Great Navigation: A Pair Of Green Dragons, Younger Brother Kaido

Chapter 80 With Three Enemies And One, The Advantage Lies With Me (Full Order)

"Same as Lord Oden.

"That woman also has that mysterious Emission."

"You don't need to shoot, you can crush a powerful warrior with just a look."

Heigoro looked at Shakky, who looked down on thousands of warriors like an emperor, with a dignified face.

"Master Sukiyaki, we can no longer allow the two of them to release Wan District recklessly."

"Please let us do it!"

"Otherwise, the woman with the peculiar Emission, and the bearded man on the ship who kept shooting and releasing giant bullets and shells, just the two of them could cause devastating damage to the army of warriors."

Witness the Byrnndi Wald multiplication fruit and meet Shakky's Conqueror's Haki.

The three samurai guarding the general Kozuki Sukiyaki suddenly half-kneeled down and asked Hikari Sukiyaki to fight.

"Okay, I will entrust the capital of flowers to the three of you.

"Please take care of everything."

Kozuki sukiyaki was also shocked by Shakky's Conqueror's.

Fortunately, he was far away, on the edge of Conqueror's Haki coverage, otherwise he couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't faint like those fallen warriors.

At this time, he also saw that although the number of warriors on his side was still a hundred times, 10 or even hundreds of times that of the Beasts Pirates, if Shakky or Byrnndi Wall was not dealt with, no matter how determined the warriors were after fighting fiercely for a while, , It is estimated that it will shrink back, or even collapse.

"Lord Kozuki Sirius."

"Lord Kozuki Yekage."

"His Excellency Kozuki."

"If the three of you don't give up, I would like to fight side by side with you."

Heigoro flew up, fought with Jhin, then flew back with his strength, and landed in front of the three samurai who had been defending Kozuki Sukiyaki.

As the underworld boss of the Flower City, many people regard him as the number one samurai in the Flower City, but only he knows it.

The real number one samurai has always been guarding the palace of Hikari Sukiyaki.

It was Kozuki Sirius among the three in front of him.

As a retainer, he was personally given the surname Kozuki by Sukiyaki, a general.

In this hierarchical and staid country, a powerful Haki is absolutely impossible without superb swordsmanship.


Yekage and Zanghe, who were given the surname Kozuki, are also one of a thousand powerful warriors.

The three vassals are also the strongest force in the hands of Kozuki Sukiyaki.

"I'm going to try to stop the bullets of the big guy with the gun on the boat."

"The three of you can give it a go."

"Behead the woman who has the same power as Lord Oden."

Heigoro glanced at Byrnndi Wald, already reloaded, on the Sky Pirate ship.


"Then there is Lord Goro Goro.

"Let the four of us join forces and let these so-called pirates die under the blade."

The three of Kozuki and Sirius looked at each other and nodded.

As the retainers of Sukiyaki, they all knew Heigoro and recognized the strength of the underworld boss, so they allowed the other party to go with the three of them.


Just when the four of them wanted to join forces to kill Shakky.

On the deck, Byrnndi Wald, who had already changed the bullet, flashed a hint of teasing in his eyes, just like the eyes of a cat staring at a mouse.

"In the breath of so many warriors, the four of them still stand out from the crowd."

"So to say."

"They're the tough ones."

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, and he suddenly raised the gun with his right hand, and the dark muzzle pointed directly at the position where Bingorang and the others were.


That's also where Kozuki Sukiyaki is located.

"not good!"

"Master Sukiyaki is still here."

Almost at the moment when the guns were locked, the eyes of Kozuki and Sirius were red, showing vigilance and vigilance.

Before Byrnndi Wald shot, the eyes of the three had already fixed on him, and the four beams of light were intertwined in mid-air.

"Double multiplier 100 times the gun!"

Byrnndi Wald jerked the trigger.


As the gun muzzle bursts of transparent fluctuations, spreading out like water ripples, a copper-yellow bullet burst out. While the speed and size surged a hundred times, it also entangled Armament Haki, and then flew out through the air.

The speed was so fast that the air was pulled into a huge spiral air wave, and even the warhead burst into fiery flames.

call out

crucial moment.

Before Kozuki Sirius, who is a retainer, and the others could make a move, a figure was already one step ahead, and flashed in front of Kozuki Sukiyaki, holding a knife in both hands, and Haki erupted from the whole body, as if wearing a Haki coat that shone with purple light.

"Flower Sword Flow·Worship in Wrath!"

The purple sword light bloomed in the sky, and the air blocking the road was split open like a broken log, surrounded by the chopping strikes that split the mountains and waves, and met them head-on.


The blade and the bullet collided with each other, and the shock wave like a stormy sea swayed in all directions, oppressing the hard ground until ripples rolled up, all the nearby warriors were blown away, and the nearby area was completely emptied.

Besides him, only Kozuki Sukiyaki is left behind.


"Don't worry about Sukiyaki-sama."

"I will swear to the death to guard Sukiyaki-sama."

Bingorang's muscles swelled, his hands gripped the long knife, and his armed force surged out like rivers of water, desperately holding the giant bullet in front of him.

If it was a 100 times gun, he would have tried his best to split it open with one knife, but at the moment of the confrontation, he noticed that the bullet was wrapped with a good Armament Haki.

Although it is not as good as him, but combined with the 100 times gun, it bursts out extremely terrifying power.


307 The first rule of a retainer is to defend the master.

But with the general's order in front, and the three of them had insight into the battle situation, they knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so they looked back at Kozuki Sukiyaki and saw him nodding. Out, like an arrow leaving the string, quickly rushed towards Shakky to kill.

As the distance kept getting closer, the three retainers reached out to the handle of the knife at their waists at the same time.

The Kozuki surname was bestowed by Sukiyaki, and it is almost like a commoner who belongs to the noble class of Wanokuni.

The knives are all made by sukiyaki. Although they are not as good as the big fast swords, they are also the first-class treasures of the good fast swords.

Just like this, in order to defend the Kozuki clan, the three of them would even risk everything, even their own lives.

"With three enemies and one, the advantage is mine."

Kozuki put his strongest vassals on the battlefield, seeing the three of them like wolves and tigers, carrying a knife and killing Shakky alone [He felt slightly relieved.

"Being targeted?"

"Is it me again?"

"Although it is no longer contempt this time, it still doesn't affect you, damn it!"

It was first regarded as a breakthrough by thousands of samurai, and then it was targeted by the master Mingguang Yongjia.

Shakky's eyebrows were full of evil spirits, and the two long knives that had drunk the blood of an unknown number of warriors flicked lightly, flicking the blood on the blades, and turned to look at Kozuki and Sirius and the others. .

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