Great Navigation: Health Department Marine, Not A Waste Of Time

【071】Destroy Kong! 1V10? True Several Thousand Hands! World-Shaking Power!

“I think it’s necessary.

There is an inexplicable voice in Kong's mind, which is one of the derivative skills used by Haki.

It's more clever than concentrating sound into a line.

Not only is it invisible to people, but it can also affect the minds of others as long as they think about it.


Airships, battleships, submarines.

Especially airships!

As Lorne Buddha's body began to rise, it actually surpassed their height.

"what is that---"

"Is it a Buddha statue made of wood? It's so big, isn't it also a target?!"

"No! You're too close, we're going to hit you!"

"All shelling!!"

"Wait...the commander-in-chief didn't give the order, right?"

"The commander-in-chief doesn't have time to give orders! And with this size, we can't let him continue to grow in size! Otherwise, it will be very difficult to deal with him!"

Just after an air force general gave the order, countless dark cannonballs were aimed and fired instantly!

However, halfway through the journey, a purple light flickered across

Then they exploded one after another!

The airship group was also squeezed instantly, and they burst into pieces out of thin air!


All were buried in the fire.

Target shooting?

The prerequisite is that you can hurt the target, otherwise it wouldn't be easy for an ant to crush you to death?!

On the sea outside Marineford,

There are several warships,

Akainu and others who retreated a certain distance also immediately noticed the purple Buddha that Lorne transformed into.

"Is that, teacher!?"

"At this height, what's the upper limit of Lorne——"

"Look around!"

Several generals looked at the sound, and Akainu also glanced over.

only saw

Whether it’s a submarine,

Whether it was a warship belonging to the World Government, it seemed as if it was being grasped by invisible hands, and the iron sheets began to creak and compress.

Ignore the intensity,

He was crushed on the spot at a certain critical point!


Countless iron filings turned into dust! Floating in the sea of ​​fire——

And like this,

No less than a hundred ships! "Seven, eight, seven"

As for the rest?

Everything on Marine's side, even if it was within a certain distance, and Lorne retreated... were all avoided with extreme precision.

In perfect condition!

And this behavior,

The Marines naturally felt extremely lucky. As for the Marines hiding in the underground passage of the headquarters, they had already evacuated.

Safe and sound.

"A hundred warships all exploded?"

"Is it Lorne Admiral? Single-handedly... did this."


"Wouldn't it be too cruel?"

"Cruel? What about Lorne Admiral? Isn't it Lorne Admiral they are targeting?"

"Lorne Admiral has helped so much, anyone else would be disappointed."

Lorne's sound [empty]

The three armies brought by Kong are indeed empty now.

And at this moment,

The elites of the headquarters who participated in the war also felt inexplicably scared when they saw the scene of doomsday. But I thought it was one of my own.

There is a great sense of security!

most people,

All support Lorne.

As for this loss,

Will the world government cry when they find out? That's not something they consider.

But sometimes you deserve it.

The world government has been comfortable for too long. Do you really think that everyone will be picked on and easily bullied...?


"Lorne Admiral has such a powerful move, if he had used it earlier to deal with it——"

"Are you stupid? The energy required and the cost are beyond our imagination."

"Perhaps. When fighting Whitebeard, Lorne Admiral can really annihilate him by himself! But it should be used to train us and create the best training battlefield."

The battlefield is the best classroom.

And this kind of opportunity may only come once in a lifetime.

"Is this his Conqueror's?"


“Where on earth is it!!”

"The strongest red-haired Conqueror's is nothing compared to the pressure of this wooden Buddha."

"No, the six of us combined are not worth mentioning."

There were scattered sounds in the huge inner bay, some of which were suppressed and knocked out of breath.

Even though Kong et al.


He also stooped a bit and raised his hands to block the impact.

"All dead."

"The three armies of the sea, land and air were destroyed with Conqueror's alone. Kong felt chills in his heart.

No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't think of it.

Lorne has such powerful moves...


Doesn't this mean,

Completely ignoring the difference in order of magnitude——

"But these are human lives! Lorne! You don't know how many elites of the World Government have been killed!"

Kong roared and stood up.

The only thing I feel happy about is.

Among them, the Air Force Admiral and the Army Admiral survived and are heading here.


"They attacked me?"

"Do you still want me to entertain you with good wine and meat?" As the cold voice fell, the pressure became stronger again! If converted into gravity, that is

ten times!

A hundred times more pressure!

Keep lifting it up!!

This is also [Full Level Haki] Extended Technique [Gravity]!


The bodies of Brother Ming and others.

They are all overwhelmed——

This is still supported by abilities and Haki's hardening. Just relying on pure physical body, they will probably be seriously injured!


Brother Ming roared low, as if entering a certain state, his temperament changed instantly.

The surrounding ice turned into white lines.

