Great Navigation: A Pair Of Green Dragons, Younger Brother Kaido

Chapter 88 On How To Correctly Use Harmony (Full Order)


Facing Aaron's request.

Hearing that Kaido wants to point the butcher knife at the samurai in other regions.

Bingorang's face twitched, his head was lowered, his fists were clenched, and he was panting heavily.

Even if he has the consciousness, he keeps telling himself that everything is for Wanokuni, not just for Kozuki sukiyaki, but he still has the feeling of falling into the endless hell.

Every minute, every second, every day and night, I endure the torment and torture that will never last.

Never be born again.

"No, there is still hope."

"Your Excellency Oden and other daimyos will soon know about the affairs in the Flower City.

"At that time, within a few days, they will come to the capital of flowers to beg for thieves."

Suddenly, Heigoro thought of something.

Not to mention that after the defeat, some warriors escaped, even if there were none.

The capital of flowers is the most prosperous area in Wanokuni.

Such a tragic event happened in "June 93", and the big names in other regions will surely get the news soon.

After all, Wanokuni doesn't have phone bugs, but it does have snails.

Those samurai families who owned escargots, were bound to be associated with Kozuki Oden.

"For Wanokuni, for sukiyaki world."

"Feel sorry."

"After the Beasts Pirates are pacified, I will be tortured in the cauldron to make atonement for the unjust souls of the warriors who died in vain.

Think of Kozuki Oden, think of daimyo from other regions.

Bingorang had hope in his heart, found an excuse to comfort himself, and also found a reason to continue the saber.

"Taijun, I understand."

"Kill 100 Samurai in one day."

"I have no objection, I just ask the Taijun not to hurt Master Sukiyaki."

After making a decision, Heigoro endured the heart-piercing pain and burning anger, and Aaron said in a low voice.

After killing 200 samurai, of course he saw that Kozuki was missing a leg, but he dared not speak out.

He had calculated it in his mind.

From Kozuki Oden and others to get the news, and then to send troops to the capital of flowers, even if it takes a little time to unite all the daimyo, it will take three to five days at most.

Use the blood of 500 samurai to stabilize the beasts and save the Kozuki sukiyaki.

Although this is a painful choice, he can accept it.

"That depends on your performance."

Aaron took a deep look at Heigoro, and the corners of his lips raised slightly, as if he could see what he was thinking.

"Yes, Yin-jun.

"My lord, let's prepare tomorrow's warrior head."

"Most of the general's mansion has been destroyed. If the Taijun has no place to stay, he can choose to temporarily live in my residence. There is no need to worry about food. I will order people to prepare it."

Heigoro lowered his head, with a humble gesture that he didn't dare to meet Aaron's eyes.

In fact, he was afraid that the Beasts Pirates would disappear, so Oden and others who came to attack them threw a servant.

After all, the ships of beasts can fly.

"talk later!"

Aaron waved for Heigoro to prepare Kozuki Sukiyaki's life money for tomorrow.

"Brother, we don't look like he's giving in."

"In my opinion, he can't be a qualified adulterer.

"Like you mentioned before, undercooked.

Kaido watched Heigoro disappear from sight, then turned to Aaron and said.

"He has killed so many samurai, how can he not do it?"

"Without the protection of our beasts, he would be dead."

"How dare you betray me?"

Byrnndi Wald looked puzzled.

In his view, there is no way for Bingorang to turn back. Apart from being a traitor, he can only be a married woman.

"Does it matter whether he submits willingly?"

"Does it matter if he is cooked or not?"

"You see, he just implemented what he should do with the rape, and he did it very well.

Aaron gave Byrnndi Wald a big backhand.

He doesn't have a heart as big as a walnut, no wonder he was backstabbed by his subordinates and then imprisoned in Impel down.

This is not without reason.


Hearing this, Kaido was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Samurai Jingguan, and then smiled in relief.

He has seen the power of rape.

It's just a soldier Goro, who killed 200 samurai in one day, and will kill another 100 samurai tomorrow.

Nagoro, who came with one or two more carts, didn't have to do it himself. The samurai who resisted were wiped out by rape within a few months.

As for the Beasts Pirates, the need is not to be loyal and traitorous, but to be reconciled to get things done.

Such as Heigoro.

"And rape this kind of creature, you don't need to consider loyalty."

"Surrender is easy to use, but it is also easy to use if you are not familiar with it.

"It depends on how you use it."

Aaron patted his cute shoulders, taught his younger brother a lesson "On how to use and rape correctly", then raised a cloud of flames and soared into the sky..

After boarding the Beasts Pirate Ship suspended in mid-air, Shakky walked into the kitchen immediately.

She kept in mind what Aaron had just said about having afternoon tea.

less than half an hour.

The dining table on the deck has been filled with a variety of cakes, ham, bread, fruit wine and other delicacies.

Aaron and Kaido ate and chatted, and continued to pass on the killing skills they knew-to his brother.

Jhin and Byrnndi Wald, who had just fought a bloody battle with thousands of samurai, feasted even more.

But it's different from Byrnndi Wald, who is eating this piece with all his heart.

While eating, Jhin held a pen and notebook, remembering what Aaron said.

And Shakky.

She is like an obedient and lovely wife, waiting by Aaron's side, adding wine and feeding from time to time, and occasionally interjecting a sentence or two.

As Amazon Emperor, she is not as unintelligent as Divold.

Not only Kaido, but even Aaron's eyes lighted up after hearing some insights and the usage of rape.

Just when Aaron and the others had a big tea party, enjoying the peace and delicious food after the war.

Kozuki Sukiyaki led 5000 samurai to face the Beasts Pirates, but the news that they were massacred in the end has spread in the capital of flowers.

The first to get the news was not Kozuki Oden and other daimyos from various regions, but the Kurozumi Orochi who escaped from the Shogun's Mansion before the war broke out.

"What did you say? 4.1 Kozuki Sukiyaki was defeated? 5000 samurai were almost slaughtered?"

"Hehehehehe, good death!"

"Damn the Kozuki clan, the samurai, and this Wanokuni."

In a mansion in the Capital of Flowers.

Kurozumi, who was sitting on the main seat, learned of the result of the battle between the Beasts Pirates and the 5,000 samurai army. His first reaction was not sadness, but ecstasy.

He hibernates beside Kozuki Sukiyaki in order to take revenge on the Kozuki clan, the samurai, and even this country.

"Finally, a powerful force has been attracted to Wanokuni."

"I just didn't expect it to be them."

"Brother Qinglong."

Kurozumi Semimaru held the lute in his hand and plucked it lightly.

He, who rarely changed his expression, now showed a complex expression.

There seems to be fear, there seems to be desire, there seems to be excitement.

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