Great Nobleman

Chapter 1064 Always give the older generation a chance to perform!

"Master, isn't it a bit of a waste for us to use Rosenkar's scorching crossbow?

The value of the arrow is secondary. Most of the flesh and blood in the body of the [Gray Armored Giant Whale] has been burned away, and its value has been greatly reduced!"

At this time, Brand and others had already arrived at the place where the [Gray Armored Giant Whale] died on the Silver Phoenix.

After calming the violent fire element with the deep-sea halberd.

The [Gray Armored Giant Whale], which had been burned away for most of its body, was salvaged by the library members with magic.

Although he also felt a little regretful, Brand still shook his head and said:

"We can't just send out the magic corps when there is trouble, right?

Today also provides a reference for how to deal with enemies in the future.

We don't need to be soft-hearted when dealing with uninvited enemies."

Chris thought:

"Lord, maybe you can find a way to design some war weapons with more concentrated power?

In this way, we can preserve our spoils more intact next time?"

Brand shook his head and said:

"This is not something that can be designed casually."

Melcher also explained:

"The owner is right. Our library has actually been studying the design drawings of Rosenkar's Scorching Fire Crossbow.

But so far, we have only figured out the general idea.

Not to mention the transformation, there is still a lot of gap in ability in production.

We can only carry out some maintenance matters, production and replacement of parts, etc.

We only have the owner and Lady Celine in the rune array now The master level of alchemy has reached the level of master level, and has reached the production requirements of this kind of war weapon.

Further down, Anna is also close to the master level in the field of alchemy, but she is still a little short of the ability requirements to make Rosenkar's scorching fire crossbow.

And other fields are even further away. "

Seeing that everyone was a little frustrated, Brand waved his hand and said:

"Okay, we are all still young!

Now we must give the older generation a chance to show off!

In a few days, I will go to the Weapon Department to see if there are any suitable war weapons.

In short, we will have what we want in the future, so there is no need to be depressed now!"

As soon as the voice fell, Chris nodded in agreement and said:

"I believe this very much!"

Brand smiled and said:

"Then pack up and go back. Let's have a banquet in our castle tonight to celebrate our great victory."

As Brand's voice fell, everyone smiled and began to get busy, dividing the body of the [Gray Armored Whale] and storing the useful parts.

At this time, Catherine suddenly whispered in Brand's ear: "Master, don't forget to deduct their salary." Speaking of this, looking at Melcher and others who were busy. Brand couldn't help but hesitated and said: "Why not just forget it? They just said it casually." Since her master said so, Catherine didn't insist. But she still said: "Since the master is soft-hearted, then forget it this time. But if there is a next time, the master can't hesitate!" Brand nodded helplessly and said: "Okay, okay, then listen to Catherine!" While interacting with Catherine, Anna suddenly came over with a large stack of information. When Brand and Catherine turned their heads to look over, she said: "Master, when you came to the library before, I wanted to report to you. But because of some of the problems, I am a little hesitant. Now that I think about it, I still have to explain it to you." After a slight pause, handing the information in his hand to Brand. Anna continued: "Research on the framework of the Ocean Mage Corps. We have actually completed the design of a new theoretical framework, but it needs to be reviewed by the curator." Hearing this, Brand couldn't help but become curious. A few months ago, because little Kaia subdued the white-scaled whale, he wanted to try to lead a team of monsters. Under such circumstances, the research on the framework of the [Naga] form mage corps, which was originally being designed, was temporarily stopped. Now, Anna and others should have a new design, and there are some problems with this design? After coming to the captain's room and flipping through the information for a while, a vivid hand-painted picture soon appeared in front of Brand. A streamlined body, a long tail, strong limbs with claws... and nine snake necks that occupy most of the space, and nine heads that look like dragons! Its name is written below the picture: [Nine-headed Mosasaur]! It must be said that this image and name are very much in line with Brand's mind! Although it doesn't have the elegant and beautiful posture of a phoenix, it will certainly not be much worse as long as the details are well modified.

Of course, it should not be described as "elegant and beautiful" in the end.

After all, no matter how it is modified, it is difficult to conceal its power and majesty.

——The parameters next to it indicate its size: the size of [Nine-headed Mosasaur] is even larger than that of the Earth Knight!

Just by simply imagining it, Brand can feel the terrifying oppression that this Mage Corps framework can bring to people!

But... on the other hand.

Judging from the size alone, this Mage Corps framework is not so easy to support!

When Brand thought of this, Anna also introduced it at the right time:

"The original idea of ​​[Nine-headed Mosasaur] actually came from the snake hair of the Earth Knight.

Because there are snake creatures in the ocean, the two are very compatible.

So we included this image as one of the initial candidates.

In addition, the Earth Knight's snake hair uses the weakened [Wind God's Roar].

When we designed it, we were thinking about whether we could apply the complete [Wind God's Roar] or even the more powerful [Wind God's Roar].

After all, as time goes by, we will become more powerful sooner or later, and the gym owner will be promoted to the realm of magician sooner or later.

So our design is a bit bold, and its size is therefore larger than that of the Earth Knight.

According to our calculations, which Afraid that we will make detailed optimizations.

This will also be a future-proof framework for the Mage Corps.

Right now, we may be limited to supporting its head, and it should not be in a physical state yet. "

After flipping through it for a while and checking more details, Brand added leisurely:

"This is not just a problem that can only be used in the future.

It is not an easy task to complete your various ideas here!

Even if I join the calculation design, there will be no preliminary results in one or two years, and this is still a conservative estimate.

If there are any problems in the research process, the research progress may be directly stagnant. "

Although Brand pointed out the key problem, he did not immediately reject it, but continued to check it with great interest.

Anna also gained a little confidence, and then said:

"The concept of this mage group framework is indeed a bit exaggerated, but the owner has said before:

We are still young now, and everything we want will be available in the future!

So why not give it a try boldly?"

Hearing this, Brand couldn't help but smile and nodded in approval:

"Yes, that's it!

Just try it boldly!

Even if it fails in the end, I will bear all the waste of resources.

If it is just a mage group framework of the same level as the Earth Knight.

Even if it is easily researched and applicable to the ocean, the specific significance is actually quite limited.

It's nothing more than an additional means.

In comparison, sooner or later we will get involved in higher-level power.

It is more important to plan for the future early!"

Seeing Brand expressed his support without hesitation, Anna Anna couldn't help but smile and talk about their conjecture:

"According to our estimates, this kind of mage group framework may be able to match the strongest military force in the empire: the Imperial Court Knights!

So in the future, our library may have the opportunity to become one of the foundations of the empire!"

Brand shook his head and said:

"Your estimate is too conservative!

As we continue to grow.

Because of [Power of Transcendence], I think only the higher version of [Earth Knights] in the future will have the opportunity to match the Imperial Court Knights.

And if [Nine-Headed Mosasaur] is successfully developed and we have the strength to support it.

It's not that we don't have the possibility of moving to a higher level!

You have to know that the Imperial Court Knights are indeed the top military force on the continent.

But they are not the 'most' top!"

Following Brand's thoughts, she imagined in her mind the scene of their library becoming the "strongest military force on the continent".

Anna's heart began to beat faster unconsciously.

Then, she tried to suppress her surging emotions and said helplessly:

"Junior, are you thinking too much? It's wrong to be too ambitious!"

Brand smiled and said:

"What's wrong with thinking a little bit more? Who knows what will happen in the future?"

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