Protect him.

The same goes for Katakuri.

His appearance was ruined, but everything else was fine! After turning the ice surface into large pieces of glutinous rice, he used a special method to reduce the pressure——

It's not just them.

Among those who have awakened to the unity of body and mind are Crane, Yamato and others.

[String-String Fruit]

[Nuo Nuo Fruit]

[Wash the fruits]

[Phantom Beast Species·Dakou True God]

All are awakening!

After a few seconds,

Their condition was better and they all stood up forcefully.

"Xixixixixixi! Ms. He, your Lorne Admiral clearly wants to get rid of us first."

Brother Ming's eyes flashed and he realized that the pressure here was particularly strong.

"What are you afraid of!"

Yamato turned into a phantom beast fiercely, with ice ribbons flying: "Work together to knock him away!"

"Kaido's daughter."

He glanced at her, "Your father must have died...are you not sad at all?"

Yamato turned his head and said nothing.

Not really sad.

But she won’t be stupid enough to say it directly: ‘Yes, I am freer now that Kaido is dead. I can be an Oden and rescue Wanokuni!”

‘What are you sad about?


Yamato, a clever guy, looked at Kaji on the side: "His mother is also dead. His mood swings are not big either."

“It’s all bullshit!”

Ka Er interrupted her coldly: "Since this [Xuanlong] Admiral feels that we can deal with it, then take the initiative!!"

He actually wanted to cooperate with Kong and the others.


Too far away.

It's better to change the way to attract Lorne's attention and create opportunities for the red hair and others.

Several others.

Miao Ming also reacted, and at this moment, Lorne's power also dissipated.

The pressure in the whole place suddenly disappeared!

"Nagging, nagging, nagging."

"What are those eight people afraid of? Why don't we do nothing and wait until they finish solving it."

Brother Ming joked with a smile.

Immediately, he pulled it with one hand, controlled the silver thread to fly into the air, and used the awakening technique.

Activate the big move directly!


If you really show off, you will die.

"Sixteen bullets of holy bullets - divine killing!"

The moment of speech!

Sixteen huge white lines rose from the ground!

“Cut, cut, rice cake!”

Ka Er followed closely and stretched out Nuomi's right hand, which continued to expand and turned into a meteor hammer!

Under high-speed rotation,

Increase your power to Ultimate!!

"call out!"

Yamato also jumped high into the sky, constantly stepping on ice clouds.


Air conditioning + Conqueror's + Armed color! Top down from above!

"Ice Zhu Zhan!"

Three people.

Focus on hitting the giant Buddha!

And crane,

Looking at Lorne he sighed. Who would have thought that something like this would happen? A once-excellent colleague.

Fight against the world government, fight against the world

On your own?

There is no possibility of winning.

Without thinking much,

She activated the [washing] fruit ability in the air, and white light flowed out, wanting to [cleanse the soul] for Lorne.

No matter how strong you are,

The blow she received,

There will be a brief period of confusion, and even before it can be eliminated with Haki, you will doubt whether what you are doing is correct.

And these few seconds of confusion!

This is the chance for Sengoku and others to defeat Lorne in a short time!


As a large amount of white foam poured into the Buddha's body, Ming Ge and the others jumped to the highest altitude and blasted towards Lorne's heart!

at the same time,

Marine's top combat force,

Under Kong's urging, he took action: "Don't let the opportunity he has won go down!"

The words just fell.

He jumped into the sky first!


After traveling only a few meters, they realized that the ultimate moves of Brother Ming and the others were gone, and they all spontaneously ignited out of thin air!

Purple light flashed across.

Nothing left.

They even set their upper bodies on fire and howled in the air. The figure gradually disappears——

Yamato reacted the fastest and wrapped himself in ice to avoid the blow. However, it was useless as he was entangled in vines as soon as he landed.


Finally, it was wrapped into a wooden silkworm chrysalis.

Kong: “.…………

At least hold on a little longer.

Get more of Lorne's attention.

In fact, the three of them did not expect that Lorne would not even look at him, and they would be gone——


He was immediately stunned. Her ability was clearly activated successfully. Why——

"Wash the fruit?"

"Are you trying to cleanse your soul from the Buddha?"

A loud sound fell.

He was stunned on the spot as if he had been struck by lightning. At this moment, her soul was more than half destroyed by Lorne!

There is a lot of absent-minded time.

Immediately, a seed sprouted on the old skin and grew into a piranha in less than a second, swallowing it up.


Garp Sengoku's scorching sound sounded!

"Don't worry."

Lorne's voice sounded again: "It's your turn soon."

He waved gently.

at this moment,

All pirates except for the top combatants were either set ablaze under the light of Buddha, or were wrapped in silkworm chrysalises.

I don’t know whether I live or die.


