Great Nobleman

Chapter 1081 I have a top weapon forging secret method from the Bruns Empire!

After a brief acquaintance with the eldest princess of the Kingdom of Mosar.

Brand did not rush to ask about the "undisclosed" items mentioned by the old gentleman.

Instead, he curiously asked Flora about the current war situation in the Kingdom of Mosar and the offensive of the orcs.

As early as two days ago, Brand learned that the defense line on the northern border of the Kingdom of Mosar had fallen by nearly half.

This is certainly because the Kingdom of Mosar was the focus of the orcs' attack.

But for a country that has been on guard against the orcs going south to start a war all year round.

This is still an unimaginable thing.

After all, it has only been half a month since the war started!

- If it weren't for the failure of the Kingdom of Mosar's defense, it would be that the combat power invested by the orcs was beyond imagination!

Regarding this question, Flora explained somewhat helplessly:

"I think Mr. Brand should have known about the vague war reports that were made public.

Specifically speaking, our Kingdom of Mosal has of course deployed heavy troops and solid defense lines in the northern border of the kingdom for a long time.

But unfortunately, there is a clear gap between us and the orcs in high-end combat power.

That's why we have to retreat again and again.

Of course, the current war situation is indeed very bad, and we have to ask for more support as soon as possible.

But I also want to point out that:

The warriors of our kingdom are still fighting bravely on the front line at this moment, resisting the attacks of the orcs and delaying their pace.

Our Kingdom of Mosal will definitely fight to the last moment!"

Hearing such an explanation, Brand suddenly realized and was also a little respectful.

-They know that they can't win, but they are still ready to fight to the death and delay time!

At this time, the old gentleman also added:

"On the battlefield of the Kingdom of Mosar, there are currently three Titan orcs with physical expertise.

Brand, you must know how difficult it is to deal with this kind of top orcs.

Not only is it difficult to contain them, but there are also few fortifications that can hinder their progress.

It is precisely because of their threats that the Kingdom of Mosar has to retreat again and again.

At present, the Kingdom of Mosar is concentrating its forces.

In addition, it is also stretching the orcs' supply lines and trying to destroy them to delay the orcs' southward progress."

Hearing the old gentleman's words, Brand also quickly recalled the experience of [Battle of Mountain Fortress], when they drove the Earth Knights and easily demolished the orc fortress strongholds with a "crowbar".

Think about it carefully, if they were not on the offensive side in the pioneering war, they might also be troubled by the terrifying destructive power of the physical Titan orcs on fortifications.

-Even if they have the ability to contain them, they can also use guerrilla warfare and constantly look for opportunities to destroy various fortifications to eliminate the home advantage of the defenders!

What's more, the high-end combat power of the Kingdom of Mosar is at a clear disadvantage. They don't have enough power to contain all the powerful orcs who are attacking them!

After learning the details of the war in the Kingdom of Mosar from Flora and the old gentleman.

The atmosphere became a little heavy.

Flora also took this opportunity to ask:

"According to Mr. Jonas, Mr. Brand has become a master of rune array at a young age.

I wonder if I can see Mr. Brand's precious works?"

Hearing such a request, Brand also knew that the other party was a little impatient to see the good things in his hands.

After thinking for a moment, Brand took out a spell scroll with extraordinary material and handed it to Flora.

Then he explained:

"This is a spell scroll that barely crosses the threshold of extreme sublimation, [Phase·God's Giant Spear].

The way to release the spell is very simple, just throw the spear out.

As for the specific power, without the blessing of the totem's protection power.

Even a senior orc-level strongman will at least suffer moderate injuries.

And if it is a big orc who has just been promoted, there is basically no chance of survival after a blow.

But when using it, you must also be careful not to accidentally hurt friendly forces, as its killing range is relatively large."

Wait for Flora to open the scroll.

On the screen of the scroll, a red-gold spear is flowing with a blazing brilliance.

Three [sun disks] composed of many golden [dawn star rings] are slowly rotating around the spear!

Although I don't understand the specific references of the various elements in the picture.

But with Flora's vision, she can see at a glance that the spell scroll in her hand is not an ordinary thing.

On the side, after seeing the content displayed by the spell scroll.

The old gentleman smiled and added:

"Brand's description of this spell scroll is actually a bit conservative.

The advantage of this spell is not only in its power.

It also has extremely powerful binding force, which can prevent the target from avoiding the spell to a great extent.

Among spells of the same level, it can be ranked among the top.

In our previous pioneering war with the orcs, Brand used this spell to achieve brilliant results."

At this time, seeing Flora thoughtful, Brand also spoke:

"I express my regret for your country's experience.

I am also willing to support the Kingdom of Mosal to a certain extent.

However, this level of spell scroll is very difficult to draw and very expensive.

It is one of the most important assets of our North Holland family.

So if Ms. Flora is interested in it, she must at least come up with something that can interest me too. "

Hearing this, Flora closed the scroll thoughtfully and handed it back to Brand.

Then he said seriously:

“According to the intelligence I have learned, Mr. Brand’s methods should be more than that.

I wonder if Mr. Brand has the idea of ​​going to our Mosar Kingdom in person to help in the war? "

Suddenly hearing such an abrupt question, Brand couldn't help but frown.

——Why are you asking him if he wants to go to the Mosar Kingdom?

Before he could respond, the old gentleman suddenly coughed lightly and then explained:

“Flora, Brand and the North Holland family are currently focusing on the construction of the territory.

If there were no 'special circumstances', Brand would not have left the Kaya Empire. "

Hearing this, Flora responded:

"Sorry, Mr. Jonas and Mr. Brand, I was a little rude.

Although I haven’t been in the Kaya Empire for a long time.

However, I also learned from some friends about the grand scene of Morning Flower Ling and Blossom Bay, as well as the great reputation of the Library Mage Group.

In addition, I also received a piece of news that Chenhualing is recruiting blacksmiths and developing weapons forging business.

The Holland family is a well-known knight family in the Kaya Empire.

Although Mr. Brand is a mage, the North Holland family should also include knights in their development priorities.

And just in time, I have here a top-notch secret method from the Bruns Empire that is helpful in forging weapons.

I think Mr. Brand would be interested! "

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