Great Navigation: Health Department Marine, Not A Waste Of Time

【202】The Saiyans Arrive For The Second Time! A Real Threat! !

Maybe it's because if you leave it for too long, the more divine power will be wasted.

"No no no!"

"Resurrect Goku!"

"This is our wish, to resurrect Sun Wukong!!" Turtle Immortal and Oolong quickly answered!

"This wish is very simple."

After Shenlong said the classic lines, the dragon's eyes burst out with excitement, amidst roaring and lightning and thunder.

Help them realize their wishes!

at the same time,

The halo on Kaiowei Goku's head disappears, which means he has been resurrected!

"Acridine!" Wukong jumped up happily!

The King of Kai waved his hand: "Go back quickly!"


"Remember, the enemy's strength is beyond imagination. Maybe... it will involve a more terrifying existence." The King of Kai was extremely solemn: "You must not be careless when dealing with them!"

The Dragon Ball on Earth can only resurrect a person once.

But there are no second chances.

Wukong nodded, and after firming up his faith, he said goodbye and started running on the snake path!!

"Has bottomless strength."

"But he can still maintain a heart as pure as crystal. I never thought that there would be such a person in the human world." Seeing Wukong drifting away, the King of Kai recalled it and let out a sigh.


"Are the Earth Gods in the human world hiding something from me?" He always felt that something was wrong.

There is a feeling of being arranged.

And below,

Wukong ran for a while, then he realized what he was doing and started flying rapidly using Wu Kong Technique!

The speed has increased significantly!

his movements,

Lorne, who was on the Earth Temple, also noticed it. After turning off the power a thousand times, he walked out of the room.

Take a deep breath,

They all formed hurricanes, and a large amount of oxygen was poured into his lungs. After a cycle, the useless air was breathed out again.


"Vitality bomb, Kaio Fist."

"Have you learned it?"

That's right,

He arranged Wukong's death, so that according to the original trajectory, Wukong would enter the underworld...and then reach Kaiou.

After learning those two killer moves and returning.

Lorne took a look,

With his learning ability, he can basically do things at a glance.

As for why he didn’t go to the underworld and consult the King of Kai?

Save time.

Lorne has to practice in the gravity chamber.


Kaioken and vitality bombs are the core throughout Dragon Ball! They will become stronger as the user becomes stronger!

unlimited potential,

After he learned

I don't know how much energy it can explode.


"Finally, get used to your current strength."

Lorne looked up to the sky.

His eyes penetrated the layers of clouds and mist, looking at several near-Earth planets in outer space.

Bend your knees,

In the blink of an eye, the planet was ejected towards the near-Earth planet——Venus.

Speed ​​away!


It is also the closest planet and is slightly smaller than the earth, which is perfect for exerting full power!!

The next day.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, two meteor-like luminous objects streaked into the solar system.


Lorne on Venus noticed too.

877"Are you here?"

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and his body rose into the air.

Follow and go,

As time passed, these two [meteors] were the first to break through the layers of air waves, making their way unimpeded and entering the blue and vibrant planet!

"Hoola la!"

The closer to the earth,

The metal shells of the two aircraft will produce greater flames due to friction, but because of the high-end materials.

The effects of these temperatures are basically minimal.

at the same time,


This place is prosperous and it is a highly modern and prosperous city!

Land transportation tools and aerial vehicles are all available!

As the central clock beats,


Soon it was 11:40!

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