If you say annihilate everyone present, then annihilate! There is no ambiguity at all!

However, the top strong men

Not to be messed with!


"You've gone too far!"

Sengoku couldn't feel the breath of crane, and felt that this old friend, this person he once liked...

Died in battle.

The anger in his heart and the licking dog Garp beside him aroused.

"Am I going too far?"

"You are doing things for Kong and turning your back on me and not cooperating with me. Doesn't that mean you are righteous?" The Buddha's voice was unhurried.


Garp's eyes were about to burst, and he interjected: "If you want to target me, what's the point of targeting Xiaohe!"

"At you?"

"Against you standing under a protective circle of seven people?"

Lorne's laughing voice made Garp excited!

However, he was stopped by Sengoku.

Garp Sengoku and He are from the same period, and they both pursued He together, and they are licking dogs... Only Lorne has no feelings, no matter in the past or now.

And these two people,

On the contrary, Lorne is naturally furious when she sees the goddess' aura disappearing!

"Aokiji, Kizaru, Garp, Sengoku!"

"Use all your strength! Lorne must be fighting us with his life... He will never last long!"

"Let's take action together!"

Kong roared, bursting out with all his strength, his muscles and bones covered with royal color and armed color.


"Everyone, pay attention!"

"Don't focus too much on the moves together and let him die——

In a short period of time,

Ignoring the tens of thousands of degrees of heat, he rushed into the purple light, his huge fist like a mountain!

Picked a weak spot!

Rush towards Lorne!

The other Riku, Admiral, and Sengoku also followed up one after another, bursting out with all their strength!

Counting red hair,

Actually it’s 1v10!!

One blow per person,

Lorne will never be able to eat it! This is Kong’s confidence!


one punch,

Celestial phenomena are disordered,

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces deserves the title of Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. Even the red-haired man was surprised by this blow.

"Is this the commander-in-chief of the entire army?"

"It's not unreasonable to stand at the top."

Just finished.


A roar!

A large amount of blood mist dispersed,

Kong's body exploded on the spot! All his muscles, bones and flesh were shattered in mid-air!

Red hair:

Looking at the top,

The Buddha pressed down with one palm,

Not only was his speed not slowed down by Qianzhang's body, but his strength was far beyond imagination!

The people present could not react at all!

Kong probably died out of love.

But his death was not meaningless, at least it made the giant palm freeze for a while.

It is also from this,

Air Force Admiral!

Army Admiral!

After getting a little reaction time, he immediately bit the tip of his tongue, burning his life and delivering a shocking blow!

Leave it as usual.

Can easily penetrate mountains!

However, under this palm, his body was still flattened, his internal organs were shattered, and large mouthfuls of blood spilled out.

He stopped making noise in a few seconds!

combo three!

But after that, the thousand-meter giant palm covered the sky and blocked the sun, and the momentum was also reduced a lot!

When it was the turn of Sengoku et al.


It's less than half.

Obviously killing three Admirals instantly comes with a certain price.


"You are not a Buddha!"

Sengoku endured the pain in his heart and roared: "I am possessed by a demon!"

Want to wake up Lorne,

While gathering some strength, he burned everything on his side and hit 33 with all his strength!

Uh, he's an old man...

"Ten thousand Buddhas!"


Sengoku, whose whole body was twisted, punched out, unleashing the Heaven-shaking Fist in his awakened state!

Golden Buddha VS Wooden Buddha!!

A Buddha head transformed into an impact upward! From thirty meters to three hundred meters!

That's right,

Only ten times smaller than Lorne...


But the palms of your hands can almost match!!

Not only him,

Aokiji Garp is accompanied by bombardments from both sides!

Only Kizaru,

He stopped midway, seemingly suffering an inexplicable attack, and rolled several times in the sky.

Pretending to be a ball of light!

Tickle Lorne

This almost made Sengoku and others angry to death!!

What the hell are you!

Fight hard!!!


So Xin also has god-level teammates!



"Let's end this farce."

The red-haired man reacted from the shock of killing Kong instantly and quickly tightened his grip on [Griffin.


Lorne poured all his strength into this palm, and Sengoku also held back this palm.

Can we take down Lorne.

It’s all up to them!

that's all,

The three of them flashed thousands of meters into the air at the speed of light, right in front of Lorne's head!

This is neutral.


However, the next second, after seeing Lorne's actions, they couldn't hold back any longer.

because one

With a gesture from Lorne.

The giant wheel behind the Buddha statue begins to rotate, its arms become active, and the light shines brightly! It becomes lifelike!

The three red-haired people were a little nervous.

What the hell?

Isn’t it just a decoration? How can it still be rotated?


Shouldn't it

These hundreds of arms can still stretch out, no, it shouldn't be that outrageous!

"That's wrong, it's difficult."

You Youyin corrected them. .

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