother's back gently, smiled and whispered, "Silang, what should we name our two little guys?"

"Have your father and mother already gotten up?"


Zhu Di snorted 'arrogantly' and looked down at the sleeping little cotton-padded jacket blowing bubbles. From the bottom of his heart, he felt very cute.

Smiling, he came to the bedside and sat down, and whispered: "We are the parents of two little guys. It is our right to name our children. Anyway, I will not give up this power."

You can give up anything, you have the right to name your own children.

He won't let it go.

Xu Miaoyun smiled and said, "Then tell me, what do you want the two little guys to be called?"

"Huo Qubing, Xin Qiji..." Zhu Di listed many ancient names in succession, and then asked with a smile: "Have you discovered the characteristics of these names?"

Xu Miaoyun frowned slightly, "It's all a word that expresses action, plus a word that has a modifying effect."

Zhu Di smiled and nodded.

In this era, we only talk about sentence reading and no grammar.

Miaoyun didn't know the concepts of verbs, adjectives, and nouns.

But good-sounding names can either be taken from the Book of Songs.

Or like Huo Qubing and Xin Qiji, a combination of verb plus adjective or noun.

In fact, when he and Miaoyun named their children, they had already subconsciously done so: Cailu, Chunxiao, Minfeng...

"Names like Huo Qubing and Xin Qiji, even if you put aside the celebrity effect, if you try to read them, are they catchy and powerful? Do they sound good?"

Xu Miaoyun smiled and glared, urging: "Yes, yes, please tell me what name you thought of."

Zhu Di smiled and looked at his eldest son who was crawling on the bed and sleeping with his butt sticking out. After thinking for a while, he smiled and said, "How about our brother be called Zhu Yongming?"

"When the geese are singing, the sun is rising." Xu Miaoyun immediately thought of the origin of the word "Yongming".

In the early morning light, the sun has just risen, and the wild geese are flapping their wings and flying high with the sun, making a "Yongyong" call.

Xu Miaoyun smiled and nodded, looking at the little guy who was sleeping with his butt raised, "Did you hear the name Dad gave you?"

After saying that, he raised his head with a smile and said, "Where's the little cotton-padded jacket?"

"You come up, you can't let me take all the responsibility. ♦♢" Zhu Di complained.

Xu Miaoyun stared with a smile, knowing everything in her heart, and murmured softly, "The words that express actions...the words that pray for blessings..."

At a certain moment, he raised his head, looked at Zhu Di, and asked with a smile: "How about calling the little cotton-padded jacket Qihua? "Guangya" interpretation: Hua, that's good!"

"Pray that our little cotton-padded jacket will reap all the good things in this world through its own efforts."

"Okay, let's call her Zhu Qihua!"

"Old madam, why are you here!" Just as Zhu Di was grinning happily, Mao Laoliu's exclamation suddenly came from outside.

Hearing the sound, Zhu Di and Xu Miaoyun couldn't help turning their heads and looking out the window.

Unfortunately, I can't see anything...

Xu Miaoyun thought of some possibility and opened her mouth slightly in shock, "Is she the queen mother?"

"Definitely!" Zhu Di nodded.

There was no one else who could make Mao Laoliu call the old lady except his mother.

"Let's go out quickly to greet the Queen..." Xu Miaoyun hurriedly got off the ground.

But was held down by Zhu Di.

Zhu Di glared and said: "You want the queen to blame me for not taking good care of you? Stay in the room, I'll go."

As he spoke, he carefully handed the little cotton-padded jacket to Xu Miaoyun and walked out quickly.

Zhu Di just walked to the hall.

Mao Laoliu grinned and opened the hall door from the outside.

Seeing Zhu Di coming out in a hurry, Ma Xiuying couldn't help laughing and scolding: "If you are not in the house with Miaoyun to take care of the children, why are you running around blindly?"

Zhu Di didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Fortunately, he didn't let Miao Yun come out. Otherwise, his sin would have been even greater.


Zhu Di shouted with a smile.

Ma Xiuying was annoyed and urged: "I'm not here to see you. Quickly prepare some water for my mother so that she can wash away the dust and dust she has traveled along the way."

What she wants most now is to see her two little grandchildren.

