Great Navigation: A Pair Of Green Dragons, Younger Brother Kaido

Chapter 90 Wanokuni Is Too Small, Barely Big Enough For Me To Toss By Myself

"No, Lord Aaron, you can't do that."

"I'm different from Heigoro, a samurai who harbors evil intentions. I'm your ally, and I'm here with good intentions!"

"Look, here's a gift for you, gold coins... and these too, weapons crafted by Wanokuni artisans, for the Beasts Pirates."

Kurozumi Orochi sat paralyzed on the ground, tears and snot gushing out of fright. While explaining in a very fast tone, he pointed to the boxes of gold coins and weapons brought by his subordinates.


When Aaron heard the word, he couldn't help but laugh at the idea of ​​Kurozumi Orochi.

In order to squeeze Wanokuni's resources, Kaido will let Kurozumi Orochi sit as a general for decades, but he will not.

"Yes, I, like Lord Aaron, have feuds with the Kozuki family and Wanokuni, so we should join forces.

"As long as your Excellency cooperates with me, I will have a way to replace Kozuki Sukiyaki and take the position of general.

"At that time, I will be the general, and you will be King Huguoming. This world will belong to you and me."

Seeing Aaron's smile, Kurozumi thought that his words had moved the other party, so he couldn't help getting up from the ground.

"Did I wake you up?"

Just when his knees were out of contact with the ground, Aaron's light words made his movements of getting up immediately stiff. Although he felt extremely angry in his heart, his body knelt down again very sincerely.

Just because the words of Kurozumi Higurashi and Kurozumi Semimaru are still in my ears.

A hundred beasts and two dragons, if you get one, you can get Wanokuni.

"Your Excellency Aaron, what do you think of my proposal?"

Kurozumi is very caring and professional.

People from Wanokuni.

Kneel down since childhood, get used to it.

For the position of the general, not shabby.

"not so good."

Aaron stared straight at Kurozumi Orochi.

"I... didn't say anything?"

Kurozumi Orochi looked blank, as if he didn't understand.

"Tell me, I can have this Wanokuni all to myself, why would you share half of it?"

"Are you my brother?"

"Even he hasn't asked me to give him half, why do you?"

A gleam of disdain flashed in Aaron's eyes.


Kaido, who was drinking next to him, couldn't help laughing.

"Your Excellency Aaron, you are an outsider, without my help, it is impossible to secure the position of general. y

"Maybe you don't know yet? The most powerful samurai in Wanokuni is called Kozuki Oden, the son of Kozuki Sukiyaki. He has now heard the news that the capital of flowers has fallen. on the road to the capital."

"Kozuki Oden, Fugetsu Mikyu, Ugetsu Tempura, Shimotsuki Niumaru, and Shimotsuki Ieyasu, you don't want to see the five-way daimyo crusade against Miaomon, do you?"

Kurozumi Orochi also reacted.

Aaron's slight, especially Kaido's dismissive laugh, deeply hurt his dignity.

"As long as you and I cooperate..."

"I would love to see"

Just as Kurozumi Orochi was about to state the benefits of working with him, Aaron interrupted him, then picked up the fruit wine and tasted it lightly.

"You... what did you say?"

Kurozumi Orochi's tone stopped abruptly.

"Idiot, my brother has already said it so bluntly, yet you still don't understand?"

"Then let me make it clearer. We are very happy to see that the five-way daimyo's crusade against the beasts you mentioned happens."


Seeing that Kurozumi Orochi hadn't understood the situation yet, Kaido kept stating his role like a clown, trying to ask for the position of general, but he couldn't help the opponent's stupidity, so he shook his head and laughed.


Kurozumi's complexion changed drastically, and then he looked around, and found that no matter whether it was Aaron, Kaido, or Jhin, Shakky, Byrnndi Wald in front of him, none of them had fear or worry on their faces, but each of them had disdain or contempt. Or look at him with a sneer.

"This Wanokuni is too small, barely enough for me to toss by myself, and it can't accommodate the existence of forces other than Beasts Pirates."

Aaron swallowed the last sip of fruit wine, felt the fragrance and mellowness of the fruit wine in his mouth, then opened his eyes, his eyes fell on Kurozumi, and his eyes gradually turned cold.

"Master Orochi, let's go!"

"Get out of here immediately."

She didn't speak all the time, Kurozumi Higurashi, who seemed to be the servant of Kurozumi Orochi, seemed to notice something, her face changed suddenly, and she stepped forward quickly, pulling up Kurozumi Orochi who was almost frightened and was about to leave.

But a few people haven't taken a few steps.

Byrnndi Wald had drawn his pistol and aimed it at the Kurozumi Orochi.

Jhin spread his wings, crossed Kurozumi and the others who wanted to leave from the sky, and then landed in front of them, completely blocking the retreat route.

"Your Excellency Aaron, there is no righteousness in business."

"Even if we can't reach an agreement, there is no need to force us to stay, right?"

"..." How should I put it, we have also been in the same pirate group before. "

Kurozumi Semimaru put down the lute that has always been in his hand.

"Is he from the Rocks Pirate too?"

Byrnndi Wald couldn't help but look at Aaron when he heard that.

"Don't talk to me on an equal footing.

"There are more than tens of thousands of pirates in the hive island."

"You, as well as her, are just one of the many, not worth mentioning."

Seeing that Kurozumi Semimaru wanted to have a relationship with him, Aaron couldn't help chuckling.

"Are you really going to do something?"

"We just want to cooperate with you and conspire with Wanokuni, we don't intend to be your enemy at all."

Kurozumi Higurashi's face was gloomy.

He didn't expect that Aaron and Kaido, the pirates of the Rocks group, were not interested in Wanokuni's weapons, treasures, and power.


It should be said that I am very interested.

That's why I want to swallow up their share.

"It's just two dogs who can't get along in the Rocks Pirate, (Li De's) can only escape to Wanokuni. Why are they on the same level as our Beasts Pirates?"

Kaido got up from the chair, raised the mace with his right hand, and burst out with a terrifying aura.

Even the Conqueror's Haki was useless, just the aura of deterrence made the warriors brought by Kurozumi tremble and break out in cold sweat.

"Tell me, what exactly do you guys want?"

Kurozumi Semimaru saw Kaido's imposing manner, and the index finger and middle finger of both hands involuntarily overlapped each other.

A posture that is always on guard against Kaido's shots.

Although he is full of confidence in his fruit ability, he has no doubt that as long as Kaido is willing, he is fully capable of killing Kaido before he can use his fruit ability.

after all.

The man in front of him, at the age of 15, had already killed all directions in Hachinosu.

For pirates of his level, not one thousand but eight hundred died in Kaido's hands. .

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