Great Navigation: A Pair Of Green Dragons, Younger Brother Kaido

Chapter 82 Shakky: Love Comes Too Fast, Like A Tornado (Full Order)


Aaron attaches great importance to the Amazon king chef recruited through the world's thieves recruitment.

Especially after the meal Shakky cooks.

Just like Jhin.

Although he couldn't do the feat of sacrificing his life for the crew of the Beasts, it didn't affect him to regard Shakky as an integral part of himself.

Especially the hands of the cook.

Pack everything in the whole Wanokuni together, and the weight is far less than a finger.

"Love comes too fast, like a tornado."

When Shakky heard that Aaron cherished her hands so much, her throbbing heart seemed to be held by an invisible big hand, and then squeezed.

She couldn't help but put her hand on the overly exaggerated pectoralis major, clearly feeling how violent and surging her heartbeat was.

"How can it be?"

"Sirius, Yeying, and Zanghe, looking at the entire Wanokuni, they are all warriors who can fight against a thousand.

"It's just one blow, and they all died in battle!"

the other side.

Protected by several samurai, Kozuki Sukiyaki retreated far away and only saw a flash of red light in the sky. Immediately, three of his retainers were smashed into powder and wiped out.

This scene left him dumbfounded 997.

But when his gaze chased after the fleeting red line, and he could see the 100-meter green dragon dominating the sky, his eyes suddenly popped out, and his face was covered with an expression of disbelief.


Kozuki Shou murmured and slumped on the ground.

"That's a dragon!"

"Oh my god, among those pirates, Guan Ran has a song by Yuan Changlong.

"This is not an existence that a samurai can defeat at all!"

"What about dragons? We Wanokuni once had the legend of slaying dragons."

"Eiichiro, then go and kill him."

Facing Kaido, who suddenly transformed into a green dragon, the underestimated warriors, who had already suffered heavy casualties and lost their momentum, looked like jade.

With Qinglong's strong appearance, he burned and killed three Kozuki's retainers with one blow, and the heat exploded into purgatory, sending away hundreds of warriors.

It can be said.

The appearance of Kaido became the last straw that crushed the samurai army.

at this time.

Some of the samurai present had no fighting spirit, some had dull eyes, and some couldn't even hold their sabers, and fell to the ground with a loud sound.

What's more, just like Kozuki Sukiyaki, he sat down on the ground in fright, and then tried to (cica) evacuate from the battlefield.

On the battlefield, the emotions and behaviors of fear and flight are contagious.

At the beginning, only a few dozen warriors fled quietly like bereaved dogs.

However, the warriors around them, seeing someone running away, were infected by fear one after another. Under the oppression of the mighty dragon's power, and under the influence of despair that there was no chance of winning, they all followed suit.

From the few people at the beginning, everyone became imitated, scrambling to be the dog of the defeated army, fleeing honey crazily.

But not all warriors have the opportunity to be that lucky bereaved dog.

More warriors, who had just turned around and hadn't had time to run a few steps, either died in the flames of Jin, or died in the bombardment of Byrnndi Wald's multiplied bullets.

Under the frantic pursuit of the two.

The remnants of the samurai army, which originally had less than a thousand people, were killed with corpses everywhere, and blood flowed like rivers.

In the end, there were less than two hundred warriors who successfully escaped from the battlefield and hid in the flower capital, or escaped from the flower capital.


"Gathering 5,000 warriors, they were defeated by five, no, three."

"The general trend is gone, and Huazhi will change her name and surname."

Heigoro half-kneeled on the ground.

He managed to take down Byrnndi Wald's 100x around Armament Haki after all, but it didn't work.

If you look around, you can see warriors fleeing crazily.

He closed his eyes, with tears of unwillingness and pain in his eyes.

This is the most prosperous land in Wanokuni. Although his surname is not Heigoro, it does not affect his love for the capital of flowers.

Especially since it wasn't Wanokuni's people who invaded here.

"No, not to the point of despair."

"Master Sukiyaki is defeated, but the patron saint of Wanokuni is still there."

"There are also names of major regions."

Just when Bingorang was about to be swallowed up by the great river of despair and powerlessness, a figure of a samurai with long and wild black hair suddenly emerged from the depths of his mind.

Kozuki Oden!

That Guangqi samurai was deeply impressed by his demeanor and strength from the first time he met.

"It's over!"

"5000 samurai were defeated, and ten of them died."

"I failed to keep the inheritance left by Kozuki's ancestors, and let it be destroyed by pirates."

Kozuki looked up to the sky and sighed, his face was full of pain and anger.


He pulled out his saber abruptly, his eyes were empty and lifeless, only the will to die.

Just as he stabbed his abdomen with the knife, Bingorang rushed over and grabbed the blade with his fleshy palm.

"Your Excellency Heigoro."

"What did me, Kozuki's sinner?"

"Let me and the capital of flowers, and the warriors who died in this fierce battle, live and die!"

Kozuki Sukiyaki's palm holding the knife exerted force, wanting to pull out the long knife, and then cut belly again, but never thought that Bingorang's five fingers would exert force, like steel claws, to hold his saber tightly

"Seppuku is an act of cowardice."

"The defeat has already been cast, and no one can change it."

"Your Excellency Sukiyaki is a general of Wanokuni. He doesn't want to clean up the mess, reorganize the country, and avenge the shame of the 5,000 samurai who died. Instead, he wants to die here. Are you still worthy of being a general of Wanokuni?"

Heigoro grabbed the long sword tightly, and Mitsuju Kisaki roared angrily.


"You are right, Your Excellency Heigoro, as General Wanokuni, even if he is about to die, he must wash away the shame of the dead samurai after the pirate in front of him, the owl head, is the general's duty.

"Also ask Mr. Heigoro to teach me!"

Kozuki sukiyaki is said to be red-faced, but it is also awakened.

At this time, seppuku could be killed, but it left a mess for the Wanokuni daimyos.

That's not what a general should do.

"It's good that Sukiyaki-sama thinks so."

"Although we were defeated in this battle, it was only the capital of flowers. I, Wanokuni, have not yet died. The daimyos from the five regions of Kuri, Nozomi, Tuwan, Linghou, and Baiwu are still there.

"Just wait for your Excellency the General's order, and the five daimyos will surely dispatch troops to the Capital of Flowers to fight against pirates.

Seeing that Kozuki sukiyaki no longer begged for death, but reinvigorated and asked himself for advice, Heigoro felt relieved, and then immediately narrated his thoughts.

"Should the five daimyos come to the capital of flowers to hunt down pirates?"

"Okay, just follow what His Excellency Heigoro said."

"However, the most urgent thing is to evacuate from this capital of flowers first."

Kozuki Sukiyaki heard the news, and immediately felt hopeful.

He thought of his son who was born nine miles away and was as powerful as a dragon-slaying warrior dragon and horse.

Kozuki Oden. .

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