But being on the road all day long is not good for an infant.

"Master, I'll go!" Mao Xiang turned around with a smile and couldn't wait to leave.

The little maid Mingxia looked at Mao Xiang's leaving figure and opened her mouth slightly in shock. She couldn't believe that this was the former commander of the Jinyi Guards.

Ma Xiuying couldn't help but look at Mao Xiang. After Mao Xiang went out, she smiled and said, "If the face hadn't changed, I wouldn't have believed it. This is Mao Xiang."

Now Mao Xiang looks like a butler.

Zhu Di introduced with a smile: "He gave himself a new name, Mao Aliu. Miaoyun and I call him Uncle Amao and Uncle Liu, and the uncles and aunts in the village call him Mao Laoliu..."

‘Mao Xiang started it by himself? ’

Ma Xiuying smiled and glared at Zhu Di, "Don't think Mom doesn't know anything!"

Regarding this matter, Jin Yiwei's secret report is very detailed.

The name was given by the fourth child.

Moreover, the fourth child called a group of children and taught them to call Uncle Mao Xiang and Amao.

It is said that at the beginning, Mao Xiang was depressed for a long time.

Although the fourth child took Mao Xiang in, he was still a little unhappy, so he pranked Mao Xiang and gave him the name Mao Aliu.

Zhu Di smiled.

Ma Xiuying and Mingxia took a quick shower.

I couldn't wait to go to the bedroom.


Xu Miaoyun was waiting at the door with her little cotton-padded jacket in her arms. When Ma Xiuying pushed the door open, Xu Miaoyun saluted and said hello.

"Hurry up and go to bed. I just gave birth to a baby and my body is weak. Why are you still running around?"

Ma Xiuying hurriedly supported Xu Miaoyun and said reproachful words. Her eyes were already attracted by the little cotton-padded jacket in Xu Miaoyun's arms.

Zhu Di stood aside, taking in everything. He smiled and joked: "Give me a hug, my eyes are almost on my little cotton-padded jacket."

Xu Miaoyun and Ma Xiuying smiled and glared at Zhu Di at the same time.

Ma Xiuying carefully took the little cotton-padded jacket and watched the little cotton-padded jacket falling asleep and blowing little bubbles. She couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.


When I came to the bed, I saw Zhu Yongming crawling on the bed, sleeping with his little butt sticking out, and he was immediately amused.

Take turns to hug, hug together...

After a while, Ma Xiuying reluctantly put the two little guys in the crib.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he grabbed Xu Miaoyun's hand and patted it gently, "Miaoyun, thank you for your hard work."

Keep silent and have two children in one life!

As a woman, she knows the hard work involved.

Xu Miaoyun shook her head with a smile.

Although it was very painful and scary during the birth.

But the two little guys are the continuation of her and Shiro's lives.

With the arrival of the two little guys, this home has become happier...

Ma Xiuying observed and couldn't help but smile.

She saw happiness in Miaoyun's smile.

Then, he asked with a smile: "Have you named the child?"

Hearing this, Xu Miaoyun looked at Zhu Di.

"It's up." Zhu Di replied with a smile: "The boss's name is Zhu Yongming, named by your son, and the little cotton-padded jacket is named Zhu Qihua, named by your daughter-in-law."

At this time, it was his turn to step forward.

"The geese are singing, the sun is rising... Hua, that's good..." Ma Xiuying comes from a scholarly family, and she immediately thought of the origin of her name.

He smiled and nodded, "It's a good name, has a good meaning, and sounds nice."

As he spoke, he looked at Zhu Di with a smile and said, "Your literary quality has improved a lot since you got married. It seems to be Miaoyun's credit. With such a profound foundation, there should be no problem in taking the college examination in one month, right?"

The young couple used to read these messages together every night.

They all know it too.

Zhu Di didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Mom, I promised you that I can sprint. You don't need to keep knocking to remind me, right?"

Xu Miaoyun lowered her head with a smile.

Ma Xiuying smiled, but Chongba was not the only one worried.

She was also afraid that the fourth child, who had both sons and daughters, would not want to take the imperial examination again while guarding this small family.

