Great Navigation: A Pair Of Green Dragons, Younger Brother Kaido

Chapter 57 Ghost Clan Plus Lunaria Clan, Fire Fist Vs Green Pepper Opens The Door (First Order Requi

From the deck to the sea surface, it is only about ten meters.

At this height, even if it is an ordinary person, if it is dropped on the sea, placed in the world of pirates, even if an untrained ordinary person is randomly pulled out, it will not hurt or itch, but it will not be painful.

Not to mention a big pirate like Green Pepper with a bounty of 500 million, and Armament Haki.


But when the green pepper touched the sea surface, there was a loud noise that swept across several kilometers of sea area.

The soft sea water, like a heavy object falling on the hard concrete floor, burst into dozens of shocking cracks.

Pieces of rock-like sea currents rise above the sea, rising and falling on the sea surface, and then burst into pieces one after another, turning back into sea currents, and returning to the sea like waterfalls.


at the same time.

On the surface of the torn apart sea, there was a surge of shock waves visible to the naked eye one after another, and the surging shock waves carried boundless power and swept away the sea area with a radius of hundreds of meters.

No Haki.

No fruit ability.

Only the purest physical strength.

"What's going on with this kid's body?"

"Even the strength of a giant is far inferior?"

"Also just now, when facing my eight-punch punch, I didn't even use Haki, and I just defeated me just because of my physical strength!"

The green pepper floated on the surface of the sea, only to feel tightness in the chest, nausea and vomiting, and bursts of pain came from all over the body, as if it was falling apart.

Two head hammers, both returned in vain.

Someone attacked once, and the pain went deep into the bone marrow.

The unruly Haki in his heart who looked down on the world and regarded Aaron as nothing has been mostly scattered.

Just as he was afraid of Aaron's strength, he suddenly felt a burst of warmth from his forehead, couldn't help but propped his head up from the sea water, and then reached out to touch it.

What caught his eye was a pool of scarlet liquid.


The pupils of the green pepper constricted.

His head was bleeding.

Ever since he was born, when fighting with others, he has always been the only one who can smash people's heads to pieces. No one can break his head.

But now?

Two head-hammer clashes.

His spiked head broke the defense, still in the hardened case of Armament Haki.


The intense humiliation and shock, like an invisible wave, washed over my heart.

It is a kind of proud thing, the anger of being destroyed and trampled.

"After downloading the blood of the Lunaria family, not only do you have the dual form that the body is indestructible when the flame is ignited; the speed is as fast as lightning when the flame is extinguished"||. "

"In addition to the changes in defense and speed, there has also been a huge increase in physique."

"Only the strength is at least doubled compared to before downloading the Lunaria blood."

Aaron glanced at his right hand and felt the terrifying power hidden in his body. He only needed to mobilize it with one thought, and this power would erupt like a volcano, with magma gushing out, and a flash of excitement couldn't help but flash in his eyes.

It is not in vain that the mountains are long and the rivers are far away, and even thousands of miles away, I have to come here to recruit Jin.

Beasts Pirates has one more powerful combat force, and he himself has been completely reborn.

Wrestling with Qingjiao at its peak, he didn't even have to use Haki and fruit abilities. He stood still and let the opponent punch eight punches and Haki punched and kicked, outputting crazily.

The final result was that Qingjiao was exhausted, Haki was exhausted, and died of exhaustion on the spot.

And he.



This is Aaron now.

Double Ghost Clan plus Lunaria Clan.

King Kong's indestructible physique has been upgraded to a new level.

Even if you don't move, let the green pepper hit you, you can kill a big pirate with a reward of 500 million.

This is still the normal defense.

Once transformed into a green dragon form, wearing dragon scales, with Armament Haki, it is even more indestructible.


A wave suddenly surged.

The green pepper spreads its wings like a big roc, jumps up from the sea and soars to high altitude.

"There will be no such thing!"

"In this world, there cannot be anything harder than my Cone Spike.

"If there is, I will wipe him out!"

Qingjiao roared again and again, blood flowed down the sharp cone head, blushing, making him, who looked like a ghost, even more ferocious and horrifying.

"Oh? So it's a broken head."

Kaido looked around and found that Qingjiao used an iron head to punch someone, but ended up smashing his own head. After the bleeding continued, he couldn't help grinning.

"Is this Mr. Aaron's strength?"

"As powerful as Mr. Kaido, no, it should be said to be far above Mr. Kaido."

Seeing this scene, Jhin couldn't help feeling overwhelmed by Aaron's strength.

"No wonder he almost went berserk."

"It is rumored that the guy Qingjiao is the most confident in his head, and he often says that there is nothing harder than his head in this world.

"Now he is beaten by the captain."

Byrnndi Wald was startled at first, and then showed a sympathetic expression.

All pirate rewards can be split.

Like him.

Of the 230 million Berry's bounty, 30 million belongs to him, and the other 200 million belongs to the multiplication fruit.

And green peppers?

500 million rewards.

100 million is Ba Chong Fist, 100 million is his own, and the rest can be attributed to the sharp cone head who has the name of Taperon Taper Needle.

It can be said.

At its peak, the Green Pepper of the Cone offered a reward of 500 million, and Marine gave at least 300 million to the sharp cone.


The tip of the cone is broken.

It's not hard for Byrnndi Wald to imagine why Green Pepper would be so outraged, even collapsed.

After all, he is familiar with this kind of thing.

At the beginning, I fired 100 times the gun and 100 times the slash at Aaron, but it didn't work at all.

At that time, he was the feeling of Qingjiao now.

`Eight Punch Boxing‧Tapicle Dragon Taper Nail·Green Pepper to open the door.

Just when Byrnndi Wald felt sympathy.

The green pepper has rushed towards Aaron like a rocket, with such a fast speed that it knocked the air along the road straight away. He was covered with a blood-stained awl head, wrapped in the color of the weapon, and just swooped down, split the airflow, and split a terrifying atmosphere crack.

He broke out completely, completely disregarding Aaron's strength, and didn't think about other things.

There is only one thought left in my mind.

Completely split Aaron's body, which is harder than the sharp cone head, into two halves.

Just use his pride to open the door with the adventure of splitting the Baoyu iceberg.

"Physical strength has been tested."

"(Qian Zhao) Then try the flames of the Lunaria clan!"

Aaron originally wanted to transform into a green dragon, and tried to download the blood of the Lunaria tribe, and then transformed into a green dragon. But after thinking about it, in addition to switching between two forms of speed defense, he downloaded Jhin’s After the bloodline, it also comes with the ability to produce flames by itself, just like eating a mera-mera fruit that cannot be elementalized, you can't help but change your mind.

He clenched his five fingers tightly, and the armed color curled up, wrapping the black iron fist together with the blazing flames, and then pushed out horizontally.

"Emperor Flame·Fire Fist Cabinet!"

The air was first distorted and deformed by the flames, showing irregular ripples, and then the flaming fists bursting with dazzling orange light penetrated the airflow, turning into huge flaming fists like giants, surrounded by blazing heat and violent fist power, bombarding On the sharp cone head of the green pepper.


Fists clashed and the atmosphere roared.

The sea surface and the sky were instantly dyed orange red by the dazzling flames.

The scorching flames swept across all directions, rolling waves of sea currents into the air, and then burned them up.

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