Great Navigation: A Pair Of Green Dragons, Younger Brother Kaido

Chapter 93 Kaido, Your Strength Is Meaningless (Full Order)

"Isn't this the captain's trick?"

"He's learned too."

When Byrnndi Wald saw this, he was surprised at first, and then he thought that the relationship between Aaron and Kaido was not like the plastic brotherhood between him and Byojack.

With Kaido's strength, coupled with learning Aaron's tricks, the barrier shattered away.

"Vice-captain, the sun stick smashed the barrier.

Witnessed Kaido transforming into a dragon beast form, and then cast Aaron's thunder mode.

Byrnndi Wald shouted excitedly.

Although he couldn't break the barrier, he didn't think Kaido couldn't either.

"Are you ready?"

Kaido stared through the barrier, piercing directly into Kurozumi Semimaru's eyes.

"The "reason" of the "barrier" is that others cannot approach it."

Kurozumi Semimaru is not just responding to Kaido, but also cheering himself up.

"David Roaring Eight Trigrams!"

Kaido stomped his feet on the ground, and the terrifying power pushed the ground out of 28 huge pits with a diameter of tens of meters. His body jumped up, and he held the eight fasts tightly with both hands, and lifted them up high.


The celestial phenomena seemed to be under his control, and immediately a dozen huge purple lightning bolts fell on Ba Zhai.

at the same time.

Armament Haki surges out of the body like a torrent, dances with the purple lightning, and burns the eight fasts covered with ferocious spikes into a bright thunder rod.


From a distance, he is no longer holding a mace, but a thunderbolt.


At this moment, Kaido showed the appearance of a demon god, but he raised the mace, and then aroused the celestial phenomena, swept the sky into a storm, affected the clouds in the sky, and the clouds rolled back down, merging with the storm that shot straight into the sky.

The startling wind was like a wave, and the remaining clouds rolled away like a tide.

Except for Aaron, everyone felt that they saw a burst of purple light that reached the sky, and immediately all their vision was covered by the purple light, and they could only hear the roar of thunder, resounding through the sky and the earth.

But when the purple light dissipated.

Everyone immediately looked in the direction of Kaido.

I saw him holding a stick in both hands, smashing Huashan Mountain with all his strength, and slashing down condescendingly, surrounded by violent lightning and powerful Haki, slashing angrily on the barrier.

bang bang bang

The moment Bazhai came into contact with the barrier, the airflow exploded with boundless wind pressure, engulfing thunder and purple light, and unexpectedly pressed the indestructible barrier into ripples like water ripples, continuously sending waves towards Kurozumi Semimaru who was inside. The three sunken.


Seeing this scene, Kurozumi was frightened and fainted.

"Are you kidding me!"

Kurozumi stood up suddenly in shock, and could no longer sit cross-legged on the ground calmly, but his index fingers and the middle of his hands were still entwined, and he didn't dare to let go.

Looking at the rippling waves and the continuously sunken barrier, his heart beat violently, the blood in his body flowed backwards crazily, and his bloodshot eyeballs almost jumped out of their sockets.

A chill mixed with fear emerged from his heart, flowing along his limbs and bones, and flowing all over his body.

Phantasmal Beast · Azure Dragon form, plus roaring thunder mode, as well as the physique of ghosts and powerful Haki.

The combination of various forces gathered on the eight fasts, the released mighty power, in terms of attack strength, was even higher than Kozuki Oden's slash, far beyond Kurozumi Semimaru's expected range, even the barrier was moved.

"It seems that the barrier also has a limit."

Seeing this scene, Shakky thought Kaido was going to break the barrier Technique.

"There is a limit."

"However, with Kaido's current level, he still can't reach the limit of the barrier.

Aaron narrowed his eyes slightly, and said surprisingly.


"You mean even Kaido can't break?"

"How can this be?"

After Shakky heard this, Huarong's face changed slightly in shock.

To be precise, the current Kaido cannot be broken. "

"Fruit Awakening or Master Conqueror's Coil."

"Using two-color Haki, combined with the transformation and roaring mode of the blue dragon form, or Ultimate's armed color with the awakening of the blue dragon form, it should be able to break through.

Aaron nodded.

After all, it is a barrier fruit with the name of absolute defense.

A single ability, but endowed this Devil Fruit with a very high upper limit of defense, far above Jozy's shiny fruit.



Following the loud noise like landslides and ground cracks, a Haki impact like a mountain torrent and tsunami mixed with roaring thunder spread loudly, directly destroying the remaining half of the General's Mansion.

After the shock wave disappears and the smoke and dust dissipate.

Kaido holds the eight fasts in both hands, maintains the posture of smashing Huashan, and smashes on the barrier.

And the barrier that had withstood such a heavy blow had already recovered at this time, and there was no sign of being broken at all.

"Didn't it break?"

Kaido frowned as he looked at the barrier towering in front of him, and he wrinkled tightly.

The full-strength attack just now had obviously smashed the barrier into ripples, and even showed signs of depression, but this has also become his limit.

The barrier was dented, but it could not be broken.

"Kaido, your strength is meaningless."

Kurozumi Semimaru smiled proudly when he saw the standing barrier.

Although his face was covered with cold sweat, it did not affect his calm expression.


Hearing this, Kaido's eyes shot up with murderous intent, and he was about to transform into a 100-meter blue dragon, exerting the strongest power.


Although the Qinglong human-beast form is the most suitable for fighting, but in terms of destructive power, the Qinglong beast form is still stronger.

After all, fighting against top powerhouses doesn't mean winning with great strength and strong destructive power. Otherwise, the giants and Sea Kings would have dominated the world long ago.

In addition to strength and size, speed, defense, reaction, health bar, Haki and will are all very important and can affect the outcome of a battle.

But now it is not to fight against the strong, but to blow up the motionless barrier.

Naturally, it is more suitable to transform into a hundred-meter green dragon.

"Hello, Kaido."

Just as Kaido transformed in anger, Aaron's voice suddenly came from behind.

"Brother, wait a minute, I'm going to blow it up."

Kaido's eyes flickered fiercely, making Kurozumi Semimaru feel a little regretful, why did he pretend to be that after blocking the dragon's attack.

Otherwise, as long as you take advantage of the situation and put down your body, you may not be able to leave.

At this moment, he could only bite the bullet and continue to pretend.

"Aaron, Kaido, as you can see."

"The Barrier Technique is impossible to break."

"Why don't we just stop here, you let us go, we stay away from Wanokuni immediately, and we won't come back, how?"

Kurozumi Semimaru looked at Aaron.

he knows.

Only this man can hold Kaido down in a rage.

As for the idea of ​​dominating Wanokuni, he simply put it behind him.

Since the Qinglong brothers absolutely wanted to enjoy Wanokuni exclusively, he knew that he had no chance, and it was impossible to compete with the other party, so it was better to preserve his useful body.

The big deal is that after going to sea, you can find a weak country at will, and you can still become the king and hegemony. .

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