"Uncle Xu said that he is waiting for you to pass the general examination and take Miaoyun and his grandson and granddaughter Fengfengguang back to see him." Ma Xiuying was still uneasy and did not forget to provoke Zhu Di again.

The scapegoat Xu Da:...

Zhu Di nodded helplessly with a smile, changed the subject, and asked: "Mom, you and Mingxia haven't eaten yet, I'll go make something for you."

"Your Highness, maid, please go." Mingxia was squatting beside the crib looking at the two little ones. After hearing this, she hurriedly got up.

Xu Miaoyun smiled and waved to stop him: "Let Si Lang go, you are not familiar with the kitchen, and you have been traveling all day."

After a meal.

It's getting late.

When Ma Xiuying left, she crawled beside the crib and looked at it again and again before leaving reluctantly.

inside the room.

As soon as Zhu Di left, Mingxia made Ma Xiuying's bed and asked curiously: "Empress, why didn't you tell His Highness and Princess that the Emperor named the two children."

Ma Xiuying sat down by the bed and patted her aching legs. Thinking of her two little grandchildren, she couldn't help but smile and said, "Don't worry, this matter can't be rushed."

Chongba has already compromised.

Two children can have other names in Tuqiao Village.

But the fourth child cannot establish another family tree.

The name on the family tree must be named after him.

This matter cannot be rushed or rushed.

Ma Xiuying did not return to Jinling City for several days.

Everyone in the court understood that the queen would personally take care of Xu Daya during her confinement period!

This conclusion shocked many people in the DPRK.

Jiangning County.

Two boys and girls led the horses to the silk and satin shop.

The girl complained as she walked: "Brother, I blame you. When I left, I asked you to check it carefully. You did it perfunctorily. Now it's fine. You forgot the clothes I made for the two little guys at home. I wonder if Jiang Ning can buy suitable fabrics."

Xu Huizu understood the mistake and kept laughing with him, leading his horse behind him.

The boy and girl are brother and sister Xu Huizu and Xu Miaoyin.

When Xu Miaoyun gave birth.

The Xu family was busy arranging an engagement for Xu Huizu.

So I couldn’t rush to Tuqiao Village immediately.

No, as soon as the engagement was over, Xu Da asked his sister and brother to rush to Tuqiao Village as soon as possible.

In a hurry, Xu Huizu left the clothes that Xu Miaoyin had made for her two nephews in the house.

"If you can't buy it, I'll go home and get it." Xu Huizu comforted his sister with a smile, and walked into the silk and satin shop with him, muttering as he walked: "I don't know, when I get married next year, my brother-in-law will try to sprint, whether he can succeed..."

"Will Mr. Zhu come today?"

"It doesn't matter whether we come or not, Mr. Zhu's disciple is apprenticed. We have to go and support the scene to prevent the Wang family from bullying the two children in the future."

"Mr. Wang is a nice person, and the Wang family as a whole is also nice. But every family has its own problems, and the Wang family also has a few bastards."

"I heard that County Magistrate Fang is also going to attend the apprenticeship ceremony."

Xu Miaoyin and Xu Huizu, who were selecting fabrics, heard the sound coming from behind, looked at each other, and followed the sound...

Several government officials walked in from outside while chatting.

Xu Miaoyin silently listened to the bargaining between several government servants and the shopkeeper, and whispered: "They must be brother-in-law, right? Why do the children become apprentices in Jiangning County?"

"I'm going to inquire about it." Xu Huizu said and went over to several government officials to inquire.

After a while, he returned and simply said, "This is what happened..."

"Minfeng and Chunxiao, after all, I am also their husband. My brother-in-law may not be able to come. Brother, let's stop by and support the two children!" Xu Miaoyin looked at Xu Huizu.

Xu Huizu smiled and nodded: "Okay, since we are supporting you, then buy a few more pieces of high-quality fabric!"

"I heard that Fang Xiaoru is also going. This time we meet, I want to have a good talk with Fang Xizhi. Last time I kindly invited him to have breakfast cooked by my brother-in-law, but he lied to me!"

I originally wanted to finish this chapter and transition directly to the next plot, but due to time constraints, I published it first. The next chapter will be a big chapter and jump into the next new plot.

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