Great Navigation: Health Department Marine, Not A Waste Of Time

【204】Vegita? Evil Is Evil, There Is No Whitewashing! !

What else does Raditz do? The information can be wrong!!

"How about I say hello to the people who are making such a fuss?"

Nappa suddenly looked at Vegeta: "If there is really a strong person, he will be attracted to him like this."

"Hum hum.

Vegeta chuckled, "Don't be too harsh."

Before the words fell,

Naba exaggerated until a layer of distorted energy appeared on his palm, and then waved his index finger and middle finger together towards the sky.

Daylight covers half of the city!



They all rose into the sky, and in Naba's ferocious smile, there was an unprecedented roar!


Even outside the planet, people on the space station can see it clearly.

Not to mention the people on the surface,


Yamucha and others, who were hundreds of thousands of meters away, were all good at blocking the light with their hands, and their hearts were shocked.


"What on earth did they do!!"

"That's outrageous!"

"what happened!!"

When they were in a serious mood, on the detonation ground, the entire urban area had been wiped out by Nappa with a casual blow.

Bare and bare,

It seemed as if it had been flattened away, and there was nothing within a few kilometers, only the scorched ground and the rising black mist.

"It seems that the attack was too heavy." Naba put his hands behind his back.

"Stop playing with Nappa." Vegeta.

Their target (ccci) is the guy with tens of thousands of dollars. Also...if the planet is too damaged, it won't be sold.

The two turned on the detector and began to carefully search for the guy with a high combat value.




"There are more than one or two people who have exceeded a thousand."

"Huh? There is also a guy with a combat power of more than two thousand. Naba whispered: "Is there such a master?

"don’t worry."

"Anyway, they are definitely not our opponents."

"The one with tens of thousands of dollars hasn't been found yet, forget it... let's clean up the others first." The two of them locked the direction, dived, and sped away!

the other side,

as time flows,

The devastation caused by the Saiyans this time was reported as a massive earthquake by local reports!


It’s just random nonsense!

But there is no way,

This way we can avoid causing excessive panic among the masses. After all, it’s hard to say they are aliens, right?

That way,

The whole society will be in turmoil!!

But the various countries seemed to be in disharmony, and one of them sent special media and flew several special helicopters.

Take the live broadcast equipment and fly towards the target direction!!

Conducting field research! Want to report real news!

outer space.

Since Lorne's departure, Venus, which was half damaged, shot out of the vacuum,

Not long after, they arrived above the earth.

"One step ahead of me."

"Come up."

"It's so polite to give such a big gift."

He noticed that all the people and objects in an area were completely destroyed by the Saiyans.

These two people should have no sense of pity.

From a human perspective,


Of course cruel!

Tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of people in that urban area perished in their hands.


It may not be anything to them. The two of them have already destroyed countless planetary creatures, and now they can't even count them.

Vegeta, who is particularly evil-minded, can still clean up his innocence behind the scenes and become popular with the protagonist Goku.

Become stronger,

I also won an Earth wife.

Are you angry?

It's true that a good person does a thousand good deeds, but gets scolded for doing one bad thing.

On the contrary, bad people

Doing a good deed is like a prodigal son turning back.


Lorne shook his head.

His three views are still normal, evil is evil, there is no whitewashing!!

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